Parish of Kenmare ~ Fr. Tom Crean, Parish Priest 064-6641352 / Fax 064-6641925 / email: / Sunday, 10th May 2015 - 6th Sunday of Easter Recent Death: We remember in our prayers Eileen Twomey, Muxnaw, Kenmare, who died during the week. We also remember all whose anniversary occurs at this time. MAY THEY REST IN PEACE. Mass Intentions this week Direendaragh Sat 6.30pm The People’s Mass Templenoe Sun 10.45am Timothy O’Mahony & Mary Elizabeth Sheridan. Anniv. Holy Cross Sat Sun Sun Mon Tues Wed Thur / Fri Sat 8pm 9.30am 12noon 10am 10am 10am 10am 10.30am John & Catherine Harrington, Dromatouk Vincent & Edna O’Sullivan, Main St. Donie Gaine, Cahir Daniel O’Leary, Cleady Special Intention Bertie, Nora & Billy McSwiney Anniversary ” 1st Anniversary Anniversary Anniversary Holy Cross Church Direendaragh Templenoe Kenmare Offertory €57 € 88 € 1,316 Parish Development Fund – Weekly Envelopes € 58 € 120 € 1,117 ♦ In these final weeks leading up to the Referendum - - - we should speak a language that is kind and gentle, and we should remember the God-given human dignity of every person, irrespective of their sexual orientation or their position and views, on how we should vote. ♦ People are realising that all sides should acknowledge that this Referendum is proposing a very major change to the State’s definition of marriage (as implied in the Constitution.) If the Referendum is passed, what will the new State and Constitutional definition of marriage be? What is the current State and Constitutional definition of Marriage? Is marriage the biggest decision a person makes in her/his lifetime? - - - It has enormous lifelong implications. Is it not essential that the State and Constitution should have a clear definition of it? - - ♦ Up to recent decades, society has said that ‘couples exchange the right to have children where possible’ as part of their marriage vows. In the current debate many commentators and campaigners are saying that ‘openness to children’ is not an actual part of marriage. If the Referendum is passed there will be very strong arguments that children are not part of the Constitution’s implied definition of marriage. - - ♦ ‘Between a man and a woman’, ‘openness to children’, along with ‘a lifelong, loving sharing of their whole lives’ are the three most important elements of marriage. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASS Confessions: ……………………………………..... Every Saturday from 12 noon to 1pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament …………... Mon & Tues: 8am– 9pm & Fri 8-10am Christ Our King Prayer Group (the Church Lodge) .. Wednesday: 7.30pm – 9.00pm Holy Hour ……………........... …………………….. Sunday: 7.00pm – 8.00pm 3rd May 2015 Excerpts from Pastoral Statement by Bishop Ray Browne 8th May 2015. Total € 115 € 208 € 2,433 NEBRASKA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY SYMPHONIC BAND & CHOIR will play a free concert in Holy Cross Church, on Tuesday, 26th May 2015, at 8pm. This special event will also be used to kick-off fundraising for refurbishment of Holy Cross Church Organ - any voluntary donations received on the night will be put towards this fund. The FIRST HOLY COMMUNION MASS will be celebrated next Saturday, 16th May 2015 at 10.30am at Holy Cross Church, for the pupils of St. John’s N.S. Kenmare, and Cahir National School. <> We ask the Lord to bless the children who will be receiving Him in the Eucharist for the very first time at that Mass and we also ask Him to bless their families, friends and teachers who are helping to prepare them for this very special occasion in their lives. It will protect the prayer atmosphere of the liturgy if cameras, videos and mobile phones are switched off and left unused for the duration of the Mass. Today’s Scripture: Cornelius, a Roman Officer, was the first nonJew to receive the Gospel and ask for Baptism. We listen to the story of his conversion (1st Reading). God is pleased to offer every nation to every nation (Psalm). Love begins with God, and not with us (2nd Reading). Jesus commands us to love one another; he makes that possible by loving us first and offering us the gift of his friendship (Gospel). Discovering vocation does not mean scrambling toward some prize just beyond my reach but accepting the treasure of true self I already possess. Vocation does not come from a voice ‘out there’ calling me to be something I am not. It comes from a voice ‘in here’ calling me to be the person I was born to be, to fulfil the original selfhood given me at birth by God. Thomas Merton. ♦ Marriage Referendum Information Meeting – hosted by Mothers & Fathers Matter Kerry – at Brooklane Hotel, Kenmare, on Friday, 15th May, at 8pm ♦ Junior Golf Fundraiser – recent bap-packing at SuperValu raised €1,498 – THANK YOU! ♦ Blood Donor Clinic – thanks to the 111 Donors who attended the clinic on May 5th. ♦ Templenoe Senior Citizens – meet on Friday next (15th May) at 11am in Community Centre ♦ Kenmare Pink Ribbon Walk - is on Sunday 17th May. ♦ Kenmare Community Care – Fundraising Golf Classic for Taobh Linn Social Centre on Fri/Sat 22nd & 23rd May. To enter team & book a tee off – phone (064) 6641291. ♦ Pilgrimage to Lisieux: 24th-28th Sept 2015 (4 nights). Enquiries – Celine (01) 8387281
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