2015 Kingswood Internaonal Fesval of Colors 5 to 8 p.m. Friday, May 1 Sign Up & Pre-order Form May 1 is Kingswood’s Internaonal Fesval of Colors (formerly called Spring Fling) where we will celebrate all of the cultures that are represented at our school. But we are adding a li'le spice this year: the Internaonal Fesval and the Color Run! Run Internaonal Fesval — 5 to 7:30 p.m. How will Kingswood celebrate its rich diversity? Each grade has chosen a country or region of the world to showcase. They are: • Pre-K: Morocco, North Africa • 1st grade: Germany • 2nd grade: Central America Why are we doing this? As Kingswood’s first year as a Montessori STEM magnet, the PTA wanted to showcase the vibrant rainbow of cultures here! How can parents help? Please consider volunteering your me and talents to: • 3rd grade: Spain • 4th grade: Ghana, West Africa • 5th grade: Ireland • Help decorate a table • Bring an ethnic dish to share • Staff a table for 30 minutes Color Run — 7:30 to 8 p.m. What is a Color Run? It’s like the fall Fun Run, but with red, blue, green, yellow and purple powder! Parcipants will be spla'ered with nontoxic colored cornstarch at 5 staons as they run (walk or crawl) around the track. of $20 per person. Get neighbors, friends and family to sponsor your run. (Be sure to ask your parents before you seek donaons.) If you start looking for donaons now, you’re sure to be set by the deadline! What will the Color Run money be used for? It will stay at Kingswood for our Outdoor Learning What should I wear for the run? Will the colors Center and other STEM programs for our kids. These answers and more are available at the Kingswood website. Who can parcipate? Kingswood students, their siblings, parents, and guardians can join the fun, as long as they meet a minimum entry donaon Schedule of Fesval Events 5-8 p.m.: Concessions for meal/snacks 5-7:30 p.m.: Book Fair 5-7:30 p.m.: Internaonal Fesval 7:30 to 8 p.m.: Color Run p nu g i s to r ee 70 t a f ie! t s h e Fir ill g plus l w a im an stain my clothes? How can I protect my eyes? More quesons? Check out the extensive FAQs on our website at h'p://kingswoodes.wcpss.net/2015colorfesvalfaqs.pdf 3 Ways To Help Volunteers can schedule their me in 30 minute slots. More hands = li'le work + more fun! Sign up on the reverse side of this form. Sign up online through a “genius sign up” through the Kingswood website. Send an email to the Kingswood PTA at KingswoodPTA@gmail.com Every dime we raise on May 1 stays at Kingswood for kids and their learning! Buy now and save! Fesval pay-one-price wristband* Color Run Discounted Admission Price before April 13 Full Admission Price A8er April 14 $8 per child $10 per child $20 per person $30 per person *Individual ckets will not be sold this year for the fesval games, bouncy houses or other favorite acvies. Yes! Sign Us Up! Your name: Name of your child(ren): Grade(s) and teacher(s): Your telephone number: Your email address: Quanty Cost per person (before April 14) Total _______ X $8 = _________ pate in the color run _______ X $20 = _________ Yes, we want extra bags of color** ________ X5= _________ Yes, I want to buy the wristband admissions Yes, we want to parci- Make checks payable to “Kingswood PTA.” All entries must be received by April 13 to qualify for discounts. On April 14, price is $10 per fesval band and $30 per color run parcipaon. _________ Grand total Remember: All money raised from the Fesval will go toward the Outdoor Learning Center and other STEM Projects. I Want To Help, Too! Yes, I can volunteer! Before The Fesval During The Fesval Color Run 2:30 to 3:15 — table setup and decoraons 5-5:30 p.m. — cover a game 5-5:30 p.m. — cover an internaonal table 7:30-8 — toss color powder at runners 4-5 p.m. — table setup and decoraons 5:30-6 p.m. — cover a game 5:30-6 p.m. — cover an internaonal table 7:30-8 — cheer! By 5 p.m. — bring an ethnic 6-6:30 p.m. — cover an 6-6:30 p.m. — cover a game dish to share internaonal table 6:30-7 p.m. — cover a game 6:30-7 p.m. — cover an internaonal table 7-7:30 p.m. — cover a game 7-7:30 p.m. — cover an internaonal table A8er The Fesval 8-8:30 — Clean up Please return this form by April 13 for the discount to your child’s teacher, who will forward it to the PTA. Thank you so much for your generosity and your willingness to help our school and our kids.
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