John F. Kennedy Magnet School 40 Olivia Street Port Chester, New York 10573 (914) 934-7991 Faculty and Parent Handbook 2011-2012 Principal Louis P. Cuglietto Assistant Principal Dr. Mary Alice Carrajat 1 Port Chester-Rye Union Free School District P.O. Box 246 Port Chester, NY 10573 Telephone: (914) 934-7900 Board of Education Blanca Lopez President Carolee Brakewood Vice President James Dreves Trustee Anne Capeci Trustee Robert Johnson Trustee The role of the Board of Education is to develop policies governing the operation of Port Chester Public Schools. Responsibility for the implementation of these policies is vested in the Board’s executive officer, the Superintendent of Schools. Members of the Board serve without compensation. They are elected to three-year terms by qualified voters residing within the school district. Regular School Board meetings are held at 7:30p.m. on Thursday evenings every month. Please check school calendar for dates. Residents are welcome to attend and participate. Central Administration Dr. Edward Kliszus Superintendent of Schools Maura McAward Assistant Superintendent /Business Frank Fanelli Assistant Superintendent/Personnel & Grants Rosario Renda Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Adrienne Mecca Director of Special Education Joseph Durney Director of Health, Physical Education, Athletics & Technology Jennifer Bisaccia School District Clerk Coleen Kotzur School District Treasurer Principal of JFK Louis Cuglietto Assistant Principal of JFK Dr. Mary Alice Carrajat 2 OVERVIEW The Kennedy School is comprised of three buildings. Two buildings are located on Olivia Street. The lower building is for grades two to four and the upper building is grade five. The third building is the former Holy Rosary School on Central Avenue. Kindergarten and first grade report to this Early Learning Center/JFK School. The goal of our faculty is to provide a well rounded education to all our students. We have a supportive community and students are empowered to raise themselves "up" to higher aspirations and rigorous academic standards. It is a school where the principal also teaches, and lunches with the children. The Kennedy School has a dedicated faculty and the members are always involved in a positive way with one another and go to great lengths to help all students reach their individual goals. The faculty encourages their students to reach for their dreams and take deep pride in their students' accomplishments. The curriculum at Kennedy reflects the expanding fields of knowledge, the shifting concerns and needs within society, and the changing needs and interests of its students. The cultural diversity of our student population is viewed as one of our strengths. The staff and faculty at The Early Learning Center/The Kennedy School strive to be a strong, caring, learning community. An integral part of the everyday life of our teachers and administrative staff is to develop the academic skills of our students so they become successful readers who will achieve beyond State and National standards. Reading is an integrated part of every academic discipline. Working within a "book-rich" environment and utilizing a plethora of reading strategies suitable to developing critical readers, our teachers constantly work with the students to nurture a passion for the printed page. Children read, discuss, reflect, write, and create to become educated products of their environment. It is with a sense of pride that we share with you that the professional staff at the Early Learning Center/Kennedy School has become a major force in district leadership and in developing curricular initiatives. The professional staff at The Kennedy Schools provides a wide range of additional services and includes resource teachers, reading teachers, two speech therapists, occupational therapist, bilingual psychologist, a social worker, a nurse, a nursepractitioner, librarians, vocal and instrumental music teacher, physical education teachers, computer assistants, certified teacher assistants and teacher aides. CURRICULUM The Early Learning Center/Kennedy School's curriculum is tightly aligned with national, state and district standards. Our English Language Arts instruction is delivered through novels, trade books and informational texts. Related anthologies supplement the program. The Language Arts curriculum is rigorous and differentiated. Each year students build upon previously learned reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. These four components of language arts are woven into curricular areas, special subject areas, and daily classroom activities. These components are at the heart of The Early Learning Center/Kennedy School's elementary language arts program. 3 At Kennedy, Math in Focus uses a spiraling and scientific approach in the study of mathematics. Instruction parallels the new mandates. Both the teachers and the District are committed to a thorough analysis of children's mathematical development and learning. To achieve this goal various assessments are administrated. Assessments include state exams, class exams, observations, questioning, student’s work, and class discussions along with extensive staff development. Social Studies centers on the study of different people and countries beginning with the family and community and moving to local history and to the history of the American colonies. Using a thematic approach, instruction focuses on concepts such as imperialism, scarcity and interdependence. Children are encouraged to question, challenge, and evaluate historical events. The social studies curriculum was designed to enable all students to become responsible citizens in their school and community. Science topics are taught through a "hands-on" lab approach. The district program is carefully designed to prepare students for the New York State science exam in the 4th grade. Many science projects and topics are coordinated with math instruction. Science is taught through a variety of methods that ensure that a child's individualized learning styles are addressed. Content goes hand and hand with FOSS an inquiry based lab program. Hands-on activities are used to allow students to explore scientific phenomena and apply it to their understandings of concepts, principals, and theories in both physical settings and living environment. Our Fine Arts program is central to all other disciplines. Children enjoy a variety of art instruction through the district's Literacy through the Arts program. Children study visual arts, theater arts, storytelling, dance, and playwriting. Children have vocal music instruction in grades 1-5, and instrumental music instruction in grades 4 and 5. Third, fourth and fifth grade glee clubs perform in December and April, and the fourth and fifth grade bands perform, as well as, the third grade with their recorders in a spring concert. As language is learned through listening and speaking, the language of music is learned through listening and performing. At the Kennedy School we offer a balanced music program which offers the children a wide variety of musical experiences. Children receive computer instruction in our computer lab as well as in their classrooms. Grades 2-5 use computer stations for two periods a week. Emphasis on research and particular discipline connections are strongly emphasized in third, fourth and fifth grades. It is our belief that the available technology, computer software, and high speed internet connections motivate and stimulate students. Our students are learning in a technology-rich environment that encourages creative exploration, inspires enthusiastic readers and writers, develops research and higher order thinking skills and provides powerful opportunities to learn. Students have the added resource of the availability of laptop or netbook carts at each grade level. Field trips to museums, nature sites and other places are planned to enhance and enrich our academic programs. Children have physical education classes twice a week and library instruction once a week. The librarians coordinate their program with classroom instruction. 4 SUPPORTING SERVICES Instructional Support Team The Instructional support team is a team of professionals designated to help students in the general education arena who are struggling academically or are experiencing behavior/emotional problems. IST team meets on a regular basis to evaluate and discuss students and their challenges. Through the 1ST, students receive the support they need and teachers are given strategies to work with students in the classroom. The main purpose of the IST is to provide students with every possible resource available in the school. Only if a student does not show improvement after receiving different types of services/interventions, is a referral made to Special Education. Members of the team are the Principal, Assistant Principal, Psychologist, Language Specialist, Literacy Specialist, Nurse, Special Education Teacher, and a general education teacher. Teachers are encouraged to use the IST as a resource team. Counseling Consultation with the psychologist or social worker is available to parents, students and teachers. If you want an appointment, please make arrangements by communicating with your Child’s teacher or contact the main office. The psychological services include the assessment of academic and/or social emotional growth and issues related to general school adjustment. These meetings can assist students with attendance, homework or behavioral issues. The school psychologist or the social worker schedules group counseling when it is appropriate. Counseling services can only be conducted with parental permission. Depending on the nature of the counseling sessions parents/guardians may be asked to join in on these meetings. Speech and Language Therapy Two speech/language therapists are available for screenings and diagnostic testing. If a child in The Early Learning Center/Kennedy School experiences difficulty in voice production, and if speech and language services are advised they will receive them. Reading Recovery Reading Recovery is an early intervention program designed to be implemented in first grade for those students who are in the lowest 20% in language and reading readiness. This program is specifically defined in terms of structure, time and instructional strategies. The Literacy Specialist works closely with the classroom teachers so that progress in reading can occur at an accelerated pace. 5 Committee in Special Education (CSE) The CSE deals with children with a diagnosed condition of mental, physical or emotional nature that prevents them from functioning independently in a mainstream classroom. Each student identified by the CSE receives an individual educational program (IEP) which is designed for that child. If a child receives an IEP, school personnel, members of the CSE, and parents or guardians of children work together to bring about an appropriate educational plan for students so they can learn in the least restrictive environment. Some of the Services Provided Include: Resource: Small group and individualized instruction are available in math, reading and language skills within the classroom setting and outside the classroom setting. PLUS: Children are given ELA instruction for 60 or 90 minutes a day in a push-in or pull-out model. In these models, a child receives individual attention in an area where he/she faces challenges. Support is also given in other discipline areas. Tutoring: Individual tutoring is available through volunteers that are screened and give of their time to help our children that are experiencing academic challenges. English As a Second Language An ESL Specialist screens all children who come from a home where another language, in addition or instead of English, is spoken. The students English proficiency levels are assessed. Students that score below the New York State cut-off level MUST receive ESL or Bilingual services. Students are exited from the ESL and Bilingual programs when they score at the proficient level on the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) administrated each spring. The ESL program provides intensive English language instruction in the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing so we can equip students with skills to learn English systematically and cumulatively. The ESL Program: Accelerates the process of learning English Provides the opportunity for real and natural communication Helps students transition from one culture to another Builds self-confidence in the use of English Provides a strong foundation for students to succeed in the general education program 6 Bilingual Education Program This program employs both English and Spanish to teach literacy, academic content and English as a Second Language. Program eligibility is determined according to the same guidelines outlined above. While intensive English language instruction is provided, Spanish is used as a support until students achieve a level of English proficiency that enables them to succeed in general education classes provided entirely in English. The amount of instruction in Spanish is decreased as the students' level of English improves. The Bilingual Program: Enables students to learn English while simultaneously keeping pace in content-areas with their English-speaking peers Allows for equal access to the core curriculum and accelerates students' progress toward meeting state learning standards Standardized Testing Standardized testing is used as a measure of a student's progress, but more importantly, to better assess the individual needs of each student and to identify curriculum areas needing improvement. Grades 1-5: District assessments in math, science and social studies. Grade 5: Two exams issued by New York State - NYS ELA and Math exams Grade 4: Three exams issued by New York State, NYS ELA, Math and Science Grade 3: Two exams issued by New York State - NYS ELA and Math exams Grades K-2: Differentiated Reading Ability (DRA) test, and DIBELS. Each year, a team of professionals screen all new students and kindergarten children. The screening process helps to identify children who may require further testing to determine their levels of development. A member of the Learning Team contacts parents if the results of their child's screening indicate that further evaluation is necessary. We thoroughly screen each new entrant to Early Learning Center/JFK Magnet School for the purpose of making the best possible placement. We assess the students' native literacy and math skills, as well as their English proficiency with the Lab-R test. We also interview the parents or guardians of each new entrant to gather an educational history. For any child who is placed in the Bilingual/ESL program, a member of our faculty (e.g., our bilingual school psychologist or a bilingual teacher) meets with the parents/guardians to provide an overview of the program, outline its goals, and explain the process for reaching English proficiency and becoming eligible to exit the ESL program. 7 PROCEDURES Emergency School Closings and Delayed Opening Due To Inclement Weather In case of bad weather, please obtain information about school closings or delays on our Web site or also by listening to the following radio and TV stations: WNFAS 1230 AM WGCH 1490 AM WINS 1010 AM WIOX 1460AM WADO 1280 AM WNYW Channel 5 The Spanish-speaking radio stations: AMOR 93.1 FM LAMEGA 97.9 FM *All parents will be notified by the district office by phone via Connect Ed. If there is a delay, please do not bring your child to school at the regular time. There will be NO staff available for supervision. All schools in the District may open 1 to 2 hours later than usual, however dismissal will be the same as on regular school days. On days when severe weather precludes bringing in the children safely, the Superintendent of Schools, will announce by 6 a.m. that schools are closed for the day or there is a delayed opening. VISITATION All Visitors must stop at the main office. The school secretary will contact your child(rens) teacher. This regulation is essential for safety reasons. School doors are locked at 8:30am. If you need to contact a teacher call the school secretary at JFK at 934-7991, and ELC at 9348049 and appropriate arrangements will be made. REGISTRATION Children who will turn 5 years old on or before December 31st are eligible to register for kindergarten. Parents or guardians of eligible children will receive a notice of registration (including the registration date) and health form by mail from the principal's secretary. On the day of registration, parents must bring the completed forms, proof of residency, the child's birth certificate, Social Security Card (if available) and a certificate of immunization for polio, rubella, DPT, TB skin test, mumps and measles to the main office. You can also make arrangements with our Nurse Practitioner Mrs. Amy Dall to have the shots administered at school. Proof of residence must be provided and includes rent receipts, mortgage papers, Con Edison bill or similar documents. 8 SCHOOL HOURS Kindergarten students time schedule during the first three weeks of school: Kindergarten students will be dismissed at 11:30 the first week of school (no lunch) Parents of Kindergarten students will receive notification by concerning dismissal for the second and third week of school. Second grade students assemble in the lower designated area and are escorted to the upper building at the start of the school day. No parents are allowed in the building. This is for the safety of all children. All students grades K-5 are eligible to receive breakfast according to the approved guidelines, from 7:50 to 8:15 in both buildings We ask all students in grades 2-5 to meet each morning at 8:15 on the lower playground. After lining up. Students will enter the building from the playground at 8:30. If the weather is inclement the students in grades 2-5 will assemble in the auditorium. Dismissal of students (teachers will escorted students to the appropriate area): Kindergarten 2:35 Playground come rain or shine Grade 1 2:50 Playground come rain or shine Grades 2 – 4 2:50 Lower playground Grade 5 2:55 In front of the building. Please arrange to pick up your child in a timely manner. If you are late to pick up your child grades 2-5, enter through the side door to the auditorium and your child and yourself will exit the same door. Grade K-1 please enter through the main door and you will be escorted to the late dismissal area. No parents/guardians are allowed into the buildings unless you need to make an appointment or you have an appointment. This is for the safety of all children. We thank you in advance for your cooperation. Please do not bring your family dog to either drop off or pick up your child as this could present a danger to both children and adults. Written request for absence, lateness or dismissal of a child other than at the regular school time should be submitted to the office of the principal. See included sample letters. 9 ATTENDANCE Absence from School Evidence that learning is taking place is shown when students pass tests, successfully complete assignments and actively participate in class. In order for students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter and to participate actively in the learning process, they must be present in class. Therefore, in order to receive a passing grade, students must meet the school’s standard of attendance. In accordance with the State Education Law, only the following excuses for absences are considered legal: sickness, sickness or death in family, impassable roads, religious observance, and requirements to be in court. School law requires a parent or family physician to provide a written excuse with the date and reason for each absence that extends past three days. Any absence from school due to illness must be called into our School Nurse, Mrs. Konwiser 934-7988 at Kennedy School and Mrs. Spinelli 934-8046 at the beginning of the school day. Children should NOT return to school after an illness until they are free from symptoms and fever for at least a 24-hour period. If your child is out of school because of a “contagious” illness, please notify the nurse immediately so that we can alert the teachers and parents. Travel during regular school sessions is an illegal absence (and will be noted on report cards as an illegal absence). Children will be responsible for making up all work. Work will be given at the discretion of the teacher. Tardiness Children not in the classroom by 8:35 a.m. are marked tardy. The tardy notation will appear on the child's report card for each marking period. When a child arrives at school after 8:35 a.m., he/she is to report directly to the nurse’s office. Tardiness disrupts the smooth beginning of the school day. Please make every attempt to have your child arrive at school by 8:20 a.m. If a child is excessively tardy, parents will be notified, and may be requested to escort the child to school to assure regular and prompt attendance. Excuses from Physical Education A request for a child to be excused from physical education classes for one or two days must be accompanied by a note from the parent (see attached sample letter). 10 When a child seeks to be exempt from physical education for more than 3 days a note from a doctor is necessary. This note must explain the reason for the child not being able to participate in physical education, as well as, when physical education can be resumed. COMMUNICATION Families need to be kept informed of their child's progress and activities that take place within the school; teachers need to be kept apprised of issues that may affect a child's work in school. There are several opportunities available throughout the school year to enable families and teachers to communicate with each other. They are: Back to School Night: is held at the beginning of the school year in both ELC and JFK and gives parents an opportunity to meet with their child's teacher within the classroom setting. This is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher however, please do not bring your child to Back to School Night Kindergarten Orientation: is scheduled in June of the prior school year for parents of children starting school in September. Parents will meet the Kindergarten teachers and support staff and learn what to expect in the upcoming school year. Parent information night for kindergarten students will take place prior to school opening. Parent Teacher Conferences: The issuance of the report cards, affords the parents the opportunity to discuss their child's progress with his/her teacher and any other issues of concern. Teachers are also available for additional conferences throughout the school year by appointment. They can be scheduled by either phoning the school office at JFK at 934-7991 and ELC 934-8049 or sending a written request to the teacher. Conferences are important to you and your child. These conferences are an effective means of communication between home and school. Do not miss the chance to meet with the teacher. Conferences are scheduled by the teacher. If for some reason you are unable to attend, please contact the teacher so another time can be arranged. You are always welcome to come to school to talk about your child, just write a note or call to make the necessary arrangements. Listed below are some questions to ask the teacher during these meetings. Are there any special programs you could recommend for my child? Does my child finish his homework every night? How much homework do you give every night? What are his/her strengths, what are his/her weaknesses? Does my child get along well with others? Does my child talk too much in class and distract others? 11 Parents’ Rights: …to join the Parents Teacher Association and participate at all meetings. The PTA meetings are an appropriate forum for suggestions, inquiries, and opportunities to meet with members of the Staff and Administration. attend Back to School Night at which time parents may meet teachers and familiarize themselves with what is expected of their children and themselves. speak with any member of the faculty by calling the school and making an appointment or leaving a message for a member of the faculty to call you. Parent Responsibilities …to send students off to school with a good attitude and with appropriate preparation. …to make sure that no student returns to school after an absence without a note signed by a parent or guardian. …for safety sake make sure your daughter does not wear flip flops to school …to make sure students do not bring toys to school …to alert the school of any change at home that may impact upon progress. teach students that people and property must be respected. make sure that homework is completed daily. ...a student may carry a cell phone but at no time may the cell phone be visible or may they use them on school property. The school is not responsible if a phone is lost or stolen. insure the proper order of school contact. The teacher is the first person to call. If a matter needs further discussion, contact, in the following order the Assistant Principal, and finally, the Principal. ASSESSMENTS Report Cards: Report cards are issued approximately one week after the conclusion of each marking period. These reports cards include grades, attendance, teachers’ comments. 12 Our teacher's doors are always open for you to check on the progress of your child. Call the office at 934-7991 at JFK and 934-8049 at ELC to make the necessary arrangements. An Individual monthly calendar can be found on the Class Page for each of your child(ren) please check with your child's teacher for details. This calendar lists all upcoming special events, school trips and meetings and all date for distribution of progress reports and report cards. Parent Teacher Association (PTA) The Parent Teacher Association (PTA) serves as the umbrella for parent involvement in school activities that take place throughout the year. Parents can get involved by volunteering to help with special events, after school programs, chairing a committee, etc. Being a member of the PTA gives you a voice in our school and also the opportunity to meet other parents in the school. Parents and teachers are invited and encouraged to attend all PTA meetings. To become a member, you can contact Dr. Lynn Winters, the PTA secretary or your child's teacher. Membership is $10.00 per family for the year. A table will be set-up at Back to School Night so that you may join. 2011/2012 PTA Executive Board: Francis Payne, President Debbie Carroll, Vice President Dr. Lynn Winters, Treasurer Jessica Rivera, Corresponding Secretary The PTA has many committees on which parents can serve. They include, but are not limited to: Board of Education Representative: Attend school board meetings. Report at monthly PTA meetings all points of interest, especially those pertaining to the ELC/Kennedy School. Book Fair: Coordinate/organize fall and spring book fairs. Knights: Coordination of after school activities including setting up activities, registration, etc. Cultural Arts: Arrange cultural performances throughout the school year. Decorating/Window Display: Decorate window display; as well as stage for concert performances, special events, etc. Keep bulletin board in lobby updated with upcoming events, newsletters, etc. Volunteer to attend the events to coordinate activities. Fun day: Responsible for coordination of activities and 13 entertainment (this event takes place at the end of the school year during school for ELC/ Kennedy School students only). Historian: Responsible for keeping binder of activities for the school year including flyers, newsletters. PTA minutes, pictures. awards. Etc. Hospitality: Responsible for refreshments and mailing of flyers for all PTA-sponsored events. Membership and Legislation: Help coordinate various campaigns and events There are special PTA sponsored events held throughout the school year. As the school year progresses many other activities take place, listed below are a few examples: Fund Raisers Festivals Fun-Day Book fair Dances Boys/Night Girls/Night Friday After-School Movie At Back to School Night we will have sign-up sheets for volunteers for these events. Please feel free to sign-up for as many of these events as you like. The PTA is the parents/guardians way of finding out what is happening at your child's school. We hope all parents join the PTA and become a voice in our school community. Being involved in your child's school life shows that school is as important to you as it is to your child. Also remember, being involved in groups such as the PTA gives parents the opportunity to meet other parents and network with each other for the common good of all involved. School Volunteers The Kennedy school recognizes that the use of volunteers strengthens community relations through positive participation, builds an understanding of school programs among interested citizens, and assists in providing more individualization and enrichment opportunities in instruction. Parents are welcomed and encouraged to volunteer. Help is always necessary especially on school trips. How exciting for you to see your child interacting on school time with his peers, and at the same time you can make your child feel special because of your presence. If you are able to volunteer, talk to your child's teacher, they will be more than happy to give you the necessary information. HEALTH The Health office is located across the hall from the Main Office . 14 Emergency Information Card The emergency information card is sent home at the beginning of the school year with each child. This card must be completed and returned to the Health Office/School Nurse within three (3) days. Please inform the Health Office immediately of any changes that occur during the school year, especially new home numbers and cell numbers, along with business and emergency contact phone numbers that may change. This is vital information and up-to-date numbers are necessary to insure prompt action in the event of any illness or accident. Immunization State law requires that all children be immunized against measles, mumps, rubella, varicela, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, polio and hepatitis B. A certificate of immunization signed by a duly licensed physician must be presented at registration. In addition, all new school entrants are required to present agency or physician documented proof of a negative mantoux (PPD) tuberculin skin test performed 90 days prior to entering school Please sign your child/family up for Open door. This will allow Our school Nurse Practitioner for Open Door, Mrs. Amy Dahl to administer the necessary immunizations. Do not hesitate to call her at 9391146 to make an appointment. Health History This form must be completed at the time of registration. Travel outside the Country: If a child travels outside the country for any reason, the school nurse must be notified upon their return. Medical Examinations New York State law requires that all kindergarten children have a medical examination prior to entering school. This requirement applies also to all new students, as well as students in grades 2 and 4. You can have this medical completed by your personal physician or at the Open Door Facility Kennedy school by our Nurse Practitioner Mrs. Amy Dall. Call for an appointment at our School Based Health Clinic 939-1146. Dental Children are encouraged to have a dental exam once a year by their family dentist. A completed report must be returned to the Health Office. 15 Procedure for Head Lice If a child develops a case of head lice, the Health Office MUST BE INFORMED. When the child returns to school after treatment, a parent or guardian must first accompany them to the Health Office. Birthday & Other in-School Celebrations Following the guidelines set by the "Healthy Life Style Choices Program" for New York State Public Schools, we recommend that food for birthdays and other celebrations be kept simple, oatmeal cookies or fresh fruit; 100% fruit juices or bottled water is appropriate. Information on this program can be accessed at : The school is dedicated to the Wellness Program reinforced by the Kennedy's schools Wellness Committee. This committee meets on a regular basis. We encourage students to be healthy by supporting wellness, good nutrition and regular physical activity as part of the total learning environment. We support a healthy environment where students learn and participate in positive dietary and lifestyle practices. Injury or Illness during School Children sometimes suffer injuries in the school or on the school grounds. Minor cuts and abrasions are treated as first aid in the School Health Office. More serious injuries requiring medical attention cannot be fully cared for by the school because school health officials are prevented by law from giving extensive medical treatment in school. It is important that the Health Office have the name and phone number of your family physician recorded on your child's health record and emergency card. You will be notified immediately if your child sustains an injury, but in case you are not at home the emergency contact on the card will be notified. If the injury is serious, your child will be brought by ambulance to an emergency room in one of the neighboring hospitals. In summary, procedure in very serious accident or illness is: Person in charge calls for ambulance Person in charge calls home to notify parent to meet the child at the emergency room Person in charge calls family physician to meet the child in the emergency room The nurse and/or principal accompanies the child to the emergency room In summary, the procedure in less serious accidents or illnesses is: Person in charge calls parent Parent arranges transportation and calls family physician 16 Long-Term Illness In the event of a long-term illness, the family or a duly licensed physician must submit verification of permission to return to school. The note submitted to the Health Office must indicate permission for the child to return to full activity or to describe limitations. Internal Medicine A licensed physician must prescribe all medication administrated to children at school, including non-prescription drugs. The school nurse has a form to be completed for administration of internal medicine at school. The policy for school-administered medicine is: The nurse must have on file a written request from the physician (pharmacy labels do not constitute a request) The nurse must have on file a written request from the parent to administer medication. Medication must be delivered directly to the nurse by a parent and be labeled in the pharmacy container. Medication will be kept in a locked cabinet in the nurse's office. Academic Excellence Through Math Science and Technology John F. Kennedy Magnet School Administrators, Faculty and Staff Lou Cuglietto Principal Mary Alice Carrajat, Ed.D. Assistant Principal Maria Torres Secretary to the Principal Joanne Pace Secretary Eric Rios Office Assistant JFK Early Learning Center Mary Norelli Building Coordinator JFK Early Learning Center 17 Support Staff School Psychologists Bertha Cruz, Psy.D Mayra Estrella Speech Therapist Linda Stelluti Maura Webb School Nurse Ava Konwiser, R.N. Jeanette Spinelli Open Door Nurse Practicioner Lindsay M. Neptune District Social Worker Carmen Parker Social Worker-Family Services of Westchester Elise Munoz Teaching Staff Reading Nancy Capparelli Beth Curley Leidy Cuzon Marlee Santo-Donato Diana Pennino Science Karla Purcell Special Education Teacher Michelle Cardoso Music Kristen D’Avanzo Physical Education John Calfado Andrew Cicoria Jeanine Maiolini Elizabeth Viggiano Resource Nadia Cortina Jorge Carreno Judy Diaz Jaimi Kennedy Cynthia Ponce Yvette Vera-Pignato Band Michael Miceli Classroom Teachers Kindergarten Cindy Casterella Maria Guerrero-Genovese Diana Gonzalez Liliana Grajeda Julliet Roskell Jorge Santos Second Grade Ivelisse Acevedo Clara Baretto Melissa Cruz Erica Fuller Jamie, Rubino Yannyn Suarez First Grade Christina Alampi Monica Barreto Michelle Capparelli Judith Ravina Christine Rascona Victoria Reichberg Third Grade Ximena Aguillon Sandra Castillo Melissa Coletti Krista DiBernardo Linda Fortugno Megan Meehan 18 Fourth Grade Katherine Albero Jennifer Curti Kristin Pascuzzi Lester Ramirez Ann Rose Santoro Shawna Squillace Fifth Grade Anne Duckett Paige Sileo Enrique Tovar Cheryl Washington Teacher Assistant’s Richard Gregory Kristin Remy Teacher Aides Gloria Acevedo Angela Coppa Isabel DelPezo Vincent Fiscella Berta Fonticoba Jenny Galli Darlene Noriega Maria Rosario Allon Plummer Evelyn Valdovinos Margeret Zatari Library Clerk Maria Ardolino Darlene Noriega After School Program Coodinator - ELC Gloria Acevedo OASIS Program Coodinators - JFK Phillip Mutino Yannyn Suarez Head Custodian Adam Gamble Custodians Joe Allen Francisco Arrunategui Marco DelPezo Michael Turner Lunch Room Monitors Gwen Jenkins Georgein Lorenzi Marcela Lucas Maria Maldonado Alba Manresa Ingrid Orellano Maria Sposato Nidia Serrano SUCCESS FOR EVERY STUDENT 19
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