KINROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL AN INDEPENDENT PUBLIC SCHOOL 64 Kinross Drive, Kinross WA 6028 Phone: (08) 9305 6022 Fax: (08) 9305 6219 E‐mail: FROM THE PRINCIPAL... Congratula ons to everyone involved for a magnificent ANZAC Service last Friday. The atmosphere was fantas c, the number of people who a ended was wonderful and the service itself was a truly emo onal reflec on on the purpose of ANZAC Day and the spirit of ANZAC. UPCOMING EVENTS… 29 April @ 6.30pm—School Board Mee ng 1 May—TA15 Assembly There are too many people to thank personally for the event but I would like to congratulate the choir for their singing, the school student popula on who turned up in great numbers, the school staff for all their efforts in ensuring the service went without a hitch, the P&C for their un ring efforts in feeding the large number of people who a ended and the school community who supported this event in such large numbers. This event showed the fantas c school community spirit that Kinross Primary School is fortunate enough to have suppor ng it as it strives to provide the best possible educa onal opportuni es for the children of the community. 6 & 7 May—IPS Review I would also like to thank Mr Albert Jacob MLA, the Member of Ocean Reef, Mr Ken Beven represen ng the RSL, Mrs Peita Campbell represen ng the army, Mr Stuart Ferguson the trumpet (bugle) player, Mr Roger Crook represen ng the School Board, Mrs Amie Cro represen ng the P&C, Mrs Dale Beaton represen ng Kinross College and Mr Peter Lillywhite frepresen ng Mindarie College. It would be remiss of me not to make a special men on of Brayden Tierney and Laura Clarke who were very professional in their roles as Masters of Ceremony and to Alyssa Froud, Scarle Phelps , Peter White and Lyrik Paki for their hear elt and emo onal readings. These students did themselves and the whole student popula on proud during the service. I can honestly say that I have never been involved in a more moving and meaningful ANZAC Service in all the years I have been a ending school services. It was an honour and a privilege to be the Principal of Kinross Primary School last Friday. SEMESTER 1 DATES 2015 DONT FORGET… NO SCHOOL CANTEEN ON MONDAYS Associate Principals Responsible for:‐ Kindy, Pre‐Primary, Year 1—Helen Demiris Year 2 & Year 3—Anne Alford Year 4,5 & Year 6—Richard Ewen School Banking—Every Wednesday 8.10am ‐ 8.45am ‐ undercover area Uniform Shop—Tues 8.00am ‐ 9.00am & Thurs 8.00am—9.00am Term 1 Mon 2 February—Thursday 2 April Break Friday 3 April—Friday 17 April Term 2 Monday 20 April—Friday 3 July MERIT CERTIFICATE Weet‐Bix Kids TRYathlon WINNERS 27 March 2015 Congratula ons to the following students who took part in this event on the 29th March 2015: Lucy Rowland James Brandish Lucy Corder Edward Su on Harry Phelps Chloe Campbell Ryder White Faun Price Hudson Sky Seth Prebble Romey Funnell Tristan Sadler Riley Morris Jenson Tarman Erica Massey Alyssa Gregory Kobe Sikwe Enda Callaghan Kyra Charnley Jake Colgan Madeleine Murphy Amy Spillman Chloe Basham Maddox Jones Bethany McGlone Joshua Campbell Imogen McGarry Amy Clarke Jacob Archer Cody Keenan Joshua Gibson Danika Gillespie Sean Blaver Millie Harrison George Goodwin Isaak Gallagher Cameron Scardigno Leila Arnold Sarah Licari Daniel Hoban‐Dyster Lily Sweet Natasha Williams PP1 PP1 PP2 PP2 PP3 PP3 TA1 TA1 TA2A TA2A TAA TA2B TA2B TA3 TA3 TA4 TA4 TA5 TA5 TA6 TA6 TA7 TA7 TA8 TA8 TA9 TA9 TA10 TA10 TA11 TA11 TA12 TA12 TA14 TA14 TA16 TA16 TA18 TA18 TA20 TA21 TA21 KINROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL Millie Aus n, Coen Davies, Boyd Fewson, Zac Fewson, Brodie Fuentes, Lochlan Fuentes, Joshua Gibson, Janayah Gille , Abigail Hill, Jack Lockwood, Tristan Nu e and Jakob Stappenbelt. KPS YEAR 6 CARNIVAL WINNING RIDE This event involved the compe tors par cipa ng in a swim in the Swan River, a run around Langley Park and a cycle ride along Riverside Drive. Well done everyone! Bringing Things to School from Home Children bringing things to school from home pose a problem for the school as we are not always aware that this has happened. In some instances these items can be misplaced, broken, or, in the worst case scenario, stolen from the children who bring them to school. The school cannot take responsibility for these items unless we are aware that they are at school and have been handed in to either the class teacher or the Office for safe keeping. Obviously it is in the school’s best interests to prevent children from bringing things to school from home. Sports equipment, swap cards and other items of this nature should not be brought to school. The school provides sufficient sports equipment for each year level to use in their area. By introducing more equipment to the area it can make the play area unsafe for all students. Swap cards and the like can be very temp ng for other students, especially as they are very appealing. Please support the school in its endeavours to make the school environment safe for all students. Staff Leave As I have stated previously in newsle ers, staff at Kinross Primary School are required to clear their Long Service Leave obliga ons before the end of 2016, as directed by the government. The school is managing this on a case by case basis whilst a emp ng to maintain consistency of curriculum delivery and teaching staff in classrooms. Unfortunately, this situa on is further compounded when staff are required to take sick leave and other leave for circumstances beyond their own or the school’s control. We have had that situa on already this year and it may con nue into second semester. GROWING TOGETHER Famous Author in our Midst Kinross Primary School has a famous author working at our school. Mr Geoff Havel is having his latest book published as a serial in the ED Sec on of ‘The West Australian’. This commenced last Tuesday 21st April and will con nue throughout this term. There was also an ar cle about Mr Havel in last week’s newspaper. This is an opportunity for some real life experiences for students at our school so please take the me to look at this sec on of the paper every Tuesday. YEAR 2 INVOLVED IN ANZAC DAY ACTIVITIES Term Planner The Term Two Planner has been included with this newsle er. Please take the me to print it off and place it on your refrigerator as a reminder of the events happening at the school during the term. Any changes to the term planner will be men oned in forthcoming newsle ers or as an alert on the school APP if the change is due to a short term situa on. CHAPLAIN’S CORNER Hello everyone, Welcome to Term 2, the BIG 11 week term! I hope you're all rested and ready to go full steam ahead for this term! Ed de Ruiter Principal A er a wonderful me with the 'Super Hero Social Skills' program last term, this me around the focus will be on anger and self‐regula on in my "Don't Be An Angry Bird" program. I'm really looking forward to working with some more fabulous students this term. Entertainment Book 2015/2016 We are now taking orders for the Entertainment Book 2015/2016. The cost of the book is $65.00 and the school receives $13.00 from every membership sold. If you wish to order a book, please see Joan in the office or you can order a book or digital membership online at HTTP:// Thank you for your support. I'm also looking forward to seeing who will be receiving Golden Key awards this term! The first round will be presented at our assembly on Friday 15th May. Keep an eye out in the newsle er around that me for winner's names! Un l next me, Laura B (School Chaplain) KINROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL GROWING TOGETHER KINROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL GROWING TOGETHER Fundraiser—E’Co Clothing Bin As part of our fundraising for the school we are collec ng dona ons of CLOTHING/SHOES/BAGS AND BED LINEN ONLY. LIBRARY DISPLAY A bin has been placed in the compound adjacent to the bike racks. These items will then be forwarded to Africa via a company called E’Co Australia Pty Ltd. Email:, Website: The school will be given 35c per kilo for these dona ons. Now is a good me to clear out your wardrobes and cupboards and help those less fortunate than ourselves in Africa and at the same me raise funds for the school. Could all items please be placed in black garbage bags before placing them in the bin. If the bin is full please let the office ladies know. Thank you for your generosity. KINROSS PRIMARY SCHOOL GROWING TOGETHER PRESIDENT: Lisa McGrath SECRETARY: Sarah Dickenson PHONE: 0412 239 181 EMAIL: P&C NEWS UPDATE A big Thank you to all the volunteers who came and made the ANZAC day breakfast possible. It couldn't have happened without you! An extra special Thank you to Kinross IGA for all their contribu ons. The day was a great success! Please contact Lisa (0412239181) if you would like to assist with the planning and design for our next P & C project... The nature play garden. Exci ng news coming up ‐ The P&C card is now “packed with extra value.” More details to follow. Upcoming Mee ngs Next general P & C Mee ng ‐ Monday 11th May @ 7pm Uniform Update Unfortunately, I have had a glitch with our supplier of the zip jackets ‐ full explana on available on request ‐ but what it means is for size 6, 8 and 10 most par cularly we are not going to get any jackets in ll almost the end of May. I apologise for the inconvenience but there is nothing I can do about the situa on. For those reques ng the size 12 Fac on Shirts, they are on order and we are wai ng for confirma on of the delivery date. Thank you, Margaret Patullo Second Hand We would really appreciate some extra help on Tuesday so we can keep the second hand stall running on both days. Please come down and let us know if you can help out. Also as we are short of zip jackets, if anyone is able to donate to the second hand stall that would be most appreciated. Mothers Day Fundraiser This is set to be a really big fundraiser! If you have had kids at the school for a few years you may have seen this fundraiser done before! We would like each child to make a small gi dona on (ie a mug, soap, chocolates, candles, small picture frames). The P&C will then wrap all the presents and make them look pre y. On the Friday before Mother’s Day (8th May) we will have each class come in and for $2 they can pick a gi for you. If you have a Kindy child who a ends on Thursdays, they will come in on Thursday the 7th. PRESIDENT: Lisa McGrath SECRETARY: Sarah Dickenson PHONE: 0412 239 181 EMAIL: We have about 720 kids in the school, so if you would like to give more than one dona on it would be greatly ap‐ preciated as we don’t want any child to miss out. Gi s will be accepted from the start of next term up un l Friday 1 May 2015 from the office, canteen or uniform shop. We do need all gi s to be delivered by the 5th of May at the latest in order to allow us to wrap and organise. Please note that each child will only be allowed to choose ONE gi to ensure that no child misses out. Mother’s Day is Sunday 10 May. PLEASE NOTE ALL MONEY RAISED GOES TOWARDS SUPPORTING OUR SCHOOL
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