Sixth Form Student Bulletin Week beginning Monday 11th May 2015 (Week A) Good Luck to everyone sitting exams over the coming weeks Monday 11th May : Start of the summer exam timetable (for written papers). Monday 8th June: A2 courses start for Year 12. Tutorial period and Enrichment classes all start again in this week. Tuesday 16th June : Higher Education Evening for all Year 12 parents 6.00pm-7.30pm Friday 19th June : Higher Education Trip for all Year 12 students to Sheffield - details to follow Wednesday 24th June: Year 13 Leavers’ BBQ Monday 29th June - Friday 3rd July: Year 12 Work Experience Week Exams Exams start at 9.00am and 1.00pm . Please arrive at least 15 minutes before the exam starts so you can go into the exam room in a calm non-flustered manner. Please ensure you have all your equipment with you Please switch off your mobile phones before you go into the exam room. You can ask the invigilators to look after them for you. Ill health/cause for concern Please ask your parents/carers to contact school if you are unable to attend your exam due to illness, if you arrive at school and you are feeling unwell please tell Mrs Livings or Mrs Booth as soon as possible. Our extension is 225 Please remember, no talking or non-verbal communication in the exam hall except with the invigilators. Please note that the school will be open again for revision on the Saturday 16th May. Please come in from 10.30am via the Science gate. The Common Room and the IT rooms will be available and if you need a room to do some group revision in we can open one up. It was great that a good number of you came in and worked hard in school on Saturday Revision Tips 1. Avoid distractions: Mobile phones (or Gaming) and revision = lack of focus on the subject matter = lack of success in the exam. So…..turn it off and put it away. 2. Time : 3 hours a day is generally the recommended amount for after school revision up to the exams. At weekends 6 hours is the recommended amount. So create the time, in particular it is essential that you book time off work. 3. Method: find a method that works - this takes time. Notes/mind maps/flash cards/group revision/pair testing/past papers…..Ask for help if your way isn’t working. 4. Relaxation - if you are spending a large amount of the day revising your brain needs a break so; exercise/see friends/watch your favourite TV programmes. 5. Ask for help - if you are getting worried - don’t suffer in silence. Time off work Please make school work your priority until after the exams and book time off work Revise on the go! AS Psychology Revision App by Cara Flanagan –Year 12 Psychology students, please have a look at this. The Common Room The Library Quiet Room is open to work in until 4.00pm every day. Remember the Common Room is open until 6.00pm every day for you to work in. Revision Sessions this term A-Level Geography Revision Session Timetable 2015 after Easter Date Wednesday 13th May Topic AS GEOG2 – Skills and personal investigation Tuesday 2nd June Wednesday 3rd June Monday 8th June A2 GEOG3 – World Cities A2 GEOG3 – Tectonics A2 GEOG3 – Development and Globalisation A2 GEOG3 – Weather A2 GEOG4 – Skills and personal investigation Wednesday 10th June Wednesday 17th June Physics with Mr Henderson in S1 on Monday lunchtimes and with Mr Teal after school on Tuesdays. Miss Walter is running ‘drop in’ sessions every Monday on Kindertransport for Year 12 English Literature to offer extra support on areas you are unsure of and to go through past papers. Psychology and Sociology AS after school on Wednesdays and Thursdays Mr Jolly is offering revision sessions on the following days after school C2 – 13th and 19th May Statistics – 20th, 21st May and 2nd June History are running revision sessions every Wednesday in H4 for The Condition of England Entry in to school Please do not tell anyone outside of the Sixth Form the new code. Door entry code has changed to 1952 Year 13s – Locker Keys Please remember to return these to Student Reception (to get your deposit back), when you have finished using them. ______________________________________________________________ Careers Appointments We have no more scheduled interview days but if you do need to speak to the careers advisor please let Mrs Booth know and she will arrange an interview for you. Our Careers advisor will also be around to speak to and offer advice on Results Days ________________________________________________________________ Happy Birthday this week to: Holly Sullivan and Alex Wyatt – 14th May Year 12 Work Experience June 29th - July 3rd Your tutor will have given you an Employer Agreement Form. This needs to be completed as soon as possible please. You also need to get the Employer’s Liability Insurance details by either visiting the business premises or telephoning them for the information (please make a note of the person you have spoken to and the date and time at the bottom of the page if you are doing this over the telephone, otherwise the employer should sign and date the agreement form). It is vitally important that you obtain this information as soon as possible as until an up-to-date risk assessment has been approved you will not be allowed to attend the work experience. Please see Mrs Booth is you need another copy of the form or if you are unsure about what needs doing. If you have not already applied for a placement, please do this as soon as possible. _______________________________________________________________ The University of Nottingham is holding a Physics Taster Day on Tuesday 30th June for all Year 12 students. This is a free event which consists of a mixture of lectures, practical activities and liquid nitrogen demonstrations. Activities will be held in the Physics Building on the University Park Campus. For more information contact Chris Staddon at This is in Work Experience week so you would need to discuss with your placement if you wanted to attend. ________________________________________________________________ Shadow Judging opportunity for the BBC National Short Story Award This is available to all Year 12 and 13 students who are interested in shadow judging the BBC National Short Story Award with Book Trust alongside Sarah Hall, Ian Rankin, Allan Little, Tash Aw and Di Speirs Register your interest before the 22nd May and check the website for more details ________________________________________________________________ Vacancy Bulletin Deloitte Bright Start school leaver opportunities for Year 13 students: Deloitte are offering students the opportunity to join them on their various school leaver schemes, where they will be exposed to a range of business areas working alongside leading professionals. This is an excellent way for students to kick-start their career, build their professional network, work towards professional qualifications and earn a competitive salary straight after school or college. Throughout this five-year programme, Deloitte will organise social activities especially for BrightStart students, as well as offering the chance to join companywide clubs – making this a great alternative to university! Visit their website for more details Pure Potential _______________________________________________________________ British Gas Apprenticeships British Gas are looking for individuals for Apprenticeships and Traineeships Information System Apprentice Apprentice Gas Installation Engineer Trainee Smart Metering Expert All information and links to apply for the above roles are on the Apprenticeship Notice board just outside the Sixth Form office. ________________________________________________________________ Aldi Apprenticeship Programme: With the option of going into either stores or Logistics. For more details visit or email Childline The Nottingham branch of Childline are looking for volunteers to train as counsellors. They are running an information day on Monday 11th May at 6.00 pm in Old Basford, Nottingham. For more details contact ________________________________________________________________ Year 12 University-planning ahead We have arranged to take you all to a UCAS Higher Education Fair in Sheffield after your exams. We have also arranged an evening event for you and your parents where the process of applying and financing university will be explained. A letter will be going home about both of these events this week. Year 13 Finance applications: you need to be getting on with these. Apprenticeship help for Year 13 On Fridays after school Mrs Livings is available to help anyone applying for apprenticeships or employment. Please come along or see her and, if you can’t make Fridays, a different time for help can be set up. Visit – the quick and easy way to search for apprenticeships in your area Mrs Booth has up to date information on apprenticeship opportunities across the East Midlands please ask her for more information. Apprenticeship opportunities are also available from the App Store for iphone users and from Google Play for android phone users. ________________________________________________________________ Financial help in the Sixth Form If your family circumstances change during your time in the 6th Form and this leads to financial hardship please come to see us so that we can see if it is possible for you to access the Bursary Fund. News item of the week: The General Election For Year 13s who had reached 18 on Thursday it was your first time to vote and I hope you all used your democratic right to vote .I also hope that all of you, throughout your lives, will vote in both general and local elections. When you leave home always ensure you fill out an electoral roll form or get a postal vote organised, which is what a lot of students do. UK results Conservative (CON) have the following results: 331 seats , a +24% change Labour (LAB) have the following results: 232 seats , a -26% change Scottish National Party (SNP) have the following results: 56 seats , a +50% change Liberal Democrat (LD) have the following results: 8 seats , a -49% change Democratic Unionist Party (DUP) have the following results: 8 seats , a +0% change Others (OTH) have the following results: 15 seats , a +1% change There are 650 seats in parliament (so 650 MPs) and 326 seats were needed to win an overall majority. So the Conservatives now have an overall majority- which means they do not need to join with another political party when they want to get legislation through parliament. Another major news item this week: VE Day Remembrance – 70 years Events across the UK and the rest of Europe this weekend have commemorated the 70th anniversary of VE Day - the end of World War Two on the continent. Thoughts for the week Finally, with the exams starting and so many of you working very hard revising, it is worth thinking about Mahatma Gandhi’s words on effort: Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment, full effort is full victory.
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