Legals - The Conrad Record

6 Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Small machine that will not track yards.
Larger machine to handle anything.
Jerry Zehr, 641-366-2242 or 641-3662241. (BW)
Garden Tilling Available: We
will make a bed all your seeds will
love. Call now for early reservations. 319-231-6997.
GaraGe Sale: Dike Citywide
Garage sales. The date for the Dike
Citywide garage sales is scheduled
for Saturday, May 2, 2015. If you
are intereseted in having a garage
sale and want to participate in the all
community garage sale, please sign
up at the Dike City Office, Dike Public Library, People’s Saving Bank or
State Bank. Please sign your name,
address and a brief description of
some of the items that are for sale. A
$10.00 advertising fee must be paid
at the time of signup. Deadline is
April 24, 2015.
Old seed corn signs,
sacks, farmer’s Hybrids, Tomahawk,
Mallard, Eno’s, Blackhawk, etc.
Also buying old feed signs. Good
condition. Bryan Paul, Thompson,
Iowa. 515-538-0187.
Think Spring – Large selection
of Spring clothing: Adults: $4,
Childrens:$2.50 & Infants: $1.50.
TrinkeTS & TogS, 1609 G Ave.,
Grundy Center, 319-825-8030
‘GRAMS’ 619 G Ave.- in Grundy
Center. Antiques • Collectibles • Vintage Primitives • Ordinary & Everyday *Summer Hours: Tue. & Wed.
10-4; Th. & Fri. 10-5; Sat. 10-3.
Hours may vary, call 319-239-8430.
In Lower Level is ‘J & M Aquatics’
open Wed. - Fri. 10-2 & 4:30-7; Sat.
11-4 & Sun. 12-4. Hours may vary,
call 641-373-2657. Fresh & Salt Water Tropical Fish available.
General Store
700 guns to pick from.
We also take trade-ins.
116 E. Church St.
641-753-8411 (BW)
For Sale: Yearling bulls, Red
Angus and Red Angus & Charolais
cross. Many AI sired. Richard Berns 563-380-6060, Cory Miner 563380-4067 Postville, IA.
For Sale: The Grundy Center
Community School District has several surplus items for sale on a first
come first served basis (with reasonable offer): file cabinets, office
desks, school desks, chalk boards,
overhead projectors, exercise bikes,
large rolling TV stands, 4 wheeled
carts, plastic chairs, tables. For details, or to arrange a time to view
these items, please contact Kenny at
For Sale By Bid: The
Grundy Center Community School
District has several pieces of equipment available by sealed bid. 1. John
Deere x485 garden tractor with 613
engine hours and a 62” mower deck.
2. John Deere 54” snow blower
(came off John Deere 2520 tractor).
3. John Deere rotary broom (came
off John Deere 2520 tractor). 4. Erika bun roller. 5. Blakeslee model
CC20 mixer. The deadline to submit
sealed bids to the Superintendent’s
office (1301 12th St., Grundy Center IA. 50638) is Friday, May 1 at
12:00 p.m. (noon). The District has
the right to reject any or all bids. For
details, or to arrange a time to view
these items, please contact Kenny at
For Sale: ’99 Dyna Convertible Harley Davidson $5800. Call
FOR RENT: 1 BR units available
in Clear Lake. Rental assistance
and utility allowance available. Onsite laundry, no pets. 877-935-9340 This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Equal Housing
Opportunity. Handicap Accessible.
Help Wanted: Protein Transport truck driver, CDL-A Tanker
Endorsement. Pre-employment drug
testing. Home most nights. Call
(641)868-2049, ask for Dave.
in Grundy County is recruiting applicants to fill a temporary Program
Technician position with the Farm
Service Agency. This position requires strong human relations and
computer skills as well as a general
understanding of farming practices.
If interested in applying, contact the
Grundy County FSA Office at 319824-5416 or stop by the office at
805 W. 4th St, Grundy Center. The
deadline for filing an application is
April 30, 2015. USDA is an Equal
Opportunity Employer.
April 13, 2015
Mayor Hank Penner opened the regular meeting of the Liscomb City Council at 7:00 pm.
Roll call was answered by Jerry Gunderson,
Ted Gunderson, Jerry McDonald and Esther
Mosher. Dustin Brown was absent. Also present were: Darwin Bracy, maintenance; 2 residents, Lauren Mosher, Marshall County Deputy
Sheriff (arrived at 7:21 pm) and a member of
the press.
Motion to approve the agenda was made by J
Gunderson, seconded by T Gunderson. Motion
passed with a roll call of 4 ayes.
Motion to approve the minutes of March 9, 2015
council meeting was made by T Gunderson,
seconded by Mosher. Motion passed with a roll
call of 4 ayes.
Motion to approve financial report for March
2015 was made by T Gunderson, seconded
by McDonald. Motion passed with roll call of
4 ayes.
Motion to approve the bill listing of $19,432.90
was made by J Gunderson, seconded by T
Gunderson. Motion passed with a roll call of
4 ayes.
Bill listing was as follows:
Alliant Energy, electric.........................1,100.64
Marshall County Sheriff, fee................3,900.00
Borota, furnaces..................................6,400.00
MasterCard, supplies.............................342.67
Bracy, Darwin, payroll.............................164.30
Mid-America Publishing, publishing.......208.13
CIWA, water........................................2,346.75
Mid-Iowa Coop, fuel.................................80.91
Feld Fire, gloves.....................................555.26
Moler Sanitation, garbage........................65.00
Grimes, Buck, legal................................143.00
Prusha, Junior, fee...................................30.00
Heart of Iowa, phone..............................107.85
Region 6 Planning, dues........................135.45
IA Dept of Rev, withholding.....................135.00
Rhonda Guy, fee.....................................302.00
IPERS, withholding.................................259.76
Schendel Pest Control, spraying..............30.00
Janet Vry, cleaning...................................30.00
Schiebel, Kristi, payroll...........................793.10
Keystone Lab, lab.....................................11.00
Shomo-Madsen Ins, policy.....................775.00
Liscomb 1st Responders, class................30.00
United Benefit Society,dues......................21.25
Marshall County Landfill, dues...............602.00
US Treasury, withholding........................863.83
March 2015 Receipts........................14,454.98
Road Use Tax......................................1,681.59
Employee Benefits.....................................6.53
Local Option Sales Tax........................2,154.49
April 2015 Expenses.........................19,432.90
Road Use Tax...........................................40.23
Employee Benefits.....................................0.00
Local Option Sales Tax...............................0.00
Resident Concerns: Lauren Mosher requested
permission to continue care of the flowers at the
sign and to help plant buses at the cemetery.
The council agreed.
Old Business:
Ordinance 101 – An Ordinance Adopting the
“Code of Ordinances” of the City of Liscomb, IA
was read. Motion made by J Gunderson, seconded by McDonald to approve the first reading
of Ordinance 101. Motion carried with roll call
of 4 ayes.
Motion made by J Gunderson, seconded by
McDonald to waive the second reading of Ordinance 101. Motion carried with roll call of 4
Motion made by J Gunderson, seconded by McDonald to waive the third reading of Ordinance
101. Motion carried with roll call of 4 ayes.
Motion made by J Gunderson, seconded by
McDonald to adopt Ordinance 101 – An ordinance Adopting the “Code of Ordinances” of the
City of Liscomb, IA. Motion carried with roll call
of 4 ayes. Ordinance 101 will be effective the
date of publication.
Three persons were interested in the mowing
job for the summer of 2015. After discussion,
motion was made by Mosher, seconded by J
Gunderson to hire Ravenne Forbes to mow the
cemetery and parks at the rate of $10.00 per
hour. Motion carried with roll call of 4 ayes.
New Business:
Motion made by J Gunderson to approve the
liquor license application for Village Inn, seconded by McDonald. Motion carried by roll call
of 4 ayes.
No representative from Mid-Iowa Cooperative
was present to discuss the building project.
Discussion was had on vacating the alley that
goes through Mid-Iowa Cooperative. The council wishes that Mid-Iowa Cooperative’s attorney
draw up the paper work to be discussed at the
next council meeting.
Discussion was had on tree planting at the
cemetery by a donation from memorial money.
Mosher, Bracy and Chris McKibben are to make
the decision.
After reviewing the 2014-2015 budget amendment, the public hearing for the budget amendment is set for May 11, 2015 at 7:00 pm.
Bracy stated that he ordered a new fire hydrant
to replace one on State Street. No digging will
be needed to replace.
The fire department will be flushing the hydrants on the evening of May 5, 2015.
Committee Reports:
Fire Department – A new member has been
added to the department (Ben Olson).
Streets and Alleys –Nothing to report
Park & Rec. & Community Building – Nothing
to report.
General & Utilities – Nothing to report.
Sanitation – Nothing to report.
Public Safety – Nothing to report.
The council wished to thank the Liscomb Lively
Labors 4-h Club for their donation and the volunteer work that the club does around town.
Motion made by McDonald seconded by T
Gunderson to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm
Mayor: Hank Penner
Attested: Kristi Schiebel, City Clerk
April 13, 2015
The BCLUW Board of Education met in Regular Session on Monday, April 13, 2015 at 7:02
a.m. in the Media Center at the BCLUW High
School in Conrad. Present on a roll call vote
was: President: Shannan Callaway, Vice President: LJ Kopsa, Board Members: Matt Garber,
Eric Engle, Lynne Kock, Brian Feldpausch, Superintendent: Ben Petty, Board Secretary/Treasurer: Paula Benson, High School Principal:
Cari Teske, Athletic Director: John Schill, and a
member of the press. Board Member: Beth Neff
was absent.
AGENDA: Motion by Feldpausch, second by
Garber to approve the agenda as presented. All
ayes. Motion carried.
MINUTES: Motion by Kopsa, second by Feldpausch to approve the minutes of the March
6, 2105, March 10, 2015 and March 24, 2015
board meetings. All ayes. Motion carried.
FINANCIALS: Expenditures and revenues are
trending similar to last year at this time. Motion
by Garber, second by Engle to approve the financial reports and payment of invoices as presented. All ayes. Motion carried.
POSITIVE SHARING: High School Principal
The Record
Mrs. Teske’s positive sharing included the following: an April 1st assembly was presented
on the topic of human trafficking by “Wings of
Refuge” – a home in Iowa Falls where women
that have been exploited are supported. Students and staff are also collecting items to donate to the shelter. The show choir performed
for the nursing home residents at Oakview and
was very well received and the MOC Banquet
was held with the meal being prepared by Mrs.
Hammers and the students of the Comet Café.
Several local businesses were also invited to
attend. Middle School Principal Mr. Borgman’s
positive sharing included the following: Mrs.
Rhinehart took twelve 6th graders to compete
in the AEA Math Bee that had over 200 area
students participating. Students were quizzed
over a variety of mathematics concepts appropriate for their grade level and she also took six
students to compete in the Battle of the Books.
There were 35 teams and our group missed the
finals of the top 5 by 1 point. Mr. Pieper was
named Iowa Reading Association Teacher of
the Year. Mr. Pieper has made a tremendous
impact on reading instruction at BCLUW Middle
School and has been active at the state level
for the advancement of reading instruction. Elementary Principal Mr. Parker’s positive sharing included the following: The kindergarten
round-up for the upcoming 2015-16 school
year was hosted on April 10th with 50 students
signed up for the upcoming year and on April
1st the elementary hosted the NED Show. The
mission statement of the NED Show is: There
is a Champion in each one of us and the acronym stands for: Never Give up, Encourage Others, and Do Your Best. The show was interactive and allowed students to have fun learning
how to build positive character traits. At the 4th
grade level, our staff continues to implement
the Leader In Me/7 Habits Curriculum with the
high school student leadership group also working with the students on teamwork.
2013-2014 AUDIT: The District’s revenues totaled $8,519,315 for the year ended June 30,
2014, a 1.42% increase from the prior year. Expenses for district operations for the year ended June 30, 2014 totaled $7,898,876 a 1.89%
decrease from the prior year. Motion by Engle,
second by Kopsa to approve the 2013-14 audit.
All ayes. Motion carried.
2015-2016 BCLUW CALENDAR: August 24,
2015 will be the first day of school for the 201516 school year. Motion by Engle, second by
Feldpausch to approve the 2015-16 BCLUW
Calendar. All ayes. Motion carried.
2015-2016 BUDGET HEARING: The 2015-16
Budget Hearing was held at 7:15 a.m. with no
public comment.
APPROVAL OF 2015-2016 BUDGET: Motion
by Kopsa, second by Garber to approve the
2015-2016 budget estimate as presented with
a total taxation levy of approximately 13.29738
per $1000 valuation. All ayes. Motion carried.
The 2014-15 Budget Amendment Hearing was
held at 7:20 a.m. with no public comment.
AMENDMENT: Motion by Garber, second
by Engle to increase Non-Instructional from
$365,650 to $390,650 due to additional expenses and increase Other from $1,244,173 to
$1,900,000 due to building the bus garage and
starting on the wrestling room in the 2014-15
school year. All ayes. Motion carried.
Schill went over the summary of the 2013-2014
activities stating there was a positive balance at
year-end. The activity fund remains solvent and
he thanked the Board, Administrators and the
Sports Boosters for all of their support over the
last 29 years as a teacher and athletic director
for BCLUW. The Board thanked Mr. Schill for all
of his years of service to BCLUW.
like to change the registration process for the
2015-2016 school year. We will be sending out
packets of information to the youngest student
in each family with all of the registration information and families will have the option of registering and paying in advance. There will be
a shorter day in August held for those families
who don’t register in May. Motion by Kopsa,
Second by Feldpausch to increase book fees
to the following:
K-8th Grade Fees will increase from $55.00 to
9-12th Grade Fees will increase from $65.00 to
Technology and college course fees will remain
the same - $50.00 for technology and $30.00
for college course fee.
All ayes. Motion carried.
PERSONNEL: Motion by Feldpausch, second
by Garber to approve the following:
Offering a contract Jason Freeseman as the
Technology Coordinator effective 7/1/15.
Offering a contract to Tiffanie Nedderhoff as
an elementary 4th grade teacher effective the
2015-16 school year.
All ayes. Motion carried.
Motion by Engle, Second by Garber to approve
the master contract and the 2015-16 settlement with certified staff and award certified
staff teaching/coaching contracts with a 1.86%
Age Salary Schedule and Increase Base by
$133 – from $29,967 to $30,100 and allow
for movement of staff along step and lane advancements for 2015-16
The School District will pay the increase in single health insurance from $617.20 to $631.15
– an increase of $13.95/month
There was also some language cleaned up in
the Master Contract:
Article II, Section II –All new employees with no
teaching experience will be placed on Step One
of the salary schedule.
Article VI, Section I – The Board agrees to
make available the following insurance program
on the basis described in Section II, for full time
employees working 30 hours or more per week
during the school year.
Article VI, Section III – Employees, who elect
the District’s health and accidental insurance
coverage at any time after initial employment,
upon completion of all necessary application
forms, may enroll at the earliest date allowable
by the district’s insurance provider.
Article VI, Section IV – Remove the sentence
“The insurance agent will be present to answer
questions about such coverage”
Article XII, Section III – Replace Chapter I with
“Title” I
Add 18. Preschool
All Ayes. Motion carried.
approve a .20 per hour increase for all classified
staff with the exception of the regular route bus
drivers who will receive .40 per hour increase.
The contracts for Sue Stambaugh and Cami
Parker are pending with possible changes in
their duties for the 2015-16 school year. Administration will receive a 1.75% increase. All ayes.
Motion carried.
COMMENDATIONS: Motion by Feldpausch,
second by Kock to approve the following commendations:
1. NHS Inductees: Tatum Cacek, Ethan
Hoveland, Macy Kock, Mollee Patten, Elijah
Ralston, Clay Silver, Claire Stufflebeam, Amelia Tonner, Samantha Ubben, Haley Veldhouse
& Jenna Willett, Mrs. Vanderah & Mrs. Runge,
2. Middle School Variety Show: Mrs. Chris
Rhinehart, - Director
3. Dahlia Gardiner – Qualified and participated
in State Geography Bee, Mr. Curt Paugh
4. Coffee Concert: Mr. Bartling, Mr. Wilson &
Mrs. Willett, Directors, Mrs. Hammers & Comet
5. State Individual Speech Contest: Allison
Fisher for Spontaneous Speaking and Solo
Musical Theatre, Mrs. Dinsmore, Coach
6. Selected for IHSSA All State: Allison Fisher
7. Cast & Crew: Three One-Act Plays, “This Is
A Text”, “The Patient” & “Louder, I Can’t Hear
You” - Mrs. Jackie Stevens, Director
8. 5-12 Band Concert: Mr. David Bartling, Director
All ayes. Motion carried.
Engle, second by Garber to approve the following resolution:
The Board of Education of the BCLUW Community School District shall comply with the
requirement of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act to the best of its ability.
The Board of Education of the BCLUW Community School District delegates to the
Superintendent, including his/designee(s), to
establish time periods, govern the measurement and
tracking of employee hours, and/or otherwise
establish procedures implementing and in
accordance with Section 4980H. All ayes. Motion carried.
gave a brief legislative update –
Every school in the state is certifying their budget without knowing their allowable
growth for 2015-2016. Mr. Petty also said the
softball lights are in and look very nice –
the connections aren’t complete but the lights
went up very quickly, work has begun on
the wrestling room and we are looking at pricing
of auditorium seats and a sound system
upgrade to the auditorium.
NEXT MEETING: The next regular meeting
of the board will be held at 5:30 p.m. on May
18, 2015 at the High School Media Center in
ADJOURNMENT: Meeting was adjourned at
7:48 a.m.
Shannan Callaway, President
Paula Benson, Secretary/Treasurer
City of Liscomb Ordinance 101
A revised Code of Ordinance, Liscomb IA was
adopted by the City Council of the City of Liscomb, IA April 13, 2015. All changes to the
Code of Ordinance for Liscomb Iowa will be effective at this publication.
Kristi Schiebel
City Clerk
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