TODAY’S PRAYER REQUESTS THE UNSALE NEEDS YOUR HELP The Unsale (free garage sale for the community) will be at KLC Saturday April 25, from 9 to 11 am. For it to be successful we need your donations of gently used household items and clothing. Drop off donations on Friday, April 24, between 8am – 7pm ALSO, we need volunteers to help set-up and accept donations on Friday, April 24, anytime from 8am to 7pm, and help the day of the sale 9am to 1pm (help during the sale and clean-up afterwards). As you look for Unsale items, please keep the KLC quilters in mind. We can use blankets, electric blankets, sheets, mattress pads, fabric or thread. Thank you for anything you have to donate. USED PIANO AVAILABLE There is a used Galbransen piano available if you are willing to pick it up (weighs 405# and is up 10 stairs from the ground floor, made in the 1940’s). It is about 3’ tall and 5’ long and is short one octave. If you are interested please let Janice in the office know by Tuesday, April 21st Phone: 253-852-2057 or If you have any yarn scrap balls, please bring them to church this week or next Sunday. We need them for Faith Thinking on Sunday evening, April 19th. Thank you. SUPPLIES FOR HOMELESS We are in need of cheese and peanut butter cracker snacks, fruit cups, juice boxes, and granola bars. Thank you to those of you who have donated so generously, as this is an ongoing effort. CALLING ALL WOMEN All women are invited to the annual Women’s Retreat to be held Friday, May 1st and Saturday, May 2nd. This is a wonderful opportunity to rest, relax, refresh and rejuvenate in the midst of our busy lives. Mark your calendar now and look for more information and a sign-up sheet in the narthex in the months to come. Prayers for Healing & Hope: Mrs. Cornish, Lori, Bernice Lanscairdi, Jim Gonnason, Annie, Rosemary Swanson, John Swanson, Taylor, Sylvia Chavez, Leigh Erie Mourning the Death of loved ones. The families and friends of: Esther Akiyoshi Joe Merino, Babst family Lupo Benson, Tom Kissel Ministry Supported: Bishops Kirby Unti & Elizabeth Eaton, ELCA & NWWA Synod, Lutheran Community Services, Lutheran Counseling Network Global Mission Partners: ELC African Mission in South Sudan, Evang. Lutheran Church of European Russia, Al & Cheryl Jensen Local Partners in Ministry: First Presbyterian Church of Kent, St. James Episcopal, Host & Support Churches of HOME, Luther’s Table KLC Ministries: Executive, Memorial, Adult and Social Concerns Committees , also Men’s Bible Study NW WA Synod Prayer Requests for the: Celebration in Anacortes, St. John’s in Bellingham and Seattle Cancer Care Alliance KENT LUTHERAN CHURCH LIVES AND CELEBRATES THE ACCEPTING LOVE OF CHRIST APRIL 12, 2015 Second Sunday after Easter 8:30am Traditional Service 10:00am Adult Sunday School 11:00am Informal Service Bread Provider: Debbie Hunt Communion Setup/Cleanup: Debbie Hunt Kristin Kettel Tess Shearer Welcome Table: Cheryl Anderson Amanda Pederson Greeters: Michelle McCormick Rhonda Gleason Carolyn Nirk Janice Helgeson Ushers: Daniel Hanson Carl & Sue Pederson Irma Fritz Athena Pederson Doug & Joan Graham Acolytes: Patrick Humphries Conner Troutner *Living with and in treatment for cancer: Gail Genereau John Rebuck Jason Thomas Bob Blakemore Leticia Garcia Edna Neuharth Carol Fettig Gail Clark Mike Ellers Susan Davis Debbie Lansciardi Diane Watanabe Dewey Spencer Sonja Aarhus Raynischa Kundert Dick Swegle Emma Bryant Shannon Meyers Virginia Levack Betty Repp Suzy Richardson John Stefer Deborah Simmons Mary Vermeersch Larry Jergens Rob Connery Evelyn Gregory Christine Miller Margie Windstrom Lee Shephard Cheryl Kincer Ferne Neeb Ricardo Gebrera Emily Behrens Carolyn Jones Jim Ostrea Bob Markholt Kenny Braunschweig Mimi Matheus Mary Cesar Diane Jerry Thompson Carolyn Klienberg Suzanne Morris John Duenow Sheri Grandorf Brenda Beguin Michelle Watson Daphne Niki Bonnell Assisting Minister: Linda Stockham Eliza Daniel Lay Reader: Matt Lanier Rhonda Gleason Communion Assistant: Matt Lanier Ron Linebarger Sally Linebarger Mona Lee Alan Stoick Coffee Hour Hosts: Social Concerns *Please let the office know if someone needs to be removed from this list. Flowers: in Celebration of Carl & Sue Pederson’s 30th Anniversary given by Athena Pederson This Week April 13-19, 2015 NATIONAL VOLUNTEER WEEK MON: Church Office Closed 9:00am Quilters Calling all children to Sunday School at 10am in the white building. Today we will hear the story of Thomas. Jesus loves you wherever you go. Believe! 5:00pm Kent Community Supper 6:00pm Kent Community Supper Board Meeting TUES: 9:00am Memorial Committee Meeting Adult Education class will meet at 10am in the library. Today’s class will be the final session on “Learning to Seed”, and will be lead by the Social Concerns Committee. 7:00pm Executive Committee Meeting THURS: Noon Senior Potluck Luncheon 7:00pm Choir Practice 8:30pm Worship Team Practice SAT: 9:00am Men’s Breakfast & Bible Study PAC High School Event-Meal cooked By Destiny Humphries SUN: We have 15 homeless women who are being sheltered in our White building during the month of April. If you would like to make/leave a snack for the women to enjoy while they are here in the evening or would like to visit with them, please contact Tess Shearer, 253-217-1969. They are hear from 8:45pm-7:00am. Thank you! 8:30am Traditional Worship New Members are received 10:00am Adult Class & Children’s Sunday School 11:00am Informal Worship Coming Soon: Apr 20 1:00pm Prayer Shawl Knitting Group Apr 21 9:00am Mission Support Meeting Apr 22 EARTH DAY The Norwegian Male Chorus will per for m in concert at Kent Lutheran TODAY at 3:00pm. Scandinavian refreshments will follow the event in the Fellowship Hall. The performance is open to the entire community as Kent Lutheran, through its Chancel Arts program, becomes a larger presence in downtown Kent as a music venue. Tickets are $5 and can be purchased in advance from Earl Dahlin. CHANCEL ARTS CONCERT Kent Lutheran’s resident men’s choir, The Illumni Men’s Chorale will perform in concert as part of our Chancel Arts program series on Sunday, April 26th at 3:00pm. Tickets can be pur chased at the door or in advance at at $12.50 for adults, and for seniors in groups of 10 and students with ID for $5.00. Featured recently on America’s Got Talent and Northwest Today, the professional singers tackle a wide range of genres including sacred, classical and popular contemporary. An intermission will feature free coffee and snacks. The concert is open to the public. CHANCEL ARTS CONCERT IN MAY To close out the season’s concerts, the Federal Way Harmony Kings will perform on May 17th at 3:00pm at Kent Lutheran Church. Tickets are $12.50 at the door or from or $5.00 for seniors in groups of 10 or students with ID at $5.00. An intermission will feature free coffee and snacks. Jim Gonnason is recuperating at Talbot Center for Rehabilitation, 4430 Talbot Rd. S., Renton, WA. He would very much appreciate visitors. Please call in advance, Phone # (425) 226-7500 Apr 24 Set Up for UNSALE Apr 25 UNSALE 10:00am Centering Prayer Memorial Service for Esther Akiyoshi will be at Kent Lutheran Church on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at 1:00pm with a reception following. Cookies will be appreciated. Apr 25 PAC BROOMBALL Apr 26 The Illumni Men’s Corale Stewards of Creation Sunday Apr 28 Faith Book Discussion “Travel as a Political Act” May 1-2 Women’s Retreat NEW MEMBERS On April 19th, we will be receiving new members. If you are interested in joining Kent Lutheran Church, please contact Pastor Jane or call the church office at (253) 852-2057 From the Synod Prayer Council: Be Not Afraid Be not afraid, sing out for joy! Christ is risen, alleluia! Be not afraid, sing out for joy! Christ is risen, alleluia! Let us not be afraid. Let us sing out for joy! For God has forgiven our past, secured our future and invites us to be part of God’s presents—Sharing this Good News with our neighbor. Christ is risen! Alleluia! Amen!
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