Vine - First United Methodist Church of Bolivar, TN

The Vine
November 2014
The Church in the Heart of Town, with the Town at Heart.
5th Annual
Saturday, November 1st
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Crafts, Handmade Gifts,
Baked Goods and MORE!
11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.
Silent Auction
11:00a.m. - 1:30p.m.
Methodist Men’s
Annual Stew
November 8th
Come buy a gallon of stew
beginning at 10:00 am on
November 8th for only $22.
Proceeds benefit our United
Methodist Men.
If you would like to donate items for
the stew, forms are available at the
church office.
Please have all
forms turned in by November 2nd,
and items at the church by
November 7th.
From the Pastor’s Heart
Beloved Church Family,
1-Patsy Myers
2-Libera Garrett
3-Kasey Lax
5- Sara Grantham
Charla Cooper
6– Mary Frances Eastham
7– Matthew McCrory
9-Sally Beth Watson
12-Marvin White
13–Will Wilhite
16-Allyson Raines
Barbara Nuckolls
17- Bobbie McBride
19- Billy Hammons
21– Brett Denton
Joyce Smith
24– Glynda Mitchell
Nelda Vaughn
25– Sam Baker
27-Angie Farris
Ethan Vickers
28– Anna Laura Bledsoe
1– Bobby & Patsy Myers
2- Duke & Anna Laura Bledsoe
7– Joe & Wanda Cole
Louis & Rachel Howell
12-Paul & Jackie Hickey
14– Joe & Sue Martin
17– Harold & Paula Wilhite
26- Keith & Lisa Raines
I want to start by saying thank-you for being such a
warm & loving church family. It has been such a joy to have
you walking with Matt & I through this pregnancy. We are
humbled by the amount of care and concern, prayers and
love that you have shown toward us. Matt and I are both so
very grateful.
The Baby Shower was absolutely wonderful! We are so
thankful for all the ways you have blessed our hearts, and our
home to welcome our son in the days ahead. We are so eager
to meet him & to introduce you to him as well!
I am writing this in mid-October knowing that
maternity leave will begin at some point in the days ahead,
but not sure exactly when it will be. When I first shared news
with you after worship on Mother’s Day that I was pregnant,
I made you a promise. I shared with you that I would leave
you in excellent hands while I was on leave.
There is a wonderful soul coming to walk with you in
this next season, one of our most notable retired clergy, Dr.
Paul Clayton. Dr. Clayton has an outstanding reputation as
a phenomenal preacher and a soulful pastor. I trust that you
will be richly blessed by his leadership and presence in my
Dr. Clayton began his ministry in 1954 serving as the
Associate Pastor of the Newbern circuit, and completed his
time in full-time ministry as the Senior Pastor of Jackson
First UMC. In between those appointments he also served
on staff at Whitehaven UMC, St. Luke’s UMC, Ridgely UMC,
Christ UMC, Forest Heights UMC, Colonial Park UMC and as
the District Superintendent of the Memphis Asbury District.
Dr. Clayton will not be in the office during the week,
but he will be assuming full leadership of worship, pastoral
care, and leadership of any funerals in my absence. His cell
phone number will be listed in the weekly bulletin, or you
can call the church office during the week and Dawn will
share any pastoral concerns and needs with him. I trust he
will be a source of comfort and guidance to you during this
time. If needed the lay leadership in our Congregational Care
Team may also assist in some hospital visits. I trust that you
will accept and love Dr. Clayton in the same way that you
love me.
Continued on page 3
Continuation from page 2
You will be in my heart and prayers while I am
recovering at home & spending time with our newborn
son. I look forward to returning to leadership as your
pastor at the completion of my leave. And to introducing
you to the one that we have prayed and waited for, and
who has absolutely captured our hearts!
May the Lord bless and keep you in this time,
Dr. Angela Harris
Please remember to set your clocks back
one hour Saturday night, November 2nd.
Daylight Saving Time ends at exactly 2:00
a.m. on November 2nd.
Prayer Breakfast
Sunday, November 2nd
On this Sunday we remember those of our church membership
who have gone to be with the Lord over the last year.
Those being remembered this year include:
Wanza Boswell, Lynda Bolyard Evans, Mitch Hamby,
Patty LeNoir, Bobbie Mayer, James Stevens, Jr.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
at 7:00 a.m.
Only $2.00
Breakfast of eggs, bacon, biscuits,
pancakes, grits, and more. Come join
us in the Life Center and start your
day off right!
There will be a time to lift the names of others who have passed
away this past year.
Reelfoot Toy Drive
We will collect toys for Reelfoot from
October 12th-November 16th.
bring your donations of unwrapped, new toys
to the church and leave in the designated box
located in the Hospitality Room. (In addition,
please leave any price tag attached to the
item; if a price tag is not included, please
mark the price on the package)
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Hands & Feet
United Methodist Men
November 10th at 6:30
Bring a dish and join us!
United Methodist Women
Monday, November 24th
at 6:30 p.m. in the Life Center.
Light refreshments will be served.
Food for Friends
We are always looking for those who can drive to
deliver meals on Saturdays. We are also asking for
donations to help supplement our meal costs. This
month we are asking for donations of:
Gallon cans tomato & tomato sauce
Memorials have been given to the Building Fund in:
†Memory of Lindsey Frost
By Stephen & Cathy Frost
†Memory of Mitch Hamby
By Stephen & Cathy Frost
†Memory of Barry Young
By Stephen & Cathy Frost
†Memory of Wanza Boswell
By Stephen & Cathy Frost
By Barbara Nuckolls
By Hardeman County Retired Teachers
By Rick & Dawn Cody
†Memory of Raymond Siler
By Stephen & Cathy Frost
†Memory of Everett Gilmer
By George & Rebecca Moore
By Sue Bryan
†Memory of Wayne Bishop
By Derald & Joyce Smith
†Memory of Chuck Duncan
By The Wesleyan Sunday School Class
The following memorials were given to benefit the Food
for Friends Ministry.
†Memory of Wayne Bishop
By Margaret Crawford
By Mary Frances Eastham
The children will be working on a
Christmas production. Please be on
the lookout for times and dates for
the practices.
We will also be decorating a parade float to be
in the Bolivar Christmas Parade. There will be a
work day to decorate the float and the parade is
set for Monday, December 8th at 6:00 p.m. so
mark your calendars for that night.
Please be on the lookout for dates and times of
upcoming events.
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Schedule for Service
November 2
Communion Steward: Joan Dewey
Communion Servers: Dave & Michelle Burrell,
Ellen McKinnon and Dr. Harris
Ushers: Gerald Shelton, Bob Vickers,
Bobby Myers, Harold Wilhite
Liturgist: Linda Johnson
Acolyte: George VanDyke
Greeters: Jean Searles and Andy Shelton
Prayer Chapel: Gerald Shelton
Safe Sanctuary: Larry Ross and Barbara Nuckolls
Bank Counters: Bonnie Vickers
November 9
Ushers: Mike Hubbard, Jeff Baker,
David Rhea, Jackie Hickey
Liturgist: Jake Hall
Acolyte: Kolby Lax
Greeters: Dave & Michelle Burrell
Prayer Chapel: Nubbin Ross
Safe Sanctuary: Gene & Charlotte Sipes
Bank Counters: Patsy Myers
November 16
Ushers: Andy Shelton, Jesse Hall,
Boyette Denton, Chris Zaller
Liturgist: Noah Cody
Acolyte: Macie Nuckolls
Greeters: Carol McPherson and Rick Cody
Prayer Chapel: Joanne Johnson
Safe Sanctuary: David Burrell and Marne Whitenton
Bank Counters: Bonnie Johnson
November 23
Ushers: Nubbin Ross, Jerry Wilhite, Rick Cody, Dave Burrell
Liturgist: Nancy Ross
Acolyte: Will Baker
Greeters: Emma Cody and Lisa Raines
Prayer Chapel: Bill Strope
Safe Sanctuary: Frank Wilhite and Carla Wilhite
Bank Counters: Kavon Pontius
The Building Debt is now at
Our average monthly budget
needs are $23,073
Our Giving for the past month:
Oct. 5-$8,363
Oct. 12-$4,411
Oct. 19-$26,163
Oct. 26-$2,069
November 30
Ushers: Peyton Shelton, Ross Mitchell,
Blake Denton, Jake Hall
Liturgist: Payton Rhea
Acolyte: Cole Vickers
Greeters: Joe VanDyke and Marne Whitenton
Prayer Chapel: Jeff Baker
Safe Sanctuary: Steve Luthe and Jesse Hall
Bank Counters: Kavon Pontius
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Our New Director of Youth Ministry!!
November 9th
@ 5:00 pm
The youth will be doing a food
scavenger hunt benefiting Loaves
& Fishes food bank.
Be prepared for the youth to
visit you on this night with food
that you would like to donate to
Loaves & Fishes. They will be
earning points depending on the
foods they collect with a prize for
the team with the most points at
the end of the night.
Some of the foods Loaves &
Fishes needs are:
canned foods (vegetables,
fruits, soups, sauces, etc.)
dried foods (cereals, oatmeal,
pastas, etc.)
Mixes (brownie, cake, pudding,
jello, etc.)
Peanut butter, jelly, rice,
canned meats.
Thank you for your support of
our youth and the Loaves & Fishes
food bank.
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Amanda Hartmann Westmoreland comes to
Bolivar FUMC by way of Vanderbilt Divinity
School (Go Dores!) where she graduated in May
'14 with the Master of Divinity degree. A
certified candidate for ordained ministry in the
Memphis Conference, Amanda is excited for this
opportunity to minister with the youth at Bolivar as she prepares for
commissioning and ordination. She met her husband Adam at
Lambuth University, where she studied Religion and English, and
where both graduated. Adam works for Youth Villages in Memphis,
where the couple hails from, and currently live with their dog Haddie.
Amanda considers herself a proud hometown girl, and loves Tigers
and Grizzlies basketball. She loves to read anything, but especially
good fiction and good theology, so she'll always have a recommendation for you (please ask!). Amanda and Adam couldn't be more excited
about joining FUMC Bolivar and the youth on this new part of their
journey and appreciate your prayers and support.
Amanda's Office Hours: Amanda will be in the Church office on
Sunday afternoons from 1:00 to 3:00 pm and Wednesdays from 10:00
am to 5:00 pm. If you need to speak with Amanda another time, feel
free to give her a call, send an email, or set up an appointment.
Youth Announcements
Sunday, Nov. 2nd: Youth and Parent Planning
Meeting and Potluck Lunch, following
worship. We will plan Bible studies and
activities for 2015. Bring a dish and a dream!
Wednesday Night Bible Study: We will continue to meet on
Wednesdays in the youth room for weekly lessons from 6:30 to
7:30 pm. We will meet Nov. 5th, 12th, 19th and Dec. 3rd, 10th &
17th. Bring a friend or two. Snacks will be provided.
A Different Kind of Christmas: Our Advent Study will be “A
Different Kind of Christmas” based on Mike Slaughter’s
book Christmas is Not Your Birthday. Come and be empowered to
live and give like Jesus as we learn to experience the Christmas
season with more peace and joy than any toy or gadget could
ever bring. See you on Wednesday!
Saturday, Nov. 22: Food Scavenger Hunt. More details to to
left! If you would like to chaperone or drive, please contact
Amanda at
A quick note from Amanda: Thank you all for your warm
welcome to the Bolivar FUMC Youth family! I have been blessed
by your kindness and generosity. I pray for your continued
support and prayers as we love and serve God together.
There will be a 10-week Discussion on
Escobedo-Frank. Many congregations are
looking for ways to be vital again.
Congregations increase programs and
budgets but continue to look back. The
Church needs to trust that God will
bring to life what God needs.
Beginning in November we will begin this series,
facilitated by Dawn Cody. Anyone or any class wishing
to participate for this 10 weeks, please come join us. If
you would like to purchase the book, they are $10.39,
and can be purchased through the church office.
There are only 55 shopping days left until Christmas
so now is the best time to sign up and donate to
your church as you shop!!!
Every store at is happy to pay a
percentage of the purchased amount as a donation
to the church. There are no additional charges for
either the ministry or the shopper. Make this your
first stop shop when it comes to online shopping.
UMCmarket has thousands of retailers that donate
money to the organization you choose. All you have
to do is go to and sign up.
Make sure to choose Bolivar First UMC in Tennessee as your organization and then shop!!
You can also download apps that will allow you to
know if a retailer is part of this program.
Page 7
Here’s what’s going on this month:
1st-10:00a.m.-3:00 UMW Holiday Extravaganza
2nd-12:00 Youth Potluck Lunch
4th-5:00 Girl Scouts
8th-Men’s Stew
9th-5:00 Youth Food Scavenger Hunt
10th-6:30 Methodist Men
13th-6:00 Boy Scouts
18th-7:00a.m. Prayer Breakfast
5:00 Girl Scouts
24th-6:30 UMW
The church offices will be closed
November 11th for Veterans Day and
November 26-27 in observation of the
Thanksgiving Holiday.
Keeping Us Connected
Bolivar First Methodist Church
218 W. Market St.
Bolivar, TN 38008
Phone: 731-658-5114
Fax: 731-658-9112
Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30-10:30
Sunday School: 10:45-11:45
Office hours:
Mon-Thurs 8:00am-3:00pm
(closed for lunch)
Regular weekly meetings & events
9:30am Sunday Morning Worship
10:45 am Sunday School
6:00 Channel 2 Broadcast
8:00 AA & Al-Anon Meeting
Wednesday 5:00 Choir
8:00 AA & Al-Anon Meeting
10:00 am Food for Friends
Pastor: Dr. Angela Harris
Director of Youth:
Amanda Hartmann Westmoreland
Office Administrator: Dawn Cody
Custodian: Emmett Bolyard
Nursery: Annie Brown
Pianist: Christy Wilhite
Lay Leadership:
Lay Leader: Carla Wilhite
Staff-Parish Relations Co-Chair: Joe McKinnon
Staff-Parish Relations Co-Chair: Debbie DeBerry
Finance Chair: Andy Shelton
Treasurer: Joe Cole
Information for the December issue
of “The Vine” needs to be turned into
the church office no later than:
November 18th
Trustees Chair: Duke Bledsoe
Administrative Council Chair: Joe VanDyke
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