www.keotaeagle.com Public Notices / Records / Politics Wednesday, June 3, 2015 3 Public Hearing Notice The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors will conduct a public hearing on June 15,2015 at 8:35 a.m. in the Board Room on the first floor of the Keokuk County Courthouse in Sigourney, Iowa to consider a proposal that Keokuk County approve and execute an easement documentation agreement with JRJF,LLLP, an Iowa limited liability limited partnership which further illustrates and specifies a retained ingress-egress easement over, along and across property owned by Keokuk County which is located in the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22, Township 76 North, Range 11 West of the Fifth principal Meridian in Keokuk County, Iowa. KEOKUK COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS SK22 Keokuk County Board Proceedings MAY 26, 2015 The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in special session, Tuesday, May 26, 2015 in the Board Room of the Courthouse. All members were present. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to approve the agenda. All ayes and motion carried. Berg moved, Hadley seconded to approve the minutes of May 18, 2015 as submitted. Wood abstained due to being absent from said meeting. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Engineer McGuire regarding Keokuk County Highway Department as follows: discussion regarding Belva Deer trail phase 2 and phase 3 trail funding and hire provider for inspection services for the six (6) miles of Keokuk County involved in the Dakota Access Pipeline project. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to approve the Personnel Report for Stephen Clubb as temporary summer help at $14.50 per hour, effective May 26, 2105 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Wood moved, Hadley seconded to accept the final work completed by Racom Corporation for the Communication Tower Project. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Administrative Assistant Gilliland regarding Keokuk County Community Services update for the month of April. Hadley moved, Wood seconded approval of application for use of Courthouse grounds on August 4, 2015 – National Night Out as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Hadley moved, Wood seconded to appoint Bonnie L. Clubb, RN and Anita J. Yoder, RN as Keokuk County Medical Examiner Investigators effective May 26, 2015 through December 31, 2015. All ayes and motion carried. Various board and committee reports were held. Wood attended a RUSS meeting. Hadley attended a Semco meeting. Berg attended Empowerment and SADC meetings. Discussion of old/new business and public comment was held. Custodian Bruns entered the Boardroom to inform there is no longer a water leakage problem in the basement. On vote and motion the meeting adjourned at 10:05 a.m. The above and foregoing information is a summary of the minutes taken at the above indicated meeting. The full and complete set of minutes are recorded and available at the office of the Keokuk County Auditor. SK22 Keokuk County Board Proceedings MAY 18, 2015 The Keokuk County Board of Supervisors met in regular session, Monday, May 18, 2015 in the Board Room of the Courthouse. Absent was Daryl Wood. Hadley moved, Berg seconded to approve the agenda. All ayes and motion carried. Berg moved, Hadley seconded to approve the minutes of May 11, 2015 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Met with Engineer McGuire regarding Keokuk County Highway Department. Maintenance building discussion arose regarding funding, efficiency and safety issues. Hadley moved, Berg seconded to approve the Personnel Report for Jill Moore, part-time office assistant, termination/retirement effective May 7, 2015 as submitted. All ayes and motion carried. Hadley moved, Berg seconded approval of work completed by Ace Electrical, Inc. on the tower project and final acceptance thereof was held. All ayes and motion carried. Public hearing regarding proposed Fiscal Year 2015 Keokuk County Budget Amendment was held. No oral or written comments received. No public was present. Hadley moved, Berg seconded to close said public hearing at 9:34 a.m. All ayes and motion carried. Hadley moved, Berg seconded approval of Fiscal Year 2015 Keokuk County Budget Amendment was held. All ayes and motion carried Hadley moved, Berg seconded to approve the May 18, 2015 claim listing. All ayes and motion carried. Various board and committee reports were held. Hadley attended Keokuk County Health Care Coalition functional exercise, Hedrick Cargill dedication and met with DNR to view a hog facility site. Berg attended Decat, MH Redesign and Southeast Iowa Case Management meetings last week. Discussion of old/new business and public comment was held. VA Director Blair shared a VA threat protection email with the Board. Auditor Bates gave an overview on the Medical Examiner Investigator (MEI) meeting last week and confirmed May 26, 2015 agenda placement for formal action. On vote and motion the meeting adjourned at 10:35a.m. The above and foregoing information is a summary of the minutes taken at the above in- dicated meeting. The full and complete set of minutes are recorded and available at the office of the Keokuk County Auditor. CLAIM DATE: May 18, 2015 ABEL, LINDA 444.50 AGRILAND FS 3,876.25 AHLERS & COONEY 500.00 ALL AM PEST CONTROL 205.00 ALLIANT ENERGY 770.88 ALTORFER MACHINERY 945.74 AMER HOME FIND ASSOC 233.25 BARRON MOTOR SUPPLY 216.28 BATES, CHRISTY 8.00 BELL, LONNIE R 11.70 BINNS & STEVENS 504.00 BOND, RICHARD 516.95 BOS, DIANA 248.50 BRETHREN CHURCH 213.50 BUSINESS RADIO SALES 74.93 CARD CENTER 573.83 CENTRAL IA DISTRIBUTING 1,690.90 CENTRAL IOWA DETENTION 262.50 COBB OIL CO 13.50 COMBUSTION CONTROL CO 3,178.00 COX SANITATION & RECY 31.00 DESIGN HOUSE 900.00 DOUDS STONE 6,219.57 EDMUNDSON, CHRISTINE 89.82 ELLIOTT OIL COMPANY 2,187.08 FAIRFIELD PRECAST CONCRETE 544.00 FARMER, MARGE 99.00 FARMERS COOP 2,006.40 FERRELL, JAMES 17.10 GALLS INC 375.00 GREENLEYS CORP 304.26 GRETTER AUTOLAND 382.95 H & M FARM & HOME 195.93 HANSELMAN, BETH 151.84 HORRAS, SARA 12.60 HOUSE, GEORGE 5.70 IA DEPT PUBLIC SAFETY 1,380.00 IACCVSO 50.00 IDEAL READY MIX CO 8,693.25 IHCA ICAL 275.00 IOWA PRISON INDUSTRIES 117.15 IOWA SEC OF STATE 132.56 ISACA 100.00 JACK WALKER CDJ 441.80 JACK WATSON SPORTS 450.00 JACK’S CORNER DRUG 293.90 JACKSON TWP CLERK 556.50 K AND L FOODS 2,365.61 KEMPF, MARGARET 140.40 KENT, CHARLES 88.69 KEOKUK CO HEALTH CTR 562.08 KEOKUK CO HWY DEPT 314.30 KEOKUK CO RECORDER 12.65 KEOKUK CO VET CLINIC 191.17 KERR, JOHN 12.60 KONE INC 150.86 LANKFORD, WENDY 79.56 LISCO/LTDS 1,149.34 LUMBER COMPANY 259.71 M & M ENTERPRISES 8,779.00 MAHASKA CO ENVIRON 3,750.00 MARTIN EQUIP 152.46 MESSERSCHMITT, LAVADA 133.12 MID-AMERICA PUBLISHING 430.43 MIDWEST BREATHING AIR 717.66 MIRACLE RECREATION EQUIP 6,330.10 MOORE, ROGER 105.00 MULTI-COUNTY OIL CO 4,803.38 MYLES MILLER REFRIG 4.99 OFFICE CENTER 899.43 PHELPS AUTO SUPPLY 1,240.06 POWESHIEK CO SHERIFF 1,050.00 QUILL CORPORATION 82.69 RIVER PRODUCTS CO 2,141.01 SCHROEDER FRAME & ALIGN 128.40 SEATON CONSTRUCTION 33,830.32 SEMCO LANDFILL 481.00 SHEPHERD, JOY 675.50 SHIVEHATTERY INC 2,963.60 SIGOURNEY CLEANERS 35.20 SIGOURNEY, CITY OF 512.87 SINCLAIR TRACTOR 131.80 SMITH, LARRY 39.47 ST PATS/LITTLE CREEK 126.00 STROBELS INC 41.95 SUMMIT COMPANIES 792.00 T I P REC 884.30 THOMPSON, CASEY 15.00 THOMSON REUTERS-WEST 112.10 THRELKELD-LARSON, VIRGINIA 104.52 TIFCO INDUSTRIES 236.24 TRANSIT WORKS 4,328.90 TREMMEL BACKHOE SERV 80.00 TRUE VALUE 183.41 TYLER TECHNOLOGIES 41,269.59 US CELLULAR 606.61 VERIZON WIRELESS 40.01 VISION AG LLC 956.19 WAECHTER, MARILYN 13.52 WALLERICH, DAVID 60.56 WAPELLO RURAL WATER 178.90 WARREN TWP CLERK 133.00 WASHINGTON TWP CLERK 532.00 WASTE MANAGEMENT 7,299.46 WELLINGTON TOOL SALES 157.75 WINDSTREAM 70.04 WINN CORP 1,622.25 ZEE MEDICAL 398.90 ZEP SALES & SERVICE 240.36 TOTAL $175,728.64 SK22
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