KENNEDY PARK OBSERVATION POST J.F.Kennedy Memorial Park, 137-147 Beach Road, Castor Bay For bookings phone Sunnynook Community Centre on 410-4902 or email: MAH JONG Pupuke Ladies Mah Jong Group meets in the Kennedy Park Observation Post on Tuesdays from February to November, 1.00pm to 4.00pm. We would enjoy having a few more members, so if you would like to join our happy group, please phone Barbara on 473-0065. ART LESSONS KENNEDY PARK 137–147 BEACH ROAD, CASTOR BAY KENNEDY PARK OBSERVATION POST This venue is available for hire during daylight hours. It is suitable for small meetings and workshops and is also popular for children’s birthday parties. For information and bookings please contact Bronwyn or Marion in the Sunnynook Community Centre office phone 410 4902 or email KENNEDY PARK TUNNELS AND WWII TRUST The tunnels at Kennedy Park are open to the public on the 2nd Sunday of each month, 11.00am to 2.00pm - gold coin optional donation to the Trust. The tunnel entrance is via the petanque court and torches are recommended. Bookings are essential for groups and advisable for individuals and families. For bookings or more information, please contact Chris Owen on 479 5290 / email or John Crews on 410 2653 / email The Kennedy Park WWII Trust is always looking for new members. If you have an interest in the historic military defences of Auckland, particularly those relating to WWII, please contact Chris or John, details above. KENNEDY PARK PETANQUE CLUB Welcomes new members. Enjoyable and friendly atmosphere - age no concern. When: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1pm to 3pm Sunday mornings, 10am to 12 noon Phone: Angela on 478 3138 or Miles on 021 296 3891 Players are welcome to turn up on the day, or for more information please phone contacts above. KENNEDY PARK YOUTH PROGRAMME AND SUNNYNOOK COMMUNITY CENTRE HOLIDAY PROGRAMME The Youth Programme for 10-13 year olds is held during each school holidays in the Kennedy Park Observation Post. The Holiday Programme for 5-9 year olds is held at Sunnynook Community Centre. Both programmes are WINZ approved. To enrol please contact Bronwyn or Marion at Sunnynook Community Centre, phone 410 4902, or email WOOL DONATIONS - Do you have any spare wool? A group of ladies meeting weekly in the Sunnynook Community Centre would welcome donations of wool to knit blankets for Kidz First, Plunket and Mission without Borders in Romania. Please drop off donations to the Community Centre. Held at Kennedy Park Observation Post. Learn to draw with step by step instructions, in a fun and informal environment, with Richard & Diana Moore. No Natural Talent Required! Ph: 09 431 8383 or email: NORTH SHORE CAKE DECORATING CLUB Meetings are held on the 1st Wednesday of every month (except January), 12.30pm to 3.30pm, at the Kennedy Park Observation Post. NEW MEMBERS WELCOME - Phone 444-8104 SUMMER FUN DATES Outdoor Pre-school Play - 10.00am-12.00 noon Tuesday 27 January - Castor Bay Beach Wednesday 28 January - Sunnynook Park Monday 2 February - Kennedy Park Wednesday 4 February - Milford Beach Reserve Monday 9 February - Sunnynook Park Wednesday 11 February - Castor Bay Beach Monday 16 February - Milford Beach Reserve Tuesday 24 February - Kennedy Park Wednesday 25 February - Castor Bay Beach Monday 2 March - Sunnynook Park Monday 9 March - Castor Bay Beach Monday 3 March - Milford Beach Reserve Wednesday 18 March - Milford Beach Reserve Thursday 19 March - Sunnynook Park Tuesday 24 March - Castor Bay Beach Wednesday 25 March - Kennedy Park Monday 30 March - Sunnynook Park Activities for Primary Aged Children Milford Beach Reserve - 4.00pm-7.00pm Fridays 30 January, 13 February, 27 February, 13 March, 27 March (Please note, if it is raining or the grounds are really wet we do not run the events. We may continue in a short light shower though). For further information please contact Rachael Bro, Takapuna North Community Co-ordinator, 029 201 2975. Kennedy Park Observation Post six monthly newsletter January 2015 SUNNYNOOK COMMUNITY CENTRE Cnr Sunnynook Road and Sycamore Drive, Sunnynook Postal address: 148 Sycamore Drive, Sunnynook, Auckland 0620 Phone: 410-4902 Fax: 410-4909 Email: Website: Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm 2015 - CENTRE ACTIVITIES MONDAYS Little Kickers Centre for Mutual Aid Yuanji/Kung Fu Dance English Conversation Group English Language Partners North Shore ESOL Toddler Toes Chinese Language Classes for Children Funky Feet NZ International School of Arts - Chinese Dance Spirit Inc. Tribal belly Dancing Essentrics Wednesday nights for three weeks: February 479-1981 489-8954 021-051-8128 410-4902 489-2078 410-7230 410-1699 410-7230 410-7088 021-266-0161 021-447-878 TUESDAYS Toddler Toes ESOL - English Classes - intermediate level Tai Chi (Maintenance) Tai Chi for seniors (Beginners) Chinese Language Classes for Children Funky Feet Tais Belly Dance Prostate Cancer Foundation of NZ (two monthly) Crimewatch (monthly) 410-7230 419-0197 443-8471 550-6321 410-1699 410-7230 021-077-4720 021-476-222 410-1248 WEDNESDAYS Sunnynook Ladies Probus Club (monthly) Milford Combined Probus Club (monthly) Parents Centre (Bays/North Harbour) “Baby & You” Toddler Toes Bread of Life Christian Church Chinese Language Classes for Children Pippins Baby Ballerinas Zumba Essentrics North Harbour Rockers Pilates 489-1515 479-5232 021-203-4663 410-7230 021-158-2697 410-1699 478-8540 483-6059 021-1136-203 021-447-878 027-277-8059 027-625-2131 THURSDAYS ESOL - English Classes - intermediate level 419-0197 Line Dancing 834-4202 North Shore C.O.P.D. Asthma Support Group (monthly) 623-0236 Sunnynook Community Centre Indoor Bowls 410-4902 English Language Partners North Shore ESOL 489-2078 Chinese Language Classes for Children 410-1699 Miles Dance School 483-6059 Brownies 478-8540 NZ Kung-Fu WuShu Federation 021-1165-193 Weight Loss Challenge 021-0227-8107 Tais Belly Dance 021-077-4720 German Language Classes - intermediate level 473-6576 Auckland Korean Literature Society (fortnightly) 021-0233-1594 Korean Culture Society 021-576-247 FRIDAYS Toddler Toes Fitness League - rhythmic exercise Parents Centre (Waitemata) “Baby & You” Yuanji /Kung Fu Dance Chinese Language Classes for Children Funky Feet Bread of Life Christian Church Indonesian Catholic Community (monthly) Auckland Korean Male Choir 410-7230 475-5215 446-0959 021-051-8128 410-1699 410-7230 021-158-2697 021-211-2359 021-949-506 SATURDAYS Miles Dance School - Baby Ballerinas English Language and Literature classes North Shore Chinese Association Chinese Language Classes for Children NZ International School of Arts - Chinese Dance 483-6059 021-285-8699 022-192-4896 410-1699 410-7088 SUNDAYS Bread of Life Christian Church Chinese Language Classes for Children Sunny Lu Chinese Folk Dance/Chi Gong Class AFS Intercultural Programme (two monthly) Golden Sail Dance North Shore Country Music Club (fortnightly) FREE FAMILY BIKE EVENINGS 021-158-2697 410-1699 486-4111 021-430-360 021-0271-1949 441-7219 11th, 18th and 25th, 6.00pm to 7.15pm. Meet on Sunnynook Park out from the Community Centre. Bring your bikes and helmets along for evenings of fun and bike skills development. Expert instructors from Big Foot. All participants must be able to ride a two wheeler bike and adults must attend with children. Helmets and shoes must be worn. Younger children on bike seats/trailers welcome. Loan bikes available - book when you register. Contact Bronwyn or Marion on 410 4902 or email For rain cancellations phone Sunnynook Community Centre on 410 4902. This event is kindly supported by Auckland Transport. FREE MOVIES IN PARKS SUNNYNOOK PARK FRIDAY 20TH FEBRUARY 6.30-10.00pm (movie starts 8.15pm) Come and see “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Before the sun sets and the movie begins, roll out the rug and have a picnic. Soak up the atmosphere and enjoy a summer evening under the stars. Coffee and food available for purchase. Pre-movie entertainment provided. For more information visit SUNNYNOOK COMMUNITY CENTRE FAMILY FUN DAY Friday 6th March 2015 - 4.30pm-7.00pm (cnr Sunnynook Road and Sycamore Drive) Mission Impossible Fantasy Land Big Foot Bikes (shoes essential) Face Painting Novelty Races Toys for Under Fives Sausage Sizzle/Cake Stall/Icecreams Entertainment from Centre Users Free Tea/Coffee/Juice (NB There is a small charge for some activities) If you are a member of the Community and would like to volunteer to assist at this event please phone Bronwyn/Marion on 4104902. Sunnynook Community Centre Management Committee would like to thank the Devonport -Takapuna Local Board for their generous grant to assist with the cost of this event. Our thanks also to Auckland Transport.. FREE ENGLISH CONVERSATION GROUP We invite those with English as a second language to come and practise speaking English and meet new people. Mondays 11.00am to 12.30pm starting 9 February Sunnynook Community Centre, Sycamore Room Light refreshments will be served. For more information please phone Bronwyn or Marion in the Sunnynook Community Centre Office, 410 4902. This group is kindly supported by Tessa and Robert Zhang, Barfoot & Thompson, Browns Bay
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