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Vaughn-Johnson, K
Kelli M. Vaughn-Johnson, M.A.
Curriculum Vitae
Citizenship: United States
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73134
Email: kvaughn1@yorku.ca
Doctor of Philosophy: Psychology (History and Theory)
Expected Degree Completion: Summer 2016
York University
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Dissertation (working title): Danger at the Crossroads:
Lillien Jane Martin and Applied Psychology in Early 20th Century North
Master of Arts: Psychology (Experimental) [With Honors}
University of Central Oklahoma
Edmond, Oklahoma
Thesis: Psychologist-Historians: Historying
women & benevolent sexism
Bachelor of Arts: Psychology (Summa Cum Laude)
Minor: Sociology
University of Central Oklahoma
Edmond, Oklahoma
Thesis: Silent social norms: Willingness to provide social support to the
bereaved based on time and type of loss
Teaching Experience and Curriculum Development
Course Director (6)
University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma, Chickasha, OK
Fall 2016
Learning and Memory
Spring 2015
Adult Development and Aging
Spring 2015
History of Psychology
York University, Toronto, ON
Fall 2010
Psychology of Women
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK
Summer 2007/
The History of Women in Psychology: 1850 to 1950*
Summer 2006
Team Teaching: w/Co-Instructor: Gabriel Rupp
*I petitioned for and developed this course as an undergraduate
Guest Lecturer (11)
York University, Toronto, ON
Spring 2010
History of Psychology (History of Women in Psychology)
Course Director: Lisa Held
Fall 2009
Introduction to Psychology (Working Memory)
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Glendon Campus - Course Director: Jennifer Bazar
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK
Spring 2008
Principles of Behavior and Conditioning (Classical)
Course Director: Alicia Limke
Spring 2008
Careers in Psychology (Graduate Training)
Course Director: Kimberly Thomas
Spring 2008 & 2007
Fall 2007
Psychology of Grief (Social Support)
Course Director: Angela Knight
Fall 2007
Introduction to Psychology (Research Methods)
Course Director: Gary Huddleston
Spring 2007
Careers in Psychology (Graduate Training)
Course Director: Donald Cole
Fall 2005
Sociology of Death and Dying (Bereavement)
Course Director: Gary Steward
Fall 2005
University Success Central (Learning Strategies)
Course Director: Angela Knight
Teaching Assistant (17)
York University, Toronto, ON
Spring 2011
Abnormal Psychology (Course Director: Alexandra Rutherford)
Summer 2010
Research Methods (Course Director: Allister Mapp)
Spring 2010
Psychology of Women (Course Director: Laura C. Ball)
Fall 2009
Spring 2009
History of Psychology (Course Director Alexandra Rutherford)
Summer 2009
Advanced Statistics (Course Director: Heather Jenkin)
Fall 2008
Psychology of Women (Course Director: Wendy Hampson)
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, OK
Spring 2008 & 2007
Biosocial Psychology (GA) (Course Director: Gabriel Rupp)
Fall 2006
Advanced Statistics: SPSS (Course Director Robert Mather)
Fall 2008 & 2005
Spring 2006 & 2007
History and Systems of Psychology (Course Director; Gabriel Rupp)
Fall 2005
Introduction to Psychology (Course Director: Gabriel Rupp)
Spring 2005
Psychology of Learning ((Course Director: Mike Knight)
Fall 2004
PCs and Psychological Writing (Course Director: Bill Frederickson)
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Teacher Development/Scholarship
Rutherford, A., Vaughn, K., Ball, L., MacKay, J., Sheese, K., Beaulieu, T. (2011, March). Psychology’s
feminist voices in the classroom.. Paper presenter at the 36th annual meeting of the Association for
Women in Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Vaughn-Blount, K., Ball, L, Rutherford, A. (2009, June) Infusing the history of women in psychology:
Adventures in course creation. Discussion session at the 70th annual meeting of the Canadian
Psychological Association. Montréal, Québec.
Ball, L., Vaughn-Blount, K., Rutherford, A. (2009, June) Increasing the visibility of Canadian feminist
narratives in psychology: Teaching the teachers. Discussion session at the 70th annual meeting of the
Canadian Psychological Association. Montréal, Québec.
Jones, J., Vaughn-Blount, K., & Knight, M. (2007, October). Transformational mentoring: The
development of a web based student journal. . Poster presented at the ninth annual Oklahoma
Research Day, Edmond, OK.
Vaughn-Blount, K., & Knight, M. (2007, September). Using an on-line research Lab and a "teaching"
journal to enhance transformational learning. Poster presented at the first annual meeting of the
Oklahoma Network for the Teaching of Psychology, Oklahoma City, OK.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Chair). (2009, May) Students teaching students. Association for Psychological
Science Student Caucus (APSSC) panel presentation at the 21st annual meeting of the Association for
Psychological Science. San Francisco, CA.
Panalists: Andrew N. Christopher, Lisa E. Hasel, Jeremy A. Houska, Sheila M. Kennison, Susan M.
Nolan, and James E. Vaughn, III.
Course Text
Vaughn-Blount, K. & Rupp, G. (Ed.). (2006) Article compilation (course text): A brief overview of the
history of women in psychology, 1850 to 1950. (Available from the University of Central Oklahoma
Psychology Department, 100 North University Drive, Edmond, OK 73034)
Courses and Workshops
University of New Hampshire
Durham, New Hampshire
APA Preparing Future Faculty Program
GRAD 980: Preparing to Teach a Psychology Course
York University Centre for the Support of Teaching Workshops
York University, Toronto, Ontario
Workshops attended or reviewed:
2009: Planning Your Lecture: How to Do It Efficiently and Effectively; Getting to Analysis: The Role of
Course Outlines and Assignments in Modeling Academic Practices; Strategies for Engaging Classroom
Interaction; Really Useful Research on Student Learning, and How To Use It in Your Teaching; Handling
Conflict, Anger and Emotion in the Classroom; Prevent plagiarism before it happens! Tools you can use
to promote academic honesty
Vaughn-Johnson, K
2010: Fundamentals of Course Design; Improving Student Writing: Classroom Strategies; Providing
Effective Feedback for Student Writing; Diversity in the Classroom
Accommodating students with mental health disabilities in the classroom; Teaching online Webinar
Training Series: 2010 Silent Partners: Finding Materials for Teaching Internet Courses; Designing
Student-Centered; Highly Interactive, Rich Media Courses Using V-Streaming and Video and Audio
Podcasting; Living Online: Development of Community in Large Lecture;
Courses Through Technology-Enhanced Learning Video
2011: Using Moodle and Clickers to Engage Students in Large First-Year Courses; Developing Tools
Tailored to Your Grading Needs: Surviving the Final Crunch
Professional Service
Editor / Publisher
Source, Research Notes, and News Editor
History of Psychology
Editor: Wade Pickren
SHP History Column Editor
Generalist’s Corner Section of Teaching of Psychology
Editor: Andrew Christopher, Section Editor: Bryan K. Saville
2010- 2010
Making Herstory Column Co-Editor
Canadian Psychological Association Section on Women and Psychology
Co-Editors: Alexandra Rutherford, Laura C. Ball
Newsletter Editor: Shannon Ellis
Associate Editor
Undergraduate Update Online Journal
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Student Caucus (APSSC)
Editor: Katie O’Neill
2007- 2008
Student Notebook Editor
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Observer
Editor: Ann Conkle
2005 - 2010
Owner and Publisher
Journal of Scientific Psychology / Psyencelab.com
Editor (08-10): Robert Mather
Co-Editor: I-Spi: The stories we tell ourselves, a technique for narrative
assessment. (Research Methodology Teaching Textbook)
Authros: Mike Knight, Rob Doan, & Gabriel Rupp.
Co-Editors: C. Copeland, A.Romo (Eds.). [Electronic Publication]
2005 - 2007
Managing Editor / Co-Owner and Co-Founder/ Publisher
Journal of Scientific Psychology / Psyencelab.com
Co-Founder/Owner (05-08) Mike Knight
Vaughn-Johnson, K
National/Local Board Positions
Source, Research Notes, and News Editor (Executive Committee)
Society for the History of Psychology
President(s): Christopher Green (2008), Wade Pickren (2010), David Baker
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Student Caucus (APSSC)
Advisor: Sara Hitzig
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Student Caucus (APSSC)
Advisor(s) Lou Shomette, Sara Hitzig
2007- 2008
Student Notebook Editor
Association for Psychological Science (APS) Student Caucus (APSSC)
APSSC President: Lisa Hasel, Advisor Lou Shomette
Psi- Chi Senator
University of Central Oklahoma Student Association
President: Jennifer White, Advisor: Janelle Grellner
Psi- Chi Vice-President
University of Central Oklahoma Chapter
President: Jennifer White, Advisor: Janelle Grellner
Alpha Chi National Honor Society Senator
University of Central Oklahoma Student Association
Advisor: Theresa Vaughan
Online Multimedia
Coordinator Web Presence Redevelopment/ Advisory Board/ Project and Social
Media Contributor (Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest), Design Development
Feminstvoices.com [Feminist Psychology Oral History/Born Digital Archives]
Director: Alexandra Rutherford
Website/Facebook Designer & Developer
Society for the History of Psychology (APA Div. 26)
President(s): Christopher Green (2009), Wade Pickren (2010), David Baker
2009 - 2011
Website Development Coordinator
Feminstvoices.com [Feminist Psychology Multimedia Digital Archives]
Director: Alexandra Rutherford
Co-Producer/ Editor (Born Digital Course Instruction Film)
The Changing Face of Feminist Psychology
Writer/Director: Alexandra Rutherford
2008 – 2010
Web Designer
Journal of Scientific Psychology/ Psyencelab.com
Editor: Robert Mather
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Research-Teaching Coordinator / Developer / Mentoring
2009 - 2011
Project Coordinator
Feminstvoices.com [Feminist Psychology Multimedia Digital Archives]
Director: Alexandra Rutherford
2006 - 2008
Department Level Graduate Assistant
University of Central Oklahoma, Psychology Department.
Supervisor: Mike Knight, Chair
2007 - 2008
General Psychology Coordinator Graduate Assistant
Supervisor: Robert Mather
2006 - 2007
General Psychology Co-Coordinator
Supervisor: Gabriel Rupp
2004 - 2008
Research Assistant & Lab Coordinator
University of Central Oklahoma, Psychology Department.
Supervisor: Mike Knight
APA Div. 2. Society for the Teaching of Psychology Taskforce on
Interdivisional Relations
Division 26 Representative
Chair: Vincent Hevern
2009 - Present
Technology Committee
APA Div 26: Society for the History of Psychology
Co-Chairs: Ingrid Ferreras and Wade Pickren
New Directions in the History of Psychology Task Force
APA Div 26: Society for the History of Psychology
Chair: Wade Pickren
2008 - Present
Heritage Committee Member at Large
APA Div. 35: Psychology of Women
Chair: Alexandra Rutherford
2008 - 2009
Convention Programming
Association for Psychological Science
2005 - 2008
Student Representative, Psychology Department
College of Education and Professional Studies
University of Central Oklahoma, Edmond, Oklahoma
2007 - 2008
Student Technology Advisory Board (University Level)
University of Central Oklahoma
2005 - 2007
Academic Appeals
Student Representative, Psychology Department
College of Education and Professional Studies
University of Central Oklahoma
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Reviewer: Cheiron: International Socity for the History of Social and Behavioral
Reviewer: History of Psychology
Reviewer: Psychology of Women Quarterly
Student Reviewer: Psychology of Women Quarterly
Student Reviewer : New School Psychology Bulletin
2005 - 2007
Student Reviewer (Research and Grant Competitions)
Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus
Professional Affiliations and Volunteer Experience
Professional Affiliations
Canadian Psychological Association
History & Philosophy of Psychology
Women and Psychology
2007- Present
History of Science Society
Oklahoma Network for the Teaching of Psychology
Association for Women in Psychology
Association for Psychological Science
American Psychological Association
Div. 1: Society for General Psychology
Div 2: Society for the Teaching of Psychology
Div 26: Society for the History of Psychology
Div 35: Society for the Psychology of Women
Oklahoma Psychological Society
Psi Chi National Honor Society
Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Volunteer Experience
2004 - 2007
Divorce and Grief Support Group Facilitator
Calm Waters Support Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Supervisor: Sue Hollenbeck and Helen Chamberlain
Rutherford, A., Vaughn-Johnson, K., & Rodkey, E. (In press). Does psychology have a gender?. The
Vaughn, K. (2011). Equality advocate: Alberta Banner Turner (1909-2008). The Feminist Psychologist
Rutherford, A., Vaughn-Blount, K., & Ball, L. C. (2011). Responsible opposition, disruptive voices:
Science, social change, and the history of feminist psychology. Psychology of Women Quarterly,
34. 460-473.
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Spring 2010). Tattered Umbrellas: Douglas Fryer and the Handbook of Applied
Psychology. APA Division 1 Newsletter: The General Psychologist 45, 37-40.
Rutherford, A., & Vaughn-Blount, K. (2010). Georgia Babladelis (1931-2009): Breaking traditions,
building foundations. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 34. 5-6.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Winter, 2009). Turning 35 with 35. The Feminist Psychologist. 36(1). 10,29.
Vaughn-Blount, K., Rutherford, A., Baker, D., & Johnson, D. (2009). History’s mysteries, demystified:
Becoming a psychologist-historian. American Journal of Psychology. 122(1). 117-129.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2009) APSSC state of the caucus. Observer. 22(1). 29-31.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2006, Spring). Will you remember me? The women of psychology. The Feminist
Psychologist, 33(2), 16,28.
Book Chapter [IN PROGRESS]
Vaughn-Johnson, K., & Rutherford, A. (in press). Teaching multiculturalism in history of psychology. In
K. Quina & J.A. Mena (Eds). Teaching a Multiculturalism-Informed Psychology of People (sec 1).
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Oral History/ Interviews/ Biographical Profiles
Rutherford, A., &Vaughn, K.(2010). Oral History Interview with Wendy Hollway. In A. Rutherford
(Ed.), Psychology’s Feminist Voices Multimedia Internet Archive. Retrieved from
Vaughn, K. (2010) Profile of Christine Ladd-Franklin. In A. Rutherford (Ed.), Psychology’s Feminist
Voices Multimedia Internet Archive. Retrieved http://www.feministvoices.com/christine-laddfranklin/
Vaughn, K., & Ball, L.C. (2009) Oral History Interview with Lisa Serbin. In A. Rutherford (Ed.),
Psychology’s Feminist Voices Multimedia Internet Archive. Retrieved from
Rutherford, A., Vaughn, K., & Ball, L.C. (2009) Oral History Interview with Cannie Stark. In A.
Rutherford (Ed.), Psychology’s Feminist Voices Multimedia Internet Archive. Retrieved from
Vaughn, K., & Ball, L.C. (2009) Oral History Interview with Hilary Lips. In A. Rutherford (Ed.),
Psychology’s Feminist Voices Multimedia Internet Archive. Retrieved from
Vaughn-Blount, K. (April, 2008) Champions of psychology: Interview with Nora Newcombe. Observer,
21(4). 32-34.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (February, 2008) Champions of psychology: Interview with Lisa Diamond. Observer,
21(2). 31-33.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (December, 2007) Champions of psychology: Interview with Victor Benassi.
Observer, 20(11). Retrievable from
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Vaughn-Blount, K. (September, 2007) Champions of psychology: Interview with Linda Woolf. Observer,
20(8). Retrievable from http://www.psychologicalscience.org/ observer/getArticle.cfm?id=2224
Encyclopedia/Collection Entries/Book Reviews
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2010). Margaret Floy Washburn. In S. Goldstein and J. Naglieri's Encyclopedia of
Child Behavior and Development. Heidelberg, German: Springer-Verlag.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2010). Christine Ladd-Franklin.. In S. Goldstein and J. Naglieri's Encyclopedia of
Child Behavior and Development. Heidelberg, German: Springer-Verlag.
Rupp, G. & Vaughn-Blount, K. (October, 2007). Where there is much light, there is also much shadow.
[Review of the book The Self-Marginalization of Wilhelm Stekel: Freudian Circles Inside & Out],
PsycCRITIQUES Contemporary Psychology, 52(40), 10.
Rupp, G. & Vaughn-Blount, K. (June, 2006). A body of logic. [Review of the book Incompleteness: The
proof and paradox of Kurt Gödel], PsycCRITIQUES-Contemporary Psychology, 51(24), 14.
Presentations, Symposiums, Workshops, and Panel Discussions
Vaughn-Johnson, K, Bazar, J. L., & Young, J. L. (2015, June). Archives, repositories, websites, blogs,
ehibits, oh my! Digitization considerations and conceptualizations. Workshop conducted at the 47th
annual meeting of Cheiron: The International Society for the History of Behavioral & Social
Sciences, Lawrence, Kansas.
Rutherford, A., Vaughn, K., Ball, L. (2011, March). Responsible opposition, disruptive voices: Science,
social change, and the history of feminist psychology. Paper presenter at the 36th annual meeting of
the Association for Women in Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2010, March). No one told me I was supposed to be a second class psychologist:
Lillien Martin and the Old Age Clinic. Paper presented at the 81st annual meeting of the Eastern
Psychological Society, Brooklyn, NY.
Bazar, J., Vaughn-Blount, K., Held, L. Ball, L. (2009, August). Lusty ladies or Victorian victims?
Perspectives on women, madness and sexuality. In A. Rutherford (chair) Society for the History of
Psychology panel presentation at the 117th annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association. Toronto, Ontario.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2008, June). Psychologist-historians: Historying psychology and benevolent sexism.
Paper presented at the 40th annual meeting of Cheiron: The International Society for the History of
Behavioral & Social Sciences. Toronto, ON.
Vaughn-Blount, K., & Knight, M. (February, 2008). Psyencelab.com: Bringing the research group into
the 21st Century. Poster presented at the UCO Transformative Learning Share Fair 2008, Edmond,
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2007, August). Unequal Equality: Round the World with Lillien Martin. Paper
presentation at the 115th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco,
Vaughn-Blount, K.. (Discussant). (2007, August). Becoming a psychologist-historian: A Beginner's
guide. In Rutherford and Vaughn-Blount (Co-Chairs). Panel presentation at the 115th annual meeting
of the American Psychological Association. San Francisco, CA.
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Discussant). (2007, April). Multidisciplinary Interaction in the study of a
psychological phenomenon: Torture. In K. Vaughn-Blount (Chair) M. Knight (Discussant). Panel
presentation at the 25th annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological Society Edmond, OK.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2006, November). Tapping the glass: Life and times of Dr. Lillien Martin. Paper
presented at the Psyence colloquium series. University of Central Oklahoma, Psychology
Department, Edmond. OK.
Vaughn-Blount, K., Vaughn, J., & Knight, M. (2006, May). Main effects for male faces and female faces
in judging parent-child phenotypic similarity. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the
Association for Psychological Science New York, NY.
Vaughn, J., Vaughn-Blount, K.., & Knight, M. (2006, May). Real versus imagined: Stimulus effects on
sexual versus emotional jealousy responses. Poster presented at the 18th annual meeting of the
Association for Psychological Science New York, NY.
Almstrom, C., Knight, M., Vaughn-Blount, K.., Blackwell, T. (2005, June). Parent-child phenotypic
similarity: Evolution’s paternity test or experimental artifact. Poster presented at the 17th annual
meeting of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Austin, TX.
Blackwell, T., & Vaughn-Blount, K. (2005, April). Evolutions paternity test: Parent child phenotypic
similarity recognition. Poster presented at the 80th annual meeting of the Southwestern and Rocky
Mountain Division of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Tucson, AZ.
Blackwell, T., & Vaughn-Blount, K. (2005, April). Testing predictions from evolutionary theory: works
in progress. In M. Knight (Chair) & D. Buss (Discussant). symposium conducted at the meeting of
the 23rd Annual Oklahoma Psychological Society, Edmond, OK.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (2005, April). Silent social norms: Willingness to provide social support to the
bereaved based on time and type of loss. Poster presented at the 80th annual meeting of the
Southwestern and Rocky Mountain Division of the American Association for the Advancement of
Science Tucson, AZ.
Panel Chair/ Organizer
Burman, J. and Vaughn-Blount, K. (Co-Chairs). (2010). On writing history: Addressing gaps in the APA
style guide. Society for the History of Psychology panel presentation at the 118th annual meeting of
the American Psychological Association. San Diego, CA.
Panelists: Bernard C. Beins, Alexandra Rutherford, David Baker, Wade Pickren, and Gary
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Chair). (2010, May) Champions of Psychology. Association for Psychological
Science Student Caucus (APSSC) panel presentation at the 22nd annual meeting of the Association for
Psychological Science. Boston, MA.
Participants / Champions: Mahzarin Banaji, Linda Bartoshuk, Ludy Benjamin, Lisa Feldman Barrett,
Morton Ann Gernsbacher, Alan Kazdin, Gary Latham, Scott Lillienfeld, Robert Sternberg, Anne
Treisman, Elke Weber, Terry Wilson
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Chair). (2010, May) Naked truth: Navigating the current job market in tough
economic times.. Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus (APSSC) panel presentation
at the 22nd annual meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. Boston, MA.
Vaughn-Johnson, K
Panelist: Mike Bowers, Gary Fireman, Peter Giordano, Jared Keeley, and Tara Kuther
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Chair). (2009, May). The history of women in psychology. Archives for the History
of American Psychology invited symposium at the 21st annual meet of the Association for
Psychological Science, San Francisco, CA.
Panelists: Ann Johnson, Eleanor E. Maccoby, Nancy Felipe Russo, Alexandra Rutherford, and Anne
M. Treisman.
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Chair). (2008, May). How to get published: Guidance from journal editors.
Association for Psychological Science Student Caucus (APSSC) panel presentation at the 20th annual
meeting of the Association for Psychological Science. Chicago, IL.
Panelists: Paul Dukes, Elaine F. Walker, and Randolph A. Smith
Rutherford, A., and Vaughn-Blount, K. (Co-chairs). (2007, August). Becoming a psychologist-historian:
A Beginner's guide. Panel presentation at the 115th annual meeting of the American Psychological
Association. San Francisco, CA.
Panelists: David Baker, James Capshew, James Goodwin, Christopher Green, Deborah Johnson, Ann
Johnson, Elizabeth Johnston, Alexandra Rutherford, and Kelli Vaughn-Blount
Vaughn-Blount, K. (Chair) (2007, April). Multidisciplinary Interaction in the study of a psychological
phenomenon: Torture. Panel presentation at the 25th annual meeting of the Oklahoma Psychological
Society Edmond, OK.
Panelists: Christopher Copeland, Amanda Ford, James Hultman, Harold S. Jenkins, Jerri Jones, and
Kelli Vaughn-Blount. J. Mike Knight (Discussant)
Honors and Awards
Top Five Finalist for Anne Anastasi General Psychology Graduate Student Award (Winner not
yet announced)
Society for the History of Psychology Best Student Paper Award (2009, August, APA)
Cheiron Student Travel Award (2008, June)
York University Entrance Scholarship (2008, August)
Outstanding Graduate Student in Psychology, University of Central Oklahoma (2007-2008)
Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges (2008)
Oklahoma Psychological Society Graduate Student of the Year (2007-2008)
Oklahoma Psychological Society Research Travel Award (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)
Outstanding Undergraduate Student in Psychology, University of Central Oklahoma (2004-2005)
First Place Award Undergraduate Poster Competition, Oklahoma Psychological Society 23rd
Annual Research Conference (2005, April)
Oklahoma Psychological Society Research Travel Award (2005, April)
University of Central Oklahoma
o Research Assistant Tuition Wavier (2005-2006)
o Graduate Stipend (2005,2006,2007, 2008)
o Academic Tuition Wavier (2004,2005,2006)
o Psychology Department Waiver (2003, 2004, 2005)
o Transfer Scholarship (2003-2005)
o National Dean’s List 2003-2004, 2004-2005, & 2005-2006
President’s Honor Roll
o Oklahoma State University (Summer 2002, Fall 2002, Spring 2003)
Vaughn-Johnson, K
University of Central Oklahoma (Fall 2003, Spring 2004,Summer 2004, Spring 2004,
Fall 2005- Spring 2008)
Dean’s Honor Roll University of Central Oklahoma (Fall 2004)
Psi Chi Scholarship (Fall 2004)