Laburnum  Link

25/04/2013 Laburnum Link
Chain Mail
Dates To Remember:
25 APR
29 APR
ANZAC Day - NO Students at School
Grade 5 - Camp Bridgewater Begins
01 MAY
03 MAY
07 MAY
10 MAY
22 MAY
School Assembly
Grade 5 - Camp Bridgewater Students Return
Mothers Day Stalls Begins
House Cross Country - Grades 3-6
PUPIL FREE DAY - No Students at School
From Heather and Jean
Anzac Day Ceremony
Yesterday our School Captains, accompanied by Ms Blannin, a ended the annual Schools’ Anzac Day ceremony at the Box Hill war memorial. This is always a moving service and one which again reminds us of the sacrifice made by others enabling us to live in peace and freedom. Our school was admirably represented by our School Captains who laid a wreath on behalf of our school community. Of par cular significance, was that Chloe, one of our Captains, incidentally met up with her Grandfather who was also in a endance and it was a special moment for both of them.
In our upper grades one or two families have men oned to us that there are some innocuous 'chain email le ers' circula ng through older siblings and rela ves. While we have not had any difficul es with chain emails at LPS to date, we are addressing this issue pre-emp vely here before we do! On top of our ongoing cyber-safety programs at school, we would like to encourage you to support your child at home any me they are online (internet or email).
Chain email le ers usually use basic scare tac cs and challenge the recipient to forward the email either on pain of some terrible outcome or to gain an unrealis c reward. For example, forward this message to 10 friends and win an iPad instantly (or something terrible will happen)! Clearly, this is nonsense and children should be encouraged to delete (not open) any email message from unknown people and to tell you as their parent or guardian. As well as keeping unwanted content away from children's eyes, this will also help keep your computer free from the computer viruses that o en accompany this type of email. A ached to this newsle er is some further informa on to assist you in suppor ng your child at home.
Anaphylaxis Training
On Monday night our staff par cipated in a three hour training session on anaphylaxis. This is part of our accredita on process which takes place every three years. Preven on and minimisa on of risk factors and prac ce using “fake” epipens were key components of the program. A sincere thanks to Robyn Saunders who does a wonderful job in ensuring that the administra ve side of the program is updated but that staff is con nually made aware of their responsibility in this important area. Congratula ons!
Mother’s Day Stall
The Mother’s Day Stall will again take place in the “canteen” on Tue.7 th Wed.8th and Thu.9th May. On Friday 10th, there will be a further opportunity for any “late shoppers” a er the assembly. Further details of items available for sale are included in this newsle er under the Parent’s Group report. Please see the Mother’s Day Stall Roster as listed in the a achments.
We are delighted that two of our students, Freddy and Nicky B. have been selected to play the flute and cello respec vely in the forthcoming Suzuki Gradua on ceremony at the Sydney Opera House on May 5th. This is a great honour and an exci ng opportunity for both of them! The boys also visited Japan during the last holidays to be part of the Suzuki Music Fes val. This is a fabulous achievement and we wish them well for their performance in Sydney.
Janet Street Blackburn VIC 3130 • T: 9898 5811 • F: 9898 9024 • OSHC: 9898 0242 •
Working Bee
A huge thank you to the large number of Prep parents who a ended our working bee last Saturday. The varied ac vi es of raking, sweeping, weeding, cleaning, chopping, pruning and more sweeping, all contributed to our school grounds being very clean and dy. A special thank you to Craig Hannam who did a fabulous job in manoeuvring his bobcat to complete a number of jobs using his machine. Sincere thanks also to Michael Schutz who used his skills in pruning a number of trees and bushes. Many thanks to Pam Brown and Simon Branson who were the chief organisers ensuring that all tools and equipment were available and jobs were allocated.
Visit from student teacher from Indiana University
We are looking forward to mee ng Shaily Hakimian when she arrives in Australia in just three weeks’ me! Shaily has just completed her teaching degree and wants to extend her educa onal career by spending six weeks par cipa ng in our school programs. She will be working closely with the Grade Three team and the children at this level. If any other family is able to host Shaily during her me with us, could you please let Jean know of your availability.
Values Educa on Program
Our Values Educa on Program commenced this week as an alterna ve program for children not par cipa ng in CRE. It is based on the Na onal Framework for Values Educa on in Australian Schools and is an Australian Government ini a ve introduced some me ago. Whilst it highlights the nine values for Australian Schooling, these closely link with our school values of respect, responsibility, integrity, passion and op mism. Lessons are sequenced and delivered by the classroom teachers. If you are interested in more informa on, just “google” the Na onal Framework for Values Educa on.
ICAS (Interna onal Compe ons and Assessments for Schools) Science
Later in the year, students from 3-6 will have the opportunity to par cipate in the ICAS UNSW compe ons in Mathema cs and English. However, as part of a new ini a ve in science, children who demonstrate a strong personal interest in science and are keen to broaden their horizons in this area, will be given the opportunity to par cipate in the ICAS Science comple on. This links with AusVELS where science is included as one of the four subject areas which we are required to assess this year, and also with a new science room that we are seeking to set up in one of our portable classrooms. Teachers in each level will select up to ten students who show a passion for science and who would benefit from this opportunity.
Heather and Jean
Janet Street Blackburn VIC 3130 • T: 9898 5811 • F: 9898 9024 • OSHC: 9898 0242 •
Sports’ News
Win An Indoor Sports Birthday Party Voucher
Would you like to WIN a $50 Voucher from Box Hill Indoor Sports for your Birthday Party?
Well, all you need to do is write down your name, grade & who will win, & by how many points, between Mr Hazle 's Melbourne Demons & Mr Panou's Brisbane Lions in Round 5 of the AFL, this weekend. The winner will be announced at next Wednesday's Assembly. Please hand in all entries to the PE Dept. GO DEMONS or GO LIONS!
Swimming Star From LPS
Anna Li from Grade 5 won a gold medal last weekend at the 2013 Victorian Metro All Junior Swimming Compe on. She got into three finals: Girls 10yo 50m Metre Bu erfly, Breaststroke and Freestyle events. Anna won a gold medal in breaststroke in 40.22 sec, she was ranked No 7 in freestyle 33.47sec, and No 8 in bu erfly 38.59sec. It was her second gold medal this year. Her previous gold medal was in the 50m breaststroke, 43.43 sec, in the Metro East District Championship in March. We are very proud of your efforts, Anna!
Stawell Gi 2013 Great to hear about a student & a teacher's husband that performed so well at the 2013 Stawell Gi . Mia Holah from Grade 6 ran in the McDonalds Kids 100m and 400m events at Stawell. She finished 2nd in her 100m heat, and 4th in the 400m, just missing out on the final in both events! We are very proud to also hear about Ms Dunbar's husband, Cam, who came 4th in the 400m Final at Stawell, 2nd in the 70m semi final, and 3rd in the Stawell Gi heat. Mia even had her photo with the 4th Fastest Man in the world, ASAFA POWELL (9.72sec), and she also had her top signed by the great man! Well done on your wonderful efforts Mia and Cam!
High Sports Honour It was a very special pleasure and privilege for Mrs Jan Trend and I to a end the Victorian School Sports Awards 2012 presenta on ceremony held in the Olympic Room at the MCG last Tuesday. Year 6 2012 student Ben White received the 'Spor ng Blue Award ' for Hockey . Mrs Trend was Ben's year 6 teacher and she was delighted to catch up with Ben and his parents and see him presented with this most high honour . Ben was a pivotal member of the School Sport Victoria boys' 12 and under state hockey team in 2011 and 2012 . The team won a silver medal at the 2012 na onal championships. Ben has moved onto Carey Grammar School and we wish him every success in the future. As a added bonus it was also terrific to see ex- Laburnum student Courtney Young presented with the Sports Blue Award for Australian Rules Football (senior ). Best wishes to Courtney for her future also .
State Athle cs in Bendigo Par cipa ng at the State Athle cs at Bendigo was LPS student Mia Holah from Grade 6. Mia had to leave camp early so she could prepare for compe on. Mia ran in the 80m Hurdles finishing 10th in the State with a PB me, she finished 6th in the Discus with a PB, and her efforts in the 1500m walk are now in the record books! Mia broke a Box Hill Aths record in the walk that previously stood for 24 years! Well Done Mia, you star!
District Sports—Grand Finals
Bat Tennis Champs
Well Done to Laura Pagram and her Bat Tennis Team who won the Blackburn District Final last week against Blackburn PS. We are posi ve that Laura's inspira onal speech and coaching efforts, got our LPS team over the line. Our Boys 'A' Basketball Team were Runners up in their Grand Final against RMPS. Thank You to the parents who transported and supported the boys, and Mr Quilty for his Coaching Efforts. We also had our Boys 'B' Basketball Team playing their GF in the school Gym, coached by a very enthusias c Mr Hazle . In a nail biter, the LPS boys lost 1312 to Surrey Hill PS. Well done to all 3 teams!
Janet Street Blackburn VIC 3130 • T: 9898 5811 • F: 9898 9024 • OSHC: 9898 0242 •
We have over 200 Box Hill Hawks VFL Memberships to give away FREE to students. All you have to do is send the PE Department a le er signed by your parent, how many memberships you require, email & phone number details. There are s ll 8 home games to be played, including this Sunday's game versus the Coburg Tigers at 2pm.
Diving Opportunity
We would like to receive an expression of interest from any parents who would like their child (in Grades 3-6) to par cipate in the Victorian School Sport Diving Championships. These children, at this level need to be competent divers. Nomina ons close this weekend!
John Hazle and Anthony Panou
Parents’ Group News
Mother’s Day Stall- helpers wanted
You have probably seen the fantas c posters around the school adver sing the Mother’s Day Stall which will be held on Tuesday 7th, Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th May. We have sourced some lovely gi s for the children to purchase at very reasonable prices from $1 to $5. These gi s will be displayed in the glass cabinets at the school office early next week. A ached to this newsle er is a schedule of when each class will be visi ng the Mother’s Day Stall. We are s ll seeking volunteers to help serve on the stall during the 11am-1pm and 1.45-3.30pm sessions. Please contact Kerry Short at with your availability if you would like to assist. This is a very special event to be involved in- it’s lovely seeing the children taking such care Thank you!
We would like to sincerely thank the 2 bands provided by Box Hill City Band Inc. who provided wonderful entertainment on centre stage at our school fete. Nearly 40 young people par cipated including many past members of Laburnum Primary School. It is always fantas c to see young people con nue to pursue their musical interests.
This group also provided free of charge the majority of the stage equipment for use on the day for which we are very grateful.
Sincere thanks to David Farrell for his con nuing support of our school in this way as a LPS parent.
in choosing their gi s.
Could you be a Host Family?
Box Hill Hawks - Free Memberships For LPS Kids
We are s ll looking for a few families who would be willing to host our student teacher from Indiana University, U.S., for a couple of weeks each. She will be at Laburnum from midMay to the end of June. This could be a fantas c opportunity for families to broaden their interna onal horizons! Please see Jean Denning at school if you are able to assist.
Woolworths Earn and Learn
Please remember to collect your Earn and Learn s ckers every me you shop at Woolworths- 1 point for every $10 spent (excluding cigare es, liquor and gi cards). Return completed sheets or even loose s ckers, to the Earn and Learn box located near the Office or at Blackburn South and Forest Hill stores. Please tell your neighbours, family and friends not already associated with a school, to also collect them for Laburnum. The more points we collect, the more educa onal resources the school receives! Entertainment Books
The 2013/2014 Entertainment Books have arrived and include some local restaurants like Taco Bills, Poppies on Canterbury, Ganesh Indian and De Fazio’s. The books cost $65 each of which $13 goes to the School and are full of discount vouchers and 2 for 1 offers valid ll 1 June 2014. Check out the display copy at the Office! Remember your 2012/13 book expires on 1 June 2013.
Next Parents’ Group Mee ng
7.30pm on Tuesday, 14 May in the Staffroom. All parents are welcome. If you have any ques ons or sugges ons regarding Parents' Group, please email me at simonemhewi
Simone Hewi
Blackburn High School – Open Night Wednesday May 1, 2013 – 6pm – 8pm
There have been a lot of changes at Blackburn High School. Come along and see the new facili es and hear about our new learning model. Leaders of the four Houses will be presen ng a compre-­‐
hensive overview of the House and Mentor Class organisa-­‐
onal model at 6pm in the House areas.
The Principal, Dr Sandra Woodman, will be speaking in the School gymnasium at 7pm. All Facul es will be on display and Faculty Heads, staff and students will be available to speak with you about the edu-­‐
ca onal opportuni es available at Blackburn. Janet Street Blackburn VIC 3130 • T: 9898 5811 • F: 9898 9024 • OSHC: 9898 0242 •
1. Think: Is this actually chain mail? If it is from an unknown address, has many recipients in the
address line and includes a challenge to DO something you wouldn’t normally do – it likely is.
2. Usually at the top there is something such as, "Don't read this" or "Stop". If there is, you should
stop and delete it. Chain letters often tell you to "read" or "don't read" as a trick, playing on your
initial curiosity. If you read them, they will try to make you worried that if you don’t send on the
email, something bad will happen – or you’ll miss out on something good! (This is a trick to get you
to spread the email further.) Don’t bother reading it!
3. Often the email or comment will be some story or myth or trick. Sometimes the letters tell scary
stories. Don’t worry, a story is only a story and can’t hurt you! However, it’s always best to tell (and
show) an adult so they can talk about it with you.
4. After you read the story, it will say something like, "If you do not send this to ten more people,
something bad (or good!) will happen to you." But of course, this isn’t possible! Chain letter emails
are not magic. Usually, they are simply designed to spread viruses between computers to steal
your information or to find out the email addresses of your friends!
5. Don't send it to anyone else. This action stops the chain mail.
6. Keep the email and show it to a trusted adult. They might decide to print it out and keep it in case
it happens again, once they have seen it you can delete the email in your account.
7. If you know the person who sent you the email, tell them that it is really bad manners for them to send
you nonsense emails and they should stop and think.
8. Be sure to talk to an adult that you trust. You can also report the email to your Internet service
provider if you keep receiving unwanted bulk (SPAM) email. A trusted adult will help you make that
9. REMEMBER: If an email ever says anything like, "I will break into your house myself and (bad
event) will happen to you!" you may need to tell an authority (i.e. the police) but only if you believe it
to be a real threat from an actual person you know.