Case Study 13 – Pregnancy [26-year-old] Dengue Clinical Management Acknowledgements This curriculum was developed with technical assistance from the University of Malaya Medical Centre. Materials were contributed by the Ministry of Health, Singapore, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the University of Malaya Medical Centre. 26-year-old, 67 kg (BW) G1P0 at 35 weeks, booked at 32 weeks, LMP: 29.6.05, EDD: 5.4.06 History Fever x 1 day Chills & rigors Frequency No body ache, headache, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting, bleeding Physical examination: BP:150/90 HR: 140/min Temp: 39.4°C PA: 34/52 gravid uterus, cephalic Others: unremarkable FBC: Hb HCT WBC Plt 9.4 0.29 13.8 238 Urine Protein 1+ Ketone 3+ WBC 35 RBC 24 Bacteria + Leucocyte esterase + Diagnosis: 1. Pregnancy-induced hypertension 2. Urinary tract infection Case study 13 - Pregnancy 2 of 13 PROGRESS Management IV ampicillin 1 gm qid IVD 2 pints NS + 3 pints D5% / 24hrs (104ml/hr) Day 2 Day 3, 01:00 Still febrile Temperature: 38.2°C Developed vomiting, poor appetite Blood pressure: 136/70 Pulse rate: 116/min Changed to IV cefuroxime 750mg tid Developed shortness of breath and desaturated to 86% on room air Repeated vomiting and cough since evening No abdominal pain Temperature: 38.6°C Blood pressure: 148/78 Pulse rate: 124/min Respiratory rate: 22 SaO2: 98% on 10L/min O2 RS: crepitations heard up to mid-zone mainly on the left side I/O: 4100ml/1500ml for Day 2 Case study 13 - Pregnancy 3 of 13 DAY 3: Medical review at 04:00 Mildly dehydrated Temperature: 38.8°C Blood pressure: 120/90 Pulse rate: 120 Respiratory rate: 36/min Tachypnoeic Mild bilateral pitting edema JVP not elevated RS: Crepitations over left lung No calf swelling Chest X-ray: Opacities over left mid-zone and lower zone ECG: sinus tachycardia, T inversion in lead III 1. What are the possible reasons to account for her desaturation? Pneumonia Pulmonary embolism Fluid overload 2. What investigations should be done? FBC Septic workout ABG D-dimer CXR ECG Spiral CT thorax ECHO Case study 13 - Pregnancy 4 of 13 PROGRESS ABG: PH PCO2 PO2 HCO3 BE SaO2 INR APTT TT D-Dimer Na K Urea Creat Uric acid 7.44 21 97 14 -8 97% Spiral CT scan: WhatNoisfilling the defect diagnosis? noted within the main pulmonary vessels and segmental branches Bilateral pleural effusion with atelectasis of the adjacent lung 1.1 Dengue haemorrhagic fever 54.4 2 3 3 Day 17.9 Fever 08:36 14:57 22:44 positive Thrombocytopenia HB 9.1 9.2 9.5 135 of leakage: Evidence HCT 0.29 0.28 0.30 3.3 pleural effusionWBC clinically and radiologically 12.5 8.2 8.8 1.8 HCT65has increasedPLT (from baseline 0.29 to 0.32) 198 146 126 269 Case study 13 - Pregnancy 4 15:17 10.4 0.32 10.7 99 5 of 13 DAY 5 03:55 Blood pressure: 170/110 Pulse rate: 96/min Nifedipine 10mg stat 14:30 Developed generalized maculopapular rash Fever settled Petechiae noted over right upper limb Blood pressure: 120/60 Pulse rate: 94/min Day 3 22:44 4 15:17 HB HCT WBC PLT TCO2 9.5 0.30 8.8 126 20.5 10.4 0.32 10.7 99 22.5 5 07:19 >48hrs 11.2 0.35 9.4 43 18.1 Dengue IgM & IgG: negative (D4) Management: 500ml NS infusion over 2 hours Maintenance: 4 pint NS/24hrs (83 ml/hr) Change to IVI ceftriaxone Case study 13 - Pregnancy 6 of 13 DISCUSSION 3. Does Why negative is there acute breathlessness during the febrile phase 1. dengue IgG/IgM results exclude the diagnosis dengue? ofofdengue infection on Day 4 of illness? NoVascular permeability gradually increases and usually reaches its peak during the critical phase of dengue; Dengue IgM becomes positiveplasma only from Day 5usually of illness. hence, clinically significant leakage will be observed during critical phase. However, largetest volumes oral fluid intake the coupled 2. What diagnostic can beofdone to confirm diagnosis with large volumes fluid during the of dengue infection in of theintravenous early phase? febrile phase could result in an excessive increase in Dengue NS-1 Ag hydrostatic pressure and aggravate intravascular plasma leakage with excessive fluid extravasated Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for dengue virus into the pulmonary interstitial space. Virus isolation Case study 13 - Pregnancy 7 of 13 DAY 5 21:45 Temperature: 37.2°C Blood pressure: 118/74 Pulse rate: 108/min Urine output: ~70ml/hr Increase IVD to 110ml/hr NS 23:30 Temperature: 37.0°C Blood pressure: 132/78 Pulse rate: 98/min CTG reduced variability Decision: Not to provoke delivery Avoid LSCS Increase IVD to 125ml/hr NS Transfuse 4 units platelet concentrate 4 5 5 5 15:17 07:19 19:38 HB 10.4 11.2 13.1 23:23 14.2 HCT 0.32 0.35 0.41 0.43 WBC 10.7 9.4 8.2 10.1 PLT 99 43 15 14 TCO2 22.5 18.1 14.9 16.6 Day What is the risk of delivery at this stage? Risk of bleeding is very high whether it is a spontaneous or LSCS delivery. Case study 13 - Pregnancy 8 of 13 DAY 6 08:30 Fetal bradycardia USS: No fetal heart beat Day 13:45 Blood pressure: 160/120 X 3 08:40 Nifedipine SR 20mg bd Hb Day HCT Blood pressure: 122/90 Pulse 106/min 15:30 rate: 500ml AfebrileNS over 1 hour + maintenance Blood pressure: 125ml/hr 140/110 NS Pulse rate: 120/min 11:20 Another 500ml NS bolus Continue maintenance 125ml/hr HCT: 0.46 NS Changepressure: antibiotics to Tazosin Blood 150/105 Pulse rate: 108/min 16:00 500ml NS infusion over 1 hour Transfer ICU for125ml/hr BIPAP Maintenance NS Referred to ICU 6 6 6 7 09:31 14:05 18:44 01:03 >96h 15.2 6 0.47 14:05 19.0 15.4 14 0.46 8.3 15.2 9 15.0 15.4 16.3 5 6 6 0.46 0.46 0.49 06:25 09:31 23:23 WBC 19.0 15.2 25.5 Hb 14.2 14.4 15.0 Plt 8 9 HCT 0.43 0.44 0.468 TCO2 15.1 12.8 WBC 10.1 10.9 19.0 Plt 14 15 8 TCO2 14.3 15.1 19:17 16.6 Blood pressure: 140/90 Pulse rate: 92/min Urine output: 40ml/hr Transfuse 4 units platelet concentrate Case study 13 - Pregnancy 9 of 13 DAY 7 08:00 HCT improving and stabilizing Still acidotic Bilirubin rising, WBC rising IUD Continue maintenance 09:45 6 units platelet transfusion 11:15 In established labour (os: 4cm) Alerted blood bank on blood/blood products 14:10 High flow mask Reduce fluid regime to 1L/24hrs 06:11 11:57 16:11 20:16 HB HCT 14.9 0.46 14.4 0.44 13.2 0.41 10.7 0.33 WBC 40.0 42 41.2 39.9 PLT TCO2 11 9.2 20 clot 28 13.2 Day 7 16:35 Contraction 3:10 lasting 30 seconds Membrane bulging Blood transfusion (4 units platelet + 2 units FFP with frusemide 10 mg bolus) IVI oxytocin Delivered at 17:30 No active bleeding post-delivery Case study 13 - Pregnancy 10 of 13 DAYS 8, 9 20:00 Febrile with chills and rigors Tachycardic 08:00 Deterioration in mental state, more HCT improved to 0.32 obtunded No focal neurological deficit WBC: 3.0 Plt: 30 Diagnosis: Became more depressed/ Transfusion reaction? withdrawn Sepsis? Intracranial bleed? Day Day 8 06:39 HB HB HCT HCT WBC WBC PLT TCO2PLT TCO2 10.6 0.32 3.0 30 21.5 8 13:07 20:11 9 20:11 06:30 9.8 6.0 0.30 0.18 27.6 34 34 6021.5 25.2 6.0 9.0 0.18 0.28 34 17.5 60 53 25.2 27.5 18:00 22:00 Excessive blood clots (PV loss ~400ml) Diagnosis: Eclampsia? Developed generalized tonic–clonic Transfusion of packed cells, FFP and platelets was planned seizure while preparing her for unitspacked packedcells cells transfusion FFPelective and platelets intubation were given promptly but3 not Change to IVI meropenem CT-scan: noinserted intracranial Cervagem PVbleed IV Mg sulfate bolus HB:oxytocin 6 bolus IV HCT: Plt: 0.18 60 Case study 13 - Pregnancy 11 of 13 DAY 10 Extubated Regained conscious level FBC continues to improve Discharged on Day 18 Case study 13 - Pregnancy 12 of 13 LEARNING POINTS Pregnancy may alter the course of dengue illness Clinical presentation can easily be confused with other illnesses Lower HCT level is seen at a later stage of pregnancy and may “mask” plasma leakage. Serial HCT therefore is more important to guide us on dengue disease progression. Intravenous fluid administration in a well-hydrated patient during the early phase of dengue could result in early onset of severe plasma leakage Dengue infection can potentially affect both the fetus as well as the mother Avoid LSCS or do not provoke labour during leaking phase if possible Case study 13 - Pregnancy 13 of 13
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