March 22 - Kerrville Church of Christ

March 22, 2015
KCC Online Newsletter
Church Wide Easter Fellowship
Arms of Hope Campus, Medina
Sunday, March 29 (Noon - 3:00 PM)
Phone: 830-257-1900
Fax: 830-257-1907
Office Hours: Mon - Th 8 - 4
Friday 8 - 12 noon
1900 Loop 534
Kerrville, TX 78028
Coming Events
March 16-20
Kerrville ISD Spring Break
Ingram ISD Spring Break
March 22
Next Starting Point Class
March 29
Easter Egg Hunt & Fellowship
@ AOH Campus
Noon - 3 PM
April 11
Community Service Initiative
April 26
Golf Tournament
Schreiner Golf Course
KCC Family Picnic
6:00 PM
Last Week In Review
Sunday, March 15
Bible Class
AM Worship
Community Groups
* Meal at 12 Noon
* Easter Egg Hunt for kids (toddlers - 6th grade)
* Games for Preschool Children
* Kickball for Elementary Children
* Softball for Adults & Teens
We need to know you are coming so we can plan for the amount of food
to prepare! This is a KCC Family Event and all are invited!
* Sign up number in your family coming
* Sign up to bring food
* Sign up to help with games
Sunday, April 26
KCC Family Picnic
On the “Back 40”
6:00 PM
* KCC will furnish the Pizza
* You are invited to bring a
finger dessert to share
Sign up now in the Foyer!
Prayer Time with
the Shepherds*
You are invited to stop by
Every 2nd Wednesday from
6:00 - 6:25 PM
Shepherd’s Room
Next Meeting: April 8
* stop by, email, or phone in a
prayer request
April 11, 2015
Clean-up, Fix-up and Beautify
Kerr County
8 AM - Kick Off Breakfast
at Schreiner University Pavilion
The goal of this ministry is to use
volunteers to improve the living
conditions of low income and elderly
persons in our community who cannot
afford to provide for the upkeep of
their homes.
Larry Chandler will be leading a
team of volunteers from KCC. Save
the date! More information to
Family Notes
Ronny & Pat New celebrate their
50th Wedding Anniversary on March 27.
Kudos to KCC Students ~
Tivy Girls Basketball, District 27-5A
* Olivia Robertson, named MVP
* Frist team - Juliana Robertson
Tivy Football, District 27-5A
* Patrick Jimenez, Defensive Player of the Year
Tivy Academic all-district
* Olivia Robertson
* Juliana Robertson
Our Lady of the Hills Basketball, TAAPS 3A-5
* First team - Seth Elks
Tivy Junior Varsity
* Mackenzie Griffin
Tivy National Honor Society
* Devin Elks
* Taylor Fair
Beloved Church Family,
I received great news from my foot doctor
Tuesday! My foot is 99% healed and this new cast
should be my last. I go back in 2 weeks, when
he'll evaluate and schedule surgery to correct a
mal-healed bone that has caused the ulcer. I am
thrilled. Thank you for your prayers, cards and
phone calls. You have given me strength to bear
this burden. God is awesome, and so are you, my
family-in-Christ. Resa Webber
Jimmy Sportsman’s sermon on
Sunday, March 22 will be based
on Chapter Twenty-Five of “The
Story”, Jesus, the Son of God, pages
Prayer List
Jim Peck is in SPH Room 238. He is expected to
be at SPH several weeks for physical therapy.
Sandy Ford is in SPH Room 268 and welcomes
visits. She is not doing well and covets prayers.
Graham Birdsall’s heart ablation went well today.
Andy Burns is scheduled for surgery March 19 to
remove a chipped bone in his back.
Deloris Brown is having health problems.
Continue to Remember
Mel Austin; Jo Bennett; Zane Brand; Chuck &
LaDell Burnette; Richard Cole; Dona Drew; Willis
Henderson; Jean Honganen; Ronny New; Sheila
Peck; Kareene Taylor; Jimmy Thomas; Jerry
Thornton; Beryl Wright
Family & Friends
Courtney Childress has a court date April 6 and
covets prayers for a good outcome; Carrie
Woodard’s friend, Dilayala Chervera, for diabetes
complications; Dana Dunagan’s aunt, Nancy Ivy;
Ann Parish’s friend, Tanya Tucker; Eli Benson;
Tom & Raeanne Drew; Terry Wireman; Bob
Pearson; Arliss Herman; Law enforcement officers;
High School Seniors, for God’s guidance as they
make decisions about their future.
Ronnie Sullivan’s mother, Marguerite Sullivan, age
96, passed away Sunday, March 15 in Sacramento,
CA with congestive heart failure and pneumonia.
Linda Smith’s brother-in-law, Wayne Smith, passed
away March 15. Prayers of comfort for J.W. and the
Dear Church Family,
Thank you so very much for all of the sweet
cards, phone calls, texts and most of all for all of
your prayers during my time of illness. You will
never know how much it meant to me (& Pat) for
your thoughtfulness.
It’s at a time like this that a person can truly
realize what a special church family we are
fortunate to be a part of. God bless each and
every one of you, Ronny New