Coalition for Healthy Communities 2011 Annual Activities Report “Leading our communities in a collaborative effort to improve identified health, wellness and social issues” Dearest ZB Area Community Members: It is an honor for me to introduce all of you to our Coalition for Healthy Communities’ 2011 Annual Activities Report. The Coalition has served our Beach Park, Winthrop Harbor and Zion communities for the past sixteen years, and the contributions that have been accomplished over these years are incredible. Our mission to identify and address health, wellness and social issues in our tri-community area is no small task; the passion and courage the Coalition have exhibited in confronting extremely serious health issues in our communities have been awesome! The Coalition for Healthy Communities is a coalition comprised of community organizations and individuals who believe that we can make a difference if we work together to take on community wellness challenges. The Coalition believes that we all can contribute to, and benefit from, finding solutions to potential community problems. As a result, the Coalition for Healthy Communities is a vital partner in our ability to leverage our resources to ensure a positive future for our youth! There are four general categories of initiatives that the Coalition for Healthy Communities has identified as task force areas. These areas are Substance Abuse Prevention, Literacy, Community Partnerships and Community Wellness. Each of these task forces is comprised of member organizations and individuals with expertise and a commitment to make a difference in these respective areas. This 2011 Annual Activities Report is intended to allow each of our task forces to communicate their task force mission, accomplishments in 2011, and goals for 2012 and beyond. Hopefully, this report will allow you to see the progress, pride and potential of our Coalition for Healthy Communities, and our commitment to make a difference in our communities. John Ahlgrim President Coalition for Healthy Communities A Cooperative Venture with Cancer Treatment Centers of America at Midwestern Regional Medical Center and Lake County Health Department and Community Health Center 1606 23rd St., Zion, IL 60099: Telephone: 847-731-2658 Page 2 C O A L I T I O N B E L I E F S TAT E M E N T S COALITION BELIEF STATEMENTS 1. We believe that everyone in our community has what it takes to be a leader and to improve our community. 2. We believe that when our community agencies collaborate and share resources, each agency will achieve their goals. 3. We believe that everyone deserves to be safe where they live, work and play. 4. We believe that everyone in our community has something important to say, and they deserve to be listened to with respect. 5. We believe that our community works best when everyone is empowered and an active participant. 6. We believe that all community members should have equal access to affordable education and value the importance of a quality education, literacy, and a commitment to lifelong learning. 7. We believe that the diversity in our community is part of what makes it special. 8. We believe that all community members deserve an equal opportunity to find well paid, meaningful work to support themselves and their family. 9. We believe that all community members should have access to affordable quality healthcare. 10. We believe that all community members should have access to appropriate and affordable housing opportunities. 11. We believe that equal opportunities for recreation, fitness, wellness and leisure should be available and affordable for everyone in our community. 12. We believe that we live in a community that believes BIG, where every member of our community should have equal opportunities, resources and support to achieve their full potential. Page 3 S U B S TA N C E A B U S E P R E V E N T I O N PRESCRIPTION DRUG TAKE BACK Store Safely Dispose In 2011 the Coalition for Healthy Communities partnered with the Lake County Sheriff’s Department and the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) to collect 17 thirty gallon bags of prescription drugs in April and October at the Beach Park Village Hall. This was part of a nation-wide take back day with hundreds of sites participating throughout the country. Properly Also in 2011 the Coalition began a partnership with the Save A Star organization and now has a permanent drop off location for unused and unwanted medications at the Zion Police Department 2101 Salem Blvd in Zion. The following items are accepted at the Save A Star Box: Prescription medications, including controlled substances All over the counter medications Medication samples, pet medications Vitamins and supplements, medicated ointments Lotions, creams and oils, liquid medication in leak-proof containers Homeopathic remedies Page 4 S U B S TA N C E A B U S E P R E V E N T I O N BASSET The City of Zion passed an ordinance in March 2011 requiring all servers and sellers of alcohol to be BASSET (Beverage Alcohol Server Seller Education Training) trained. The Coalition holds a BASSET license from the Illinois Liquor Control Commission and has four individuals trained in the TIPS (Training for Intervention ProcedureS) Program. Trainings are provided for community businesses in three categories: 1. On premises for bars and restaurants 2. Off premises for liquor stores, convenient stores 3. Concessions During the BASSET training servers and sellers learn the following: Physical Properties of Alcohol, Drugs and Alcoholism Customer Prevention and Intervention Techniques Illinois State Statues, Local Ordinances and DUI Laws Proper Identification Techniques In 2012, the Coalition will be collaborating with CREW to provide BASSET trainings for the community. TEEN COURT Nicasa partnered with Coalition members to begin an implementation process for Teen Court in the Zion-Benton community. Teen Court is a collaboration between the police departments, the Sheriff’s department and Nicasa and offers an alternative to the traditional court system for first time juvenile misdemeanor offenders. The primary goal of Teen Court is to better enable a young person to accept responsibility for their offense through active participation in an alternative court process. Teen Court offenders learn to value their community by repairing the harm and giving back through community service. By assuming responsibility for their actions, and through involvement and successful completion of Teen Court, the teen’s offense will not be recorded. Participants must be offenders age 10 to 17, and can be up to 18 if they are still in high school. They have their cases heard by a jury of their peers who will “try” the case and issue a “sentence.” Sentencing minimally includes classes on decision-making and community service, but can also include letters of apologies or other homework. Once the sentence is complete, the misdemeanor is expunged from the teen’s record. Seventeen Zion-Benton Township High School students were trained to serve as jurors and attorneys. Two mock trials were held for training purposes and the program was poised to begin in January, 2012. The court will be held once a month at the Beach Park Village Hall. For more information on Teen Court, contact Nanci Radford (847) 201-8543. Page 5 S U B S TA N C E A B U S E P R E V E N T I O N HEALTHY YOUTH Healthy YOUth (Youth Opportunities Unlimited) celebrates 15 years at Zion – Benton Township High School and continues to provide prevention programming to students at Z-BTHS as well as the Zion-Benton area communities. In March of 2011, Healthy YOUth participated in Operation Snowball with five area high schools, and in April 2011 the Healthy YOUth students worked with nine area businesses on Operation Sticker Shock to highlight the alcohol prevention message: What are you thinking? Stop Underage Drinking! Healthy YOUth also helped organize a very successful 5K Run/Walk in May, with over 200 runners participating in Mama’s Run. Each month, Healthy YOUth students participate in prevention outreach so that other students at ZBTHS get the message that being ATOD Free is the ZB Way! 2011 ACCOMPLISHMENTS Implement and evaluate Social Norms Education Campaign to increase believability and visibility among Z-BTHS students and staff Conduct BASSET program in ZB communities and increase the knowledge of managers and server/sellers by 35% regarding underage drinking prevention and require training for all local server/sellers Provide Project Sticker Shock program at nine community locations and create bottle hangers and buttons for each alcohol vendor location Create a permanent location for residents to dispose of their unwanted and unused medications through the Save A Star box Page 6 S U B S TA N C E A B U S E P R E V E N T I O N SOCIAL NORMS Provides accurate information about alcohol and tobacco use to Zion-Benton Township High School students and staff. In order to reduce the misperception that the majority of Z-BTHS students are using alcohol and /or tobacco. The Social Norms campaign uses posters, greeting cards, and promotional items for students and staff with the positive social norms messages. 2012 GOALS Develop a plan to sustain current initiatives that decrease youth 30-day alcohol use by 2% and youth 30-day tobacco use by 1% by September, 2012.Decrease 30-day alcohol use 2% by September 2012 Develop a new initiative by training 20 students for Teen Court through NICASA by September 2012 Implement one permanent drop site, as well as develop an educational tool, for the safe disposal of prescription drugs Page 7 LITERACY LITERACY TASK FORCE The Coalition for Healthy Communities Literacy Task Force is designed to support our community efforts in ensuring high levels of literacy for all members of the community. Partnering with families, our ZB Public Library, and our schools, the Task Force understands the critical importance of literacy for all residents from pre-school through adults. Since 2009, the Literacy Task Force partnered with the schools on a Lunch Buddy initiative intended to provide students with an adult mentor for their efforts in and out of school. This initiative is designed specifically for intermediate age students, and the mentoring occurs at lunchtime in the elementary school districts. This initiative continues to allow many caring members of our community to support the individual growth and success of a child! In 2011, the Literacy Task Force added two more formal initiatives to help our community members not in our elementary schools. The first initiative is a Kindergarten Readiness program, which is designed to create a partnership with our local school district preschools, community preschools and daycare providers, to provide direction and resources to better ensure students will have the fundamental literacy skills they need upon entering kindergarten. The second initiative the Literacy Task Force formally undertook in 2011 is to increase the adult learner opportunities for English and basic skills within our communities. In partnership with the College of Lake County and District 120, this Adult Literacy program has increased the adult students enrolled in formal ELL and GED classes from approximately 25 in 2010, to over 200 in 2011! This is quite an impact for the families of our communities, and we look forward to future opportunities for continued expansion of these adult education programs. Page 8 C O M M U N I T Y PA RT E R S H I P S ZION-BENTON PARTNERSHIP COORDINATOR Dear Collaborative Partners, Exciting things are happening throughout our community! I am pleased to join the Coalition for Healthy Communities as the ZB Partnership Coordinator. Our mission of “leading our communities in a collaborative effort to improve identified health, wellness, and social issues” is very dear to my heart. The path to delivering this promise lays in the collaborative effort of each and every member of the Zion-Benton community working together. I am here to assure that agencies create and improve resources available to you. As a ZB resident and Coalition member, I look forward to enhancing partnerships that will increase our ability to be empowered as individuals. My hope is that this will encourage all to serve as active participants in making the Zion Benton community its best. The Coalition for Health Communities has a fun-filled activity calendar you can view at I hope to see you at our upcoming events! Take care, Angel Jackson ZB Partnership Coordinator COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS Formed in 2011 as part of the ZB is Me concept, the Community Partnerships Task Forces’ mission is to build relationships in order to access and mobilize every area of our community to enhance the quality of life for all residents. Initial goals: Support the Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County in sponsoring a community meeting on healthcare access Begin a new dialogue with the Latino community to see how to better bridge the gap in relationships and communication Establish a Partnership Coordinator Position to move forward with the ZB is Me initiative as well as support other CHC efforts, in partnership with CREW Acquire a partnership grant with the Charmm’d Foundation to create a ZB Leadership Academy, to educate residents who are interested in understanding the governmental and civic structure. Additionally, the vision is to support residents in getting more involved in our community at a variety of levels. This event will be presented in 2012 Page 9 COMMUNIT Y WELLNESS COMMUNITY WELLNESS TASK FORCE Vision Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles by Spreading Positive Behaviors to Enhance our Quality of Life Mission Statement Raising awareness of health concepts to the Zion-Benton Community by providing opportunities for network partnerships and improving individual and community wellness Task Force Focus Improve the overall physical well-being of the entire Zion-Benton community Health is Wealth Events Planning for events began in 2011 The message of these events: You Can Help Control Your Future Program will pilot in 2012 at West Elementary School in Zion and Kenneth Murphy in Beach Park For 4th and 5th grade students and their parents for the purpose of: Expanding awareness and enhancing understanding of significant effect of wellness for today and the future Allowing youth and parents to engage in physical activities and educational stations to boost energy, interest and confidence Building positive relationships and encouragement between youth and adults Conducting a means for providing information and incentives for wellness 2012 GOALS Evaluate wellness activities available and accessible for all Zion-Benton are residents Raise awareness of community wellness and provide networking resources Compile an action plan to improve community wellness in the Zion, Winthrop Harbor and Beach Park communities Page 10 COMMUNIT Y ACTIVITIES REAL DEAL The Coalition partnered with Zion Central Middle School on an event for 8th grade students and their parents called the Real Deal. This event gives the students an idea of what life will be like when they are 25 years old. The students are given a “life packet” and all of the responsibilities they might have at 25. Students and parents have to go through “stations” and to community tables run by Coalition members and teacher volunteer staff. Students find out it is very difficult to live on the salary they have and balance their lifestyle choices. The students and parents go through the event in 2 different sessions, first without a college education and second with a college education. Students and parents see the benefits of continuing on their education as well as making healthy choices such as abstaining from drugs and alcohol and waiting to have children until they are ready. Page 11 COALI TI ON PHOTO S Page 12 COALITION MEMBERSHIP EXECUTIVE BOARD Dr. John Ahlgrim President Superintendent Zion District 6 Kim Bertini R.N. Vice President Magnet Coordinator CTCA-MRMC Doug Carlson 2nd Vice President Senior Pastor Grace Missionary Church Nann Blaine Hilyard Secretary Director Zion-Benton Public Library Paul Bouchard Treasurer Retired First Midwest Bank Larry Booth Community Outreach Manager Zion Energy Solutions Rich Walker Past President Executive Director Zion Park District BOARD MEMBERS Dr. Chris Clark Superintendent Zion-Benton Township High School District 126 Dr. Bob Divirgilio Superintendent Beach Park School District 3 Gene Salvadalena Director of Leadership Development The Charmm’d Foundation Cheri Ditzig Supervisor Zion Township Jan Suthard Supervisor Benton Township Kevin Leslie Lieutenant Zion Police Department Joel Brumlik Chief Winthrop Harbor Police Department Skip Walker AARP Representative GENERAL MEMBERSHIP Kristine Andersen Liane Blanck Wayne Brooks Cheryl Fischer Art Fossland Sandy Galgan Dr. Dennis Guiser Angel Jackson Barb Jaeger Karen Kates Lisa Lewandowski Judy Mackey Eric Miller Scott Murphy Kathy Pierce Robin Robinson Mona Shannon Deb Will Sarah Wright Page 13 FINANCES 2011 Coalition for Healthy Communities Revenue and Expense Summary Revenue Revenue Fundraising $12,140.00 Annual Dinner Interest $25.00 Caddie Classic Fund Raiser Activities $1,000.00 Other Fund Raisers Corporate Donations $15,000.00 Corporate Donations Personal Donations $2,500.00 Personal Donations Total Revenue $30,655.00 Interest Income Other Total Revenue Expenses Sponsored Program Expenses $15,290.00 Expenses Fundraising Expenses $1,625.00 Annual Dinner Donations $1,000.00 Caddie Classic Activities $1,000.00 Substance Abuse Prevention Contracted Costs $10,000.00 Life Skills General Expenses $1,750.00 Spelling Bee Total Expenses $30,665.00 Advertising Budget Surplus/(Deficit) $0.00 Insurance Other Based on 2012 Operating Budget above, expected Legal and Accounting cash carry forward to 2012: $22,404.44 Total Expenses Operating Surplus CADDIE CLASSIC Page 14 $1,510.00 $8,257.41 $2,197.08 $15,000.00 $2,270.00 $9.26 $1,218.92 $30,462.67 $1,008.40 $1,625.58 $22,747.23 $998.08 $500.00 $457.52 $947.00 $771.31 $175.00 $29,230.12 $1,232.55 FUNDRAISING CULVERS NIGHT MAMA’S RUN Page 15 THANK YOU The Coalition for Healthy Communities wishes to thank the following companies and individuals for their generous financial support over the past two years: Midwestern Regional Medical Center/Cancer Treatment Centers of America Zion Park District Zion-Benton Township High School District #126 Zion Elementary School District #6 Zion-Benton Public Library Ace Hardware/Leader Department Store Kiwanis Club of Zion-Benton State Rep. Joann Osmond Home Valet, Inc Bees Knees Illinois Beach Sunrise Rotary Club Benton Township Zion Township Veolia Mt. Olivet Memorial Park American Outfitters Citizens to Elect Jan Suthard Leech Bridges Insurance Company Cenni & Ambrose Tile and Carpet Zion Investment Group, LLC Art Fossland Daron and Judy Mackey Scott Murphy Dr. Chris Clark Dr. Chris Stephenson and Jamie Stephenson Cheryl Fischer Barb Jaeger Paul and Penny Bouchard Cheri Ditzig Dr. John Ahlgrim Rev. Stevens and Nann Hilyard Kim Bertini Richard and Sue Walker Philip and Kathy Pierce John and Janet Jones Gene Salvadalena Kim Leech Larry Booth Robert and Karen Fink Dr. Dennis Guiser Dr. Bob DiVirgilio Greg and Syndy Nugent Al Hill Ray and Irene Zuckley Rick and Lindy Haapinen Pat Hodge Rich and Sandy Galgan We thank you for your confidence and ask for your continued support.
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