Issue 282 March 2015 EDITORIAL I hope you all have managed to ‘winter’ well and with the daffodils beginning to show a little movement in the garden, it would seem that Spring is on the horizon. However before leaping forward to Spring, may I just jog all the way back to Christmas. With a combined issue for January and February which has to go to print in the middle of December (I hope you are still with me!) it was remiss of me not to mention a couple of thank-you’s. Firstly to Matt , Charlotte and the family for the magnificent village Christmas tree (without doubt the best to be seen in the whole of West Somerset!) and to everyone who supported the village carol singing.. With the monies donated for the ‘alternative Christmas card,’ I was able to forward a total of some £325 to the Children’s Hospice. In conclusion may I just draw your attention to the article on the next page regarding the Defibrillator. It could be life saving!. Robbie Contact the Editor on telephone 01278 741594 or e-mail at KILVE VILLAGE WEBSITE RON FOYLE It is with much sadness that we have to record the passing of one of Kilve’s Octogenarians , Mr Ron Foyle. Ron who resided in Sea Lane, passed away at the end of January shortly before his 91st birthday. He was a popular figure within our village and despite his frailty still managed most months to attend both the Gents Luncheon and the Village Hall lunch club. He will be sadly missed and on behalf of the village we extend our sympathy to Alison and the rest of the family. WELCOME, WELCOME. This month it is our pleasure to welcome two couples to Kilve. Eugene and Wendy Brandon have moved in to 2 Old Ham and Karen Hutchins and John Cobb have moved in to Overlands in Pardlestone Lane.. We hope, very much, that you all have a long and happy stay in Kilve. EASTER LILIES There has been a long tradition in Kilve, whereby a display of lilies has been included in the Easter flower arrangements in the church. If you would like to purchase a lily or two in remembrance of a loved one, you are asked to contact Margaret Pinn on 741358. The normal donation is £3-50 per lily. ANTIQUES FAIR from the PCC As you will all know so well, the Antique and Collectors Fair is the main fund raising event of the year for St Mary’s church. Over the past couple of years, with so many people within our village helping out on the day, donations from the proceeds have also been given to other village organisations. However, the bulk of the money raised is used by the church as without it our lovely little church here in Kilve would never survive. We are now appealing for your generosity in helping. Anyone who could possible spare and hour or two on the day for various duties such as helping out in the kitchen, stewarding, car parking, helping out on the village stall etc. etc. is asked to kindly contact Pam Cuff on 741229. If you have any ‘collectables’ which would be suitable for the ‘Village Stall;’ and would like to donate the same, please contact Robbie Rutt on 741594 and he will arrange collection. Books too for the ‘Book Stall’ would also be gratefully received as would any donations of cakes. (If you are able to give a cake, Pam once again is your contact.) Apart from Pam and Robbie, other members of the PCC who may be contacted for any offers of help etc. are Arthur and Mair Williams (741429), Alan Hopper (741349), Frances Mayor (741268), and Time Edmunds (741285). Thank you. The much acclaimed annual ANTIQUES AND COLLECTORS FAIR EASTER MONDAY APRIL 6th 10 am to At KILVE COURT Entry £1 per person Morning Coffee Refreshments Light Lunches Afternoon Teas Forthcoming Events This list is a summary of the events listed elsewhere in Kilve News and relates to the whole District of Kilve, Holford and East Quantoxhead. MARCH 2015 Monday March 2nd GENTLEMEN'S LUNCHEON CLUB Hood Arms 12.30 pm Monday March 2nd (and all Mondays in the month) SHORT MAT BOWLS Kilve Village Hall 7.00 pm Tuesday March 3rd READING GROUP Hood Arms 7.15 pm Thursday March 5th (and all Thursdays in the month) TABLE TENNIS Holford & District Village Hall 7 pm Monday March 9th SECOND MONDAY Kilve Court 10.30 am Saturday March 28th COFFEE MORNING Kilve Village Hall 10.30 am Tuesday March 31st CRAFT CLUB Kilve Village Hall 2 to 4pm IMPORTANT from Robbie What are you doing on the morning of April 18th? This could be the most important half an hour you spend for a very long time! As you all probably know we have in the village a Defibrillator and hopefully we shall never have to use it, but if the event does happen are you fully aware just how it should be used? I have been in touch with the South West Ambulance Service and they are very kindly sending an officer along to give us all a ‘Defibrillator Awareness Session’. All it will cost you is just about 30 minutes of your time. REMEM,BER TO PUT IT IN YOUR DIARY NOW! Wednesday March 11th VILLAGE LUNCH Kilve Village Hall 12 .30 pm Wednesday March th PLAY READING Holford 2.30 pm DEFRIBILLATOR AWARENESS SESSION KILVE VILLAGE HALL SATURDAY APRIL 18TH 10.30 AM Thursday March 12th KILVE & DISTRICT WOMEN’S INSTITUTE Kilve Village Hall 2.30pm Tuesday March 17th HOLFORD GARDENERS CLUB Holford & District Village Hall 7.00pm FILM NIGHT! ‘MR TURNER’ THURSDAY MARCH 26th Thursday March 19th ‘BRING ME SUNSHINE’ Holford & District Village Hall 11 am Thursday March 19th SUGARCRAFT Kilve Village Hall 7pm Every month…. Saturday March 21st VILLAGE MARKET East Quantoxhead Village Hall 10. am ‘Bring me Sunshine’ Thursday March 19th at 11 am Holford Village Hall SATURDAY March 21st KILVE CRICKET CLUB ‘RACE NIGHT’ Kilve Villge Hall 7.30 for 8 pm Thursday March 26th FILM NIGHT Kilve Village Hall 7 for 7.30 pm KILVE & DISTRICT W. I. The March meeting will be held Thursday 12th in Kilve Village Hall commencing at 2.30 pm The speaker for this meeting will be Mr Newbold with a talk entitled ‘Food for thought’. 2 An opportunity for an hours chat with coffee, tea and usually a guest speaker. Fun and informal. Any Kilve residents who would like to come along please contact Robbie who will be pleased to arrange free transport. KILVE NEWS If you would like to have any further information about the W.I. please contact the Secretary Mrs Sue Ayshford on 741215 THE FOOD CUPBOARD Renewed thanks to all who are still contributing, especially during these colder months when demand is really at its very highest.. ST.MARY’S KILVE SUNDAY SERVICES MARCH 1st 11 am EUCHARIST MARCH 8th 11.00 am FAMILY SERVICE MARCH 15th 9.30 am EUCHARIST EAST QUANTOXHEAD MARKET SATURDAY MARCH 21st 10 AM ALL WELCOME! QUANTOCK SUGAR CRAFT Thursday March 19th ‘Have a go Easter Ideas’ The meeting will be held in Kilve Village Hall starting at 7.00pm Visitors are always welcome! Further information from Anne Horsey 01984 633860 or Margaret Baker 741647 KILVE READING GROUP from Sue Hares What a contrast! The read for the previous month “The Last Runaway” proved to be the most popular book we had read to date and this month’s book “The Graft” by Martina Cole was the least popular ever. As one member described the thriller “It was all in the title”. However the meeting was much enjoyed as it was our Winter Supper Meeting and we were very well served by the staff at The Hood. The next book looks more promising “Instructions for a Heatwave” written by Maggie O’Farrell. Contact for the group is Sue Hares 741360. All meetings take place in ‘The Hood’ and commence at 7.15 p.m. for 7.30 p.m. on the first Tuesday of the month. SECOND MONDAYS from Malcolm Jones In January, Pete Hares spoke on Buen Camino – Walking to Santiago de Compostella, a walk which he and Sue undertook last year. Tales of the many people they met on route, along with many colourful slides illustrating the countryside and the architecture captured the atmosphere of the pilgrimage route, culminating in the pilgrim’s Mass in the Cathedral. In February, Richard and Margaret Morse engaged us in their experience of Service Life with Richard’s 20 years service in the Army. Eleven successive postings around the world and four children provided many amusing anecdotes, including the re-enactment of the Wooden Horse and Spotlight TV. Many thanks to Pete ,Richard and Margaret for two very interesting talks. Our speaker in March is MikeDixon, so please come and join us on Monday 9 March in the Cooke-Hurle Room at Kilve Court, commencing at 10.30 am. The cost is only £1 per person to include tea/coffee. Any queries, give me a call on 741107. PLAY READING from Doreen Jones In January we read “Ladies who Lunch” by Tudor Gates. Gentleman watch out as the ladies are adept at forming hedge funds all in a good cause to benefit a charity. The husbands fortunes went down as the wives fortunes went up. An amusing read and well casted by Kathy who hosted the afternoon. In February, it was Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, dramatized by Paul Williamson. A difficult read as speech in a period drama is much more complicated than our discourse today. Very enjoyable though as we envisaged ourselves in our bonnets and taking tea in Bath. In reality we were at Putsham Lodge where Alison treated us to a tea better than any we would have had in Bath. Our next reading will be on Wednesday 11 March hosted by Sue Aysford. Would members of the group please let Sue know if you are unable to attend. KILVE NEWS From your Village Agent: Yvonne Bulman GENTLEMEN’S LUNCHEON CLUB Hello everyone. By the time you read this hopefully spring will be just around the corner and we will be beginning to enjoy daffodils and other flowers that make this time of year so joyful. Once again I urge you to be aware of scams that seem to target people. At the present time there is one purporting to be from HM Tax office, telling people that there is a mistake in their on line declaration. Please if in any doubt about any communication you receive check it out first; the same goes for telephone calls supposedly from your bank, whatever you do do not agree to transfer money – unless of course you know the caller personally. Unfortunately I am going to be out of action for the next two/three months [March/April/May]. However I am not abandoning you, if you do need help that a Village Agent can supply please get in touch with CCS (Community Council for Somerset ) on 01823 331222 or contact . Jinny is our line manager and she will make sure that you receive the help you need. In the meantime take care of each other and remember there is no charge for a Village Agent’s help and the service is absolutely confidential. I look forward to joining you all for coffee and a chat when my indisposition has given way to good health again. LOOKING AHEAD Attention organisers! We have been advised of the following arrangements Saturday April 18th BEETLE DRIVE Kilve Village Hall 7.30 pm Saturday June 6th COFFEE MORNING ‘Grantchester’ Kilve 10.30 am Saturday June 20th CONCERT St Mary’s Church Kilve 7.30 pm The gentlemen will be meeting at the Hood Arms for their monthly gathering on Monday 2nd . The co-ordinator for the lunch is ARTHUR WILLIAMS (Tel:- 741429) If you would like to attend please contact Arthur as soon as possible. Visitors are most welcome! TABLE TOP SALE Saturday 30th May 10.30am – 5pm Holford & District Village Hall A team of people in Holford have put forward some excellent plans for improvements to the village hall, which of course if agreed and funding awarded by EDF, will be a golden 'once in a lifetime' opportunity that will benefit all who use this facility - not just short term, but for the future of the village and its' activities. In order that funding is granted, we have to be seen to be raising funds ourselves, as well as using the hall as much as possible. With this in mind, I am going to organise a 'table top' and a ‘good quality boot sale’, to include local crafts, art and produce. In the past these events have raised an excellent amount of money, not only for the hall but for individual organisations and charities of choice. The only cost involved to those participating, will be the hire charge for space or table(s) and a donation of a decent raffle prize! Hire Charge: Large tables 6’ x 2’ - £12 each (or two for £20) Small table £8.00 Stage and Outside areas - costs to be discussed depending on requirements! (Please note outside stall holders will need to provide their own table, canopy etc.,) If you are interested, PLEASE contact me as soon as possible, thank you. This is open invitation to all outside of Holford - and your support is greatly appreciated. Mo Plomgren 01278 741152 Email: If you would like to give advance warning of up-coming events , just drop a ‘quick’ e-mail to the Editor!. ANY SPARE WOOL? The Kilve Craft Club (details below) have asked if we may enquire of Kilve ‘folk’ if they have any spare wool. They have at the moment a charity project in hand and any spare balls of wool would be most appreciated. If you are able to help please contact Jennie Mundy on 741649 KILVE CRICKET CLUB ‘RACE NIGHT’ SATURDAY MARCH 21ST KILVE VILLAGE HALL 7.30 for KILVE CRAFT CLUB KILVE VILLAGE HALL 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm TUESDAY March 31st *Licensed Bar* 4 KILVE NEWS THE HOOD ARMS KILVE, Telephone (01278) 741 210 ESCAPE TO THE HOOD ARMS Mothers Day Sunday Lunch Free ’fizz’ for all Mums Easter Sunday Lunch Three Roasts and ‘veggie’ options and a fabulous locally sourced specials board. ‘Doggie’ Easter Treat Hunt In the garden. Starts at 11am Treats for all dogs! KILVE NEWS Next issue..... PLEASE NOTE! Our next issue will be for APRIL Contributions as always, please, to Robbie, Olaf or to the Village Stores (marked Kilve News) no later than March 15th. If you have reports, adverts or contributions to hand before the 15th please let us have them early as it greatly helps having them in advance. KILVE NEWS IS INDEBTED TO HINKLEY POINT ‘A’ ENERGY SOLUTIONS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SPONSORSHIP HOLFORD GARDENERS GROUP THE HOOD ARMS KILVE TUESDAY MARCH 01278 741 210 17th 7.30pm Escape to the ArmsVillage for our true Holford & Hood District Hall Somerset hospitality! Excellent new Autumn menus Chris Yates Real Ales Wonderful ‘Roses old andWines new’ Dogs always welcome. All welcome TWENTY FIVE YEARS AGO From issues 26 Mach 1990 Beverley Heard, then Editor of ‘Kilve News’ gave quite a few column ‘inches’ to the atrocious weather which we had experienced here in Kilve. ‘This morning I went down to the sea at Kilve Pill and found myself alone battling to stand upright against the wind that was blowing off the sea. The Pill had completely changed with the pool area filled with pebbles and boulders, and the filed strewn with debris for a distance for over 50 yards.’ Bev added a post script. to her editorial. ‘Today after writing the main editorial I went back to the beach area. The waves were enormous and my car which I left by the cricket field was covered in sea spray. Watching the storms along our bit of coast is exciting and spectacular but we should spare a thought for those whose homes have been devastated by the weather’. PARDLESTONE LANE Mrs Jo Marshall who lives in Pardlestone Lane made some enquiries re Fire Service access and we thought it would be of interest to all in the lane. ‘I am a resident in the above village & Pardlestone Lane is a narrow single track lane leading up to a small amount of residential dwellings & farm buildings. The lane proves to be a regular challenge for some larger vehicles. It is my understanding that due to the restricted accessibility on Pardlestone Lane the local fire station regularly practiced routine exercises, this highlighted that overgrown hedges/ trees could be a potential problem for swift accessibility, therefore this needed to be maintained by the local council. It is also my understanding that this routine exercise has not been actioned for quite some time. As a resident of the lane I am inquiring as to what facilities are currently in place should such an unfortunate event happen & would like assurances that you can get a fire tender up the lane.’ The Fire Service replied:‘Dear Mrs Marshall Thank you for your enquiry reference access to the properties, including your own, at the top end of Pardlestone lane. Firstly, can I put your mind at rest and explain that besides a standard size fire appliance that Nether Stowey station have a smaller 4x4 appliance that would easily access your lane. This would enable crews to deal with any incident in this area. Secondly, as part of our ongoing commitment to community safety I will, when passing, ensure that I take the occasional look up the lane to identify if we would have a problem. Of course the best outcome of this is that the appliances would not need to access the lane as we would never have an incident to deal with. Therefore I will speak to our Community Safety department with an aim of undertaking some appropriate interaction to make your community a safer place to live. This of course will be risk based but will probably consist of a postal drop of appropriate literature. I hope that this has answered your questions and please feel free to contact me should you have any other queries.’ KILVE NEWS Village Hall News from Alison Eyley KILVE LUNCH CLUB WEDS MARCH 11th 12 for 12:30pm Chicken / Veggie casserole ~ Apple & Damson Crumble All are welcome, though numbers are limited to 25. Please order and pay for your ticket before the Friday previous. Any cancellations must also be received by Friday previous. This is because ingredients are ordered and paid for in advance. Tickets are £5 per person, all ages welcome, and tickets are available from coffee mornings or from Alison on 741317. KILVE COFFEE MORNING 28th FEBRUARY, 28th MARCH 10:30AM – 12 NOON Come and meet your friends and neighbours whilst you buy your tickets for village hall events and stock up from Margaret’s cake stall and Cathy’s card stall. 10% of takings from stalls go to Hall funds. Would you like a table at coffee morning? Please ring Alison on 741317 to book. There is no set charge, we just ask for 10% of takings towards hall funds, so if you have any items you wish to sell please either book a table or let Margaret Morse have them to sell on the community stall. We ask that unsold items are taken home by the supplier! If you have any unwanted books or DVDs in good condition to donate to our book stall please bring them along. All proceeds go to hall funds. Any unsold books and DVDs will be taken to a charity shop after 2 months. Secretary needed!! Do you have admin skills and can you spare a few hours a month? The village hall needs a meeting secretary to produce agendas and minutes for the management committee. We are a friendly bunch of volunteers who meet monthly usually on the first Tuesday morning. We have not got a secretary at present, so if you would like to volunteer please speak to Alison Eyley on 741317 AGM – please note this will be held before the coffee morning on May 30th at 10am. All user groups are entitled to have a representative on the Village Hall committee. User groups need to nominate their representative and notify the KVHMC Chair (Alison Eyley) of any changes to representatives before 30th May 2015. FILM NIGHT Thank you to all that supported the February film night which was a great success. What We Did on Our Holiday was a comedy drama telling the story of three young children, a granddad’s 75th birthday party and complex family relationships. Set in the stunning Scottish highlands it had us laughing and crying throughout. Our next film is on: THURSDAY 26TH MARCH 7 for 7:30PM MR. TURNER Starring Timothy Spall, MR. TURNER explores the last quarter century of the great if eccentric British painter J.M.W. Turner (1775-1851). Profoundly affected by the death of his father, loved by a housekeeper he takes for granted and occasionally exploits sexually, he forms a close relationship with a seaside landlady with whom he eventually lives incognito in Chelsea, where he dies. Throughout this, he travels, paints, stays with the country aristocracy, visits brothels, is a popular if anarchic member of the Royal Academy of Arts, has himself strapped to the mast of a ship so that he can paint a snowstorm, and is both celebrated and reviled by the public and by royalty. CLUB The December 100 club was drawn on 3rd January and was won by Sheila Sharp; second prize went to Charlotte Taylor. The January draw, the first of the new session, was made by our village agent Yvonne Bullman. It was won by Bruce Eyley and second prize went to Larry Bacon. Congratulations to them and thank you to all members for their support. If you wish for more details about the 100 club please speak to Ed on 741654. Ed will be collecting payments at coffee mornings for the new draw session that started at the end of January. It is £10 for 5 months membership. You may also pay at Kilve Stores. When paying at Kilve stores please put your payment in an envelope with your name address and contact number. BEETLE DRIVE – SATURDAY 18TH APRIL £2.50 PER TICKET – BYOB Whether you are 8 or 88 come on down for an evening of great fun and fierce competition. Never played before? Never mind, we will show you how; it’s easy! Shake those dice and get drawing your beetles. Fancy dress or decorated antennae are optional! Fantastic prizes … well some kind of prizes anyway! All proceeds to Village Hall funds. Tickets from Coffee Morning/ Kilve Stores/Alison 741317 Tickets are £5 from coffee morning, Kilve Stores or telephone Alison on 741317. Don’t forget that tea and coffee are provided but you can bring a bottle of wine along if you like! We must sell at least 20 tickets just to pay for the film licence! Therefore, if advance ticket sales are low, we may need to cancel, so please leave contact details when purchasing your ticket. It really helps us if you purchase your ticket before the night, ideally by the weekend before. Thank you. 6 KILVE NEWS ‘LETTERS TO THE EDITOR’ It is not often that we get ‘letters to the Editor’ and being a village ‘newspaper’ I certainly try to ‘steer clear’ of any that might be described as being rather contentious. The following from Nicky Sibley is far from contentious, in fact it echoes, I am sure, the sentiments of so many here in the village. Robbie. ‘ I would like to take the opportunity to say a big thank-you to Matt and Charlotte for the extraordinary service that they provide for the community in Kilve Stores. At ‘Christmas time’ (hard to rember I know), I had ‘Christmas’ delivered to my door by Matt and Charlotte but unlike Margo Leadbetter (the Good Life), I did not need to send my ‘Christmas’ back as everything, without exception, was most excellent and with the added bonus, of course, was that I didn't have to queue or drive for miles to get it! Friends and family were very impressed by the outstanding quality of ‘my fayre’ from the meat, fish, pates and pies through to the fruit veg and Matts mum’s exquisite cake—all of it very fresh. I am impressed and amazed that our village ship is able to offer such a comprehensive range of food from local producers and suppliers and that Matt will endeavour to source individual items that are not stocked. In addition how wonderful to have a post office that can be used as an oversized cash point is invaluable. Thank you Matt and Charlotte, et all not only for my ‘fab’ Christmas but for your continual hard work in providing such a ‘gem’ I don’t know what we’d do without such an asset.’ KILVE CRICKET CLUB The 2015 season is already on the horizon and Kilve cricketers have begun their winter net sessions in earnest. New players of all ages and abilities are always most welcome – please do get in touch on the number below. This year the 1st XI will be again be competing in Div 2 of the Shrubbery Hotel Cricket League; the second team will play in the fifth tier of the West Somerset League and the midweek Last Man Stands side will hope to regain their title as Somerset Champions having graciously conceded it in 2014. Those anxious to watch some live cricket at the Kilve Beach ground will want to note we have three pre-season friendlies scheduled this year with the first taking place on the 18 th April against Bagborough, do please come along and support (the bar will be well stocked). The Kilve Cobras – our under 13’s outfit – are continuing to grow in both numbers and talent, helped enormously by their training nights that take place on Fridays, once the season has started. Again new players are always very welcome. The Club’s first fundraiser of the year is our annual Race Night, which will be taking place on Saturday 21 st March at Kilve Village Hall, doors will open at 7.30pm with the first race setting off at 8pm. Once again, there will be a licensed bar and all the excitement of a real tote where punters can have a little flutter on their favourite horse. Horses will be available to own in advance of the night itself with prizes for the winners and the Secretary will be visiting local businesses to ask if they will kindly help us out again with sponsoring a race and naming their horses. Peter Stone Chairman, Kilve Cricket Club (741149) SEA LANE SPIRIT from Olaf Chedzoy At my international email writers group a few years ago, we were given a challenge to write a cliff-hanger in a maximum of 300 words. It didn’t need to be an incident on a cliff – just a short story with an ‘;emergency crisis’ ending. As it happened, we were in Old Cleeve parish in Somerset, and I picked up a copy of the ‘Five Churches’ Benefice magazine. There I saw a humorous article exploring the idea of a telephone call centre established in Heaven. It didn’t take much imagination to use it in a cliff-hanger. CLIFF-HANGER Like his priest, Jack loved cliff-top walking. But his priest had insisted that he put an emergency number on his mobile phone, should he ever need it. It was excellent advice. Jack set out striding happily along the deserted cliffs of Exmoor enjoying the world, when the unexpected happened. The ground gave way under his feet, and he desperately grabbed at anything he could see as part of the cliff fell. As he looked around, he saw that he could grab a small bush: he locked his left arm around it to hang on in the hope of salvation. Then he remembered the emergency telephone number – and he managed to draw out his mobile phone from his right pocket, and found he could operate it with one hand. He scrolled down to the emergency number and dialled. The answer came quickly. Thank you for calling Our Father’s House. Please select one of the following options. 1. Thanksgiving 2. Repentance 3. Complaints 4. Any other matters Jack quickly pressed 4 If you would like to speak to: God – press 1 Jesus – press 2. The Holy Spirit – press 3 If you would like to hear King David sing a Psalm press 4. For reservations at Our Father’s House, press 5. For answers about the age of the Earth, and where Noah’s Ark is, please wait until you arrive. If you need a miracle, press 6. At this point the shrub moved threateningly, so Jack wasted no time, and pressed 6. I’m sorry, but all our angel advisors on miracles are busy at the moment, so please hang up, and try later. Be aware that our offices will shortly be closing for the weekend, but if you do need assistance urgently, you may find it helpful to consult your local priest. There’s no moral to this story – just a realisation that technology and religion do not make easy partners at times. (Yet another Olaf ’masterpiece’ Thank you—Ed) KILVE NEWS IMPORTANT KILVE NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH CRIME PREVENTION ADVICE from Tracy Gorman PARISH COUNCIL NEWS from Shirley Rushent GENERAL MESSAGE TO LOCAL RESIDENTS There has been a general increase in the number of thefts from motor vehicles recently. Some of these are occurring in shopper car parks, some in residential areas and an increasing number in rural car parks. These rural car parks are often in beauty spot areas and predominantly used by walkers during daylight hours. Vehicles have generally been left secure and access has been gained by breaking windows. Items left on display in such vehicles have been targeted – such as personal items, satellite navigation accessories and small change left in central consoles. Remember this type of crime is carried out by opportunists. Make sure you leave your vehicle secure and remove any temptation by ensuring you do not leave any items on display; No matter how inconsequential you think the item may be. GENERAL REMINDER REGARDING CALLERS AT THE DOOR - please remember not to have dealings with any unsolicited callers whether they are at the door, calling by phone, sending Emails or writing to you. They may be offering to buy or sell items; perhaps offering to provide crime prevention advice, repair guttering or cut trees down; or they may ask to gain access inside the property. Whatever the excuse do not have dealings with them in any form. Remember all suspicious activity or callers should be reported as soon as possible to the police on 101 or in an emergency 999. MONTHLY CRIME STATS UPDATE - DECEMBER 1. Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) 7 reports. 2. Crime Statistics - there were 34 calls made to the police from your beat - 7 calls were to report crimes, If you would like to continue to be a member of Kilve Neighbourhood Watch (and have not already let me know) or want to join the scheme for the first time please complete the form below and return it to Tracy Gorman as soon as possible. The form may be sent to Tracy at The Old Post Office, Kilve, Bridgwater TA5 1EA, left at the Village Stores in an envelope clearly marked NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH FOR THE ATTENTION OF TRACY GORMAN, or the details emailed to Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinators are kept informed of all crime related incidents via email. To enable me to advise you of those that would affect us here in Kilve please include your email address. Only relevant emails will be circulated, general, non-sensitive updates and advice will be available on the Kilve Village website which can be found at www.kilvevillage TITLE: _____SURNAME _____________________ ADDRESS _____________________________________ POSTCODE ______________ TELEPHONE NUMBER __________________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS ______________________________ 8 At the last meeting we were pleased to welcome Barry Whitehead as a member of the PC, a full complement at last. The potholes in Sea Lane have been repaired, and the replacement sign for Quantock View should be in place soon, all the yellow grit/salt bins should all have salt in, just in case just to remind you that it is for use on the roads and not driveways. County Councillor reported that the Director for children’s services had gone, work at Washford Cross should have started and will take approximately 6-9 months to complete, all young mothers to be offered flu jabs, new Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 was passed by Parliament in March 2014. This Act has introduced a range of new ‘tools’ and powers for tackling anti- social behaviour that will replace existing methods. New Williton Carer Support Group for unpaid carers who look after family or friends, held on the 2nd Monday every month from 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm, meet other carers and find out about FREE support and training available in West Somerset, for more info contact Ann Hope 01984 633058 or Compass Carers 01823 255911. District Cllr reported that annual audit of the finances was ok and the accounts team were congratulated by the auditors. HPc works are continuing under phase 2, lots on the base for jetty NW section, Holford Stream Valley, working 7 to 7, 5.5 days week, 40 apprentices have been employed, the Intermediate Waste may not end up being stored at HP. Lots of CIM applications have been received many of which did not meet the criteria so were rejected. Kilve Village Hall Committee and Kilve Cricket Club will be putting in CIM applications in 2015, letters of support have been written from the PC. There is a strong possibility that the Mobile Library services will be reduced to divert money to regular Libraries, the PC has replied to the Consultation. All Parishioners are welcome to attend the Parish Council meetings. Please contact any Councillor or the Clerk if you have any problems they we can help you with. All contact details for Councillors and the Clerk are on the Parish Notice Board RETIRED PERSONS HEALTH MESSAGE As I was lying around, pondering the problems of the world, I realised that at my age I don't really give a rat's arse anymore. If walking is good for your health, the postman would be immortal. A whale swims all day, only eats fish, drinks water, but is still fat A rabbit runs and hops and only lives 15 years, while a tortoise doesn't run and does mostly nothing, yet it lives for 150 years. And you tell me to exercise?? I don't think so. Just grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked, the good fortune to remember the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
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