ISSN: 2393-994X KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER) Volume No.: II, Special Issue on IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO’15) Power Management in Cloud Computing Using Artificial Bee Colony S.Saravanan1, Dr.V.Venkatachalam2 , S.Then Malliga3 1 Research Scholar, Computer science and Engineering,, M.Kumarasamy College of Engg, Karur, India Principal, The Kavery Engineering College Mecheri, India 2 3 ME Scholar, Computer science and Engineering,, M.Kumarasamy College of Engg, Karur, India Abstract Power consumption has become a major challenge in cloud computing. Thus to reduce energy consumption and improving utilization of hosts ,a load balancing is approached using Artificial Bee colony(ABC).In this algorithm it detect utilized and underutilized host, in utilized host it detect and migrates one or more VMs thus it reduces its utilization and in underutilized it migrates all VMs and switch them to sleep mode. Thus the tradeoff between power consumption provides the high quality of service to the customer. Thus the power consumption and operational cost is reduced. Keywords—Cloud computing; Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm (ABC); load balancing; Virtual Machine (VM). 1. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing architecture allows access to information as long as an electronic device has access to the internet. Cloud computing is getting popular day by day because the information and data being accessed is found in the clouds i.e. internet, and hence does not require a user to access the data from exact place. In Cloud computing energy consumption is a source of much discuss. On one side, some see a huge new form of industrialization gobbling up resources; with large cloud and social networking sites consuming megawatts of power to feed insatiable computing needs. Thus we propose a load balance aware using the artificial bee colony which migrates minimal migration time (MMT) which detects the over utilized and underutilized host. The proposed algorithm which shows the good result than other algorithm like local regression-MMT, Dynamic voltage frequency scaling. We evaluate the simulation using the CloudSim toolkit [6]. 2. RELATED WORK Load balancing is an approach to reducing energy consumption and improving utilization of hosts. Babu L.D et al. [1] have proposed a load balancing technique to balance the load and priorities of tasks that removed from heavily loaded VMs. This technique is based on behavior of honey bee foraging strategy and improves the overall throughput of processing and reduces the response of time of VMs. However authors have not investigated the power consumption. Dalapati et al. [2] have proposed a Green scheduling algorithm that optimizing power consumption in cloud computing. It uses bee colony algorithm for service rescheduling and ant colony algorithm for power consumption management. In contrast, in this paper we use bee colony algorithm for detection of over utilized hosts and for the VM selection we use MMT. 40 ISSN: 2393-994X KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER) Volume No.: II, Special Issue on IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO’15) Beloglazov et al. [3] have presented an architectural principles for energy aware management of clouds. Moreover, they proposed energy-efficient resource allocation policies and scheduling algorithms. However, because of the fact that they used fixed utilization thresholds, this approach is not be efficient for the cloud computing environments. In adaptive heuristics for dynamic consolidation of VMs based on analysis of historical data from the resource usage by VMs. This algorithm reduces the energy consumption. Authors propose algorithms like Median Absolute Deviation, Interquartile Range, Local Regression (LR) and Robust Local Regression for host overloading detection. Moreover, for the VM selection they use The Minimum Migration Time policy, The Random Choice Policy and Maximum correlation policy. Based on the algorithm after the detection of overloaded hosts and select VMs to migrate from these hosts, system finds the host with the minimum utilization and if it is possible tries to place the VMs from this host on the other hosts while keep them not overloaded and when all the migration have been complete switch host to the sleep mode. If this cannot be consummate, the host kept active. This process is iteratively recurring for all host except the overloaded hosts. Whereas we have a same approach for underutilized hosts and VM selection policy (MMT), our host overloading detection methods are different and we are using artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) to detect over utilized hosts. Yao et al. [4] have presented a load balancing mechanism based on artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC). Authors propose an improved artificial bee colony algorithm to increase the system throughput. However, they did not investigate the energy consumption or SLA violation. 3. ARTIFICIAL BEE COLONY Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (ABC) is an optimization algorithm based on the intelligent foraging behavior of honey bee swarm, proposed by Karaboga in 2005 [5]. It is the swarm-based algorithms which simulates the intelligent foraging behavior of a honeybee swarm. It is use for problem solving in distribution. The artificial bee colony consists of two group of workers are employed bee and unemployed bee. The unemployed bee is the onlooker bee and scout. In the colony there exists of two parts one is employed and rest is onlooker bee. Figure 1. shows the behavior of bees. A “waggle dance” is done when a suitable food source is found from hive [9]. Figure 1. Artificial Bee Colony algorithm (ABC) Architecture 41 ISSN: 2393-994X KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER) Volume No.: II, Special Issue on IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO’15) Employed bee: To search for food source within the neighborhood of food source in their memory and shares the information to the onlooker bee. Onlooker bee: It selects according to information produced which follows the employed bee Scout: If the total search time exceeds then it will abandon the source and its start to search new solution. The main step of algorithm is Initialize REPEAT Exploring employed bees to search food sources and determine their nectar amounts. Calculating the probability preferred by onlooker bee. Exploring onlooker bees onto the food sources and determines their nectar amounts. Discovering new food source by scout. Storing the best food source found so far. UNTIL (requirements met) To calculate the probability values Pi by means of their fitness values using the equation. 𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑖 𝑃𝑖 = ∑𝑛 𝑖=1 𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑖 ………….……………Eq.1 Where n is number of food source fit is the fitness value of food source. Pi is the probability of the solution. Consequently onlooker bee choose their food source based on the value calculated by the Eq.1.For the best solution for delivering the need according to user with accurate, ensure the quality of result and economic result [10]. 4. PROPOSED ALGORITHM In this section to present load balancing method for power consumption management in three parts. 4.1. Detecting over utilized host To detect over utilized host detection is done based on artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) to determine which hosts are over utilized and then the next migrate some VMs from one host to other hosts to improve its utilization. After migrating various VMs from Over utilized hosts, because of the fact that their utilization reduced, they become a lesser amount of suitable and less charming food sources for the bees. Hence other hosts with the higher load can be moved for the best food sources. Thus to find it extends the PowerVmAllocationPolicyMigrationAbstract class in CloudSim simulator [6].Initially the algorithm initialize variable with the utilization of and calculate the fitness value and the onlooker bee calculate the probability for the best food source. 4.2. Detecting underutilized host To manage the underutilized hosts. We utilize a method to deal with underutilized hosts which presented in [4]. Having detected the over utilized hosts and migrate some of their VMs, then require to discover hosts with the minimum utilization and migrating all possible VMs which allocated to these hosts to the other hosts while keep them not overloaded and when all the migration is completed, changing host to the sleep mode. If this cannot be achieved, the host is kept active. This procedure is iteratively repeated for all hosts except the overloaded ones. 4.3. SLA violation Service Level Agreements (SLAs) establish the Quality of Service (QoS) agreed between service-based systems consumers and providers. They defined SLAs are delivered when 100% of performance requested by applications inside a VM is provided at any time bounded only by the parameters of the VM. To evaluate SLA violation presented in [3] there are three metric to measuring the SLA violation. The first metric is SLA Violation Time per Active Host (SLATAH) which is percentage of time that active hosts experienced CPU utilization of 100% in Eq.2; and the another metric is Performance Degradation due to Migrations (PDM) in Eq.3. The reasoning that they 42 ISSN: 2393-994X KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER) Volume No.: II, Special Issue on IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO’15) considered SLATAH is that if host utilization is 100%, the performance of applications is bounded by host capacity and VMs are not provided with the required performance level. The main metrics to measure SLA violation is SLAV and is calculated using Eq.4. 1 𝑇𝑠𝑖 𝑁 𝑇𝑎 SLATAH= ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 1 𝐶𝑠 𝑀 𝐶𝑎𝑖 PDM= ∑𝑀 𝑗=1 𝑖 ….… ……… Eq.2 𝑖 ………… SLAV=SLATAH.PDM Eq.3 ……. Eq.4 where N is the number of hosts and M is the number of VMs; Ts i is the total time during that host i has experienced the utilization of 100%. Tai is the time during which host i being in active state; Csi is the estimate of performance degradation of VM j caused by migrations; Cai is the total CPU capacity requested by VM j during its lifetime. Figure 2. Show the comparison between the policies. Figure 2. Comparison between policy 5. SIMULATION RESULT Energy consumption, SLA Violation and the migration are compared with the other methods.SLA Violation has some metrics they are SLAV, SLATAH, PDM .Therefore SLAV is the important metrics to measure SLA Violation. Thus comparing to other methods Bee-MMT consumes less energy consumption in cloud. Table 1. Show that BeeMMT has the minimum energy consumption compared to other policy. Our proposed system has nearly 29 times less energy consumption 27.47% less than LR-MMT and 25.86% less than MAD-MMT. Table 1. Simulation Result POLICY ENERGY CONSUMPTION SLAV SLATAH PDM VM MIGRARION LR-MMT 116.71 117.02 114.20 85.84 2.52% 5.14% 5.18% 6.45% 4.04% 5.08% 5.24% 80.85% 0.06% 0.10% 0.10% 0.01% 17.90 26.44 25.91 2.00 IQR-MMT MAD-MMT BEE-MMT But the result in Bee-MMT has more SLA Violation than other method. Thus the Bee-MMT has high SLATAH compared to other the percentage of time of active host experienced CPU utilization of 100%.Therefore the utilization is more than other method. 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 43 ISSN: 2393-994X KARPAGAM JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH (KJER) Volume No.: II, Special Issue on IEEE Sponsored International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control (ISCO’15) Thus the power consumption in the present investigation still the problem exists. Thus to reduce the power consumption in cloud computing is reduced using the artificial bee colony algorithm. Thus tradeoff between power consumption and providing high quality of service to the customer. 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