File - Valle De Oro Council 9332

April 2015
Number 10
Knights of Columbus
Balboa Assembly
Number 0040
Oldest and Busiest
Averaging a
Color Corps Callout
Per Week!
Knights of
Balb oa
April 2015 XCII Navigators Corner
Captains Corner
Sir Knights,
Dear Sir Knights,
The Lent and Easter seasons evoke emotions that
inspire our hearts. One that
comes to mind is the wellknow passage from the Gospel of Luke of the Resurrection with two disciples on
their way to Emmaus. They
are confused and discour- SK Michael Campos, Faithful Navigator
aged as they discuss with a
stranger, that their eyes do not recognize, the unbelievable events of the past few days.
As they continued their travel Jesus recalls and reveals
the meaning of the Scriptures for them and that evening
repeats the ritual that continued to present day: he prays
a blessing and breaks bread with them. With that their
eyes were opened and he was recognized. The disciples
only then realize the reality of the Resurrection and the
understanding that Jesus will always be with us.
It is a heart warming account for the troubled disciples
with a happy and joyous ending. It also is a reassurance
to us and every generation that we have not been forgotten or abandoned. With each breaking of bread may we
continue to experience the presence of Jesus in our lives
and in our hearts.
With renewed love and confidence, we continue our
efforts as Catholic gentlemen and Knights of Columbus.
Happy and Joyous Easter to all!
May God bless our labor and may our labor
bring honor to God.
Looking ahead to
another opportunity to
offer 3rd Degree Brothers
to join us as 4th Degree Sir
Knights at the May 2nd
4th Degree Event being
held at the Mission Valley
Town & Country Hotel
& Convention Center, it
might be useful to review:
Number 10
If any Assembly Officer
cannot attend the
meeting, please let me
know via e-mail at
SK Hugh Largey, Faithful Captain
1. The basic uniform of a Sir Knight Member of the 4th
Degree (whose principle is Patriotism). The uniform
consists of a dress tuxedo, black tie, and Social Baldric
plus identifying assembly name badge.
2. The highly recognizable regalia consisting of a feathered chapeau, cape & sword, are worn by 4th Degree
Sir Knights who have exercised their OPTIONAL
CHOICE to invest further in those items in order to
join the Color Corps Section.
Please encourage Brothers at your local Council to join
our Assembly for the relatively low cost of just the basic
Tuxedo Outfit - even less if they already own one!
Next meeting
April 9th, 2015
Columbus Club
4425 Home Ave,
San Diego, CA 92105
6:30 PM - Dinner
Pizza and Salad
Provided by
SK Greg Anthony
7:00 PM - Meeting
For the Good of the Order!
Vivat Jesus!
SK Hugh Largey, Faithful Captain, 2014-2015
Vivat Jesus!
SK Michael Campos, Faithful Navigator, 2014-2015
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
The Knights of Columbus
throughout the County
participated in the Annual
St. Patrick’s Day Parade in
Balboa Park held on March.
The San Diego Chapter
Knights of Columbus
present two awards, the
Highest Number of Participants and the Highest
Percentage of Participants
for Assemblies participating. Balboa Assembly was
awarded both trophies. Way to go Gentlemen!!
Laura Largey, wife of SK Hugh Largey, FC and SK Jerry Kay, PFN lead the
Knights of Columbus in the St. Patrick’s Day Parade
From the Desk of the Faithful Friar
Fr. James J. Burson, CJM
Balboa Assembly No. 0040
San Diego, California
Fraternity and Economy
The Knights of Columbus demonstrates that
putting regard for neighbor above profit
is key to financial success
by Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson
LAST AUGUST, the 132 Supreme
Convention took place in Orlando,
Fla., under the theme “You Will All Be
Brothers: Our Vocation to Fraternity.”
Our theme was inspired by Pope Francis’ message for the 2014 World Day of
Peace, which was titled “Fraternity, the
Foundation and Pathway to Peace.”
In the message, the Holy Father addresses many different aspects of how
the Christian concert of “fraternity” can
renew society.
The pope states that the key to true
economic reform is to see each per-
son “not just as some kind of instrument, with a work capacity and physical
strength to be exploited at low cost and
then discard when no longer useful, but
as our “neighbor.”
Father McGivney understood that
the “key” to a catholic way of life was
precisely to see society through the fraternal lens of charity and unity. In other
words, the vocation of the true Catholic
“knight” is to love his neighbor as another brother or sister.
Pope Francis continues, “Christian
solidarity presumes that our neighbor is
loved . . . as another brother or sister.”
In other words, the pope is calling on
us to build a nation of neighbors who
treat each other as true brothers and sisters.
Teaching the Art of Living
Parents have a unique and irreplaceable role
as the first educators of their children
Archbishop William E. Lori
The Philippines Embraces Pope Francis
During his historic visit to the Philippines, the Holy Father brought a message of compassion to millions. More than 6 million faithful attend Pope
Francis’ closing Mass in Rizal Park, Manila, January 18th. The Mass was the
largest papal event in history, surpassing in 1995 World Youth Day Mass celebrated by St. John Paul II, which drew 5 million to the same location.
Balboa Assembly 0040
Minutes of Meeting • March 12, 2015
Light of Life at Christ Cathedral Dinner Gala, April
16th, in Garden Grove will be the next fund raiser. If
interested contact them at
• Color Corps is asking for additional members to
participate in various competitions. The next two are
for the 4th Degree Exemplifications and at the State
Conference. Please contact SK Tom Davis or SK Vince
Garra. It is a great deal of fun and is a good way to promote the Assembly. You will be joining a team which
always places high in the rankings. Practices are held at
the Home Avenue site.
1. Meeting called to order by: FN Michael Campos
9. Reading of Applications referred to Admission
@ 7:15 p.m. - Members Present: 19
Committee: None
2. Opening Ceremonies by: FN Michael Campos
SK Tom Davis, PFN, FA 10. Balloting for Membership: The application for
Prayer offered by:
Pledge of Allegiance by: SK Vince Garra, PFN, FA Bruce O’Dell was approved for membership
The roll of officers was called and noted as follows:
11. Unfinished Business:
P SK Lennell Meyers passed away on December 19th.
Faithful Navigator
SK Michael Campos
Faithful Friar
Rev. James D. Burson, CJM E SK Bob Mueller resigned from the assembly.
P 12. Report of Trustees: None
Faithful Comptroller
SK Jerry Kay, PFN
Faithful Captain
SK Hugh Largey
E 13. New Business:
Faithful Pilot
SK John Chaffee
P • Volunteers for the 4th degree Exemplification on
Faithful Admiral
SK Tom Davis,PFN
P May 2nd are needed as follows: 4 Eucharistic Ministers;
Faithful Purser
SK Frank Schuld
P Several Lectors and a number of Ushers. Hospitality
Faithful Scribe
SK Leo McGarry
P Suite needs at least 2 volunteers.
Faithful Inner Sentinel SK Marcus Inoue
E • A new Sir Knight was welcomed: S.K. Garry WilFaithful Outer Sentinel SK Ed Dondero
P liam Wollman.
One Year Trustee
SK Vince Garra, PFN
P • Seminary Fund needs $61.00 to get to $2,000.00
Two Year Trustee
SK Lee Baesler, PFN
Sir Knight Frank Tepedino stepped forth with a check
Three Year Trustee
SK Jim Acerra, PFN
for $61.00 to put us over the top.
P • New Bishop will be courted by our assembly to get
Color Corps Commander SK Vince Garra
him up to 4th degree.
3. The Minutes of the preceding meeting:
• Priest’s golf tournament donation of $100.00. MDP
Minutes from last month were Approved with the
• Patriotic rosary needs volunteers for Sunday, May
following correction: Sharing of hospitality suite
2nd at Ascension Parish.
changed from State Convention to 4th degree exem• St. Patrick’s Day Parade mentioned.
plification. In addition the callout for the feast St.
14. Report of the Third Degree: None
Joseph changed from Mar 25th to Mar 15th. MDP
15. Good of the Order: Prayers requested for: Fr.Burson;
4. Report of Faithful Friar: None
Fr. Eckert; Fr. Jerry; Fr. Jacob; Msgr Joe Carroll; Dea5 . Bills & Communications: To RSVP For Badges
con Severo Santes, Jr; SK Vic Miranda; SK Reuben
$37.50 and $100.00 for postage. MDP
Hanshew; Father Sebastian’s Father; Pam Kay and
Muriel Haines, SK Mike Inoue, Mother of Steve Beuerle,
6. Report of Faithful Comptroller: approximately
Frank De Roso, Father Viuse.
100 members who have not yet paid Dues which
represents $5,197.00 in outstanding Dues
16. Closing Ceremonies: FN Michael Campos,
Closing Prayer offered by: FF Tom Davis, PFN, FA
7. Report of Faithful Purser - SK Frank Schuld:
Bank Balance Feb. 2015
$7,789.27 Meeting closed: 8:10 p.m.
$1,169.65 Respectfully Submitted by:
($640.90) SK Leo McGarry, Faithful Scribe
Bank Balance Jan 31
SK Timothy Hallahan
Seminary Fund Jan 31st $1,318.00
Celebrates 100th Birthday
Total $8,327.02
The oldest member of Balboa
8. Report of Committees:
Assembly, Sir Knight Timothy
• Pro-life SK Greg Anthony talked about the success
Hallahan celebrated his 100th
of Light of Life programs to purchase and deploy vans
birthday on March 30th.
with fetal ultrasound to assist women who may consider
Tim joined the Knights of
an abortion to see their child in utero before they go
Columbus on September 10,
through with the procedure. This has been very success1936. He has maintained his
ful in reducing abortions. The San Diego chapter which
K of C membership for the
has already purchased several of these vans and ultrapast 78 years. Tim is a member
sound machines is participating in the attempt to raise
of Blessed Sacrament Council
money for two more for use within the L.A. Basin.
No. 7357.
Pre meeting Speaker: Melvi Chow discussed the Big
Brother or Big Sister program for children of military
parents who have one parent deployed or have lost
one parent. She explained the need for mentors and
asked that we consider volunteering to participate
in the program. If interested call Operation Bigs
Hotline (858) 746-9169. It involves 1 to 1 Monitoring of a single child for one hour per week. Commitment is for a minimum of one year.
Balboa Assembly 0040
Officers 2014-15
Faithful Navigator
Michael Campos
Faithful Friar
Rev James D. Burson, CJM
Faithful Comptroller
Jerry Kay, PFN
Faithful Captain
Hugh Largey
Faithful Pilot
John Chaffee
Faithful Admiral
Tom Davis
Faithful Purser
Frank Schuld
Faithful Scribe
Leo McGarry
Faithful Outer Sentinel
Edward Dondero
Faithful Inner Sentinel
Marcus Inoue
One Year Trustee
Vince Garra, PFN
Two Year Trustee
Lee Baesler, PFN
Three Year Trustee
Jim Acerra, PFN
Color Corps Commander
Vince Garra, PFN
Sick Committee Chairman
Enrique Babauta, PFN
Color Corps Callouts
Unveiling of Statue
Divine Mercy Sunday
April 12, 2015 - 2:00 PM
Blessed Sacrament Church, San Diego, CA
Installation of New Bishop
April 15, 2015
St. Therese Carmel, San Diego, CA
Memorial Mass
April 26, 2015
St. Therese Church, San Diego, CA
4th Degree Exemplification,
May 2, 2015 - 12:00 PM
Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA
Exemplification Mass,
May 2, 2015 - 4:00 PM
Town & Country Hotel, San Diego, CA
Opening Mass, State KofC Convention
May 15, 2015 - 8:00 AM
San Diego, CA
The unveiling and blessing with a Prayer Service, of the statue of Servant of God,
Cardinal Francis Xavier Nguyễn Văn Thuận was held on Sunday, March 22nd, 2015
@ 4:00pm at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 2725 55th St., San Diego, CA 92105.
Bishop Dominic M. Lương, Auxiliary of the Diocese of Orange presided at the prayer
service and all joined in singing TE DEUM in procession to the outside unveiling and
Blessing of the statue. Rejoicing and giving thanks! A reception followed in the Hall.
Currently, the Cardinal is being asked for Beatification and Canonization
Our Lady of the Rosary
Adoration Chapel, State KofC Convention
May 16, 2015 - 1:00 PM
San Diego, CA
Closing Mass, State KofC Convention
May 16, 2015 - 4:00 PM
San Diego, CA
Portuguese Festa
May 24, 2015 – 9:00 AM
Point Loma, CA
Memorial Day Mass
May 25, 2015 – 11:00 AM
Holy Cross Cemetery, San Diego, CA
Nun Sunday
July 19, 2015 – 9:00 AM
Holy Spirit Church, San Diego, CA
Passing of
Sir Knight Rudolph Parker
April 12, 1920 - March 14, 2015
Rudy went to his First Degree
on Jan. 7, 1962 and was exemplified into the Fourth Degree on
Oct. 18, 1969. He is a Past Grand
Knight of
Coronado Council #5216.
Rudolph (Rudy) Matthew
Parker was born April 12, 1920 in
Mobile, Alabama. Rudy was one
nine brothers and sisters - is survived by his brother
Leonard Parker of Portsmouth, R. I. Rudy was of
Spanish French Creole decent and he Parker family
were the original owners of Bellingrath Gardens in
Mobile Alabama on Fowl River, aka Parker’s Station
- fishing & hunting resort. He worked as logger in
his father’s timber sawmill in Mobile and later joined
the Navy and served on the USS Nashville as cook.
In WII his ship the USS Nashville was involved in
transporting islanders off the Islands prior to Hiroshima and on the ship when it was hit by a Kamikaze
L-R: SK Frank Schuld, SK Hugh Largey, SK Rodney Randolph, Rev Joseph Tabigue, SK Jerry Kay, PFN;
Bishop Robert Brom, SK Jerry Balistreri, PFN; SK Lee Baesler, PFN; SK Sal Corona
On March 15th the Sir Knights of Balboa Assembly showed up in colors to lead
the procession for the Feast of St. Joseph at Our Lady of the Rosary in Little Italy.
Bishop Brom was the celebrant.
during WWII. Rudy was
well liked by Commodore
Ben Wyatt and after the
Navy came to Coronado
as Commodore Wyatt’s
boat Captain on Wyatt’s
Yacht the Kwajalein
which Rudy practically
built for the Commodore,
ambassador for the US to
He was very involved with the Knights of Columbus at Sacred Heart Church
being a founding member of Council 5216 and moved up the ranks to become
Grand Knight, representative for the Imperial Council and becoming 4th Degree
which was a great honor for him. One duty of the Knights was to help with the
4th of July parade In Coronado, many may remember him on the corner of 6th
and Orange with speed up/slow down sign his duty and pleasure for over 20 years.