Aims: The purpose of the day is to familiarise educa onal supervisors with the Kent Surrey and Sussex Founda on Pharmacist Programme (KSSFPP) and to provide prac cal advice and training on suppor ng and assessing Founda on Pharmacists. Learning Outcomes: 1. Develop an understanding of the philosophy of the programme. 6. Differen ate Supervised Learning Events and Assessments of Prac ce 2. Describe the programme structure and assessments within the KSS FPP, with a specific focus on Founda on Stage 1 (PgCert). 7. Develop solu ons to common prac cal challenges in suppor ng prac oners undertaking the KSS FPP. 3. Increase familiarity with the learning resources available and documenta on required within the KSS FPP 8. Prepare strategies to manage prac programme 3. Have an overview of all components and processes involved within the KSS FPP 9. Describe the process iden fying and suppor ng a trainee in difficulty 4. Describe the core academic and prac ce components of the KSS FPP. 10. Describe the process iden fying and suppor ng a trainee in difficulty 5. Describe the roles and responsibili es of an educa onal supervisor within the programme and how they relate to Prac ce Supervisors and Educa on Programme Directors 11. Describe the process iden fying and suppor ng a trainee in difficulty oner’s expecta ons of the What have previous a endees said about the training? Foundation Pharmacist Programme (PG Diploma) Educational Supervisor Induction 21st October 2014 The purpose of the day is to familiarise educa onal supervi sors with the Kent Surrey and Sussex Founda on Pharmacist Programme (KSSFPP) and to provide prac cal advice and training on suppor ng and assessing Founda on Pharmacists. I really enjoyed the sessions on structuring discussions and giving feedback Thank you – learned a lot and as a senior level pharmacist it teaches you to self reflect and be be er at your job and hopefully a be er tutor. Very engaging and the enthusiasm for the subject came across. I have a greater understanding of the role of the prac ce and educa onal supervisor. The day was interes ng and informa ve. It gave an opportunity to hear other people’s experiences from other Trusts. There was good opportunity to ask any ques ons and have areas clarified. Target Audience This event is aimed primarily at new educa onal supervisors for the Founda on Programme. However exis ng educa onal supervisors or prac ce supervisors may also find the event beneficial to their prac ce. Hilton London Gatwick Airport, South Terminal, Gatwick Airport, Gatwick, London RH6 0LL For informa on about this event please contact Ka e Reygate (Founda on Training Programme Director): ESSENTIAL PRECOURSE WORK Prior to a ending the course it will expected that all par cipants have worked through the Founda on Pharmacists Educa onal Supervisor Orienta on Guide. This is available on our website: h p:// on-supervision/ Please register to a end this event by comple ng the below online applica on form: h p:// form_3.shtml Deadline for registra on: 3rd Oct 2014
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