Newsletter- Week 3 Term 2 2015

School Newsletter
Term 2 Week 3 2015
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Welcome to this edition of our school
newsletter. This week has seen the start of
our winter sports programme with many of
our children travelling to different venues.
I know that our children are really keen to do
well, and I would like your support to reinforce
the concept of being humble in victory and
gracious in defeat. At Kirkwood we really
want to stress the “sportsmanship” aspect of
sport – winning is great but participation is
really important too. Thank you to all the
parents who attend our sports and provide
such positive support for our teams.
This week we had an incident where one of
our pupils was hit by a car when crossing the
road. I am pleased to say that she is well and
we look forward to welcoming her back to
school. I would like to ask though that all of
our families reinforce safe travel plans at
home. Things like checking carefully before
crossing the road, using marked crossings
when appropriate and following road rules are
really important. Thanks for your help with
Kirkwood has a history of supporting
International students. We have hosted
groups in the past and this has had a positive
impact on our school, and has certainly
helped financially. It is quite likely that we will
be hosting students in the first three or four
weeks of Term 3 and so I would like to ask
any parent interested in providing a homestay
for one or two children to contact the school
and let us know. We do pay quite good
money for homestay families which could well
come in handy for the Wellington camps. We
offer lots of support to families, and know that
the experience of hosting an international
student for a short time can be valuable for all
concerned. If you are able to help, please
email the school with your name and contact
details and we will get back to you later in the
I would like to thank the community for their
support with our recent chocolate sales.
Prizes have been awarded and our final profit
is being calculated. The PTA has a goal to
spend all of this money supporting our pupils
this year, and I know the staff will be happy to
help! Without your support fundraisers such
as this one, and the Entertainment books the
PTA are currently selling, could not happen.
The next meeting of the Board of Trustees is
next Thursday 14 May at 5:15pm in the
school staffroom. All interested people are
welcome to attend. The next PTA meeting
will be on Wednesday 10 June at 7:30pm in
the staffroom. Again, all interested people
are most welcome to attend.
Our school Open Day and Open Night are
coming soon – Tuesday 30 June. If you know
anyone who may be thinking of sending their
child to Kirkwood next year can you please
advise them of this date and encourage them
to attend.
Thank you for all you do to support our school
and work alongside us as we do the best we
can for your child. I look forward to the rest of
this term and year.
Best wishes
Phil Tappenden
Year 8 Wellington Camp
Thank you to those who have already paid the deposit of $100 towards the Wellington
Camp. If you have not already done so please ensure this is done immediately as
flights need to be paid for.
We need to know as soon as possible if your family is unable to afford the cost of the
camp. If so, please contact Phil Tappenden through the school office. He is very
approachable and willing to listen.
It is strongly advised that a regular automatic payment be set up for the balance of the
amount. The school bank account is:
Account Name: Kirkwood Intermediate Board of Trustees;
Account Number: 12-3147-0180900-00;
Particulars: Child’s name (surname first);
Reference: Wellington camp.
Open Day/Night
for Kirkwood Intermediate
will be on
Tuesday 30 June
9am – 12 noon & 7pm – 8:30pm.
Please pass this on to anyone you know who would like to come and
have a look
at our school with the thought of enrolling their child here for 2016
Homestay families wanted
If you are interesting in hosting an International Homestay student for a short term
please fill in your details below and post in the office slot. Alternatively you can
phone the office on 348 7718 or email:
Parent/Caregiver Name: ______________________________________
Contact phone number: _______________(home) _________________(cell)
School Cell Phone
For texting absentees only please.
027 4163414.
(Please note – we do not reply.)
The New Zealand Community Trust AIMS
(Association of Intermediate and Middle
Schools) Games International Sporting
Championships is being held from Sunday 6
If you have an urgent or important message September to Friday 11 September
that you want passed to your child,
in Tauranga.
please ring the office on 348 7718.
(If you text or email, we may not read the
You can enter this event through the school.
message in time.)
We do not select the teams to take part in
this. The games cater for most sports
including gymnastics.
For further information you can contact
Chris Gaut (Sports Coordinator)
on email
Blues Awards
Drum Lessons
If you think you may have earnt a Blues
Award please see Miss Leonard in Room 2.
You are required to bring along any
certificates or evidence or your achievement.
There are some spare spaces
available for drum lessons,
so if you are interested
please see
Miss Hughes in Room 8.
Blues Award criteria may be viewed via our
Internet Banking
The school bank details are as follows:
Account Name: Kirkwood Intermediate Board of Trustees
Account Number: 12-3147-0180900-00
Particulars: Child’s name (surname and first name)
Reference: Parent’s/caregiver’s name (surname and first name)
For those of you who wish to pay by internet banking for any school activities during the year,
please make sure you return the permission slip, ticking the box saying that you are paying
via the internet.
2016 Draft Charter
Our Board of Trustees is currently reviewing our draft Charter for 2016.
You can view this on our website under the Announcement tab. If you
would like to make comment, please do so by emailing the school office or
phoning Phil Tappenden by Thursday 14 May.
Tactix Visit to Kirkwood
Last week we were lucky to have three Canterbury Netball Tactix players come to
school. Bailey Mes, Louise Thayer & Chloe Williamson had games, skills and
prizes for us. We had a great time and also got items signed.
Mufti Day Thursday 14 May
On Thursday 14 May the Kirkwood Student Council are having a World Red Cross Mufti day.
We are encouraging students to wear red and bring a gold coin donation to help support the
Red Cross efforts over in Nepal.
More than 2,000 volunteers and 300 staff from the Nepal Red Cross Society (NRCS) have been
working around the clock since the earthquake. They have supported search and rescue efforts,
provided first aid and given assistance at evacuation centres and on the streets.
A New Zealand Red Cross emergency response unit consisting of three telecommunications
specialists is now in Nepal working with NRCS to establish local communication networks to help
loved ones reconnect and ensure vital information is able to be passed on. More New Zealand
Red Cross health delegates are also heading to Nepal in the coming weeks.
We here in Canterbury can understand the situation and appreciate your support for the Red
Cross and people of Nepal.
Secretary of the Student Council
Hagley Sport Results for Tuesday 5 May
Hockey A
Hockey B
Hockey C
Netball A
Netball B
Netball C
Netball D
Netball E
Netball F
Football A
Football B
Football C
Table Tennis A
Table Tennis B
Table Tennis C
Table Tennis D
Table Tennis E
Table Tennis F
Draw 6 - 6
0 - 10
Loss 6 – 28
Loss 0 – 24
Loss 3 – 26
Win 12 – 11
Loss 8 – 9
Loss 1 – 23
Win 4 – 2
Loss 0 – 6
Loss 0 – 15
Win 51 – 5
Win 2 – 1
Loss 1 – 2
Win 2 – 1
Loss 1 – 2
Loss 1 – 2
Win 2 – 1
Cobham A
Breens A
Player of the Day
Cobham A
Cobham B
Casebrook B
Christchurch South
Chisnallwood Red
Cobham F
Casebrook A
Christchurch South
Christchurch South
Heaton Green
Chisnallwood Green
Christchurch South
Christchurch South
Chisnallwood Red
Luke S
Both the Boys’ White and Green teams had excellent wins for the first round of the basketball
season last Friday night.
The Green team with some fresh basketballs had a very encouraging win over Hillview taking
out the game 26 - 8. Cameron was the player of the game with 10 points and 4 steals.
The White team came up against rivals Hillview also in a much tougher game. The atmosphere
resembling that of the finals! A well fought game saw the Kirkwood team edge out Hillview
23-19. Our Year 7 boys’ doing a fantastic job to overcome their nerves and settled into the
rhythm of the game. Player of the game was Kaleb proving a menacing force on defense.
Well done to all players, we look forward to a positive season ahead.
Mr Gaut
Learning Sign Language
New Zealand Sign Language Week(NZSL) 2015 - Te Wiki o te Reo Turi 2015
Want to learn a new language? Why not New Zealand Sign Language! This week is a
chance to celebrate New Zealand Sign Language and there are heaps of events on to
learn sign language and see it in action. The Christchurch Tram is an opportunity to
explore Christchurch City centre onboard one of our beautiful restored hertiage trams.
Journey in style through our forever changing Garden City. The train driver will talk about
our city, its history, landmarks and sights with an NZSL interpreter.
In Room 5 we had a short class with Matthew Flynn teaching us the basics of sign
language. This was a very unique and valuable opportunity.
Check out the website below for more information on ways to learn a new language:
Book Club orders
are due by Monday 25 May.
Please post in the
office slot.
ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS 2015-16Order yours now!
Order forms will be sent home and need to be returned by Friday 8 May.
If you wish to purchase on-line you may do so via the link:
To purchase securely online please visit:
Any orders by envelope need to be posted in the Office Slot, with your payment in the
envelope provided by Friday 8 May.
If you wish to pay by Credit Card then you can do so directly on-line via the following link:
Please note: All cheques are payable to Kirkwood Intermediate Home and School.
If ordering on-line please do not forget to reference ‘Kirkwood Intermediate PTA’
when registering your 2015/16 Entertainment Membership.
This year you have a choice – to purchase the popular Entertainment™ Books or the
Entertainment™ Digital Membership, which puts the value of the Entertainment™ Book into
your iPhone or Android smartphone!
The brand new 2015|2016 Entertainment Memberships feature many of the area’s best
restaurants, cafés, hotel accommodation, attractions, and activities, and are packed with
hundreds of up to 50% off and 2-for-1 offers, valued at over $20,000 that your family can
enjoy until June, 2016!
……and many, many more!
The best part is that for only $65 you’ll be helping our fundraising, with $13 from every Book
or Digital Membership sold contributing to our fundraising. Please let your family, friends,
neighbours and work colleagues know we are fundraising, as the more we sell, the more
funds we raise!
Please note: If you pre-order your Entertainment Book or Digital Membership you can
receive at least six Bonus Offers worth over $185 that you can use straight away, while
stocks last!
For further details, please contact: Tracey MacDonald on ph 027 552 9220 or email
Thank you for supporting our school.
Christchurch City Council Graffiti Programme need your help. Volunteers are needed to
adopt their street (or part of their street). If interested please contact Valarie Merryweather
9416614 or email
FIFA U20 World Cup Double Header, AMI Stadium – Monday 1 June (Queen’s Birthday).
For details and to purchase tickets go to:
Christchurch City Council: Various workshops/programmes available. Visit or contact Jacqui
Miller on 941 5333 or email
Speak Spanish: Classes available for adults & children. For details visit
Road Safety Week 2015 (4-10 May). This year Road Safety Week NZ forms part of the
UN Global Road Safety Week. The theme of the week is ‘Look out for Kids’, and schools,
communities and companies across the country will be joining others around the world
calling on drivers to #SaveKidsLives. Please discuss with your child where it is safe to cross
the road and how they can be leaders and set good examples for younger children. For
more info visit
Riccarton Players – ‘A Riccartonian Plance of Varieties’ 3 – 13 June. Visit for details.
The Story Collectivepresent an evening of stories with Regi Carpenter. For details visit
Storytelling for Children –Workshops – For info visit
Proposed Riccarton Road bus priority 2015
The Christchurch City Council is planning to introduce bus priority along Riccarton Road this
year, and is asking for public comment on its proposal from 20 April to 18 May 2015.
We want to tell you a little about bus priority and the changes that it may involve, so you can
give us your feedback.
Look out for the proposal details and submission form, which are available the Council
website ( on the Have Your Say page from 20 April, as well
as from all Council Service Centres.
Riccarton Road is the busiest bus route in the city, with almost 3000 bus passengers using
the road every day.
While the main aim of bus priority is to shorten trip times and make sure bus passengers
reach their destinations on time, it will also help make the area a safer and more attractive
place to work, shop and do business.
There will also be some information drop in sessions:
 Wednesday 6 May, 4pm – 7pm
 Monday 11 May, 4pm – 7pm
High School Open Days/Nights
Rangi Ruru Girls’ School
Burnside High School
Christchurch Girls’ High School
Christchurch Boys’ High School
Lincoln High School
Hillmorton High School
Riccarton High School
St Margaret’s College
Hornby High School
Shirley Boys High School
Christ’s College
Friday 8 May 1:30 – 5:30pm
Tuesday 19 May 7 – 9pm.
Year 9 Out of Zone Enrolments due by 31 July
Thursday 21 May 9 – 3pm
Tuesday 26 May 4 – 7pm
Thursday 28 May 7pm. Pre-enrolments close 31 July, Offers of
Place sent Friday 7 August & Acceptances of Place due
Monday 24 August
Tuesday 19 May, 7 – 9pm (Open Night)
hursday 21 May 7pm in the hall
Monday 11 May from 10:30 - 1:00pm. Scholarship details etc
are on the website
Information evening Thursday 14 May 7pm in the Library.
Monday 18 – Thursday 21 May, 6pm – 7:30pm, Spartans
Room, North Parade
Scholarships available. Visit or ph
3646836 for details. Enrolments for 2016 close Friday 22 May
Please check the individual schools website for confirmation of dates & times.
If you are interested in a High School which is not listed above then please visit their
website for details.
Girl’s Cricket - Want to play cricket -Ph Barry on 021 336 837 or email For
more info visit on
High School Old Boys Rugby Club: For details and Registrations days visit
Marist Albion RFC Junior Rugby. For details and Registration days visit
Delta Rhythmic Gymnastic Club: ph Sarah on 354-5552 for details
Templeton Netball Club: Registrations & details or email ph
no: 022 3053958
Merlins Netball. Players, coaches & umpires wanted for 2015. Games are on Satrudays at the
Hagley Park Netball Courts. For details email
Diva Rhythmic Gymnastics Club : For info contact Bianca Stove or
Free Kendo Training For details phone or text 027 2752677 or email
Hearts Saint Peter’s Netball Club. Trial dates 2015 – for details 342 7113 or 027 4240577
Christchurch Avon Running Club – For details visit
Technical Netball Visit our website for full
Halswell/Spreydon Girl Guides are holding a Monster Garage Sale to raise funds to send girls to
the 2016 Jamboree. St Martins Church Hall, 50-60 Lincoln road on Saturday 2 May, 9am to 1pm.
Please note: Kirkwood Intermediate does not necessarily endorse or support any
of the services advertised
260 RICCARTON ROAD, P.O. BOX 29-242, CHRISTCHURCH 8540. PHONE: 03 348 7718. FACSIMILE 03 348 1085