The Focal Point 1 October 2014 Moderators Corner There are signs of Fall at UJCC..... as we witness Rally Sunday and the first day of Sunday School, the annual Craft Faire event on September 20th, and the Harvest Luncheon on October 19th. Thank you to all the committee chairpersons and volunteers for your organization, commitment, and devotion of time to these ministries. God continues to bless our church with leaders that share their gifts and talents. To Ernie Kazato and the Property Committee, we are grateful for your observation and efforts to ensure the maintenance of our church. Mark Muzyka and the Finance Committee, your knowledge and careful assessment of the financial position of UJCC is greatly valued. Our new SPRC co-chairpersons, Arlene Eberly and Jo Katayama, we thank you for quickly stepping into your new roles and addressing items of importance. During this transition time of ministry, we wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to Reverend Kathryn. “Thank you” does not seem sufficient for all you have given these past two years. You have not only shared your spiritual wisdom, but you led us on a journey to better understand our church and its family members, while also paying respect to those who preceded us. We are better equipped to identify our strengths and short-comings, recognizing our God-given gifts as you have encouraged us to trust the Holy Spirit with our destiny. Rather than goodbye, we say “until we meet again”. With Much Gratitude, Chris and Tracy SPRC Meeting The Staff-Parish Relations Committee (SPRC) is scheduled to meet October 1st, Wednesday at 6:30 PM. Members include: Arlene Eberly, Sheryl Elliott, Jody Juteau, Jo Katayama, Linda Mayebo, Gaylen Thelander and Paul Yamashita. United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 2 October 2014 Joys and Concerns “Come, Holy Spirit, pour out of the depths a ray of Your light — that light which enlightens our minds and strengthens our wills to pursue the light! Come, caretaker of the poor and the poor in spirit, whom You love to fill with the fullness of God. You are not only Giver of gifts, but Giver of Yourself, the supreme Gift — the Gift of the Creator and the Savior. Amen.” May this translation of Latin hymn “Veni Sancti Spiritus” guide us in praying for… Elaine Omachi Elaine Otomo Foon Lau Frances Kurushima Harriet Isogawa Hisaye Naito June Kishi Margaret Archuleta Marge Sanbongi Paras Family Roy Omi Steve Hirasuna Tak Tsutsui Yoshiko Baba The people of Japan affected by the earthquake and tsunami of 3/11/2011 We pray for concerns in our church community… • For all struggling with physical health concerns, including Dana Riley’s father, Hiram Hironaka (Jody Juteau’s father), and Kaye Takemoto; • For all experience difficult life struggles, including the friends of Maggie Pendleton; • For all receiving care for cancer, including Rev. John Forrest Douglas (young UCC pastor in Long Beach), and Lori (friend of Tiffany Reimer); • For those recovering from surgery, including Mike Yatabe; • For all on hospice care, including Rev. Mike Morizono and Tak Tsutsui; • For Charise Masada’s neighbors, Pat and Lisa, who lost everything when their apartment flooded at the end of August; • Traveling mercies for all, including Roberta Barton’s son and his girlfriend on their trip to Asia. For those who grieve… • For the loved ones of Danny Ohama who passed away September 6, husband of Kathleen, brother of Abe Ohama, Irene Domoto, Ruth Fujinaga, and Marilyn Hasegawa; United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point · · · · · · · · 3 October 2014 For the loved ones of Masashi Osato who passed away September 3, father of Daryl Osato; For Rev. Ken Iha and his family as they grieve the passing of his 2 sisters; For the family and friends of Setsu Hirasuna who passed away August 25; For the loved ones of Shirley Ihara who passed away August 25; For the loved ones of Miyo Kiba who passed away August 25, mother of Chris Morimoto; For those who grieve the passing of George Hiraga, uncle of Iris and brother of Kei, who passed away recently; For the family and friends of Chris Hall, relative of Mrs. Takao; For Darryl and Jen Dote and family as they grieve her miscarriage of Emiko Joy at the end of August. For concerns in our wider community and world… • For FIRM (Fresno Interdenominational Refugee Ministry) as they recover from a break-in and theft; • For adults who were wounded as children now seeking fullness of life; • For those affected by the landslides in Hiroshima City on August 19; • For peace in our world, including Iraq, Gaza, Egypt, and Ferguson, Missouri; • For those impacted by the earthquakes in Napa and Chile; • For wise use of water in our state of CA and all farmers, crops, and people affected by drought and fire. For God’s goodness in our community… • Gratitude for Dr. Helena Chang Chui and her research on dementia • For our youth as they reflected on their summer Camps and Mission Trip August 24 and as they begin a new school year; • For the life of Hahn Phan Tilley, Fresno Unified teacher who passed away last year, and for her legacy which continues in newly-opened Hahn Phan Tilley Elementary School; • Prayers for all churches, organizations, and pastors in transition, including Rev. Sophia DeWitt (and FIRM) and Rev. Stephanie BinghamDoss (and Tulare UCC). • Continued prayers for our Senior Pastor Search and Youth Director Search Committees. If we have made any errors, we apologize and would appreciate any corrections! If you have any changes or additions to our list, please let Akiko know (322-0701 or United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 4 October 2014 SENIOR PASTOR SEARCH COMMITTEE UPDATE Meetings of the Search Committee have become more frequent as we near the completion of the Local Church Profile, the document that prospective candidates for the Senior Pastor of the UJCC will be studying to apply for the position. We wish to thank you for your participation in filling out questionnaires and meeting with us in groups to answer key questions that are relevant to our church and how you feel about its mission. At the close of September, all results were tabulated and inputted into the Church Profile. The Committee will continue to complete the Church Profile in October and have the draft form ready for perusal by the congregation and leaders via online access and hard copies at the Church. We are diligently working towards our goal to complete the final Local Church Profile within the next several months. If you have any questions or comments about our process and what we are doing, please do not hesitate to talk to any of us on the Committee. We appreciate and seek your advice throughout this work in progress. Thank you for praying for God’s Spirit to give us wisdom and vision during this time. Committee Members: Jack Coon, Joyce Dessert, Macy Elliott, Lori Hamada, Kiyoko Nosker, Janelle Saito, June Sakaguchi, Vivian Takeuchi, Victor Takeda, Sean Uchima, David Wong Congregational Care The next meeting of the Lay Visitation Team will be Thursday, November 20 at 6:30pm. We are hoping to begin mini-trainings at each meeting on how to care for our elders spiritually and support them. If you have any suggestions on possible topics or issues, please contact Akiko ( or 322-0701). All are welcome to attend the meetings! Also, if you know of anyone who would appreciate a visit, or if you are interested in joining in visitations, please contact Akiko. Thank you! United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 5 October 2014 United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 6 October 2014 Community Care/ UJCC and BMU Family Mission Project UJCC Community Care Team is delighted to invite you to our 1st Annual Family Mission Project! With our sister church from The Bay, Berkeley Methodist United Church (BMU), we will work together to support another local sister church, Grace UMC! We are blessed to have this opportunity to work together and to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community. Here are the details: Saturday, October 25, 2014; 9:00am-4:00pm At Grace UMC (3362 E. Balch, Fresno) Our Mission Project This Fall, we have the opportunity to serve one of our sister churches, Grace UMC, together! Some of the ways we will serve: -preparing their building for use and partnership with other community groups by painting and cleaning; -sprucing up their landscape and tending to the grounds; -offering our cleaning and maintenance skills at Grace UMC’s sober living environment ministry, House of Grace For the kids! All ages are invited to be the hands and feet of Christ and serve! In addition to the opportunity to serve, the kids are invited to UJCC’s Halloween Carnival on Saturday; 3-5pm! Please bring your costumes! Meals Breakfast will be provided by Grace UMC before we begin work. Lunch will be provided by BMU Missions Committee and UJCC Community Care Team. Dinner will be provided (details TBA—if you are interested in helping, please contact Akiko. Thanks!). A freewill donation will be collected at each meal. Lodging UJCC families, we need your help! If you would be willing to host our friends from BMU Church on Friday and Saturday nights, we would be most appreciative! Besides a bed and a shower, please provide Sunday breakfast before church. Please contact Akiko ( or 322-0701) if you are able to help in this way. Thank you so much! United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 7 October 2014 To Sign Up All abilities and know-how are welcome and needed for this Mission Project! All are welcome! Please contact a member of the Community Care Team ( Al Juarez, Dr. Ken Kurokawa, Stan Morita, Fay Nakaguchi, Dana and Larry Riley, Akiko Miyake-Stoner) to sign up and if you have any questions! Many thanks! Food Distribution Reminders Friday, October 10, 2014 @ 8-10am @ Pinedale Community Fellowship (7061 N San Pablo Ave, Pinedale, CA 93650) You are invited to come help pack and distribute food boxes for our friends in Pinedale. This is a service of the Community Food Bank. We will be partnering with Good Neighbor Center, Inc., an organization which supports the community of Pinedale through relationships, mentoring, food, and clothing. For more information, please contact Akiko (322-0701 or Tuesdays October 14 and 28 @ 12-2:30pm @ Grace UMC (3362 E. Balch, Fresno, CA 93702) This food distribution serves 160 families in Grace UMC’s neighborhood and is a partnership with the Community Food Bank. You are invited to help out every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays. For more information, please contact Akiko (3220701 or Interested in Community Care? All are invited to our meetings; we gather once every two months. Next meeting will be Friday, December 5; 6-8pm. Please contact a Team member for more information or with questions. Thank you! Pinedale School Supplies’ Drive: Thank you! We have such a generous congregation with a caring heart! On behalf of Pinedale Elementary students and teachers, the Community Care Team wants to thank you all for the donations you brought in. Together, we collected 52 notebooks, 29 boxes of Kleenex, 44 boxes of crayons (both large and regular size), 68 dry erase markers, 158 glue sticks, 30 flash drives, 12 pencil boxes, and 48 pencils! Your donations will go a long way and make a difference for our friends at Pinedale Elementary! Thank you! United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 8 October 2014 Tomodachi Seniors Group and Friends Ongoing Activities Fitness Class – Monday’s 9:30-10:15 AM – Luvena Jacobsen, Instructor We’ll meet every Monday in October. We hope that you can take advantage of this great opportunity to keep yourself in good physical condition. Luvena is an awesome instructor! Knitting Circle: Two Mondays—October 6th and October 20th at 10:30 AM Come and knit with us—we share and teach our don’t be shy! We knitted, created and sold many of our creations at our Asian Craft Fair to benefit the Church. Game Days: Two Wednesdays this Month We’ll meet on October 15th at 10 AM and on October 29th at 1 PM. Feel free to join us for games and fellowship. Future Events We’re Back! We took a break in September and we’ll begin our Autumn (and beyond) activities. We invite everyone to join us (bring a friend!) when you can (you don’t even have to be a “senior”)—we welcome all! Wednesday, October 22nd at 10 AM Movie “42” and Lunch We’ll be watching the inspirational movie “42”, the 2013 biographical sports film about the racial integration of American professional baseball by player Jackie Robinson, who wore the jersey number 42 through his Major League career. The movie has received positive reviews; Jackie Robinson’s widow was involved in the production of the film and has praised the end result. Join us for the movie, followed by lunch and dessert. A sign up form is located in the Church fellowship hall or contact the Church office to sign up. Invite a friend! Wednesday, November 19th Lunch Outing and Thanksgiving Fellowship We’re planning to have lunch and fellowship to celebrate the season of Thanksgiving. Be on the lookout for more information as to where we’ll gather for lunch. United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 9 October 2014 Save the Date Annual Christmas Party and Luncheon Wednesday, December 10th CLOVIS – BIG DRY CREEK HISTORICAL SOCIETY MUSEUM EVENT AT CLOVIS MEMORIAL BUILDING FREEDOM ROOM, FIFTH & HUGHES 7:00 pm October 14, 2014 “Let’s Talk Clovis” Satoshi “Fibber” Hirayama Lake Sequoia Retreat Reunion Saturday, November 8 at 4:30pm at Aldergate UMC 4243 Manuela Ave, Palo Alto 94306 Informal, potluck, just for fun. Contact Brad Shirakawa 408-368-8587 or United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 10 October 2014 Children and Youth We’re excited that Sunday School is back into full swing! We give thanks for our Sunday School teachers, for their dedication, for their faithfulness, and for the ways they pass on the love of Christ to our children and youth: Pre-School/Kindergarten: Tina Chan, Cathy Emler, Jean Yang 1st and 2nd Grades: June Sakaguchi, Kathie Sakamoto, Bea Tsutsui 3rd and 4th Grades: Lisa Ervin, Lori Hamada, Melanie Sembritzki th 5 and 6th Grades: Michael Swezey, Mary-Kay Watkins and Becky Wong th 7 and 8th Grades: Maddy Hamada, Taryn Morita, Evan Yamashita, Rawb Yang 9th through 12th Grades: Maddy Hamada, Taryn Morita, Rana Yamamura, Evan Yamashita, Rawb Yang Substitute: Macy Elliott Sunday School Superintendents: Mary-Kay Watkins and Rana Yamamura This year’s curriculum is “Grow, Proclaim, Serve!” which covers the Bible over a three-year period as they kids learn about the wonders of God’s love. Presentation of Bibles On Rally Sunday, September 7, UJCC was honored to present these children their Bibles: Madison Chung Ezekiel Crowder Mariah Decker Jude Juarez Makenna Naoe Alex Nii Hannah Nii Mia Urabe Luke Wong October Upcoming Youth Events At A Glance (Check your email for details! If you’d like to be added to the email lists, please contact Akiko: or 322-0701. Thanks!) NINJAS (5th and 6th Grades): Halloween Party (date TBA) FISH (High School): Halloween Lock-In and trip to Hobb’s Grove: October 25 and 26 FROG and FISH, come help at the Harvest Meal on October 19 and Halloween Carnival on October 25! United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 11 October 2014 FRIENDS CARE October reminds us all of fall harvest of Halloween pumpkins, sweet potatoes, yams and those wonderful kabocha squash! Please mark your October calendar for our Friday, October 10th Friend’s Care delivery. Thank you Friend’s Care volunteers for your time and effort that makes our mission possible throughout the year. Thanks for Kitchen Donations Old Mother Hubbard would be envious of us as our cupboards are being filled with donations of supplies. Thanks to Tomoko Naito for her gift of luncheon plates and zip lock sandwich bags and to Jane Shoji for dessert plates. And Jack and Pearl Coon continue to supply us with hot and cold cups. Reminder to all who serve in the kitchen: Please do not fill more cups and plates than needed as it results in waste which we are trying to avoid. Thank you from your kitchen supply purchaser. American Legion Auxiliary Annual Luncheon & Boutique Saturday, October 25, 214 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM $10.00 Clovis Memorial Building 5th & Hughes Clovis, CA (Please see Mine Ikeda or Maggie Pendleton for tickets) Mochi Machines The UJCC Sunday School and Japanese School will host a mochitsuki for the kids on Saturday, November 8. If anyone has a mochi machine we could borrow for that one day, we would really appreciate it! We are looking for several to help make this event a success. If you or anyone you know has a mochi machine you are willing to loan us, please contact Akiko ( or 322-0701). Many thanks! United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 12 October 2014 Boy Scout Troop 199 Jack Inouye - Historian UJCC Luau On Saturday, August 16th, UJCC held their annual luau. Troop 199 was asked to help guide traffic and assist with parking. At the end of the event they escorted people to their cars and offered to carry their purchased items. Nine scouts volunteered that night. Eagle Project On August 23rd, Darren Moriyama completed his eagle project for the Fresno Dharma Center. Railroad ties were used to build a fence around the western edge of the FDC. This was made to prevent people from driving over the property line. Lots of heavy machinery were required for this massive project. Fourteen scouts (including some past Eagle Scouts) and 8 adults helped with the project, which took about 6 hours. Congratulations Darren on a job well done! United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 13 October 2014 World Communion Sunday Sunday, October 5 is designated as World Communion Sunday wherein Christians around the world of many denominations affirm their unity in the body of Christ by participating in the holy sacrament of Communion (also known as “The Lord’s Supper” and “The Eucharist”). For us at UJCC, a special offering is collected which seeks to offer resources and services on a more far-reaching national and global scale through our denominational ties (the United Methodist Church and the United Church of Christ). Please consider giving generously toward this special offering. For our United Methodist portion (50%), your World Communion Sunday donation will provide scholarships for US (racial and ethnic minority students) and international students on both undergraduate and graduate levels. The other 50% will go to support the general fund of the UCC Northern California Nevada Conference toward ministry and mission. Thank you for your support! UNITED JAPANESE CHRISTIAN CHURCH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 8/25/14 thru 9/21/14 SPECIAL OFFERINGS M/M Ronald Horii: In Memory of Kazuye Osaki Eujeanne Kawasaki: In Memory of Miyo Honda Amy Kiritani: In Memory of Bill Kashiwase Eiko Kunitake: In Memory of Kazuye Osaki D/D Michael Nakamura: In Memories of Don & Lena Nakamura M/M Daryl Osato: In Memory of Mas Osato M/M Jaime Visitacion: In Memory of Danny Ohama Robert Yasuhira: In memory of Yoshiko Yasuhira Brenda Nagata: In Celebration of the Birth of Grandson Zackary Kimra-Nagata Sally Nagata: Community Garden Fund M/M Bob Okazaki: Community Garden Fund M/M Yukio Tani: Thank You Donation Helen Fort: Donation Sara Hamilton: Donation D/M Kevin Nii: Donation United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 14 October 2014 IN MEMORY OF SETSU HIRASUNA Debra & Joyce Hiraoka M/M Hiroshi Inouye M/M Yo Katayama M/M Yukio Tani M/M Jaime Visitacion M/M Henry Yasuda IN MEMORY OF SHIRLEY IHARA Debra & Joyce Hiraoka Toshio Ihara Family R/M Saburo Masada M/M Dick Mayeda Tom Miyake Sally Nagata M/M Yukio Tani M/M John Tateyama M/M Jaime Visitacion Roberta Welk BUILDING FUND M/M Bob Okazaki: Building Maintenance Fund Donation BUILDING FUND PLEDGES Sally Nagata M/M Norman Ocampo FRIENDS CARE Fibber Hirayama M/M Hiroshi Inouye Tomoye Kitano M/M George Kiyomoto Kazuo Komoto M/M Robert Kooda Haruye Nagata Sally Nagata Hisako Nakamoto Lawrence Ontsuka Mary Tanaka United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 15 October 2014 HARVEST MEAL DONATION Joyce Kaufman Rev Akiko Miyake-Stoner M/M Michael Swezey TOMODACHI M/M Bob Okazaki M/M Leo Oliver M/M Gregg Saito: In Memory of Shirley Ihara WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP M/M Bob Okazaki: Rummage Sale Donation HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP M/M Scott Inoye YOUTH LEADER FUND M/M Dan Eberly M/M Scott Inouye Mae Morita M/M Bob Okazaki M/M Yukio Tani M/M Brian Wong United Japanese Christian Church The Focal Point 16 October 2014 United Japanese Christian Church
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