Those to Serve Wednesday Evening, October 8, 2014 Announcements ...............................................Steve Allen Lead Singing .................................................. Jim Maxwell First Prayer ....................................................... Brad Leslie Read Scripture .............................................. Tyson Hobbs Dismissal Prayer ........................................... Kane Howard Sunday Morning, October 12, 2014 Announcements ................................................Steve Allen Lead Singing ....................................................Rusty Hicks First Prayer ...................................................... Harry Shelly Read Scripture ...................................................... Ben Hall Preside at Table ................................................Gary Byers Serve Congregation ..................................... David Barkley Serve Congregation .......................................... Ronny Clift Serve Congregation ...................................... George Doss Serve Congregation ..................................... Gilbert Shelby Dismissal Prayer .......................................... Randy Bishop Greeters .............................................. Marion/Kathy Pulse Greeters ............................................... Carl/Peggy Gibson Nursery Attendant ..................................... Melinda Russell Sunday Evening, October 12, 2014 Announcements ................................................Steve Allen Lead Singing .....................................................Gary Byers First Prayer ............................................................ Gary Gill Read Scripture .................................................Carl Gibson Preside at Table ................................................Gary Byers Dismissal Prayer ............................................. Keith Nelms Coming Events The annual Spiritual Sword Lectureship, hosted by the Getwell church of Christ in Memphis, will be October 19-22. Check the lobby board for more information. Family Matters We extend our deepest sympathy to Randy Bishop and family in the passing of his father, Wayne Bishop. Gayle Hobbs is going to continue her chemo treatments after receiving good news that they are working! David Barkley is beginning chemo treatments again and is in need of all our prayers at this time. Ron Donaldson is in Jackson General recovering from his surgery, please keep him and his family in your prayers as he has a long road of rehab ahead of him. Edith Craft is at home and slowly improving after her surgery last week. Community Matters Thomas White, brother of George Doss, is back in the hospital and had a pace maker put in. Otis Bizzell is still undergoing rehab in Jackson and needs our prayers. Juanita Cox, mother of Jackie Cox, is back at Pine Meadows in Bolivar. Pat Kennedy had surgery this week and has requested our prayers. Rebecca Carter is now home from the hospital. Penny Sims has a mass on her brain and needs our prayers. Prayer List “Key Men” for October Sunday AM (Open) ...................................... David Barkley Sunday AM (Close) ........................................ Eddie Carter Sunday PM (Open) ................................... William Durham Sunday PM (Close) ............................................... Gary Gill Wednesday PM (Open) .............................Harold Burgess Wednesday PM (Close)........................... Ronny Cornelius Prepare Lord’s Supper ..................................... Ronny Clift Sandra Gordy, Paul Thompson, Melba Stewart, Sandi Brien, Max Betts, Rebecca Carter, Dale Wyman, Troy Sipes, Kenton Lancaster, Rhonda Jones, Benny Luker, Jimmy Vaughn, Juanita Cox and Dan Rodgers. Remember our service men & women in your prayers. Remember our missionaries in your prayers. Daily Bible Reading Schedule Sunday, Oct. 12…………………….........................Num. 3-4 Monday, Oct. 13 ................................................. 2 Chron. 1-4 Tuesday, Oct. 14 .............................................. 2 Kings 22-23 Wednesday, Oct. 15 ...........................................Isaiah 14-18 Thursday, Oct. 16 ................................................... Amos 5-9 Friday, Oct. 17 ...........................................................John 3-4 Saturday, Oct. 18 ......................................................... James Shut-ins Addie Sain, Bolivar Assisted Care Living, 631 Nuckolls Rd. Bolivar, TN 38008. Louise Doyle, Room C24, Pine Meadows HealthCare, 700 Nuckolls Rd., Bolivar, TN 38008. Dorothy Cornelius, Southern Oaks Assisted Living, 558 White Ave. Henderson, TN 38340. Pat Mills, 2965 Devonshire Cove,Germantown,TN 38139 Frances C. Johnson, McArthur Manor, 119 Bryan Ave., Ste. B-20, Manchester, TN 37355. Mary Davis, Rm. C-14, Pine Meadows Healthcare, 700 Nuckolls Rd., Bolivar, TN. 38008. Mary G. Bevill, McNairy County Healthcare Center, Hwy.64 Bypass, P.O Box 0349, Selmer, TN. 38375. Georgia Mae Yopp, Magnolia Manor Retirement Home, 242 Magnolia Ave., McKenzie, TN. 38201. Vadeen McKeown, Magnolia Manor Retirement Home, 242 Magnolia Ave., McKenzie, TN. 38201. Lillian Eason, Kennington Pointe, 6301 Village Grove Dr. #307, Memphis, TN 38115. Betty Hill, 2788 Hines Gin Rd.Selmer,TN 38375 Clarence George, 327 Kennedy Dr. Middleton TN 38052. Ruby McKeown, 2795 Kirby Whitten Pkwy. Apt. 321, Bartlett, TN 3813. JEFF’S JOTTINGS Monday’s for the Master will meet again October 13 at 6:30 pm for snacks and coffee and also a short devotional before making visits and sending cards at 7 pm. Our item of the week is whatever you can bring. We have used our pantry several times recently and it is running low. Our Q & A box is in the lobby, feel free to put your questions in any time. We answer them the fourth Sunday night each month. Our Young Adult Devotionals for the rest of 2014 are covered: BT & Lasha Hobbs- October. Cody & Molly Street- November. William & Janet Durham- December. WHAT MUST I DO TO BE SAVED? 1. Hear the Word of God-Romans 10:17. 2. Believe the Word of God-Mark 16:16. 3. Repent of sins- Acts 17:30-31. 4. Confess Christ- Romans 10:9-10. 5. Be Baptized to wash away sins -Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:20-21; Mark 16:16. 6. Live a Faithful Life- Revelation 2:10 By Love Serve One Another By Bobby Liddell "For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another" (Gal. 5:13). Christians have been called unto liberty (freedom, ASV) by hearing and obeying the gospel of Christ (John 8:32; 2 The. 2:14), and, by so doing, are free from the bondage of sin. This freedom begins when we make the deliberate determination to be free from the practice of sin by repentance, free from the guilt of sin by obedience in order to have our sins washed away (Acts 22:16), and free from the eternal consequences which would have resulted had we continued in sin (Rom. 6:23). Paul cautions Christians not to use their "freedom for an occasion to the flesh." Salvation in Christ does not give us the right to live as we choose, but does give us the right (and responsibility) to live as Christians (Rom. 6:16-18). Christians are free to serve. "By love serve one another.” A number of characteristics should manifest themselves in our lives because of our changed hearts. The first, love, signifies our benevolent and sacrificial love for one another. The second, willingness to serve, flows from the first. While love for one another tests the depth of our relationship in Christ, service tests its length. When one truly is ready and willing to serve his brothers, he will consider it an opportunity, not an irksome necessity, nor a tiresome drudgery. He will joyfully recall the Lord’s example as One who came not to be served, but to serve (Mat. 20:26-28). Let our service be to the glory of God (Mat. 5:16). Christians are free from selfishness. Love motivates mutual service. "What can you do to serve me?” springs from the lips of the selfish. It assaults the ears of the godly, and reverberates through the daily walk of life. It opens the door to the criticisms of the ungodly. We have allowed the world to teach us how to spell-and the world spells service as "serve us.” Not so with God's people who are freed from the deadly bondage of sin, in order to serve in the bonds of Christian love. Brethren will serve one another cheerfully and faithfully because they serve God cheerfully and faithfully. In what ways can we serve one another? We can seek the good of one another, serving with a sympathizing ear, a voice of admonition and exhortation, an uplifting hand, a watchful eye, a shoulder upon which to cry, a back ready to bear the burden, and feet that will take both of us to where we need to go. We can speak the good of one another, serving by encouraging and praising, and by telling the truth, but not to our brother's hurt. Love looks for opportunities to serve and rejoices in serving. If the biblical principle of serving one another sounds foreign to us, the problem may well be a lack of loving. Love makes service meaningful, selfless, and enduring for the one serving, and requires neither praise, promise, nor payment from the one served. When we mirror the love of God in our love one for another, we will happily be in bondage to one another, and will "through love serve one another.”
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