Get Your Warhawk Discount Card SEPTEMBER EVENTS

September 2012
Volume XIII - Issue II
Published monthly, eleven times per year
• FFA Open House
• Student & Staff Pictures
• see calendar, page 7 for details
Activities & Menu.................. 7
Athletic Director................. 2-3
Athletic Trainer..................... 3
Blood Drive.......................... 4
Board Minutes................... 5-6
Community Announcements.. 8
FFA...................................... 3
Jr-Sr High Principal................ 2
Lacona Library...................... 4
PIE Meeting.......................... 4
Get Your Warhawk
Discount Card
This summer our high school baseball and softball teams started selling Warhawk discount cards. They will save you money at many of our local businesses
and they don’t expire until June 30, 2013. The card, which costs $15, will pay for
itself in no time, when used at places like Burger King, Downey Tire and Main
Street Station. Below is a full listing, which appears on the back of the card.
To get your card, contact one of our coaches here at school, 641-466-3331 - Nate
Bauer at extension 244 and Zeb Birchette at extension 243. Proceeds from the sale
of the cards will support our baseball and softball programs. Thank you!
The WARREN PRIDE is a monthly
publication of the Southeast
Warren Community School District. Activities listed are subject
to change and may also be accessed via the online calendar at:
To receive or be removed from
newsletter delivery, contact:
LuAnn Ohnemus
641-466-3510 Ext. 228
Southeast Warren Comm. School
16331 Tyler St.
Liberty Center, IA 50145
Can Tab Collection
Again this year our 7th and 8th grade students are collecting can tabs in Mr.
Krull’s classroom. They are out to top last year’s total of 298 pounds. Proceeds go
to the Ronald McDonald House - help for families who not only have to deal with
the trauma of having a very sick child, but finding a place to stay while they are
hospitalized. We appreciate any contributions to this effort.
Delane Galvin, Principal/Superintendent
Hopefully everyone had a great summer and are ready to get back into the
school routine again.
Great job to all our summer custodians, who worked as a team to polish and
refurbish our buildings: Dennis Green,
Silas Andersen, Julene Ripperger, Candy Cronbaugh, Shannon Hommer, Karen Thompson and Barbara Gray. They
really had to sweat it out this year with
the extreme heat we endured.
Our school staff is dealing with many
new programs this year. The cooks have
put in many hours over the summer
learning the new guidelines and recipes
that are required by the Health, Hunger-Free Kids Act. It is being phased in
over several years, and changes are still
coming down from our Department of
Our student information system,
JMC, that we use to manage grades, attendance, transcripts, etc. has also been
upgraded to a web-based program rather than each building by itself. There
are bugs yet to be worked out with this;
Mrs. Ellingson and our office staff are
working through it as we go.
Our district professional development schedule for teachers follows pretty much the same plan as last year. This
is some of what our teaching staff will
work on during all those 1:30 dismissal
days, along with other training:
• Insructional Decision Making using the Response to Intervention (RTI)
process at all buildings.
• K-12 Curriculum collaboration
among all three buildings.
Jr-Sr High School
I do like to communicate to our JrSr High parents through weekly emails,
so if you have not submitted a current
email address, please call Connie in my
Teacher Lesson Plans: If you want
to keep up on what your child is doing
in class, or when their next test is, all
secondary teachers have teacher webpages that can be accessed through the
district website. On those websites,
teachers will be updating their lesson
plans weekly.
Online grades: In addition to the
teacher webpages, you can access your
child’s grades, attendance ect. via our
district website. This is a great way to
track your kids grades and double check
to make sure they are turning in their assignments. All you have to do is set up
a password, if you haven’t already done
so through our district website.
Come and support our football, volleyball, and cross-country teams, and I
hope to see you there. We’re off and
running for 2012-13. Its great to be a
The Southeast Warren Child Development
class is in need of newborn baby clothing, baby
blankets, 2 car seats, 2 carriers and other assorted
newborn items. We will be using these items for
demonstration in class and also with our “Baby
Think It Over” program. Please contact the high
school or Mrs. Heim for your donations.
Thank you!
Mr. Jones,
Athletic Director
State Honor: Congratulations to
Haley Seuferer for being selected to the
IGHSAU Class 1A 3rd team. Haley was
chosen at the utility position.
Notification: The Southeast Warren
School Board has established a policy
that prohibits pets from all school activities (indoor and outdoor). Anyone
bringing a pet to a game will be asked
to remove it from school property.
Athletic Physicals: We have had
some miscommunication or misunderstandings regarding sports physicals.
Physicals are good for one calendar
year with a 30 day grace period, this is
a state law not a school policy. Please
keep current on your athletes’ physical
dates and act accordingly. You may always contact the school nurse, Dianne
Chambers, if you have any question regarding the physical date. She keeps a
copy in her files.
Lines of Communication: When
dealing with your student/athletes,
please follow the proper channels.
1st: Talk with the coach.
2nd: Contact the Athletic Director
(641) 466-3331 ext. 114.
3rd: Contact Principal.
4th: Contact Superintendent.
5th: Arrange to be put on the school
board agenda.
Here are some things that can be discussed with the coach:
1. Concerns regarding your child’s
mental and physical health.
2. Ways to help your child improve
in their activity.
3. Concerns about your child’s behavior.
There are four issues that are not appropriate to discuss with the coach:
1. Team strategy
2. Play calling
3. Other student/athletes
4. Selection of players
continued, page 3
PAGE Athletic Booster Club
The booster club will be completing
some season ending items (baseball/
softball) during the fall months. Items
to be addressed:
1. filling low spots
2. grass recovery plan (FS)
3. construction and installation of
4. roof repair baseball dug outs
A reminder to all parents: once your
child enters junior high and is out for
a sport, you automatically become a
member of the booster club. There is no
fee. Your level of involvement is completely up to you. However, the booster
club board is always looking for anyone who can assist with any projects or
events that they sponsor.
Next meeting, September 12, 2012,
7:00 PM in Liberty Center. Please feel
free to attend.
Samantha Bough is our Athletic
Trainer this year.
A Certified Athletic Trainer is an allied health professional that is trained in
the prevention, recognition, immediate
care, treatment and rehabilitation of athletic injuries. She is here as a resource
for our athletes as well as our faculty
and staff that may have any questions
or concerns regarding their health and/
or sports performance.
Should student athletes have any
questions or concerns regarding healthcare please always feel free to use her
as a resource.
Founded in Chicago in 1989 by Randolph Frieser, Physical Therapist and
President, Accelerated has grown to
over 111 outpatient rehabilitation centers in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan
and Arizona, offering patients the most
technical rehabilitative care available
by therapists with decades of training
and experience. Accelerated Rehabilitation Centers is the premier provider of
physical rehabilitation services. We are
dedicated to our patients’ rapid and safe
return to work and recreation. Accelerated offers a hands-on, service-oriented
approach that our patients value.
The closest ARC clinic to SE Warren High School is located in Indianola,
IA, at 1709 N. Jefferson, Ste. 100, next
to Pizza Ranch.
Southeast Warren FFA
Ms. Bough will be at the
high school every Tuesday
from 8:00-9:00 a.m. to evaluate
injuries. Students should sign up
with Mr. Jones prior to that time.
This summer has been busy and full of learning experiences and some FFA members showing off their projects at the county
and state level.
June 18th our livestock judging team traveled to Iowa State in Ames for the state livestock judging contest. Members receiving silver were Waylon Balk, Garrett Butler, and Sawyer Steenhoek. On June 12th our officer team participated in Buckle
up or Eat Glass at the home softball/baseball games. The chapter adopted the highway east of Lacona to clean up twice a year.
We cleaned it in June and will do it again sometime this fall. A lot of members stepped up and helped at the prefair cleanup.
We also volunteered to pick up trash one night at the fair and we would like to say THANK YOU to all of the members who
The Southeast Warren FFA Alumni also helped us work the pork stand at the county fair. We would like to thank the alumni
for all of their hard work and generosity through the fair. Many FFA members exhibited at the County Fair including Breanna
Dennis, Skylar Kellis, Kaylee Miller, Tylor Thompson, and Jesse Tollett. We exhibited pigs, lambs and horses.
On August 6th the officer team went to Wesley Woods for our officer retreat. We had a lot of fun working together and
becoming a closer team.
Natelie Adams and Amy Williams were both grandstand ushers this year at the state fair and had a lot of fun! Waylon Balk
exhibited his tractor he restored, Bradley Byers exhibited dairy, and Kaylee Miller exhibited her lambs. A few of our members
also exhibited photography they included Waylon Balk, Christina Dittmer, and Kaylee Miller.
We would like to welcome any 7th grader who is interested in being a member or interested in the agriculture education program. As defined by the National FFA Organization, 7-12 students enrolled in an agricultural education course may join FFA.
We would also like to invite everyone to our Open House on September 9th from 5:30-7:30, all members, families, and
alumni members are welcome to come for supper and see all of the programs’ accomplishments. Please RSVP to Ms. Peppmeier or Peggy Williams by September 1st!!
The Southeast Warren FCCLA
will be sponsoring a community
blood drive on: Tuesday, October
9th in the high school gym from
8:00 AM – 1:00 PM.
Our area is in desperate need of
blood, please consider donating.
Contact any FCCLA member or
Kim Heim (641)466-3331 ext. 100
to make an appointment.
Walk-ins and first time donors are
always welcome!
Lacona Public Library
Saturday, Sept 1 kicks off the Story Time series for this school year. Meets from
10-1130am at the library.
Saturday, Sept 15 will be the first children’s movie of the school year, starting at
10 a.m. Come and be surprised!
Hereafter, Story Time will be the first Saturday of the month, and the movie on
the third Saturday of the month, for the rest of the school year.
E-Reader workshops: Saturday, Sept 22 and 29, at 10 a.m., will be free e-reader
workshops at Lacona Public Library. Bring your Nook, Kindle, or iPad, or your
interest in these, and learn more about free e-books and how to use the devices.
These workshops are for adults, teens, or older kids.
E-book survey: If you’ve not yet had a chance to sign our survey about interest in Lacona Library providing e-book borrowing through the WILBOR program,
please stop by the library, bank, post office, or c-store and sign the posted surveys.
We’ve had a HUGE positive response to the idea, and we welcome you to join the
crowd! If you have questions, contact Kate at the library.
Sept 24 at 5 p.m. is the monthly library board meeting. We are currently seeking
a new board member, if you are interested. The board meetings are open to the public and you are invited to come and see for yourself what’s new at Lacona Library.
Volunteers needed! We can use some older kid and adult help for various library
things, such as helping with the crafts and treats at Story Time, reshelving books,
dusting shelves, straightening out the movies, putting up new book displays and
decorating for holidays, and more. We desperately need a volunteer to tend to the
rosebushes in front of the library! If you have an hour or two to volunteer, contact
Kate and sign up! Volunteers put the “public” in public library!
Partners in Education
First meeting of the year
September 10th
6:30 p.m.
at the Primary School
Refreshments will be served
Southeast Warren Community School District
Regular Board Meeting
July 9, 2012
The Southeast Warren Board of Education met
in regular session July 9, 2012 in the ICN room
of the Junior/Senior High School building. Board
president Paul Mead called the meeting to order
at 5:30 p.m. The following board members were
present: Larrie Williams, Bruce Williams, Jennifer Mihalovich, and Ron Miller. Superintendent/
Secondary Principal Delane Galvin, Elementary
Principal Dan Dow, Transportation Director Joel
Mosher, and Board Secretary Julie Wilson were
also in attendance, along with members from the
AGENDA: Motion by Ron Miller, seconded by
Jennifer Mihalovich to approve the agenda.
Ayes: 5.
CONSENT AGENDA: The following items were
on the consent agenda:
1. June 11, 2012 minutes
2. Financial reports
3. Second reading of Board Policy 603.13, “Internet Safety Policy”
4. Second reading of Board Policy 803.1, “Purchasing & Bidding”
5. Second reading of Board Policy 103, “School
Mission Statement”
Motion by Larrie Williams, seconded by Ron
Miller to approve the items on the consent agenda. Ayes: 5.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT: Superintendent Galvin reported on the following items:
1. The concrete is done for the greenhouse.
We are now waiting on Capital City Greenhouse
to construct the greenhouse.
2. There are still a couple of punch list items left
to complete on the new HS gymnasium.
3. The softball team won their first round in regional playoffs and lost their second round.
4. Baseball district playoffs start tomorrow.
5. Interviews have been completed for Guidance, Spanish, Math, and Industrial Arts. We are
current interviewing for the preschool position.
6. We will probably have three people interested
in coaching volleyball this year. Some employees have gone ahead and signed the contracts
that were assigned. The JH Girls’ Track Coach,
HS Cheerleading Advisor, and Fall/Spring Play
Director positions are still open.
7. Student registration will be held on August
SALE OF SCHOOL BUS: Superintendent Galvin
recommended approving the sale of the school
bus to the Pleasantville Church of Christ for
PAGE $1,800. Motion by Bruce Williams, seconded
by Jennifer Mihalovich to approve the sale of the
school bus for $1,800 to the Pleasantville Church
of Christ. Ayes: 5.
TRAIL: President Mead announced the opening
of the public hearing. No written or oral objections were received concerning the proposed
conveyance of an easement to the Milo Lion’s
Club for purposes of a recreational trail. President Mead called the hearing to a close.
Superintendent Galvin recommended approving
the resolution for a conveyance of interest in real
property located in Milo to the Milo Lion’s Club.
Motion by Ron Miller, seconded by Larrie Williams to approve the resolution for a conveyance
of interest in real property. Ayes: 5.
PERSONNEL CHANGES: Superintendent Galvin recommended approving the resignations of
Nicholas Lindell, Guidance Counselor; Lindey
Krug, Language Arts Instructor; and Cindy Julian,
HS Cheerleading Advisor; and approving the appointments of Jennifer Miller, Summer School
Instructor; Kathy Taggart, Summer School Instructor and Special Education Extended Year
Instructor; Doris Gillespie, Daycare Cook; Sarah
Sealock, Language Arts Instructor, Assistant HS
Volleyball Coach, and Assistant Speech Coach;
Dan Krull, Head JH Girls’ Basketball Coach and
Golf Coach; John Burrell, Assistant JH Volleyball
Coach; Scott Dirkx, Head JH Softball Coach; and
approve the assignment modifications of Megan
Cooper from Preschool Instructor to 4th Grade
Instructor; and Megan Birchette from Co-Head
Speech Coach to Head Speech Coach. Motion
by Jennifer Mihalovich, seconded by Bruce Williams to approve the personnel changes as presented. Ayes: 4. Jennifer Mihalovich abstained
from voting.
related to the Board that half of the current bus
radios will not be able to be reprogrammed to
narrowband width to be in compliance with new
regulations and the current repeater is obsolete.
Joel recommended purchasing 10 new bus radios, a new repeater, and 4 portable radios at a
cost of $11,980.30 from Illowa Communications
in order to bring the radio system up to date and
into compliance. The Board discussed various
options for the location of the repeater. Joel will
also re-ask about the guarantee that the radios
will work in the Southeast Warren area. Motion
by Larrie Williams, seconded by Ron Miller to approve the bid from Illowa Communications in the
amount of $11,980.30 for bus radios. Ayes: 5.
The purchase will be paid for from PPEL funds.
GYM FLOOR: Superintendent Galvin related
to the Board that bids had been received to
refinish the HS gym floor. Superintendent Galvin recommended approving the low bid from
Glascock Floors in the amount of $12,245 plus
an additional $750 to white wash the floor area
between the 3 point line and lanes on both ends
for a total of $12,995. Motion by Jennifer Mihalovich, seconded by Ron Miller to approve the bid
from Glascock Floors in the amount of $12,995.
Ayes: 5.
GUIDANCE: Superintendent Galvin recommended continuing the sharing agreement with
Melcher-Dallas for guidance services for the
2012-2013 school year. Motion by Bruce Williams, seconded by Larrie Williams to approve
the sharing agreement with the Melcher-Dallas
School District for guidance. Ayes: 5.
STUDENT FEES FOR 2012-2013: Superintendent Galvin recommended approving the following student fees for 2012-2013:
Preschool, 3-year-olds:
• Remove 4 half-days option due to lack of
• Change 8 half-days per month fee from $40
to $45
Preschool, 4-year-olds: $0 tuition
Band Instrument Rental: $40
Book rent: $65 per student
• Change from $1.60 per day to $1.70 per day
for grades K-6
• Change from $1.70 per day to $1.80 per day
for grades 7-12
• Breakfast: $1.00 per day all grades
• Afternoon Milk (K-3): $31.50 per semester
Activity Year-Long Passes: Adult - $60, Student
- $50, Family - $150
Motion by Ron Miller, seconded by Jennifer Mihalovich to approve the student fees for the 20122013 school year. Aye: 5.
APPROVE CHANGES TO STUDENT HANDBOOKS: Superintendent Galvin recommended
approving the 2012-2013 student handbooks
with the revisions as noted. The Board discussed
the attendance piece as it pertains to character
activities in the Intermediate Student Handbook.
Administration will review the Character Activity
section of the handbook and bring back recommended changes to the August board meeting.
Motion by Larrie Williams, seconded by Bruce
Williams to approve the 2012-2013 student
handbooks. Ayes: 5.
continued, page 6
PAGE Board Minutes, cont’d
Superintendent Galvin recommended approving
the 2012-2013 staff handbooks. Motion by Ron
Miller, seconded by Larrie Williams to approve
the 2012-2013 staff handbooks. Aye: 5.
APPROVE STUDENT TEACHING AGREEMENT WITH SIMPSON COLLEGE: Superintendent Galvin recommended approving the Student Teaching Agreement with Simpson College.
The agreement allows student teachers to be
placed at Southeast Warren. Motion by Jennifer
Mihalovich, seconded by Ron Miller to approve
the Student Teaching Agreement with Simpson
College. Ayes: 5.
CONSIDER OPEN ENROLLMENT OUT APPLICATION: Superintendent Galvin related to the
Board that an open enrollment out application to
the Indianola School District had been received
for Brock Rodgers after the open enrollment
deadline of March 1st. Motion by Bruce Williams, seconded by Ron Miller not to approve the
open enrollment out application. Ayes: Bruce
Williams, Ron Miller, Jennifer Mihalovich, Paul
Mead. Nays: Larrie Williams. Motion passed
Board reviewed the list of 2012 IASB legislative
priorities and resolutions. Motion by Jennifer Mihalovich, seconded by Larrie Williams to renew
the same legislative action priorities as last year.
Ayes: 5. The top five legislative action priorities
selected are as follows:
1. Supports preserving the integrity of the statewide penny sales tax for school infrastructure, including the tax equity provisions of buying down
the highest additional levy rates to the state average. (1)
2. Supports continuation of sufficient incentives
and assistance to encourage sharing, reorganization or regional high schools to expand academic learning opportunities for students and to
improve student achievement. IASB supports
expansion of sharing incentives to include special education, curriculum and other critical administrative positions. The incentives must be
available to school districts regardless of the
location of the sharing partner(s). (7)
3. Supports setting allowable growth at a rate
that encourages continuous school improvement
and reflects actual cost increases experienced
by school districts and AEAs. Our priority is to increase and maintain the state cost per pupil and
the spending authority associated with it to build
a strong base for future education resources with
full state funding of the state’s share of the cost
per pupil. (11)
4. Supports the use of physical plant and equipment levy (PPEL) funds for the maintenance and
repair of equipment or infrastructure that can be
purchased or financed with PPEL funds. (19)
5. Support requirement that arbitrators first consider local conditions and ability to pay. After the
arbitrator determines the school district or AEA
has the ability to pay, the arbitrator should then
consider comparability. (29)
INCREASE OF CREDIT LIMIT ON VISA BUSINESS CARD: Superintendent Galvin recommended approving the Corporate Resolution and
increasing the limits on the Visa Business Cards
to $8,000. Motion by Jennifer Mihalovich, seconded by Bruce Williams to approve the Corporate Resolution and to increase the credit limit on
the VISA Business Cards to $8,000. Ayes: 5.
PLAN GOALS: This item was tabled until the
August board meeting.
President Paul Mead adjourned the meeting at
6:27 p.m.
Southeast Warren Menu & Activities
Activities & menus are subject to change. Refer to online information:
Open House
Labor Day
B: Bkfst wrap w/salsa
L: Chicken/pasta, fresh
brocc/caulifower, melon
5:00 CC @ Pekin
6:00 VB @ I-35
B: Sausg. sandwich
L: Pizza, potato wedges,
mixed veg., oranges
B: Cereal bar/yogurt
L: Pork rib, baked beans,
peaches, coleslaw, roll
4:00 JHVB (H) Mt.-St.M
4:45 CC @ Johnston
B: Eggs, sausage
L: BQ chicken sand., sw.
9:00 VB Tourn.
@ Chariton
B: Cereal, toast
L: Meatball sub, tri-taters,
carrots, apricots
5:30 School Board Mtg.
4:00 JHVB (H) Murray
5:00 CC @ Ballard
6:30 PIE Mtg. @ Primary
B: Cinnamon pastries
L: Popcorn chicken, gr.
beans, apples, cake
7:00 FB (H) English
9:00 VB Tourn.
@ Wayne
Debate Clinic
@ Ankeny
B: Bkfst. tacos
L: Meat/cheesebread, rice,
4:00 JHVB @ Mart.St.M.
6:00 VB @ Mart-St.M.
5:00 CC @ Nod Valley
5:30 VB (H) Melcher-Dal.
6:00 JVFB (H) Mart.-St.M
Oct. 1
B: Bkfst. pizza
L: Hot dog, baked beans,
fresh veg., pineapple
4:00 JHVB @ Wayne
5:00 CC @ LynnvilleSully
salad, carrots, oranges
B: Bacon/egg pizza
L: Spaghetti, salad, kiwi,
4:00 JHFB@ Mt.St.M.
4:00 JHVB (H) MelcherDallas
4:30 CC @ Clarke
6:00 VB (H) Wayne
B: Sausg. patty, muffin
L: Turkey gravy,potatoes,
peas, roll, mixed fruit
1:30 Dismissal
Teacher Inservice
7:00 Athl. Booster Mtg.
B: Bk. cheesy potatoes
L: Crispito, sw. potatoes,
pea pods, pears
B: Egg/ham/cheese bar
L: Sweet-sour chicken,
rice, broccoli, peaches
7:00 FB @ BGM
B: French toast sticks
L: Pizza, salad, grapes,
4:15 JHFB (H) P’ville
6:00 VB(H) Cent.Decatur
potato fries, banana, cake
6:00 VB (H) Pville
B: Bkfst. sandwich
L: Ham/cheese sandwich,
fries, fresh veg., strawberries
B: Waffles
L: Beefsteak, mash
potatoes, mixed veg.,
cinn. apples, roll
1:30 Dismissal
Teacher Inservice
8:30 VB Tourn
@ Indianola
B: Flapsticks
L: Chicken wrap, refried
B: Cereal, toast
L: French toast, eggs,
4:00 JHFB (H) Mt.St.M
4:00 JHVB (H) P’ville
5:00 CC @ PCM
7:00 FB @ LynnvilleSully
beans, bean/corn salad,
B: Bkfst. wrap/salsa
L: Chicken fajita, salad,
refried beans, carrots,
mixed fruit
Student Pictures
4:00 JHVB @ I-35
4:00 JHFB (H) Mt. Ayr
sausage, hashbrowns,
cauliflower, melon
B: Scramb. eggs/ham
L: BQ rib sandwich,
tater tots, veg.salad,
pineapple, cookie
7:00 FB @ Montezuma
9:00 VB Tourn.
@ Ankeny
Christian Acad
7:00 FB (H) Pville
Lunch Account Balance:
It is important that lunch account balances be maintained as a positive amount. Once an account reaches $5.00 the family/
student will be notified that the account is getting low. Negative balances of $10 for an individual account or $20 for a family
account will result in an alternate but approved meal being served to the student until the account balance is positive.
To access your lunch account and/or make deposits online, call the high school or email: You may
deposit any amount into your family/student account.
DAILY LUNCH PRICES: $1.70 (K-6) $1.80 (7-12) $.40 (Reduced) $2.70 (Adult)
DAILY BREAKFAST PRICES: $1.00 (K-12) $.30 (Reduced) $1.25 (Adult)
For folks seeking good
fellowship over food
Hungry folks to enjoy a good
meal at no cost
Wednesday, Sept. 26th
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Lacona Community Building
Annual Meeting
Board & Exec. Committee
Wed., Sept. 5th
7:00 p.m. at
Milo City Hall
Good Food • Good Fellowship
Everyone is Welcome
No Charge
Milo United Methodist
Annual Fall Supper
OCTOBER 6, 2012
5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
Milo Community Center
113 Main Street
Handicapped Accessible
More details in next month’s
Warren Pride
formerly Rudy’s Rendezvous
in Lacona
will be open late on home Friday football game nights
until 11:00 p.m.
Ag Ed &
FFA Open House
Sunday, September 9th
5:30 - 7:30 pm
Open to all FFA Families
and Alumni Members
The Southeast Warren Community School District will develop life-long learners and responsible citizens.
Southeast Warren Community School District
16331 Tyler Street
Liberty Center IA 50145
IIt is the policy of the Southeast Warren Community School District not to illegally discriminate on the basis of race, color,
gender, national origin, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identitiy, socioeconomic status or creed in its educational programs or employment practices. If you have questions or grievances related to this policy please contact the Equity
Coordinator, 16331 Tyler St., Liberty Center, IA, 50145.