Æ For an Easy-To-Re ad e Note , go to http ://kkhspcnc.tripod.com/4-21-15enote.pdf sy2014-2015 King Kekaulike High School Tue sday, April 21, 2015 e Note Highlights: Scholarships, Staff Appre ciation, Boys Volle yball T-Shirt Fundraise r, Saturday SchoolDe te ntions, GradNite M andatory Pare nt M tg, Ph Books, School M e al Costs, Public Input on sy2016-17 DOE Cale ndar, WOW, Hoolaule a, Re minde rs, Blood Driv e , Football Fundraise r. ! Scholarship Bulletin #8 (4/16/15): Senior Counselor, Ms. Jamie Gomer says, “It’s that time of year when the scholarship bulletin gets k ind of light.” Please go to http://goo.gl/bzzh9q to view or download this Scholarship Bulletin. ! Staff Appreciation Luncheon, Wed, May 6, Café: This year’s Staff Appreciation Luncheon” will be held on Wed, May 6 th in the cafeteria after school. The event will be catered & the cost will be covered by the PTSA. Donations: We are kindly asking for donations of desserts, paper products, gift cards in small denominations & door prizes. Volunte e rs? Also if anyone is interested in helping the day of the luncheon, that would be great! Please email le na@le natabe rna.com, if you are interested in making a donation or volunteering your time to this much very well deserved & much anticipated event . Thank you so much for all of your support! (This is PTSA sponsored event; and is not a Dept. Of Education sponsored event.) ! Boys Volleyball T-Shirt Fundraiser! Our Boys Volleyball Team is selling (3) styles of Upcountry Maui-themed t-shirts: 1) Men's/Unisex Ringspun Tee, $20 2) Women's Fitted Tee, $22 3) Long Sleeve Tee, $22 Order online & have your t-shirt(s) shipped directly to you ten days after the campaign is over! (Or, on Maui, pick it up & pay no shipping.) Campaign e nds We d, April 22! To go directly to the t-shirt campaign site, please go to http://te e spring.com/support-upcountry-maui-v olle yb ! Saturday School for Detentions: Sat, April 25, 2015. . . . . . . . 8am-12 Noon Sat, May 2, 2015. . . . . . . . . 8am-12 Noon • First hour: Spent on school work, & then 2 hours on campus beautification. • Requirements of Attendance & Working Off Detentions are: • Students MUST come with school work or a book to read. Students without work will be sent home. • 8am: All cell phones, headphones, iPods &/or any electronic devices must be turned in to the Vice Principal, & will be returned at the end. • Students must be in the cafeteria at 8am. Students who are late or do not comply with these requirements, will be sent home. • Questions? See Vice Principal, Ms. Hamasaki. ! GradNite 2015! All Registration Forms & Payments are Due Now! Questions? Email kkhsgradnight2015@gmail.com or call/text Kris at 870-0553. • Mandatory GradNite Parent/Guardian Meeting, Th, April 30th at 6:30pm in Cafe: ONE PARENT must attend in order for your senior to participate in GradNite. Stude nts should NOT atte nd. (Enter through Haleakala Hwy gate) Questions? Email kkhsgradnight2015@gmail.com or call/text Kris at 870-0553. • Note : Due to a scheduling error, th is meeting was changed from p ril 28 to Th, April 30. Questions? A lease contact Kris at 870-0553 or P kkhsgradnight2015@gmail.com (The PTSA sponsors GradNite; this is not sponsored by the Dept. Of Education) ! SAVE Phone Books! Wed, Apr 22-May 8: Do you have any unused phone books? RECYCLE them! Kick off date is Earth Day, Wed, April 22! Drop off at the main office or at Ms. Kihara's room, G206, from April 22 to May 8. Write down that it’s for a favorite class - C/O 2015, 2016, 2017 or 2018, & it will count towards that Class’ Spirit Competition! ! Cost of School Meals to be Raised Next School Year: Go to http://goo.gl/f1KLKs for specifics. ! YOUR OPPORTUNITY! Online Public Input Sought on sy2016-2017 Dept. Of Education Calendar: “Public school officials are seek ing feedback on possible school calendars in an online survey. The survey is being done at the request of the state Board of Education, members of the public & educators to review innovative approaches to the school calendar.” The survey is available at bit.ly/1CIq6ac through W ed, April 22. “Developing a school calendar is a complex task , & we look forward to analyzing survey responses fro our families & the general public.” aid schools Superintendent Kathryn Matayoshi. “W e highly encourage parents to tak e part in this opportunity.” Data from the short, three-part survey will be used to help develop the school calendar for the 2016-17 academic year & beyond. Public input will help ensure the calendar enhances students’ learning opportunities while meeting the needs of educators & families. Until now, the DOE has developed the school calendar based on prior models, with input from educators. The 2015-16 school calendar was approved by the Board of Education in December. -Used with permission by The Maui News (4/18/15) ! Word of the Week: PROSAIC (adj.) /pro-ZAY-ik/ Meaning: dull; commonplace Synonym: average, everyday, unimaginative Antonym: exceptional, extraordinary Usage: A prosaic Sunday morning means sleeping late and lingering over a big pancak e break fast while browsing the Sunday newspaper. ! 22n d Annual Haiku Hoolaulea & Flower Festival, Sat, April 25, 9am-4:30pm at Haiku Park & Community Center: A community celebration benefitting Haik u’s k eik i. For more info, please go online to http://haikuhoolaule a.org/ ! REMINDERS: 1. Ce le brate Re ading M aui, Fri, April 24 at UHM C. Excursion forms due to Mrs. Arendale or Mrs Arcas promptly to secure a seat on the bus. FREE. 2. Juniors! M -F, April 20-24: Hawaii Smarte r Balance d Asse ssme nts in Mathematics (The Performance Task). Go to http://kkhspcnc.tripod.com/smarte r.pdf 3. Se niors- a Satisfactory Pe rsonal Transition Plan (PTP) Grade is Re quire d for a High School Diploma: Seniors who did not get a satisfactory on their PTP, will receive a pass to report to the library during Advisory classes. They will not allowed to attend Song Practice, & this counts as an Absence from practices as it applies to the Senior Contract. Questions? See Mrs. Kochi. 4. AP Lite rature & Honors English c/o2016: Those who signed up for these classes next year need to pick up their summer work in G-205 during non-class time, & return the parent/student agreement by May 22, or be dropped from these classes. 5. Nominate an Alumni of the Ye ar at http://kkhsalumni.org/2015-nominations-for -alumni-of-the -ye ar/ (This is sponsored by Kekaulike Alumni Association & not the DOE) 6. Sy20115-2016 DOE Calendar: Go to http://kkhspcnc.tripod.com/cal-sy2016.pdf to view next school year’s calendar. 7. For the PCNC Calendar of Events, go to http://kkhspcnc.tripod.com/e v e nts.pdf 8. De adline s to Cle ar Stude nt Obligations (text & library books, office fees, detentions, etc.): • Mon, May 11th for Seniors or they cannot participate in graduations • Mon, May 18th for Grades 9-11 • Questions? Contact Student Activities Coordinator, Ronnie Kihara, G206 ! Annual Kekaulike Blood Drive, Mon, April 27, 9:15am-2:45pm:, KKHS Gym: To donate, please contact Student Activities Coordinator, Ms. Kihara, in G206, at (808) 727-3576 or at Ronnie_Kihara@notes.k12.hi.us. You must be 1) at least 17 yrs old on April 27, 2) be in good health, & 3) weigh at least 110 pounds. ! 2015 KKHS Football Golf Tournament, Sat, June 13: Our Football Team will host its 2 nd Annual Golf Tournament at Pukalani Country Club, to support equipment update, any pre/post season travel & the overall betterment of our football program. 1. To be a Sponsor, please go online to http://kkhspcnc.tripod.com/golf-sponsor .pdf 2. To se e the Tourname nt Poste r, go to http://kkhspcnc.tripod.com/golf-psa.pdf 3. For Tourname nt Info & to Re giste r, go to http://kkhspcnc.tripod.com/golf-re g.pdf 4. Player Registration Deadline: Fri, June 5 5. Questions? Email Coach Kyle at kyle _sanche s@note s.k12.hi.us ! Delete from eNotes? To be removed from our eNote mailing list, please email me your name, child’s name & grade, & write DELETE on the subject line. *** Aloha, June Kaneshiro Parent Center Facilitator King Kekaulike High School
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