FINNISH LESSONS 2.0: Saving public education Veluws Onderwijsverband! 7th!January!2015! @pasi_sahlberg What is the problem we should solve?! Purposes of schooling! Personal Economic Cultural Social Economic Education should enable students to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to become economically responsible and independent Cultural Schools should enable students to understand and appreciate their own cultures and diversity of others Social Education should practice the principles of a fair and equitable society and help young people to become active and compassionate citizens Personal Education should enable young people to develop their own talents and interests and to engage with the world within them as well as around them - Sir Ken Robinson, 2015 2000! PISA Global!Educa6onal!Reform!Movement! Global&Educa+onal& Reform&Movement! Compe++on& Standardisa+on& Test:based&accountability& School&choice& GERM!spread!in!2015! Impact of GERM National averages of 15-year-old students learning outcomes in mathematics 2000-2012 560! 2000! 2003! 2006! 2009! 2012! 540! 520! 500! 480! 460! 440! USA! England! Canada! Australia! New!Zealand! Netherlands! Sweden! Source: OECD Global&Educa+onal& Reform&Movement! Alterna+ve&Way! Compe++on& Collabora+on& Standardisa+on& Personalisa+on& Test:based&accountability& Trust:based&professionalism& School&choice& Equity&of&outcomes& • Singapore High Achievement Excellence!improves! • Hong Kong Successful Education Systems Equity!enhances! Weakness!of!the!rela6onship!between!achievement!and!family!background!(ESCS!Index)! Source: OECD (2013) Strong Equity Student!achievement!in!reading,!mathema6cs!and!science!(PISA)! • Shanghai Saving!public!schools:! Three!key!elements! Cri6que! Vision! Theory!of!Change! Theory!of!Change! Enhance equity in education Invest in collaboration Support professionalism and leadership Improve public confidence VISION The aim of education is that people understand the world around them and the talents within them.! THANK YOU! @pasi_sahlberg
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