† POMPTON REFORMED CHURCH LIFE † Chancel Flowers are in memory of William Widdowson given by David and Erik Widdowson. Chancel Flowers - Each week our sanctuary is beautified by flowers up front, in loving memory or in honor of a loved one, or perhaps to celebrate a special occasion. If you'd like to schedule flowers for any Sunday, notify the church office. Standard cost is $36. Special requests, such as inclusion of roses, will be an additional cost. Schedule through the church office. 973-835-0541. Such an encouraging response to our call for nursery volunteers. We are covered for 5 of the next 8 Sundays. Sign-up list is posted by the kitchen. 2015 Offering Envelope boxes are in the Gathering Area. (No boxes for those who are doing online giving.) Winter Picnic – January 25th. Fellowship Committee will provide hot dogs and rolls and asks members to contribute salads (pasta, potato, macaroni, veggie), cole slaw, baked beans, hard boiled eggs or desserts. Please sign-up with Jo-Ann Sisco by January 18th at joanngiant@optimum.net or 973-896-8687. Deacons Hoagie and Salad Sale – place your Super Bowl orders throughout January. Orders will be available for pick up on Sunday, February 1. Orders forms are available at the church or through Jo-Ann Sisco @ joanngiant@optimum.net. Next Senior meeting is on Wednesday, January 14 at 12:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Please bring your lunch. Coffee and tea are provided. >> News from PRC's Worship Committee << Welcoming Teams: Worship Committee plans to enhance our Sunday welcome of all who gather for worship. We will have greeters stationed in the Gathering Area, and by all entrances to the church. All ages are welcome for this expanded ministry of hospitality. If interested, see a member of the Committee: Elaine Peacock, Elena Van Schaack, Eddie Van Schaack, Kay Bergin, Terry Terhune, or Chair Pat Gordon. >> Youth News << Friday, Jan 23rd - Sunday, Jan 25th, High School Winter Camp at Lake Champion. Don't forget to invite a friend to join you. Contact Mark Warner to pick up your permission slip today. ~ Other News ~ Toward the end of this month, long-time PRC member Anne Niven is moving to Florida with her husband Tom. The Niven's are having an estate sale January 16-18, from 9am – 4pm. Great items from great people at 132 Garden Road in Pompton Lakes. Our Food Pantry needs toiletries, deodorant, body wash, shampoo and tuna. We have plenty of pasta at the moment! Thank you for your support of this important mission. The Culinary School at Eva’s Village will host an Open House on Thursday, January 22, 2015 beginning promptly at 2:30pm. The Open House is for anyone who wants to learn more about Eva’s Culinary School and its efforts to provide adults with job training and placement in the food service industry. To reserve your space, please contact Kristina Micu, Student Services Coordinator, at (973) 523-6220 ext. 253or via email at Kristina.Micu@evasvillage.org. 1/11/15 Ladies, save this date: Saturday, April 18 at 9 am, the Annual Ladies’ Breakfast at The Brownstone in Paterson. The Holland Christian Home Foundation presents Janet Pfeiffer, an author & internationally known speaker. Bid at the Silent Auction, while enjoying a time of inspiration, good food and good company. Limited tickets available: $45. For table or individual ticket reservations, please call 973-427-4087. We are currently accepting donations for our silent auction. Weekly Offering Update – 2015 *Amount needed to meet the budget for the week of 1/04/2015 - $5,500. Actual amount received for the week - $5,363. Year to date budgeted amount - $5,500. Year to date actual amount - $5,363. Difference between YTD budgeted amount and actual YTD amount – ($137.) *Budgeted amount is based on the budget that was presented and approved in December of 2014. This budget is a guideline based on amounts pledged by each household, the prior year's spending, and projected spending for the coming year. † Last Week’s Prayer Requests † • • • • • • • • • Prayers for friend Alan’s mom with Alzheimers Prayers for Cindi Petrides – fell and fractured her kneecap; will have surgery this week Prayers for Valerie Petrides as she takes care of her sister Strength and healing for Ruth Thomas’ friend Rich with pneumonia Guidance to know when to speak, what to say and when to listen Prayers for a friend of Angie Mead’s scheduled for tests on her kidneys; prayers all goes well Joy for the Geniuk family for Caitlin’s birthday and their new puppy Continued prayers for Pete Geniuk – he fell yesterday; prayers also for Michele Geniuk Joy for Harry Bruderly’s 101st birthday today! Prayer is powerful! Thank you for upholding these requests in daily prayer. Prayers for many blessings upon PRC, family and friends in 2015! This Week at PRC Today Monday Tuesday 11:15 a.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday 12:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Thursday 7:30 p.m. 1/11/15 Outdoor Nativity display take-down Finance Committee Knitters Bell Choir rehearsal Seniors’ Luncheon Worship Committee Mission/Outreach Committee Chancel Choir rehearsal
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