THE KNIGHTLY NEWS 2015-2016 OFFICERS GRAND KNIGHT John Schantzen GUARD Cecil Stone DEPUTY G.K. Wendell Ripoll GUARD Al Trucano CHANCELLOR Tom Kelly TRUSTEE….3YR Robert Duerr WARDEN Ed Rizzotti TRUSTEE….2YR Rick Phelps FINANCIAL SEC Tony Spadafora TRUSTEE….1YR Stephen Lowry TREASURER Art Tecson LECTURER Steve O’Conor RECORDER Ed Winslow FIELD AGENT Rob Brisson ADVOCATE Victor Wolynski DISTRICT DEPUTY Brad Filiault CHAPLAIN Fr. Brad Beaupre DISTRICT WARDEN Stephen Lowry ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JULY 2015 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FATHER CHARLES SPELLMAN COUNCIL #6125 3435 S. Fiske Blvd, Rockledge, Florida The Grand Knight’s Message As we enter a new fraternal year, I want to thank everyone for the incredible opportunity that I have been given to serve as the Grand Knight of Council 6125 for the next year. I pray that with your support, we can meet and successfully take on any challenge the Council is presented. Thanks to all the Knights who have stepped up to support the Council as Officers and Program Directors for the next year. Brother Bob Duerr, thank you for your service and stewardship of the Council as the Grand Knight for the past two years. I appreciate your mentoring and transition to continue success for our Council. We have ended our 2014-2015 fraternal year with a great flourish; few thought Council 6125 would come close to reaching Star Council status. With the hard work of our membership co-directors Ed Rizzotti and Tom Kelly and the brothers that asked fellow Catholic gentlemen to consider becoming members of the Knights of Columbus or reapply as Knights, we are very near meeting that milestone, at this writing. Our challenge is to continue this progress in our new year and share the great experience of being Catholic Knights with the many parish gentlemen who we know and meet every week. Be bold and ask someone to join you as a Knight of Columbus. At the special meeting called to read in potential members of our Council, a number of Brothers stepped forward to become insurance members so that the quota for Star Council could be met. Thank you, brothers. The Assembly and Council will be holding the Installation of Officers Ceremony and dinner on Sunday July 26, 2015 beginning at 4:00 PM. The Faithful Navigator Steve Lowry and I encourage all to attend and partake in the fraternity of the Knights of Columbus. In Service to God and In Service to All Vivat Jesus Grand Knight John Schantzen Attendance Drawing for June Richard Erik was not in attendance for the $60 drawing. The July drawing will be $70 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ Congratulations to: Wendell Ripoll for winning 50/50 drawing of $64 which he donated to the Council July Family of the Month Nancy and Dan Barnett For outstanding participation in our K of C activities! Congratulations! July Knight of the Month Bill Thomas Congratulations ! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Wed Thu Sat Tue Wed Thu Wed Thu Wed Sun Wed Wed Thu Mon Tue Wed Thu Sat Wed 7/1/15 7/2/15 7/4/15 7/7/15 7/8/15 7/9/15 7/15/15 7/16/15 7/22/15 7/26/15 7/29/15 8/5/15 8/6/15 8/10/15 8/11/15 8/12/15 8/13/15 8/15/15 8/19/15 6:30 PM Bingo 7:30 PM 4th Membership Meeting Independence Day 7:00 PM Officers Mtgs. 6:30 PM Bingo 7:30 PM 3rd. General Membership Mtg. 6:30 PM Bingo 6:00 PM Covered Dish Social 6:30 PM Bingo 4:00 PM 3rd/4th Installation of Officers 6:30 PM Bingo 6:30 PM Bingo 7:30 PM 4th Membership Meeting 7:00 PM 1st Dg Exemplification, Titusville 7:00 PM Officers Mtgs. 6:30 PM Bingo 7:30 PM General Membership Mtg. 1st Dg Exemplification, Cocoa Bch 6:00 PM Bingo JULY BIRTHDAYS JOHN BARRY THOMAS BELISLE ENRICO BERMANI THOMAS CAMINITI WALTER CROSTIC JOHN DRAKE BRIAN ENGLISH STEPHEN HARLOW THEODORE LE BLANC JOSEPH LEAHY JOHN LESKO JOHN MC GINN JR ROBERT MEISCHEID GLEN MELDRUM JOHN MINOT FRANK MOEN WALTER NEUMAN JR WILLIAM PICKENS MICHAEL ROBUSTO DAVID SNELL JOHN STOWELL FRANK SULLIVAN ARTURO TECSON THOMAS THOMPSON ALFRED WASHINGTON IMPORTANT NUMBERS: Grand Knight Financial Secretary Field Agent District Deputy Faithful Navigator C.Spellman President News Bulletin Editor K of C Hall Rental Membership Info Membership Info JohnSchantzen Tony Spadafora Rob Brisson Brad Filiault Steve Lowry Bill Thomas Gil Jasso Bill Thomas Tom Kelly Ed Rizzotti Council 6125 Web site 394-6685 960-5000 536-9914 289-2467 446-5571 338-2898 433-9965 759-7625 208-7386 242-8040 Hall located at: 3435 S. Fiske Blvd Rockledge Mailing address: PO Box 560531 Rockledge, FL 32956-0531 2 “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1776 Prayer for America Heavenly Father, we praise you for your word that says: 'Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.' By your providential hand, America has been sown with the seeds of the Gospel, watered with the blood of patriots, and cultivated with the hands of Founders who respected your word. Because of your blessing, America has brought forth a great harvest and heritage of faith, family, and freedom. This summer will mark the 239th year of our Republic, we ask for the wisdom and the will to return to the simple values that made us a great nation: public servants who will protect our God-given rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness; pulpits that flame with righteousness and justice; churches that teach virtue and service; couples who get married and stay married; and parents who teach their kids right from wrong, the value of a hard day’s work, loving their neighbor and their nation, and duty to God and country. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, God’s Son and our Savior, Amen. WELCOME NEW KNIGHTS Ronald Cartrette Thomas Rauch, and William Brandon TRANSERS AND REACTIVATIONS George Cominsky, Paul Dilago, William Hingston, John Kelly, Matt Myoku, and Daniel Young . Contributed by Deacon Mike Murphy 3 AWARDS NIGHT Grand Knight Bob Duerr and Financial Secretary Tony Spadafora presented checks to these and other charities: Deb Spence, Special Olympics Lori Emly, Very Special Arts- Brevard Deacon Mike Murphy, St Mary’s Helping Hands Patty Hurst , Devereux Florida-Brevard Diane Date and Judy Killebrew, Pregnancy Resources Inc. A total of $13,583 was presented to various charities. In addition, $1,500 from Laps for Life was presented to Pregnancy Resources. Pictures by Al Trucano 4 AWARDS NIGHT KNIGHT OF THE YEAR—JOHN SHANTZEN FAMILY OF THE YEAR—MARCIA AND RICK MUETHING 5 Pictures by Al Trucano Commodore John Barry Assembly 0160 Congratulations to the newly elected 2015-2016 Fourth Degree Officers for Commodore John Barry Assembly 0160 Faithful Navigator: Stephen Lowry, Faithful Captain: John Schantzen, Faithful Pilot: Stephen O’Conor, Faithful Comptroller: Bob Duerr, Faithful Scribe: Barry Schmoyer, Faithful Purser: Bill Thomas, Faithful Admiral: Rick Muething, Faithful 3 Year Trustee: Ron Harrington, Faithful 2 Year Trustee: Joe Maugeri, Faithful 1 Year Trustee: Lou Harlow, Faithful Inner Sentinel: Dave Snell, Faithful Outer Sentinel: Ed Winslow, Faithful Friar: Very Rev. R. Bradley Beaupre’ The Assembly wishes to congratulate: The newly elected 2015-2016 Officers of Fr. Charles Spellman Council 6125 The newly elected Officers of our Home Corporation, C. Spellman Inc. The Knight of the Year, Sir Knight John Schantzen The Family of the Year, Sir Knight Rick & Marcia Muething The newest PGK of Council 6125, Sir Knight Bob Duerr The newest PFN of Assembly 0160, Sir Knight Rick Muething 6 Worthy Sir Knights, Thank you for your vote of confidence in electing me as your next Faithful Navigator. Our continuing service to our Catholic Church, Community, and Veterans is a noble task. Let us put on all the armor that God gives us, so that we will be able to stand up against the wicked spiritual forces in the world. Another facet of the Knights of Columbus is the public display of faith, family, and freedom. Wear your Knights gear often into town and at public events. Volunteer to become a member of the Honor Guard, the most recognized symbol of the Knights of Columbus. Beth & I wish you a Happy Independence Day! Submitted: Stephen C. Lowry, Faithful Navigator Assembly 0160 Upcoming Fourth Degree Florida District – DeSoto Province Exemplification: The next planned 4th degree exemplifications will be Saturday, August 15th in Tampa, an all day event. If you are a 3rd degree Knight and are interested in joining the 4th degree, to add that 4th Knightly virtue of Patriotism, please consider attending this exemplification. Talk to any of the 4th degree members or officers if you have questions. The Candidate exemplification fee is $70 which includes the Social Baldric, Lapel Pin, and (1) Dinner Presentation Banquet ticket. A black tux with a standard tux shirt is the required dress. Check with one of the Sir Knights…there may be some tuxes available. Your properly filled out forms, (Form 4, Banquet & Ladies Luncheon Order form, and fees) MUST be submitted by July 15th for the Aug 15th Exemplification in Tampa. Our Assembly will send one check to the Fourth Degree State Master, Robert Read, to sign-up our Candidates. Hotel rooms are available by directly contacting The Double Tree by Hilton (813) 879-4800 (reservation K of C $100 rate cut-off date July 20th). Contact FN Stephen Lowry or our PGK and FC Bob Duerr for additional details. Photos from Tampa Exemplification, August 14th, 2010 7
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