2014-2015 Critical Thinking Teacher of the Year Awards Eastern Kentucky University Grand Reading Room-Library April 30, 2015 Critical Thinking Teacher of the Year Awards Critical Thinking Teachers of the Year are nominated by EKU students. This year 475 students nominated instructors who have made an impact on the students’ learning and lives. A total of 277 instructors were nominated. Instructors are nominated because of their efforts to help students think critically and creatively about their educational, professional, and/or personal lives. We congratulate all of the nominees and thank them for their dedication to EKU students. Eastern Kentucky University is committed to graduating informed critical and creative thinkers who communicate effectively. 2014-2015 WINNERS Faridah Awang Management, Marke ng & Interna onal Business April Ballard University Programs Laura Barthel Management, Marke ng & Interna onal Business Teena Blackburn Philosophy & Religion Martin Brock Chemistry Lindsay Calderon Biological Sciences Michael Collier Safety, Security & Emergency Management Jon C. Endonino Anthropology, Sociology & Social Work Benjamin Freed Anthropology, Sociology & Social Work Malcolm P. Frisbie Biological Sciences Gill Hunter English & Theater Frank Kubala College of Justice & Safety Fred May Safety, Security & Emergency Management Kristina Petrey Nursing: Associate Degree Matthew Pianalto Philosophy & Religion Beth Polin Management, Marke ng & Interna onal Business Mike Roberson Management, Marke ng & Interna onal Business Karen Rudick Communica on Bill Staddon Biological Sciences Matthew P. Winslow Psychology 2014-2015 Nominees for Critical Thinking Teacher of The Year Awards College of Arts & Sciences Adams, Patrick Adams, Stephanie Appleton, Thomas Baker, Mary Balman, Robert Benne , Helen Blacksberg, Leslie Blackburn, Teena Blank, Kenneth Bowes, John Braccia, Amy Brock, Audry Brock, Mar n Bundy, Myra Beth Calderon, Lindsay Calie, Patrick Campbell, Anthony Chang, Kuang‐Nan Cizmar, Anne Clement, Catherine Clouse, Jane Coen, Michael (Patrick) Conley, Gregory Core, Deborah Corne , Ma hew Cortés‐Castañeda, Manuel Davidson, Cynthia Davis, Antoine e Davis, Barbara Davis, Dennis Dieckmann, Melissa Dooley, William Elias, Dave Ellio , Charles Endonino, Jon C. Frantz, Lindsey Freed, Benjamin Frisbie, Malcolm P. Gaffney, Jon Garre , Andrew Gibson, Jason Goodrich, Joel Goodwin, Ka e Gore, Jonathan Gossage, Anne Grayson, Courtney Grayson, Donnie Grossl, Sandra Harber, Jessica Harley, John Harrel, Sherry Hartch, Todd Harter, John Higdon, Adam Hisel, John Howell, Ma hew Houston, Bob Huch, Ron Hunter, Gill Jackson, Glenn 2014-2015 Nominees College of Arts & Sciences (continued) Jones, Clint Jones, Kirk Kalkan, Kerem Karolich, Bob Kasiak, Neil Kerber, Rebecca King, Jessica Kohl, Jacqueline Kopacz, Paula Koslow, Jennifer Kristofik, Paula Lamar, Mary Lawson, Adam Leigh, Phyllis Liddell, Kelly Mar nez, George May, Jerome McQueen, Keven McSpirit, Stephanie Middleton, Lisa Milde, Robert Minor‐Lindsay, Mary Mitchell, Robert Mohallatee, Dave Mohanty, Meena Monsebroten, Dale Moore, Melinda Ndinguri, Margaret Neugebauer, Jeffrey Neumann, Chris Nimtz, Renee Nnoromele, Salome Osbaldiston, Richard Paolucci, Paul Pa on, James Pianalto, Ma hew Pierce, Marcia Powell, Isaac Rahimzadeh, Kevin Rainey, Glenn Redmond, Shane Rich, Charlo e Rich, (Christopher) Michael Ritchison, Gary Roman, Fairleigh Ruppel, Fred Siahkoohi, Kimberly Scarambone, Bernardo Sheppard, Amanda Staddon, Bill Smith, Dionne Spock, Jennifer Stanfill, Jessica Stearn, Catherine Stenulson, David Stepanyan, Tracy Stevens, Jeff Vernon Stubblefield, Sumithran, Stephen Swain, Randall 2014-2015 Nominees College of Arts & Sciences (continued) Sweely, Gay Szubinska, Barbara Treadway, Jodi Vance, Diane Varakin, Donald (Alex) Varela‐Ibarra, Jose Walters, Michael Warman, Christopher Watson, Kelly Webb, Craig Weise, Robert Wies, Jennifer Wilson, Steffen Winslow, Ma hew P. Wi , Sandie Wong, Ka‐Wing Yow, Donald Zonio, Henry College of Business & Technology Adams, Thomas Arias, Sco Awang, Faridah Barthel, Laura Chandra, Vigs Christensen, Burke Dailey, David Daniels, Mark College of Business & Technology (continued) Dust, Sco Easterling, James (Kirby) Endsley, Abra Engle, Allen Fenton, Ed Field, Dennis Fitch, John Fore, Michael Fredrickson, Ed Gleason, Jim Hitchcock, Paul Holbrook, Marybeth Johnson, Louis Kilgore, Jeff Mar n, Joe Polin, Beth Richardson, Ray Rincker, Laurie Roberson, Mike Robles, Marcel Rudick, Karen Southgate, Kenneth Travis, Denver Velez de Cea, Abraham Viole e, Jayne Waters, Richard Werking, Kathy Xiao, Qian Xu, Bangteng Zhang, Zhe Zhuang, Weiling 2014-2015 Nominees College of Education Ball, Sharon Biggin, Robert Bozeman, Linda Kolb Christensen, Jennifer Day, Richard Eastman, Victoria Forde, Timothy Hodge, Connie Kennedy, Michael Kolloff, Mary Ann Mason, Nicola Moore, Jan Parrish, Clara Par n, Mike Ross, Linda Shepperson, Tara Skepple, Rose Sommer, Carol Thompson, Sherwood College of Health Sciences Adams‐Blair, Heather Adams‐Johnson, Melanie Bradley, Michael Campbell, Phil Cassidy, Karma Cormier, Joel Edwards, Catherine Farro, Anna Frederick, Helyne Fuchs, Eric College of Health Sciences (continued) Green , Chris e Hart, Beverly Larkin, James Loan, Theresa McKinney, Molly Marion, Jason Mills‐Schwartz, Laurel Petrey, Kris na Pressley, Sheila Probus, Kimberly Ricke s, Donna Rowe, Vicki Sabin, Ma hew Salmans, Raglena Sharp, Freda Slusher, Ida Ware, Mixon Waters, Elaine Wilson, Mary College of Justice & Safety Bagge , Ryan Barnard, Mark Bigger, Patrick Brisman, Avi Collier, Michael Collins, Pam Collins, Victoria Datson, Ron Dewhurst, Chris na Elrod, Preston 2014-2015 Nominees College of Justice & Safety University Programs: (Con nued) Felden, Jonathan Ferrell, Greg Foster, Chad Garrison, Carole Gorbe , Gregory Grant, Paul Gray, Kishonna Kappeler, Stephen Hanks, Corey (Sturgill) Anderson, Sierrah Ballard, April Baney, Michael Bell, Bri any Carpenter, Russell Cole, Ashley Day, Lisa Moore, Stephanie O eno, Iddah Richmond‐Mason, Robin Hunter, Sandy Kraska, Peter Kubala, Frank Land, Michael Lewis, Dus n Ma hews, Betsy May, Fred Neal, Earl‐Ray Po er, Gary Ri er, Tanya Roberts, Jaime Schmidt, Donna Zhang, Jing Rose, Tara Schept, Judah Schneid, Thomas Schramm, Rebecca Shaw, Randy Smith, Walter Thurman, Tom Tinsley, Andrew Wall, Tyler Paul & Elder Model of CRITICAL THINKING INTELLECTUAL STANDARDS Apply to Completeness Significance Relevance Accuracy Precision Fairness Breadth Clarity Depth Logic ELEMENTS OF THOUGHT To develop Points of View Assump ons Implica ons Informa on Inferences Ques ons Concepts Purposes INTELLECTUAL TRAITS Intellectual Perseverance Intellectual Autonomy Confidence in Reason Intellectual Courage Intellectual Empathy Intellectual Integrity Intellectual Humility Fairmindedness PREVIOUS WINNERS 2010-2014 College of Arts & Sciences Myra Beth Bundy Teena Blackburn Pat Calie Amy Braccia Martin Brock Jerry Cook Jon Endonino Stephen Houston Robert Karolich Erik Liddell Rosanne Lorden Robert Mitchell Chris Neumann Wini Utari Jennifer Wies Matthew Winslow College of Business & Technology Burke Christensen Allen Engle Deborah Givens Marie Mitchell Qian Xiao PREVIOUS WINNERS 2010-2014 College of Education Charles Hughes Mary Ann Kolloff College of Health Sciences Heather Adams‐Blair Connie Lamb Marsha Roberts Peggy Wittman College of Justice & Safety Ryan Baggett Michael Collier Terry Cox Scotty Dunlap Carole Garrison Christy Hardin Sandy Hunter Fred May NOVA Stephen Haggerty University Programs April Ballard John Hearn Eastern Kentucky University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma ve Ac on employer and educa onal ins tu on and does not discriminate on the basis of age (40 and over), race, color, religion, sex, sexual orienta on, disability, na onal origin, veteran status, or gene c informa on in the admission to, or par cipa on in, any educa onal program or ac vity (e.g., athle cs, academics and housing) which it conducts, or in any employment policy or prac ce. Any complaint arising by reason of alleged discrimina on should be directed to the Equal Opportunity Office, Coates CPO 37A, Jones Building Room 106, Eastern Kentucky University, 521 Lancaster Avenue, Richmond, Kentucky 40475‐3102, (859) 622‐8020 (V/TDD), or the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Educa on, Office for Civil Rights, Lyndon Baines Johnson Department of Educa on Building, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC. 20202 1‐800‐421‐3481(V), 1‐800‐877‐8339(TDD). Eastern Kentucky University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirma ve Ac on employer and Educa onal Ins tu on.
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