Westboro Baptist Church 3701 S.W. 12th St. (WBC Chronicles -- Since 1955) Topeka, Ks. 66604 785-273-0325 www.GodHatesFags.com Religious Opinion & Bible Commentary on Current Events @WBCSaysRepent Thursday, December 18, 2014 NEWS RELEASE (Background, photos, video, sermons, parodies & hymns at www.GodHatesTheMedia.com, www.GodHatesIslam.com, Blogs.SpareNot.com, www.BeastObama.com, www.SignMovies.com, www.JewsKilledJesus.com, www.GodHatesTheWorld.com & www.PriestsRapeBoys.com) WESTBORO BAPTIST CHURCH TO PICKET AT THOMAS COUNTY COURTHOUSE (300 N. COURT, COLBY, KS), ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30TH FROM 10:15 - 10:45 AM, IN FAITHFUL WARNING AND HUMBLE PRAISE: THANK GOD FOR FAG MARRIAGE IN KANSAS! Fag marriage will destroy Kansas. When the government treats what God has called abominable as something to be respected, revered, and approved, that will cross a final line with God. The standard for marriage in the Bible is one man, one woman, for life. When you tamper with marriage, you are tampering with the very symbol of Christ and His Bride, the Church. The condign destructive wrath of God that pours out on Kansans will be unlike anything ever seen or imagined before. For many years WBC has faithfully warned you that increasingly vile sins of idolatry, pride, a growing list of illicit sexual conduct, abortion and fag marriage will bring your final destruction. And now, with unprecedented speed, that final rebellion is running from coast to coast gathering government and ‘church’ approval. A good and faithful sermon about what God has established as marriage, and the connectivity between that proper marriage, and the relationship between Christ and the church, is available here (and should be studied by every human): Outline Link: http://tinyurl.com/p6rg7ot; Audio Link: http://tinyurl.com/ouwhlzo. RUN, SAME-SEX MARRIAGE, RUN!
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