KTC/KCE Reunion Sample-sized Newsletter

Spring 2015
KTC/KCE Reunion
Sample-sized Newsletter
Hello and welcome to this pared down, sample-sized second edition of the
new look KTC/KCE Reunion Newsletter. The full newsletter has already
been sent out to all those former students and members of staff who have
paid their membership, so if you want to see more, don’t delay— complete
and return the enclosed membership form TODAY!!!
So far, all feedback on the first edition of the new look newsletter has been
positive, and I have been happy to receive several contributions for the
current edition. These include articles on life after “Kesters”, an obituary
from the sister of one of the earliest students at the college, and a
perspective from the spouse of a former student who has not only enjoyed
attending reunions, but has now been co-opted onto the organising team!
I am always keen to receive more articles, though, so if you have a
contribution, however large or small, please send it to me by e-mail or
post. It doesn’t matter whether contributions sent by post are typed or
hand-written. What is important is that this newsletter is the product of as
many people as possible. I look forward to hearing from you!
Sue Ellis (Jack, 1973-1977), Editor. Email ellis.sue@hotmail.co.uk.
1 Hamilton Close, Arnold, Nottingham NG5 8RP
Stop Press!!
Stoke Rochford Management has indicated to us that we may have the
"Old College" to ourselves for the whole Reunion Weekend of 17th-19th
June 2016 if we can guarantee at least 150 bookings. That is only 75
couples!! In order to achieve this, we need as many early bookings as
possible and I urge everyone to get behind this effort, complete and
return the booking form (enclosed with this newsletter) and persuade
others to do the same.
A word about membership from the Organising Team
We really hope that you will have been inspired by this “mini-newsletter” to
complete and return the membership form which is enclosed. The
membership fee of £15, which works out at only 56p per month, goes
towards covering the cost of organising reunions, as well as the printing
and distribution of newsletters, so we hope you will see it as money well
We would love it if these newsletters could enable the creation of a
community of “Old Kestonians”; a forum where old friends can be reunited,
memories of college life can be shared and news of what we have been up
to since those far off days reported. However, this can only be achieved
with the help and support of every “Old Kestonian” out there! At the
moment, we are aiming to produce two newsletters per year but, with your
help, it would be great to increase this to one newsletter per quarter. To do
this, two things need to happen:
More former students and staff need to become
More contributions of memories, articles, photographs,
etc. need to be submitted!
So, we urge you to join now, for the above reasons, but also because you
will need your membership number in order to book for the next reunion!
The Jane Hallé Appeal
The Jane Hallé appeal officially starts today with the publication of this
Newsletter and will remain open until our next Reunion weekend in June
2016. A tribute to Jane (Hurst, 1965-1968), together with her poem
“Water Meadows”, was published in our last Autumn Newsletter and is
available to view on our Kesteven College Reunion Group Website.
It is requested that donations are sent by cheque (payable to KTC/KCE
Reunion Group) to Mr Ian Burt (1967-1970), Reunion Group Deputy
Treasurer, 13 Oakhurst Close, Walderslade, Chatham, Kent ME5 9AN,
who has agreed to operate the Appeal, assisted by Mr Peter Nelmes
(1962-1965), Reunion Group Deputy Programme Director.
The total Appeal Fund will be shared equally between Jane’s chosen
charities of Barnados, Practical Action and African Initiatives unless contributors state a preference.
E John B Hopkins (1964-1967)
Find us on Facebook and on the internet at www.kestevencollege.com