The Torch - Kennedy High School

March 2015
Volume 5, Issue 8
The Torch
Message from Principal Beaton
Kennedy High School and BPS have been working to bring the Pathways to Graduation initiative to
life. Part of this work is helping students and families develop plans for college and/or career after
high school. Through this month’s Torch, I want to share some of the opportunities that are available
to our students.
Bloomington Rotary has partnered with our administrative team to offer free FAFSA
consultations for students and families. FAFSA stands for Free Application to Federal
Student Aid. We have held three events so far that have garnered multiple students sigand March 19th. Go to the Kennedy web page to sign up.
Kennedy partners with College Possible and Education Talent Search (ETS) to identify
high potential students in poverty and helps them qualify and prepare for post-secondary education. We are currently recruiting new students for the 15-16 cohort. Students
who are interested should see an administrator or their counselor.
In 2015-16, Kennedy will sponsor a fourth cohort of AVID students. AVID stands
for Advancement Via Individual Determination. This program recruits high potential
students from the academic middle and prepares them over four years to qualify for
and succeed in college. Questions or interest can be directed to Cheryl Martin, AVID
coordinator or your counselor.
Did you know that Kennedy offers an ACT Preparation Course free of charge? Students can take this class as one of their elective choices toward graduation and to
improve their ACT score. Want to register? See your counselor.
Through a growing partnership with Normandale Community College, Kennedy High
School is pleased to offer an additional pathway for college-bound students through
concurrent enrollment. Concurrent enrollment courses are college courses offered at
the high school, taught by a credentialed high school teacher. Students who successfully complete these courses generate dual high school and transcripted college credit
from the partnering postsecondary institution. These credits may also be transferred to
Bloomington Public Schools is opening a new academic program aimed at preparing
all students to succeed after high school. The Career & College Academy will give high
school juniors and seniors the opportunity to explore introductory and advanced technical learning in a hands-on, applied environment. Career & College Academy offers
students a unique learning option, aligning courses and curriculum with pre-designed
career paths including health science careers, information technology, criminal justice/
law enforcement and the building and construction trades. Contact an administrator or
your counselor if you have questions.
Contact Info:
John F. Kennedy
High School
JFK will host a Career Fair on March 18th for students during the day and a Community Resources Fair during conferences on April 23rd. See the Kennedy website or
contact Community Engagement Coordinator Radious Guess with questions at 952681-5031.
Check the Kennedy website and this newsletter regarding future events for students and families as
we build a stronger Kennedy.
March 6th KHS Professional Development Day
& March 9th KHS Teacher Trade Day
Spring Break is March 30th - April 3
Spring is just around the corner….and so is the season of POLLEN!
Reminder that students who have spring allergies and asthmatic reactions may be in need of relief from their
symptoms while in school.
Symptoms may be:
Shortness of breath
Chest tightness or pain
Swelling of Bronchial tubes
Itchy, runny nose
Itchy, watery or swollen eyes
Most serious symptoms of allergies is anaphylaxis
It is our goal to help your student to be successful in school. If you would like your student to have medication
available at school, you will need to send a signed doctor’s note and the medication in the original container to
We wish you a wonderful Spring!
Your Nurses at Kennedy,
Laurel Kuplic, RN, HSA
Kristen Hanrahan, LPN
U.S. National Guard
St. Cloud State U
U of St. Thomas
U.S. Army Reserve
Hibbing Comm. College
U of M-Duluth
Bemidji State U
U.S. Army ROTC
U.S. Marines
Tues., March 3 during lunch in cafeteria
Tues., March 10 @ 8:00am
Wed., March 11 @ 10:00am
Mon., March 16 during lunch in cafeteria
Tues., March 17 @12:30pm
Tues., March 24 @ 8:00am
Tues., March 24 @ 9:30am
Fri., March 27 @ 12:30pm
Mon., April 13 during lunch in cafeteria
Wed., April 15 during lunch in cafeteria
Counseling News
Club. Multiple sessions will be held on March 12th and 19th beginning at
5:30 p.m. Sign up on our web page.
All Registrations and fees for AP testing must be turned in by
March 5th at 3:00 p.m.
Please turn in your forms and fees to Mr. Batterman or
Homework Help
2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Media Center
We have teachers available Tuesdays along with other tutors to help.
Students may also use this time to do recovery for an unexcused absence.
There is an activity bus available.
Please take this survey
The district’s biennial Parent Satisfaction Survey will be administered online between
Feb. 2 and March 27.
The survey seeks parent feedback in three general areas: Academics, Climate & Safety,
and Communication/Parent Engagement. The survey is not an assessment of an individual teacher, administrator or staff, but an overall review of your child’s school. Parents
are encouraged to complete a survey for each school their children attend, but only one
per school.
Survey results will be used by each school to assess areas of improvement.
The survey may be taken online by clicking on the following link (or pasting the link in
your browser):
Paper copies in Spanish and Somali are also available, please contact Cathy Turitto at
Mark your Calendar
Family Advisory Council (PTSA)
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
AP Registrations and fees Due by 3:00 pm
No School - KHS Professional Development Day
No School - KHS Teacher Trade Day
The Bloomington Orchestra Festival
7:00 pm - Kennedy High School Auditorium
Student Engagement Career Fair
9:30 am - 11:00 am
Auditions for Kennedy’s competive show choirs
Prom Committee Metting in the Kennedy Media Center
Kennedy’s Got Talent Show
7:00 pm - Kennedy High School Auditorium
*Log onto to order your 2014-15 yearbook!
Yearbook dealine is March 13th.
Cost is $65.00
First Annual Kennedy High School Senior Graduation Committee
Garage Sale
Saturday, April 24th
7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
In the Kennedy High School Cafeteria
Clean out your closets, basements and garage and donate your gently used items!
parking lot.
Saturday, April 17th 10 AM – 3 PM
Sunday, April 18th
Monday, April 19th 5 PM – 8 PM
5 PM – 8 PM
Wednesday, April 21 5 PM – 8 PM
5 PM – 8 PM
Friday, April 23
· Captains practices start March 1st and are held after school
Monday - Friday.
· There is a mandatory parent/player booster meeting
starting at 6:30 on March 3rd.
· The player and at least 1 parent should attend the meeting.
· Team tryouts begin 3/30/15.
· Players need to register at the school before they can tryout.
· If the weather is bad captain’s practices and tryouts will be
held inside from 3 – 5 every day after school.
· Invite a friend to play!
Kennedy has moved to a new conference this year: Metro West Conference. This conference includes:
Robbinsdale Cooper
Benilde St. Margaret
St. Louis Park
Chaska is the best place to access the most current sports schedule.
meeting dates
3:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Tuesday, 3/24/15
Tuesday, 4/7/15
Tuesday, 4/21/15
Early May
Kennedy Media Center
Jefferson Media Center
Field Trip to International Market Square
Determined at each school as needed
Prom is 5/15/15 at
International Market Square
Senior Class of 2015 All Night Party
As Dr. Seuss wrote in Oh The Places You’ll Go: “You have brains in your head. You have
feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And
you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go...”
Senior parents are planning a safe celebration Senior Class All Night Party to recognize your
graduation achievement. You can register for this incredible night beginning January 1, 2015.
Parent volunteers will be at KHS on Wednesdays during lunch to collect your registration
A list of students, who have paid and registered for the event, will be made available at
school. The cost is $65, but will increase to $85 beginning March 1. Registration at the door
will be $100 CASH ONLY. Register early to take advantage of the $65 fee.
We are sorry to announce that there are NO scholarships available for the event.
Food Services is looking for Volunteers - Free Lunch is included!
Volunteer lunch servers are needed at all school sites to help serve lunch. Hours are
generally between 11:00 to 1:00 and volunteers get a free lunch. Volunteers may work
available to volunteer during these hours please have them contact the cook manager
and number.
Do you plan on taking an AP test this year?
Each AP Exam is $45.00.
There is a fee reduction for students who qualify for F/R lunch.
The Deadline for registering for exams is March 5th.
AP testing dates are May 4th - May 15th.
If you have any questions, or need forms, please contact
Wednesday, March 18th, 2015
**Student Engagement
Career Fair
For more information contact Radious Guess,
Engagement Coordinator at 952-681-5031
Independent School District 271 Kennedy High School
Building School &
Community Partnerships
Save the Date(s):
2015 Engagement Opportunities:
March 18, 2015 - Student Engagement
“JFK Career Fair”
April 23, 2015 - “Parent Teacher Conferences” &
“Bloomington Community Resource Fair”
May 9, 2015 - Community Engagement Forum:
“Increasing Student Performance”
For More Information Contact:
Engagement Coordinator
Radious Y. Guess
performing arts
The Bloomington Orchestra Festival will be held on
Monday, March 16, at 7:00 p.m. in the
Kennedy High School Auditorium.
The concert will feature the 5th Grade Festival Orchestra,
Middle School Festival Orchestra, High School (Kennedy & Jefferson) Festival Orchestra and the Bloomington Symphony Orchestra.
Admission is $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for seniors and students.
Auditions for Rhythm In Gold, East Side Swingers, and Men ‘N’ Motion (Kennedy’s competitive show choirs) will be held on Monday, March 23rd. Come be a part of our award
winning, high caliber show choirs! Audition and practice session information and packets
Rhythm In Gold was just named the grand champion, including awards for best choreography, best vocals, and people’s choice, at the Waconia Show Choir Invitational. ESS was
the top 6 scoring groups throughout the entire day.
Thursday, March 26th 7pm
Kennedy High School Auditorium
Tickets are $5 for adults and $3 for students!
for more info contact Mr. Gasner:
Science Olympiad Team
Science Olympiad Team Makes State Tournament
ence Olympiad team has made it to the state tournment! They accomplished
this by tieing for 6th place at the Inver Hills Regional held on February 14.
The top 7 teams in each regional go to the state meet which will be held at
Bethel University on March 7, 2015. Science Olympiad is a national program
consisting of close to 7000 teams in all 50 states. Teams compete in a variety
of events which change from year to year. This year's events include: air trajectory, anatomy, astronomy, bridge building, bungee drop, cell biology, chem
lab, compound machines, disease detectives, dynamic planet, entomology, experimental design, forensics, fossils, geologic mapping, green generation, It's
About Time, Mission Possible, protein modeling, Scrambler, Technical problem solving, wright stuff (rubber band powered airplane), and Write It Do It.
The team works mostly on their own after school or at home.
Here's the team: Alex Chapman and Nick Lee( 3rd place -Fossils), Collin Kern
and Ruth Honore (2nd place-Green Generation), Vinh Phung, Ryan Sjostrand,
Velasco, Kendra Seyer, Taig Volante, Wade Schibilla, Jorge Omana, Alexa
Miller, Madison Chesky, Tracy McKelvey, Derek Mendel, Aggie Sather, Anna
Rau and Fuad Ali.
Coach is KHS Science Teacher Dave Doty.