Mar 2015 Newsletter Input - United Japanese Christian Church

The Focal Point
March 2015
Pastor’s Page
Dear Friends,
As I write this, rain is falling outside! A woman just walked by under a
big blue umbrella with her yellow lab enjoying the water. I cannot help
but exclaim, “Praise be to you, O God! You are so faithful!” This
morning during worship, we joined in the Evangelicals for Social
Action’s united effort of churches throughout our area to pray for rain
in our Valley, snow in our mountains, and for farmworkers and their
families who have felt the direct effects of this drought. God is good!
We have just entered into the holy season of Lent as we seek ways
to reconnect with God and realign our hearts with God’s. One way
we are seeking reconnection is through our Generosity Movement
sermons series, which kicked off at the beginning of February with
Rev. Debra Brady (our United Methodist District Superintendent). This
Movement connects us to ways in which to be more generous to God,
to our church, and to each other. So far, we have covered service
and outreach to our community and the unique gifts our JapaneseAmerican heritage offers to our community. Hope you can join us for
remaining installations of the series (Sunday mornings at 10:30am!):
March 1: Prayer
March 8: Presence
March 15: Gifts
(with special presentation by the Finance Committee
immediately following worship in the Sanctuary)
March 22: Service to UJCC
(with a special time to fill out and consecrate
Interest Forms on how to serve UJCC)
March 29 (Palm Sunday): Witness
April 5 (Easter): Wrap-Up Celebration
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Each week, we will be watching video testimonies from different
people in our congregation to hear how God has helped them
connect and brought light to these different themes in their faith
journeys. If you’d like to see or re-watch them, please visit the
UJCC website,, and check out the Generosity
Movement link!
In this time of Lent, may we be mindful of God’s generosity to us and
let Christ be a living example to us of abundance of heart and spirit.
Let it rain!
Lenten blessings,
Akiko Miyake-Stoner
Associate Pastor
Joys and Concerns: March 2015
[From Hope for Each Day by Billy Graham for February 18. “God
Takes the Burden:”]
As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear
Him. Psalm 103:13.
“As God’s children, we are His dependents. Dependent children
spend little time worrying . . . . Never forget: God is bigger than
your problems. Whatever worries press upon you today, put them
in God’s hands – and leave them there.” Leaving our burdens on
the Lord, we pray for these people and places and also put them
in God’s hands…
Elaine Omachi
Frances Kurushima
June Kishi
Roy Omi
Elaine Otomo
Harriet Isogawa
Marge Sanbongi
Yoshiko Baba
Foon Lau
Hisaye Naito
Paras Family
The people of Japan affected by the earthquake and tsunami of
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
We pray for concerns in our church community…
• For all who have health concerns, including Doug Pratt (Jolly
Peterson’s friend), Joanne (friend of Jeanette Nishimori), Stephanie
Sumi, Alan Zenimura (Fay Nakaguchi’s cousin’s son), Bill (friend of
Gene and Patiane Shimizu undergoing cancer treatment), Claire (friend
of Rev. Stephanie Doss), for Audrey Lupo (friend of Joy Asami and
member at sister church Grace UMC);
For all recovering from surgery, including Justina Lowe, Ted E. (Shirley
Arve’s friend in a car accident), Alvin Togo’s daughter;
For a client of Tammy Ramage who experienced a traumatic childhood
and whose wife just left her; we pray for her to experience God’s
unconditional love through supportive community, especially because
of being ostracized because of her sexual orientation;
For a 33 year old woman who is blind and cannot speak and has been
abused by her caregivers, we pray for God’s protection;
For all in transition, including Kirk Inouye as he tends to personal
matters after his resignation as UJCC’s Youth Director and for his
parents Rev. Keith and Viki;
For all on hospice care, including Harkie Honda (Larry Honda’s
mother), Kaye Takemoto, Ben Honda, Mabel Olsen (Michael Swezey’s
For those who grieve…
• For the loved ones of Tak Tsutsui, husband of Satoko, who passed
away Feb. 11;
• For Kim, a co-worker of Carol Yamashita, and her family on the
passing of her father;
• For the family and friends of Bill Sumi, father of Stephanie, who
passed away Feb. 9;
• For the families of Deah Barakat, Yusor Abu-Salha, and Razan AbuSalha the 3 Muslim students murdered in North Carolina;
• For the loved ones of Becky Yagyu, native of Sanger and Craig
Hasegawa’s aunt; her service will be at UJCC on March 21;
• For the family and friends of Miyako Sakazaki, George’s mother (friend
of Jack Coon) who passed away Feb. 4;
• For the loved ones of Narumi Yamaguchi, who passed away Jan. 22;
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
For concerns in our wider community and world…
• For all who experience trauma and fear due to war and violence;
For those who struggle with mental illness and those who care for
For those affected by storms and heavy winter in the East;
For peace in the world and understanding among all people;
For wise use of water in our state of CA and all farmers, crops, and
people affected by drought and fire;
For God’s goodness in our community…
• Gratitude that Bryce Swezey and his girlfriend were safe after a recent
car accident;
For answered prayers, including Medicare coming through for Alisa
Masada to receive much needed cataract surgery for both eyes;
For safe travels home for Bev Herron and Kobayashi san (and his
son’s wedding in Japan!);
For the wonderful ministry of Pastor Sab and Marion Masada and their
2 recent awards: the JACL Spirit of Education award and the HandsOn California Volunteer-of-the-Year Lifetime Achievement Award (there
were a record 128 nominations for exceptional volunteers from five
Valley counties—there were 10 winners (ranging from students,
businesses, service clubs, parent, youth, etc.). Pastor Sab and
Marion will be celebrated at a ceremony on April 15th, 11:30am to 1
PM in the Clovis Memorial Center.);
Thanksgiving for a successful Church Women United Scholarship
Luncheon, hosted by UJCC on Feb. 21 and all the labors of love of our
Continued prayers for our Youth Director and Senior Pastor Search
If we have made any errors, we apologize and would appreciate any
corrections! If you have any changes or additions to our list, please let Akiko
know (322-0701 or
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Moderators Corner
In this Lenten Season we are reminded of the precious gift from
God, His son Jesus Christ. Some of you may have pledged to refocus your lives to be more in line with Jesus by fasting (letting go
of something like that Starbucks cappuccino each morning),
service (serving others perhaps at Friends Care which is an
extension of Christ’s hand), or prayer (taking intentional time
talking to God or reading His word). Regardless of your choice,
living a life for Christ can provide us with direction, purpose, and
On Sunday, February 8th, Reverend Debra Brady (UMC-CVD District
Superintendent) provided the kick-off sermon of our series that
highlights the joys of giving. Thank you to Reverend Akiko who is
providing a continuation of messages throughout Lent that reflect
on the “Generosity Movement” at United Japanese Christian Church
as well as what our Membership Vows entail. There is a significant
message for each one of us. In addition, you have witnessed
personal testimonies by our UJCC family members during this
We wish to take this opportunity to thank all of our twenty-plus
program ministry leaders and committee members and all those
who support with their time, talents, and contributions. The
concerted efforts of many hands brings fruition to our church’s
mission….”to bring people to God through Jesus Christ and build
a vital community of service and love”.
Chris and Tracy
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Spring Cleanup Day
In preparation for Easter, we will clean up the church on
Sunday, March 22nd beginning at 9:00am. We will worship
together as usual at 10:30a m. Informal dress is the norm at
the UJCC, but on that day come in work clothes.
The windows will be relatively clean this year, so we will focus
on raking debris in the parking lot, garden and grounds . Men
and boys have the option of working with your usual toban
groups or working in the garden.
Here are the group leaders and toban assignments:
• Tobans A & G
o with leader Neil Campbell
o Paint portions of the hallway and sections
of classrooms.
• Tobans B &C
o with leader Randy Isogawa
o Clean the Kitchen.
• Tobans D, E & F
o with Leader Chad Stabebler
o Clean various doors and walls in the
What to bring: Bring a cleaning cloth and all-purpose spray
cleaner if you are assigned to clean doors and wall. The
church will have painting equipment.
Ernie Kazato will be directing work in the garden, parking lot
and grounds. If you volunteer for the garden, gloves, a rake,
hoe or loppers for branches would all be useful.
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Generosity Movement
Why do we give? Because we can!!! God gives to us in order for us
to multiply our talents, so don’t hide your light under a basket!!!
We are excited and encouraged as the UJCC Generosity Movement
gets underway and is gaining momentum (and members)! As we
continue to explore the many facets of Generosity please make a
note that on March 15 – the UJCC Finance Committee will share a
brief Financial Presentation & the 2015 Budget at the end of our
Worship Service. The Finance Committee will then be available in
the Social Hall following Worship to answer any questions. March 22
– the Sharing of Time & Talents form will be distributed highlighting
opportunities to get involved at UJCC & in our community.
Don’t forget to wear your UJCC Generosity (BRIGHT GREEN)
wristband and take a look at the UJCC website. (
We are overwhelmed at all we (UJCC) do and excited to think of
what we (UJCC) can still do. Please remember that Our Church needs
new ideas and involved members to help us reach our mission “to
bring people to God through Jesus Christ and build a vital
community of service and love.”
The UJCC Generosity Movement Team is:
Marcia Chung, Danny Eberly, Joyce Imai, Mel Imai , Stephanie Kaku,
Loretta Kato, Tracy Kiritani, Garrett Masterson, Kaye Migaki, Rev.
Akiko Miyake-Stoner, Laurie Muzyka, Mark Muzyka, Elaine Renge &
Chris Takeda.
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Community Care Team
Visit by Director of FIRM
Through the UJCC-FIRM (Fresno Interdenominational Refugee
Ministry), Zachary Darrah, Executive Director of FIRM, gave the
sermon for Worship on January 18, giving us a call to seek God’s
leading in our lives. He was presented with a framed crane by the
The Community Care Team welcomes anyone in our church
to help with any projects whenever you can help. For
example, for the food distribution below, just come out,
introduce yourself, ask someone and follow instructions.
Food Distribution @ Pinedale Community Fellowship
Friday, March 13, 2015 @ 8-10am
(7061 N San Pablo Ave, Pinedale, CA 93650)
You are invited to come help pack and distribute food boxes for our
friends in Pinedale. This is a service of the Community Food Bank.
We will be partnering with Good Neighbor Center, Inc., an
organization which supports the community of Pinedale through
relationships, mentoring, food, and clothing. For more information,
please contact Akiko (322-0701 or
Food Distribution @ Grace UMC
Tuesdays March 10 and 24 @ 2pm
(3362 E. Balch, Fresno, CA 93702)
This food distribution serves 160 families in Grace UMC’s
neighborhood and is a partnership with the Community Food Bank.
You are invited to help out every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. For more
information, please contact Akiko (322-0701 or
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Congregational Care:
The Lay Visitation Team led an Ash Wednesday service at Vintage
Gardens this past Feb. 18. What a meaningful way for us to begin the
Lenten season! We are grateful to Larry and Diane Honda for lending
us their PA system, to Lillian Garrigus for her beautiful piano music, to
Hiromi Somawang for the special bags of treats she prepared, and to
Joyce Dessert for preparing bags of pretzels to illustrate the sermon!
We will return again for an Easter service on Wednesday, April 8, 44:30pm. All are welcome to join us!
The next meeting for the Lay Visitation Team will be Thursday, April 23
@ 6:30. Thank you to Bea Tsutsui for hosting us! We will have a
potluck dinner and meet together. All are welcome! As always, if you
know someone who would like a visit, please let Akiko (322-0701 or know. Thank you!
UJCC Community Mission Garden - Season 3
It’s hard to believe that it’s Season 3 of the Church garden.
We’ve started to prep the land to ready it for this year’s planting.
Thank you to Robert Archuleta, Mel Imai, Randy Isogawa, Daryl
Osato, Ned Saiki and Jesus for their help planting and cutting
down the cover crop and spreading the fertilizer.
We’re planning to plant on Sunday, March 22nd (weather
permitting). The Sunday School children and youth will help with
the planting (thank you!).
If you would like to help with the Church garden in any
way, please let us know. Individuals and groups are welcome-we’ll need help with weeding and prior experience
needed! For further information, contact Gregg Saito at 298-6914
or email .
Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support. We look
forward to a mouth-watering, OISHII crop for the enjoyment of all!
Submitted by Susie Nakagawa and Gregg Saito
Garden Mentor
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Tom odachi S eniors G roup and Friends
O ngoing Activities
Fitness C lass – M onday’s 9:30-10:15 AM – Luvena Jacobsen,
W e’ll m eet every M onday in March -- join us when you can!
K nitting Circle: Tw o M onday’s in M arch - 10:30 AM
W e’ll m eet on the 2nd and 16th for knitting and fellowship.
G am e D ays: Tw o W ednesdays in M arch
W e’ll m eet on M arch 11th at 10 AM and again on M arch
25th at 1 PM . All are welcom e for dom inoes and
can’t beat it!
Past Event
February Visitations
W e thoroughly enjoyed our visits and our tim e together.
T hank you’s to our carpool drivers Jack C oon, Lillian G arrigus,
H elen Shirakawa and John T ateyam a; Joy Asam i (lunch
reservations); Fibber H irayam a (C arrington guide).
Future Events
“In the M ood" B ig B and M usical R evue
Friday, M arch 20th at 2 PM -Tow er Theatre
W e’ll carpool you to Fresno’s T ower T heatre for this
perform ance of “In T he Mood”. "IN T H E M O O D” is Am erica's
prem iere Big Band R evue, celebrating Am erica's G reatest
G eneration and the 1940's through song, swing dance and m usic
of G lenn Miller, T om m y D orsey, Artie Shaw, Benny G oodm an,
T he Andrews Sisters, Frank S inatra and m ore...with m usic
arrangem ents, costum es and choreography as authentic as it
gets! It's a sentim ental, rom antic, nostalgic, jazzy and patriotic
tribute to the Sw ing Era."
W e have pre-purchased a block of 32 seats at $25.00 per
ticket (group rate). A W aiting List is located in the fellow ship hall.
Save the Date
Fresno Chaffee Zoo Outing
Wednesday, April 22nd
We’ll spend a couple of hours at the Zoo, checking out the
new exhibits, and then we’ll have lunch together at a restaurant
TBA. Save the date--more information and a sign up form will be
located in the fellowship hall mid-March.
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Lent/Easter Calendar:
You are invited to participate in these special activities and services
during the season of Lent and Easter:
1st session of our Lenten Study: Thursday, Feb. 26. All sessions
will be at 6:30-8pm @ Marie Callendar’s (Cedar and Shaw) (We’re
reading Life of the Beloved: Spiritual Living In A Secular World, by Henri
Nouwen. All are welcome, even if you can’t make every session!
Please see Akiko for a book.)
2nd session of our Lenten Study: Thursday, Mar. 5;
3rd session of our Lenten Study: Thursday, Mar. 12;
4th session of our Lenten Study: Thursday, Mar. 19;
5th session of our Lenten Study: Thursday, Mar. 26;
Palm Sunday: Sunday, Mar. 29; 10:30am @ UJCC Sanctuary
6th session of our Lenten Study: Thursday, Apr. 2;
Good Friday Service: Fri, April 3; 7pm @ UJCC Sanctuary
Easter Sunday!: Sunday, April 5
Easter Breakfast (hosted by the UJCC Youth Groups) @ 9am (free will
Worship and Celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection @ 10:20am
Easter Egg Hunt (immediately following worship on the back lawn)
Hope to see you all there!
Easter Egg Donations
This year, the UJCC Youth will once again be coordinating the Easter
Egg Hunt! We would appreciate any donations of plastic eggs filled
with candy. (Please no real eggs or chocolate candies as the heat
doesn’t treat them kindly. Please bring your donated eggs to church by
Palm Sunday and place them in the High School Room (the last room
on the right in the Sunday School wing). You are also welcome to
make a monetary donation, checks made out to UJCC with “Sunday
School Easter Eggs” in the memo line. Thank you very much!
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Youth Ministries:
Even though we’ve said goodbye to Kirk Inouye and give thanks for his time
here with us as our Youth Director, we continue forward! We lift our
prayers for Kirk and for our youth ministries in this time of transition! We
give thanks to Maddy Hamada, Taryn Morita, Evan Yamashita, and Rana
Yamamura for their great leadership and creating continuity in our youth
programming and Sunday School!
Please Save The Dates!:
Saturday, March 14-Sunday, March 15: FISH Multi-Church Lock-In
Come fellowship and grow in faith with friends old and new from our
sister Japanese-American churches! Details to follow in your email!
Sunday, March 29: 5th Sunday Fundraiser (NINJAS, FROG, and FISH)
To raise funds for Camps and Mission Trip this summer, please
make a pot of soup and bring it to share with our congregation.
Free will donation will be collected.
Sunday, April 5: Easter Breakfast @ 9am (set-up time TBA)
Bring your casseroles and fruit as we celebrate the Risen Christ!
Free will donation will go towards Camps and Mission Trip.
Saturday, April 11-Sunday, April 12: Pre-Camp Lock-In (NINJAS and
Let’s get ready for Junior High Camp as we gather together in
fellowship and to learn what exciting and fun things await us at Camp
this summer!
Sunday, April 12: Sakura Matsuri
Let’s have fun together as we provide entertainment, a delicious
obento lunch, and a silent auction for our family and friends!
Proceeds will go towards Camps and Mission Trip.
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Sakura Matsuri
A springtime celebration of
children and youth!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
at United Japanese Christian Church
136 North Villa – Clovis (322-0701)
11:45 pm – 1:30 pm
11:45pm Welcome/Entertainment by UJCC Youths
12:15pm Lunch
1:15 pm Raffle Announcements
Menu: Chicken Teriyaki, Rice, Vegetables, Tsukemono and Dessert Bar
Proceeds from this fundraiser will help support youth group activities,
provide camp scholarships for Jr. High Camp, Asian Camp and Mission
Trips this summer! Thank You for your support ☺
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
by Jackson Yebisu
Hello from Troop 199,
On Wed. Jan. 28 th 15 scouts went to the MB2 Raceway in Sierra Vista
Mall. It was pretty cool that the cars could go up to 50 mph. Assistant
scoutmaster, Mr. Mark Kizior tried it out too. Aaron Reyes was the top
On Feb. 7 th, Shaun Alsing had his Eagle project. The project benefited
Sacred Heart Catholic Church. The project included sanding and
painting of railings and fencing around the church office. Scouts who
assisted Shaun were: Andres Rugama, Casey Hashimoto, David Ishihara,
Robbie Wong, Jackson Kuramoto, Jackson Yebisu, Conner Sing, Jordan
Nii, Darren Moriyama, Derek Sasaki, Stephen Ureta, Jason Simbre, Drew
Nishikawa, Ryan and Eric Kizior and leaders/parents: Mr. Ralph
Kuramoto(advisor/sponsor), Mr. Tom Wong, Mr. Mark Kizior, Mr.
Marlon Sing, Mr. Scott Nii, Mr. Martin Nishikawa, Mr. Art Sasaki, Mr.
Val Simbre, and Mr. Mike Moriyama.
Webelos II from Pack 199 and Pack 301 attended our troop meeting on
Feb. 11th. Troop 199 leaders and scouts demonstrated knot tying, fire
starting and Dutch oven cooking. The favorite activity for the Webelos
was fire starting.
On Sun. Feb. 15 th scouts Ryan Kizior, Robbie Wong, Evan Murai and
Jackson Yebisu (along with some of the girl scouts from Troop 305)
participated in the flag ceremony at the Fresno JACL/CCDC Annual
Installation Banquet and Day of Remembrance luncheon. We had the
opportunity to take a picture with Congressman Jim Costa. Thank you
to Mr. Tom Wong for heading this event and also for Mr. Mark Kizior’s
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
One Great Hour of Sharing:
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) unites us and reminds us that
we are one in Christ. Around the world and across the ages, we
are one. Through sharing our lives, prayers, and offerings, we are
one with all of God’s beloved children.
Our giving through One Great Hour of Sharing unites us with
Christians from Church World Service (the organization that also
sponsors CROP Walk) and 9 denominations, which include the
United Church of Christ (UCC) and the United Methodist Church
(UMC). Our giving as UJCC will be split equally between both
denominations. For the UCC, OGHS is our refugee, relief, and
development offering which transforms lives through health,
education, agricultural, and emergency relief initiatives in 138
countries. On the UMC side, we devote our OGHS offering to
providing administrative support for UMCOR (United Methodist
Committee on Relief) so all UMCOR donations go directly to relief,
not to administrative costs, in time of disaster and need.
Please give generously to support our brothers and sisters around
the world. You can use the enclosed envelope for your gift. Please
make your checks out to UJCC with “OGHS” in the memo line.
Thank you!
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
2/8/15 thru 2/22/15
M/M Kenichi Bunden: In Memory of Herky Urabe
Paulette Hiraoka: In Memory of Rev Mike Morizono
R/M Saburo Masada: In Memory of Rev Mike Morizono
Louise Nakaguchi: In Memory of Richard Nakaguchi
M/M Roy Sato: In Memory of Mary Unoura
M/M Tom Wong: In Memory of Richard & Ronald Nakaguchi
M/M Jack Coon: Alpha Omega Donation
Sally Naito Leeds: Lay Visitation Fund
M/M Roy Sato: Focal Point & Directory Donation
R/M Kay Sakaguchi: Christmas Offering
Austin Takeda: Christmas Offering
M/M Bryan Doss: Donation
Jane Gamble: Donation
M/M Eugene Shimizu: Donation
M/M Clarence Suzuki: Donation
Stephen Veglia/Rev Debra Brady: Donation
Robert Watts: Donation
M/M Dan Eberly
Louise Nakaguchi
M/M Hiro Isogawa
M/M Michael Swezey
Ken Takeuchi
Randy Isogawa
M/M Yukio Tani
R/M Saburo Masada
D/M Greg Matsubara
M/M Ron Uragami
M/M Robert Chung
June Ohara
M/M Dan Eberly
Janis Saiki
M/M David Hasegawa
M/M Gregg Saito
Toshi Sakai
Aric Hata
Hideo Sato
Ian Hata
Mary Tanaka (BF)
D/M Gordon Honda
D/M Ken Tsutsui
Mine Ikeda
M/M YukioTani
M/M Yo Katayama
M/M John Tateyama
Etsu Katsura
D/M WallaceYang
R/R Mas Kawashima
M/M Dick Mayeda
United Japanese Christian Church
The Focal Point
March 2015
Anna Aoki
Louise Nakaguchi
M/M Michael Baraldi
R D McCloskey
Linda Bellach
Rosie Okajima
M/M Dean Bergthold
M/M Gus Pendleton
D/M Glenn Ikawa
R/M Kay Sakaguchi (YLF)
Randy Isogawa
M/M Eugene Shimizu
Jack’s Butane Service
Helen Shirakawa
Tracy Kiritani
D/M Charles Smith
D/M Ken Kurokawa
M/M Michael Swezey
M/M Sat Kuwamoto
Ken Takeuchi
Lisle Funeral Home
M/M Nick Troiani
R/M Saburo Masada
M/M Steve Wilson
D/M Greg Matsubara
M/M Brian Wong
Linda Mayebo
M/M Tom Wong
M/M Hiro Isogawa
M/M Eugene Shimizu
R/M Saburo Masada
M/M Yukio Tani
R/M Kay Sakaguchi (YLF)
Susie Nakagawa
Lisle Funeral Home
R/M Saburo Masada
M/M Yukio Tani
M/M Bob Okazaki: Building Maintenance Fund
Lawrence Onitsuka
Carole Masumoto
Mae Matsunaga
M/M George Sakamoto
Mary Tanaka
Haruye Nagata
M/M Bob Okazaki
M/M Mike Yatabe
Tim Ikeda: In Memory of Tom Franzich
Fibber Hirayama
M/M Yukio Tani
M/M Bob Okazaki: VBS Scholarship Fund
Jane Shoji
M/M Yukio Tani
United Japanese Christian Church