KIRKWOOD LANDMARKS COMMISSION AGENDA Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. Kirkwood City Hall City Council Chambers 1. Approval of Minutes: February 11, 2015 and any additions or modifications to the current agenda. 2. Public Hearings a. Case #14-12, 12231 Old Big Bend Road (Landmark #43, William Bach House) – Request to Delist Home as a Landmark i. Staff presentation to provide background and findings of fact. ii. Petitioner Statement. iii. Public Comment. iv. Commission Discussion/Determination. b. Public hearing for proposed local Historic District of Barrett Brae i. Staff presentation to provide background on proposal. ii. Testimonials from property owners who initiated the proposal. iii. Public Comment. iv. Commission Discussion/Determination. 3. Old Business a. Design Guidelines for Kirkwood Landmarks & Historic Districts 4. New Business a. Citizens Comments/Seeking advice to preserve their historic properties (if any) b. Favorite Building Awards 2015 5. Adjourn Persons who need accommodations to attend or participate in the meeting should call the City Clerk at 822-5802 at least 48 hours before the meeting.
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