First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) V o l u me 1 2 I s su e 1 0 Our Mission: O c t ob e r 2 0 1 4 To witness to the love of God, to serve from our doorsteps to the far corners of the world, and to provide true community for our members. Committees You May Not See Stewardship and Finance The goal of the Stewardship and Finance Committee is develop an understanding of the meaning of Christian stewardship within the membership and to direct the financial program of the Church. The committee is responsible for: Promoting stewardship education. Supervising preparation of the Church budget. Keeping accurate financial records. Nominating The Nominating Committee is responsible for submitting nominations for the election of elders, deacons, junior deacons, trustees, and board officers. The nominations are submitted to the Church board during the October meeting. The committee then contacts the prospective list of nominees for acceptance or rejection of the proposed term of office. The names of the confirmed nominees are presented to the Church board during the November meeting. The names of the confirmed nominees are submitted to the congregation for final approval in December. Personnel The Personnel Committee is responsible for hiring and evaluating the performance of staff members other than the pastor. The committee: Develops and updates job descriptions for all staff positions. Posts job openings and evaluates applications, providing recommendations to the board for hiring. Develops and implements staff performance evaluations. If you feel that your talents fit in the areas served by these committees, contact the committee chairs and offer your service. Presented by Kathy Long, FCC Board Vice President Laugh Lines: There’s an old saying… (see following pages) Additional committees that support the work of the Church may not be as visible to members as those we have discussed earlier, but these committees perform essential functions for the Church. The Church Bell First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Page 2 A Nickel's Worth by Bill Nichols, Senior Minister Dear Church Family, ecky and I had a wonderful vacation last month on our cruise to Alaska and the days we spent in Seattle. I want to once again thank everyone who was involved in creating some fantastic worship services for the congregation to enjoy in our absence. Special thanks to Tim Scott and Vickie Sowers for speaking at the early services and to Gary Short and David Estes for speaking at the regular services. I also want to thank all of the elders who filled in for the various prayers and meditations that I normally do. It is truly a blessing to be able to go on vacation and know that all is taken care of in a great way while I’m gone. I hope that you have expressed your appreciation to all of those who were involved. “A penny saved is a penny that will sit around in a jar for five years.” @KEATINGTHOMAS B While we had a great time away, it is good to be back in Bolivar, and to see how things are coming together at our new home. By the time you get this newsletter, we should be pretty much moved into our Bolivar home. For the time being, we are going to be maintaining two homes and spending time at both, with the majority of our time in Bolivar. We have some things we want to do at our home in Walnut Grove to get it ready to put back on the market. First Christian Church is hosting the Area Assembly on Sunday afternoon, November 2nd beginning at 3:30 PM. The program plans are being finalized and will include a presentation by the staff of the new camping program at Lake Pomme de Terre and a discussion time concerning the direction that the Region is moving in its reorganization process. There will be special music by Tony Reynolds from Appleton City, and there is going to be a Camp Reunion going on in the basement with kids who attended Faith Adventures Camp. Once the program is complete, we will be serving dinner in the multi-purpose room. Registration for the Assembly is $25.00 for adults and includes dinner. The camp program downstairs is free. CWF News Nine ladies from our church attended the salad supper at the First Christian Church in El Dorado Springs on Monday, September 15th. We enjoyed a wonderful variety of salads and desserts and participated in a fun gift drawing for the visiting churches. After supper, we were blessed by Pam and Phil Morgan with song and testimony. The Morgans travel around the country sharing how God has blessed their lives after a tragic accident and continues to bless them every day. More CWF news on page 3 Construction on our new sound booth and the upgrades to our sound system as well as the installation of video monitors and cameras should be complete by Friday, October 10th. We will be providing training to anyone who has an interest in working in the sound booth running the sound, video cameras, and laptop. Watch for details concerning this training. We would like to have several people who are capable of running this on Sunday morning, and for special events such as weddings, funerals, seminars, and more. We are quickly approaching the end of the year, and with that the Holiday seasons. The choir is beginning work on the Christmas cantata, the youth and children will soon begin working on their Christmas program. Thanksgiving will be upon us before we know it, followed by advent and Christmas Eve Candlelight services. I hope that each of you will begin preparing, even now for all of these special activities and services by your regular worship at First Christian Church. I think it’s going to be a terrific three months ahead! Many Blessings in our Lord and Savior, Jesus! – Pastor Nichols Elder’s Training: We will be holding elders’ training on Wednesday, October 29th with dinner beginning at 5:30 PM and training session from 6 – 7 PM. The dinner is being prepared by Diane Miller and Vickie Sowers. This training will be held at the church. Any elder who has a specific area that needs to be addressed in this training needs to contact Pastor Nichols with that request so he can prepare on that subject. Future elders’ training will be held on the 5th Wednesday, which should work out to about once each quarter. If you have any questions, please contact Diane Miller. CWF News, Continued from page 2 CWF News Festival of Sharing is coming up October 18, 2014 at the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia, MO. There are some things that can be done to prepare for this event and to lend support, for instance: Pick a project from one of the international organizations to support. Pray for wisdom on issues related to ending hunger and poverty. Make kits or packs; try to increase the number that were made last year. Donate $100 for the Beans and Rice funds. Invite a friend to come with you to the Quilt Auction. Pray for a successful year. For more information, check out to learn of other ways to help this annual event. “I think the expression ‘It’s a small world’ is really a euphemism for ‘I keep running into people I con’t stand.’” BROCK COHEN A Nickel's Worth, Continued from page 2 The Church Bell First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 4 NEWS & ANNOUNCEMENTS LET’S GO ON A FUN AND INFORMATIVE DAY-TRIP! PASSAGES is a 30,000-square-foot interactive living history exhibit that chronicles the remarkable story behind the Bible. Springfield is the fifth U.S. city to host Passages, a family-friendly exhibition features more than 400 items from the Jewish, Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox faith traditions belonging to the Green Collection: one of the world's largest private collection of rare biblical texts and artifacts. “If you can’t beat them, arrange to have then beaten.” GEORGE CARLIN Highlights in the exhibit will include: First-century BC Dead Sea Scroll fragments First editions of the King James Bible Cuneiform tablets dating to the time of Abraham A first edition of the Rheims New Testament, the first Catholic English translation The original, handwritten manuscript of the biblically inspired Battle Hymn of the Republic A working replica of the Gutenberg printing press Holograms and video screens that re-enact historical scenes related to the Bible Sign up now for a group trip to visit PASSAGES, located at 3534 E. Sunshine, in Springfield, MO on Sunday, October 19th. We need 15 or more signed up to get the Group Rates: Adults: $11.95; Seniors (62+): $9.95; Military & College Students (with ID): $7.95; Youth (ages 6-17): $7.95. We can take the church van, leaving church at 1:30 PM, Sunday, October 19th. After viewing Passages, we will eat out. Watch for more information as the plan for the trip develops. Contact Rosie Meyer at 326-6678 for information. ELDERS SERVING SCHEDULE – OCTOBER 2014 COMMUNION October Serve Route 1 Serve Route 2 Serve In 5 12 19 26 Tony David Gary Tim Mike Diane Wayne Vickie Diane/Gary Wayne/Tim Tony/Mike John/David SHEPHERDS PLACE Devotion & Serving time is 5:00 PM Oct 6 & 9 - Diane Oct 13 & 16 - Tony Oct 20 & 23 - David Oct 27 & 30 - Tim If you are unable to serve on a scheduled date, please find a replacement. If the replacement is to serve 'in', please notify your scheduled serving partner of the change. T The Facebook page, Youth of First Christian Church Bolivar, is up and will be updated with information for the kids and their parents. The Facebook page should be complete sometime this month, but events and activities will be posted before the page is finished. We are working on a list of potential activities for the youth and children. If you have ideas for events or activities the youth and children could participate in, please let me know. As the details develop, a typed list will be made available for the youth and their parents. I am really excited to be back and working with the kids again. I wholeheartedly believe that God has big plans for the youth group this year. I can’t wait to see what His plans are. In Christ’s love, Vincent Nickell SUNDAY SCHOOL SENIOR MOMENTS In October, Adult Sunday School starts off with the Old Testament Book of Habakkuk. This book has a strange history. In the Bible, Habakkuk contains three chapters; however, when the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947, only two chapters were found. It appears that Chapter 3 was added after Habakkuk’s demise. This is not uncommon: take Isaiah, for example. It is believed at least three authors were involved. Little is known about Habakkuk except that he lived during the exile. We finish out the month with Job. Job is believed to have lived in Abrahamic times and was a Prince of Edom. Most everything about Job was passed on by word of mouth for generations before being written down. Come join us in Sunday School. These are good books to read and to learn from. Especially Job! Luke “Don’t cry over spilled milk. By this time tomorrow, it’ll be free yogurt.” STEPHEN COLBERT hree SBU students, Clayton Robrahn, Garrett Maxey, and Jalen Supancic are assisting me this year. They are a welcome addition to the youth program, helping me on Wednesday nights by leading small groups or leading the lesson. I have interviewed all three of these young men and believe that they will be a wonderful asset and help to me this year. The Church Bell First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) AUDIO BOOK REVIEW OF THE MONTH “1066” Narrated by Dr. Jennifer Paxton, Georgetown University “A watched pot never boils, bit it does get paranoid.” LESLEY WAKE This is the first of several new additions to your library. For the next six to 12 months, I will be reviewing audio/audio visual works. They will be in a CD, DVD or Cassette format. The first is a CD, and is six 30-minute episodes. Dr. Paxton tells us the story of the epic BATTLE OF HASTINGS, which was one of the most pivotal times in the history of the “English-Speaking People” (as styled by Winston Churchill). When William of Normandy won the battle of Hastings, the modern English language was born. Norman French and Old English were combined into the language we speak today. Never again was England conquered by an invasion. You can listen to the whole six lectures at one sitting, or do one a day or one a week. It comes with a booklet that lets you follow along. Take this audio home, or play it in your car CD player; just bring it back when you’re finished with it. Luke Religious Factoid: The term AD (Anno Domini - the year of our Lord) was first used in 525 by a Monk named Dionysius. BC (before Christ) wasn’t used until a Monk named Werner Rolevinck started using it in the 15th Century AD. LIBRARY LANGUE langue (läng, lä g) n. Language viewed as a system including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation of a particular community. On looking back over the past few years, it appears that our library is under utilized. In order to invigorate our usage, we are going to do a renovation over the next few months. The library will be open during the redo. If you want a book, just take it – no checkout will be necessary. In fact, no checkout will be necessary for any library format in the future. The emphasis will be changing from an all-book/magazine format to an audio/visual library. Of course, we will still have books and magazines. The magazine rack will be refreshed monthly. No books are going to be thrown away; rather, some will be put in storage. The new-book portion of the library will be by category and in alphabetical order by title - not author). This should make it easier if you know the title, or category, but not the author. More information will be forthcoming in later newsletters. LANGUE D’HEBREW – BERESHITH (IN THE BEGINNING) IS THE HEBREW WORD FOR THE FIRST BOOK OF THE TORAH. Luke E-Books for Sale Dear First Christian Church: We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your thoughtful gift. We have the great privilege of serving those who have been called to ministry and accept your gift on their behalf. – Rev. Ruth Chavez Wallace Vice President for Development Pension Fund of the Christian Church Dear First Christian Church: Many thanks for your most thoughtful contribution. It will be put to good use in our community. – For OACAC Staff ODDMENTS DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE CELL PHONE WEDDING? The ceremony was fantastic, but the reception was terrible. The World Wide Web is 25, which is why it can give advice on beating any video game, but had problems making sense of health care for a little while. @DANWILBUR WHAT LIES AT THE BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN AND TWITCHES? A nervous wreck. A tough thing about being a giraffe is knowing that once you put on a necklace, it’s there forever. O CTOBER B IRTH DAYS 1 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 7 10 11 11 11 12 12 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 21 23 23 25 25 25 29 30 31 Dana Caffey Sarah Gingerich Linda Williamson Luke Kinman Alyson Peter Doran Snodgrass Scott Cleland LeAnn Bridges Kaden Degraffenreid Joe Lovett Samuel Maas Cassie Scott John Robert Smith Becky Taylor Jean Vincent Keith Jordan Margaret Rains Danny Barker Harper Houk Dani Inglis Kay Oshel Bob Bennett Larry Jones Noel Henderson Leslie Shuler Ray Blankenship Jennifer Byrne Emily Wells Roger York Russell Peter John Fisk @ROLLDIGGITY O CTOBER A NNIVERSARIES CARES AND CONCERNS PRAYER LIST Jessie Beason, Les Brunk, Barbara Brunk, Leon Decker, Maxine Estes, Jacob Fabriano, Gordie Hartshorn, Pat Hood, Nick Maas, Mary Owen, Christina Parsons, Kay Snodgrass, Emily Wells, Beth Worth, Mindi Zumwalt, and the families of each, as well as the leaders of our country, and our service men & women. Let’s remember in our prayers those in rest homes, the homebound and those in need of special care: Claudine Bartshe (Homebound); Ray Blankenship (Veterans Home, Mt. Vernon); Delores Dickerson, Maxine Estes, Emily Hendrickson (& others displaced from Rose Park), Erma Kelsey, Nick Maas, & Irene Smith (Parkview); and Jessie Beason, Mary Noffzinger & Elaine Payne (Butterfield). 2 3 21 22 26 James & Kimberly Pruett Nicholas J. & Kathy Maas David & Revonda Scott Rachel & Bryan Bacon Bill & Regena Sullivan Need a ride to church? Call the Church Office 326-5304 “If truth is beauty, how come no one has their hair done in a library?” LILY TOMLIN THANK YOU Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid F i rst C h r ist ia n Ch u rch (Disc ipl es of Christ) PO Box 416 407 W Broadway Bolivar MO 65613 417.326.5304 Bolivar, MO Permit # 95 Alternative Worship 9:00 AM Sunday School 9:25 AM Worship Service 10:30 AM Neil Kinman, Secretary Address Service Requested Inside this issue: “Where there’s a will, there’s a relative.” RICKY GERVAIS Committees 1 Pastor’s Message 2-3 CWF News 3 News; Elder’s Serving Schedule 4 Youth News; Sunday School Sr. Moments 5 Book Review, Library News 6 Thank You; Cares & Concerns 7 Serving Schedule; Stats 8 Average Attendance: Greeters: North Side: South Side: Lay Leader: Diaconate: North Side Charley York Nancy Stephens Neil Kinman 40 South Side 10:30 AM Worship Charley York Nancy Stephens Don Sliffe Cheryl Sliffe Luke Kinman Neil Kinman Choir: Becky Nichols Prepare Communion: 9 AM Alternative Worship Revonda Scott 85 Adult Sunday School 12 Average Weekly Collection: $3,658.00 * Due to publishing deadlines, numbers for the last Sunday of the month are estimated.
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