The Vine

The Vine
July 2014
The Vine
October 2014
The Church in the Heart of Town, with the Town at Heart.
District Lay Speaking
Training Day
October 25, 2014
Susan Davidson, District
Director for Lay
Speaking Ministry, will be hosting a Lay Speaker
Training Day on Saturday, October 25th for
anyone wishing to become a certified Lay
Speaker. It will be held in the Margie Young Life
Center at Bolivar First UMC. The cost for the
session is $15 and covers the cost of the book
as well as lunch and a light breakfast.
Registration deadline is October 9th. If you
are interested in participating in this event
please contact the church office at
Hunters for the Hungry
10th Annual
Golf Tournament
Saturday, October 11th
8:00 Shotgun start
Cost $75.00 per person or
$300.00/team of four
Cart, Green Fee, Range balls,
Putting contest, Mulligan, Lunch and
On-Course Refreshments included!!
Great hole in one prizes.
Contact Larry Ross for more information.
Registration forms available at the church.
All proceeds to help provide
deer meat for the Loaves and Fishes
Food Ministry. Since the golf
tournament started they have provided
over 30,000 pounds of meet to hungry
families right here in Hardeman
County and over 1 million in the
state of Tennessee.
From the Pastor’s Heart
1–Dave Burrell
2-Bonnie Vickers
4-Gem Mitchell
Ellen McKinnon
5– Pete Watson
6– Olivia Johnson
Jean Searles
7– Reva Robinson
9– Rosemary Denton
Clay Mitchell
10– Hunter Denton
Norma Hurd
Mitch Ross
11– Will Garrett
Lisa Raines
Roberta Bryant
14– Wendy VanDyke
15– Barbara Mayfield
16– Will Sharp
17– Doug Robinson
Reid Nuckolls
19– Bill Bryant
20– Mark Pettigrew
24– Dawn Cody
Becky Ross
26– Ray Gilmer
Logan Foster
28– Johnny Fortune
Mason Ross
29-Rachel Howell
30– Todd Mayer
31– Joe VanDyke
9– Bill & Shirley Strope
12– Bill & Adele Garrett
15– Joe & Wendy VanDyke
21– Randall & Meryl Rice
23-Boyette & Melissa Denton
28– Jeff & Mandy Baker
Happy October to you! This month as a church family we will
be turning our attention to the spiritual discipline of stewardship – how
we use our life resources of time, talent, presence and financial gifts. It
is a check-up of sorts for us to look at how we are spending the days of
our life, and the means which we have been given, in accordance with
the teachings of Scripture, and the values that we profess to believe
with our words and choices.
Over the course of the next month I will be focusing the
teaching portion of our worship time together on the topic of
stewardship. I will be basing these messages in large part on Mike
Slaughter’s book Shiny Gods – Finding Freedom From Things That
Distract Us. Mike highlights four areas of focus in his book –
(1) Naming Our Idols, (2) Money, Work & Debt, (3) Be Faithful, Save &
Give, and (4) Heart Giving. You may want to purchase a copy of this
book and read along with Rev. Slaughter’s words of wisdom as we
journey together through this month.
I need to ask you to do a couple of things this month as we
process through this series. First, and most important – please join me
in praying for the present and the future of our church. Pray about the
places you are volunteering, and the level of financial commitment you
are at with our church. Consider where you are being called to advance
for the sake of the kingdom of God and the health of our church.
Secondly, take some time to examine your overall financial
commitment to the church, and your overall financial health. Look at
your overall spending, how does your level of commitment to the
church compare to your expenses in entertainment, sports and leisure,
and other spending? None of these items are bad, we just need to
ensure that we are honoring God, and God’s work, first with our life
and our means. What percentage of your income are you dedicating to
the Lord’s work in this corner of the kingdom?
I believe that Christians are called to the tithe – a minimum
annual giving of ten percent or greater of our annual income to the
Lord’s house and ministry. There are extreme times in our life when
we may not be able to live into this spiritual discipline, but for most of
us, most of the time, we can and should be honoring this discipline. If
you aren’t tithing, and after prayer you still do not feel that you can
faithfully give at this level, I encourage you to strive for the tithe and
increase your giving by a percentage point or more of your annual
income this year. I truly believe that God honors those that are faithful
to this discipline. If we are not faithful with what we are given, then why
should we be trusted with even greater blessings? I am reminded of
Luke 6:38 – “Give, and it will be given to you. A good portion –
packed down, firmly shaken, and overflowing – will fall into your
lap. The portion you give will determine the portion you receive in
Continued on page 3
Continuation from page 3
Lastly, pray about where you are being called to volunteer
across this next year. Forms will be sent to your home for you to
indicate where you are being led to volunteer in the year 2015.
You must sign-up each year for your volunteer areas as we do not
assume that you will carry over in any area. Seek the Lord’s
guidance as to where you are being led to offer the sweet and
precious gifts of your time and presence.
Commitment Sunday will be Sunday October 26th and
you are invited to bring your volunteer and financial commitment
cards to worship on this day. There will be a special time to
dedicate these for the year ahead, and to pray together over our
commitments in faith for 2015.
Grace & peace,
Dr. Angela Harris
Sunday, October 5th
at 3:00 p.m.
in the Margie Young
Prayer Breakfast
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
at 7:00 a.m.
Only $2.00
Breakfast of eggs, bacon, biscuits,
pancakes, grits, and more. Come join us
in the Life Center and start your day off
Life Center
This is a church-wide event
so everyone in the entire
church is invited, men this
means you too!!
Mark your calendars so you can come and celebrate
Baby Harris with us.
The Harris family is registered at
My Sister & Me, Walmart, Target and
Saturday, November 1st
10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Crafts, Handmade Gifts,
Baked Goods and MORE!
Methodist Men’s
Annual Stew
November 8th
11:00a.m. - 1:00p.m.
Silent Auction
11:00a.m. - 1:30p.m.
Come buy a gallon of stew
benefiting our
United Methodist Men
for only $20
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Hands & Feet
United Methodist Men
October 13th at 6:30
Bring a dish and join us!
United Methodist Women
Monday, October 27th
at 6:30 p.m. in the Life Center.
Light refreshments will be served.
Loaves & Fishes
Loaves & Fishes is a faith based food pantry
supported by and for service to the people of
Hardeman County.
Loaves & Fishes will meet at 6:30 on October 13th
Food for Friends
We are always looking for those who can drive to
deliver meals on Saturdays. We are also asking for
donations to help supplement our meal costs. This
month we are asking for donations of:
Dried pinto or northern beans
Memorials have been given to the Building Fund in:
†Memory of Louise Breeden
By Roy Watson
†Memory of Mitch Hamby
By Loyd & Doris Hight
†Memory of Zackery Seth Searles
By Jean Searles
†Memory of Wanza Boswell
By Wesleyan Sunday School class
By Frank & Christy Wilhite
By Derald & Joyce Smith
†Memory of Mike Mitchell
By Ruth Ann Mitchell
The following memorials were given to benefit the Food
for Friends Ministry.
†Memory of Louise Breeden
By Jerry & Carla Wilhite
By Margaret Crawford
By Ron & Becky Walters
By Bill & Carolyn Plummer
By Jim & Brenda Cupstial
By Glen & Suan Farris
By Mike & Madith Johnson
By Joe, Carol & Ellen McKinnon
†Memory of Mitch Hamby
By Joe, Carol & Ellen McKinnon
By Ruth Ann Mitchell
†Memory of Wanza Boswell
By Joe, Carol & Ellen McKinnon
†Memory of Barry Young
By Joe, Carol & Ellen McKinnon
Sermon Series
October 5th.
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October will be our stewardship month.
Dr. Harris will focus her teaching Sunday mornings on this great
series. Make sure to be here as we prepare our hearts and minds
to discern what gifts He is calling us to bring to His kingdom work.
Stewardship packets have been sent out and you should be receiving those soon. Please be in prayer for how God is calling you to
give of your time and gifts to His Church. Commitment Sunday is
set for October 26th, however, commitments may be turned in
anytime during the month.
Schedule for Service
October 5
Communion Steward: Jerry Wilhite
Communion Servers: Andy, LeAnne and Abby Shelton
and Dr. Harris
Ushers: Gerald Shelton, Gene Sipes,
Bobby Myers, Harold Wilhite
Liturgist: Boyette Denton
Acolyte: Tyler Rice
Greeters: Jerry & Carla Wilhite
Prayer Chapel: Bonnie Breeden
Safe Sanctuary: Christy Wilhite, Beth Fortune, Chris Zaller
Bank Counters: Bonnie Vickers
October 12
Ushers: Mike Hubbard, Jeff Baker,
Boyette Denton, Gregg Breeden
Liturgist: Joe McKinnon
Acolyte: Callie Nuckolls
Greeters: Bonnie Johnson and Colleen Hurt
Prayer Chapel: Charlotte Sipes
Safe Sanctuary: Paul & Jackie Hickey
Bank Counters: Patsy Myers (Oct. 14)
The Building Debt is now at
Our average monthly budget
needs are $23,073
Our Giving for the past month:
Sept. 7-$7,007
Sept. 14-$2,343
Sept. 21-$2,852
October 19
Ushers: Andy Shelton, Jesse Hall,
Joe McKinnon, Chris Zaller
Liturgist: Suzanne Rhea
Acolyte: Anderson Fortune
Greeters: Barbara Mayfield and Noah Cody
Prayer Chapel: Carol McKinnon
Safe Sanctuary: Mike Hubbard and Dianne Stevens
Bank Counters: Bonnie Johnson
October 26
Ushers: Nubbin Ross, Jerry Wilhite, Rick Cody, Steve Luthe
Liturgist: Janie Ross
Acolyte: Noah Cody
Greeters: Paul & Jackie Hickey
Prayer Chapel: Joe Martin
Safe Sanctuary: George & Glynda Mitchell
Bank Counters: Kavon Pontius
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October will be the wrap up for our fall
semester of Wednesday Night Live.
Brenda Polk will be preparing our meals
and the costs will remain at
Adult $7 Children $4 Family Max $20
Words are so inadequate to truly
express our appreciation for all of
the kindness and generosity that has
been shown to our family during my
illness. We have been overwhelmed
by the calls, visits, food, and
prayers. We are truly blessed to be
a part of such a loving, supportive
community. We also want to thank
all of you that helped to make
"YumYum Fun Day" such a success.
No doubt, countless hours of
planning and preparation were put
in and we are so humbled by that.
Thanks also to those that
participated or just stopped by to
say "hello". I enjoyed seeing each of
you. Again, we can never properly
thank anyone, and certainly not
everyone, that took part. Our hope
is that God will richly bless you all!
David Rhea
Suzanne. Payton, Dave and Chad
We will need people to serve each night and the sign up sheet is
available when you check in on Wednesday nights with Michelle
This months menus are:
Oct. 1-Parseman pasta, green beans, garlic toast, salad and dessert
Oct. 8-Chicken fried steak, glazed carrots, mashed potatoes, roll,
salad and dessert
Oct. 22– Taco soup, baked potato bar, salad bar and dessert
Oct. 29– Teriyaki chicken, rice pilaf, rolls, salad and dessert
Bible Study opportunities offered:
The adults will continue their study on the Psalms led by Dr. Harris.
The adults will alternate weeks in the sanctuary and the Life Center.
The youth will continue meeting with Jordan in the youth room.
Details are below.
The Kids will meet with Jordan at 6:15 for a time of music and then
gather downstairs. The children are being led by Dawn Cody, and
are learning how to be a child after God’s own heart. This has been
a great time for all the children so come and join us.
Gross, Weird, True is a study that looks at
some of the strange stories and
commands in the Bible. In October, once
Gross, Weird, and True is complete. Jordan
will be leading the youth through a
discipleship curriculum. Using various resources and other
curriculum, Jordan will be leading the youth through group
discussions on what discipleship really means. Be sure to be
there on Wednesday Night Live!
October 25th:
The District Speaking Conference
Dr. Angela and Jordan have been reminding you to take part of
this wonderful opportunity. If you are interested please let Dr.
Angela and Jordan know.
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October 26th:
Halloween Costume Mystery Dinner! @ 6:30
This month we will be enjoying another mystery dinner,
but during one of the year’s spookiest seasons! You will receive
in the mail an invitation with your specific character to act,
dress, and be for the entire night. We will have extra
characters for any visitors or friends you may want to invite.
There will be a 10-week Discussion on
Escobedo-Frank. Many congregations are
looking for ways to be vital again.
Congregations increase programs and
budgets but continue to look back. The
Church needs to trust that God will
bring to life what God needs.
Beginning in November we will begin this series, led by
Dawn Cody. Anyone or any class wishing to participate
for this 10 weeks, please come join us. If you would like
to purchase the book, they are $10.39, and can be
purchased through the church office.
There are only 85 shopping days left until Christmas
so now is the best time to sign up and donate to
your church as you shop!!!
Every store at is happy to pay a
percentage of the purchased amount as a donation
to the church. There are no additional charges for
either the ministry or the shopper. Make this your
first stop shop when it comes to online shopping.
UMCmarket has thousands of retailers that donate
money to the organization you choose. All you have
to do is go to and sign up.
Make sure to choose Bolivar First UMC in Tennessee as your organization and then shop!!
You can also download apps that will allow you to
know if a retailer is part of this program.
Page 7
Here’s what’s going on this month:
2nd-6:00 Boy Scouts
5th-3:00 Baby Shower
7th-5:30 Girl Scouts
11th-8:00a.m. Hunters for the Hungry Golf Tournament at the
Hardeman County Country Club
13th-6:30 Loaves & Fishes
6:30 United Methodist Men
16th-6:00 Boy Scouts
21st-7:00a.m. Prayer Breakfast
5:30 Girl Scouts
25th-9:00-3:00 District Lay Speaker Training
27th-6:30 UMW meeting
28th-6:00 Finance Meeting
30th-6:00 Boys Scouts
6:00 Administrative Council Meeting
Keeping Us Connected
Bolivar First Methodist Church
218 W. Market St.
Bolivar, TN 38008
Phone: 731-658-5114
Fax: 731-658-9112
Sunday Morning Worship: 9:30-10:30
Sunday School: 10:45-11:45
Office hours:
Mon-Thurs 8:00am-3:00pm
(closed for lunch)
Regular weekly meetings & events
9:30am Sunday Morning Worship
10:45 am Sunday School
6:00 Channel 2 Broadcast
3:00 Sewing Group
8:00 AA & Al-Anon Meeting
Wednesday 5:00 Choir
5:30 Fellowship Meal
6:30 Bible Study for all ages
8:00 AA & Al-Anon Meeting
10:00 am Food for Friends
Pastor: Dr. Angela Harris
Director of Music: Jordan Wells
Office Administrator: Dawn Cody
Custodian: Emmett Bolyard
Nursery: Annie Brown
Pianist: Christy Wilhite
Lay Leadership:
Lay Leader: Carla Wilhite
Staff-Parish Relations Co-Chair: Joe McKinnon
Staff-Parish Relations Co-Chair: Debbie DeBerry
Finance Chair: Andy Shelton
Treasurer: Joe Cole
Trustees Chair: Duke Bledsoe
Information for the November issue
of “The Vine” needs to be turned into
the church office no later than:
October 20th
Administrative Council Chair: Joe VanDyke
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