Web Version | Update preferences | Unsubscribe JANUARY-FEBRUARY TABLE OF CONTENTS • News from the Kennedy Center • News from Partners in Education • News from the Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network • News from Ensuring the Arts for Any Given Child • Resources Like Tweet News from the Kennedy Center Kennedy Center Expansion Project On December 4, in honor of the 50th anniversary of its original groundbreaking in 1964, the Kennedy Center broke ground on the first major expansion in its history. This project will offer a place where the community can engage and interact with artists across the full spectrum of the creative process while providing much-needed rehearsal, education, and indoor and outdoor spaces. A Note from the Kennedy Center Team Pictured left to right: Kennedy Center President Deborah F. Rutter, Vice President Joe Biden, Kennedy If you have not seen it yet, the December/January issue of Our Children, the National PTA Magazine, is worth picking up. There are several articles on arts education including the new arts standards. The PTA has been in the business of supporting arts education for many decades, and is perhaps best known for its Reflections program which has been around since 1969. This program asks students to reflect on a theme through music, dance, film, creative writing, photography or visual art in a national recognition program. A View into a Decade of Arts Integration All this is to say your local and state PTA affiliates can be powerful allies in your advocacy efforts around the place of the arts in schools. The National PTA has argued for and continues to Forward Center Chairman David Rubenstein, Rose Kennedy Schlossberg, architect Steven Holl. (more…) Amy Duma, Director of Teacher and School Programs, and Lynne Silverstein, Senior Program Consultant, have published an article about research findings for the Kennedy Center’s Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA) program regarding the program’s design, impact on students, impact on teachers, and impact on schools. (more…) New ARTSEDGE Resources Available Online Constructivism: Actively Building Arts Education Learn about constructivism and how arts educators can utilize it effectively. Do Tell: Giving Feedback to Your Students Find out seven ways to give feedback about students' artwork and performances. News from Partners in Education support the arts as an equal in the STEM movement. At the end of this newsletter in the Resources section you will find a URL for the January/February issue of Our Children. In it you will find examples of strong PTA work around the arts, along with a great article on “46 Ways to Support Student Learning in the Arts.” Happy reading! Partners in Education 2015 Annual Meeting The Partners in Education Annual Meeting is fast approaching! There will be keynotes from urban education expert Christopher Emdin, artist Phil Hansen, and National Dance Education Organization Executive Director Susan McGreevy-Nichols, as well as sessions about art and the common core, research on arts integration, and more. Barbara Partnership Team Directory Updates Upcoming Dates of Interest CA (Modesto) 2014 – Cheri Lloyd, Project Coordinator for VAPA & Early Literary Instructional Support, joins this team as a new representative from the Stanislaus County Office of Education. Her contact information is (209) 238-1337 and clloyd@stancoe.org. 2015 Any Given Child Exchange February 3-4 Partners in Education Annual Meeting February 4-7 National Seminar for Teaching Artists August 10-13 Teaching Artist Retreat September 16-18 2016 Any GIven Child Exchange February 16-17 Partners in Education Annual Meeting February 17-20 2017 Any Given Child Exchange January 30-31 GA 2001 – Jessica Booth, Fine Arts Coordinator, rejoins this team as a new representative from Atlanta Public Schools. Her contact information is (404) 802-2968 and jlbooth@atlanta.k12.ga.us. MI 2014 – Mary Lou Greene, Director of the Institute for Arts Infused Education, joins this team as a new representative from Marygrove College. Her contact information is (313) 927-1853 and mgreene@marygrove.edu. News from the Kennedy Center Alliance for Arts Education Network California Arts Council Invests in Student Voices On December 2, it was announced that the California Arts Council will support the expansion of the Student Voices Campaign, which was launched in 2012 by the California Alliance for Arts Education. This campaign provides a platform for students to share their creativity and passion for the arts with their elected officials. The new funding will support the development of resources for classroom engagement, student leadership training, and a digital empowerment forum and screening. (more…) Partners in Education Annual Meeting January 31-February 3 News from Ensuring the Arts for Any Given Child National Partnerships Staff NEA Grant to Help Expand Any Given Child Barbara Shepherd Director The National Endowment for the Arts has developed a new subset of grants within the Art Works category known as Collective Impact, which focuses on arts education programs that encompass entire schools, Kelsey Mesa Assistant Manager Cecily Hart Program Coordinator school districts, and/or states. The Kennedy Center received one such grant for Any Given Child. This two-year, $100,000 NEA grant will help the Kennedy Center add three new communities in the 2015-2016 school year and three more the following year. (more...) Erin Cutler Program Assistant Resources Christine Chew Part-time Assistant Alena Beasley Intern (202) 416-8843 The Kennedy Center David M. Rubenstein Chairman Deborah F. Rutter President Darrell M. Ayers Vice President, Education National Partnerships, part of the Rubenstein Arts Access Program, is generously funded by David and Alice Rubenstein. Additional support is provided by the U.S. Department of Education. Education and related artistic programs are made possible through the generosity of the National Committee for the Performing Arts and the STEM + Art: A Brilliant Combination John Ceschini, a former CETA principal and former director of the Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance (KCAAEN), writes about how arts integration was implemented in the elementary school where he was principal; the research that confirms the impact of the arts on learning; and what he has taken away from his experiences working in an arts integrated school. (more…) National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards Applications are now being accepted for the 2015 National Arts and Humanities Youth Program Awards. Twelve award-winning programs will receive $10,000 and an invitation to accept their award from the President’s Committee’s Honorary Chairman, First Lady Michelle Obama, at a ceremony at the White House. The deadline for application submissions is 5:00pm PST on February 2, 2015. (more…) Crayola’s Creative Leadership Grants 2015 Applications are now being accepted for the Champion Creatively Alive Children grant, which provides grants for innovative, creative leadership team building within elementary schools. The application deadline is June 22, 2015. (more…) 2015 Winter Connectivity STEAM Conference Registration is now available for the 2015 Winter Connectivity STEAM conference, an online conference focused on arts integration. This biannual conference features innovators and arts-focused educators who are working to change education. (more…) President's Advisory Committee on the Arts. The contents of this document do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. © The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts 2700 F Street NW, Washington, D.C. 20566 Best Communities for Music Education Survey Schools and districts across the country are invited to participate in the NAMM Foundation’s 2015 Best Communities for Music Education (BCME). This program honors community efforts to provide high-quality music education for all students. Teachers, parents, school administrators, and board members interested in completing the survey should do so by Friday, January 30, 2015. (more…) Smart List: 10 Music & Art Resources The website Getting Smart, in its second annual Smart List, acknowledges organizations with innovative resources that are making a difference. This edition recognizes music and art apps and tools. (more…) Ten Pathways for Transforming Learning Katherine Prince, Senior Director of Strategic Foresight, discusses Sources for this issue of UPDATE include: California Alliance for Arts Education, Crayola, Education Closet, Education Week, eScholarship, Getting Smart, Ingenuity, KnowledgeWorks, NAMM Foundation, Our Children, President's Committee on the Arts and Humanities, Washington Post Past editions of UPDATE are available online. KnowledgeWorks’ forecast on the future of learning and highlights the move from the industrial-era education system to an increasingly diverse learning ecosystem. There is an innovation pathways framework that identifies ten key levels of transformation that promise to create a learning ecosystem that is vibrant for all learners. (more…) December-January Issue of Our Children The December-January Issue of Our Children features articles regarding the role of PTAs and parents in closing the achievement gap, ways to support student learning in the arts, how common core literary standards help students, and more. (more…) Chicago Public Schools (CPS) Progress Report Ingenuity’s State of the Arts progress report found that CPS schools have increased arts instruction, staffing, partnerships, and funding during the second year of implementing the CPS Arts Education Plan. District and external funds committed to arts education in CPS increased 11 percent. (more…) Look for the next issue of UPDATE in March! You are receiving this newsletter because you are on the Kennedy Center's National Partnerships mailing list. Edit your subscription | Unsubscribe The Kennedy Center Washington, D.C.
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