STAR COUNCIL NEWS VIRGINIA STATE COUNCIL Stephen A. Burnley, State Deputy March 2015 ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH State Membership Watch Newsletter Highlights • General Program Director Message For the remainder of the Fraternal Year, we will be including monthly updates as to how we are progressing towards the State Supreme membership goals. • State Deputy Award Update Gross = new members + reactivations & reinstatements • Membership Director Message Net = Gross less suspension & withdrawals • Annual Meeting of the Virginia State Council Net / Net = Net less deaths and transfers in/out • Silver Rose Goal Categories Gross Net Net/Net • Upcoming Exemplification • Special Olympics Polar Plunge Recap • Coats for Kids Recap Arlington Diocese Men’s Conference Mar 8th 3rd Degree Council #2473 (Arlington) Mar 21st Home Council / IT Meeting (Richmond) Mar 28th Free Throw Championship (Richmond) Founders Day Apr 11th 3rd Degree Council #511 (Hampton) Apr 18th 4th Degree Exemplification (VA Beach) Have you scheduled your Spring Church membership drive? Have you scheduled a Fraternal Benefits night? Are you on track for Star Council? Are you on track for the State Deputy Award? Do you have your KOVAR fundraising plans locked in? Apr 25th 3rd Degree Council #367 (Norfolk) May 1-3 Annual State Convention (Richmond) Are Council Trustees starting to think about candidates for Officer positions for the 2015-16 fraternal year? May 16th 3rd Degree Council #9056 (VA Beach) Jun 6th 3rd Degree Council #6546 (Richmond) Jun 27th 3rd Degree Council #5332 (Manassas) % Goal 67% 49% 86% Consistently recruiting for upcoming 1st Degrees (“One Member, Per Council, Per Month”) Mar 28th 3rd Degree Council #7877 (Stafford) Mar 29th Actual as of 2/28/15 878 547 360 Checklist for your Council’s Winter Action Plan 3 Month Outlook of Coming Events Mar 7th Supreme FY Goal 1,315 925 429 Have you planned a Founder’s Day event? —1— ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH MEMBERSHIP TEAM 2014 - 2015 Stephen C. Layne (Eileen) Membership Director George Clark (Patsy) New Council Chairman George Kuhlow Recruitment Chairman Home 804-897-9867 Cell 804-338-5838 Home 703-494-1607 Home 434-589-6158 Cell 434-327-3066 Steve Buttie (Marci) Recruitment-Northern Home 703-838-3689 Alphonse Obuchowski (Sandy) Retention Chairman Home 703-352-1380 Carter Barrett (Linda) Retention— Northern Home 703-440-8779 DJ Dejesus Retention/Recruitment-Tidewater Home 757-424-2525 Peter Friesen (Mary Ann) Roundtable Chairman Home 703-922-0096 Zachary Ochoa College Council Chairman Home 757-814-1051 Joe Pavelchak Retention/Recruitment-Southside Home 434-454-7011 Samuel Patterson Recruitment–Central Home 804-241-7544 Dan Gracey (Pat) Retention-Central Home 804-794–0020 Jesus Cota (Sylvia) Ethnic Council Development Home 703-817-1716 “We have a moral obligation to invite every eligible Catholic man to join the Knights of Columbus” MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR MESSAGE What Your Council Needs for a Church Drive To make your church drive a success you will need the right tools. Here is a quick guide to the items a council should have at their recruitment drives: • Why You Should Become a Knight flyer (#10100): This flyer provides an overview of the Knights of Columbus, explaining how the Order was created to unite men in their faith and help them in times of need; how the Knights offers many opportunities to grow in service to faith, community, family and youth; and the value of the Order’s insurance program. • 24 Hours Can Change Your Life flyer (#10099): This flyer explains how a man can make a difference in his community, serve his parish and grow in his faith by giving only 24 hours a year to the Knights of Columbus. • Prospect Cards (#921A): These 3x5 index cards help councils collect contact information on prospects who want to learn about the Order. • Membership Document (#100): This is what it is all about — etting those prospects to sign up and join you as brother Knights. Next stop: the First Degree. Afterward, your prospects and their families can start being active within the council and Order. When conducting your church drives, have these items on hand to display the benefits of membership, but be sure to obtain your pastor’s approval to hold a membership drive at the church before ordering. Follow these additional steps for a successful church drive: • Choose a weekend and prepare an announcement for the parish bulletin, asking that it be run during the two weekends before the drive. • During the drive, display your council’s activities through handouts. Include information on your council and copies of council’s newsletter. • Arrange for the pastor, grand knight or membership director to make a brief announcement before Mass explaining the Order and encouraging men to fill out a Prospect Card. If needed, use the Suggested Remarks for Membership Recruitment flyer (#10067), which includes an announcement that may be customized to reflect your council’s activities. • Have Knights in position at church exits to answer questions from prospects. They should also collect the Prospect Cards and assist interested men in completing Membership Documents. After the event, deliver the completed Membership Documents and Prospect Cards to the membership director. Remember to immediately contact those who signed Membership Documents, letting them know the dates and times of their meeting with the Admission Committee and the First Degree exemplification. Stephen Layne Membership Director -Carl A. Anderson, Supreme Knight —2— ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH GENERAL PROGRAMS STAFF 2014 - 2015 David Crew (Angelina) General Programs Director Home 703-430-0644 Cell 703-624-8099 Thomas Sawyer (Jenni) Church Activities Chairman Cell 757-235-0788 Doug MacPherson (Jerri Pat) Family Activities Chairman Home 804-275-7187 Cell 804-304-1446 Bob Maher (Angela) Community Activities Chairman Home 434-589-1170 Cell 540-717-2241 Frank Guest (Linda) Youth Activities Chairman Home 703-569-5826 Cell 703-980-2526 Reyes Guerra (Julia) Council Activity Chairman Home 703-372-2243 Cell 703-655-2799 Andy Altman (Michelle) Culture of Life Chairman Home 703-404-0182 Cell 703-727-2002 Chan Mohney (Debbie) Special Olympics Coordinator Home 804-379-3918 Cell 703-963-2017 Mark Zaccagnini Youth Sporting Chairman Cell 757-619-6250 Dave Lopez (Dixie) Fr. Bader Scholarship Chairman Home 703-764-3713 Cell 703-928-0121 Roger Noreau Youth Scholastic Chairman Home 757-961-0698 Cell 757-390-1843 Tom Schirra Scouting Chairman Bill Gaynord (Linda) Columbian Squires Food for Families John Cochran - Richmond Vincent Cannava—Arlington Cell 804-239-8920 Home 703-594-2485 Cell 703-851-7362 Cell 757-705-9933 Cell 571-442-4673 Deacon Vince Kapral (Anne) Vocations Chairman—Richmond Home 757-301-2116 David Todd (Ann) Vocations Chairman—Arlington Home 703-352-2724 Michael Lazzuri, PSD Fr. McGivney Guild Chairman Home 540-774-8482 General Program Director Message Brothers, The month of March is “crunch time” as the cutoff for completing the State Deputy Award criteria is March 31st. I suggest you log-on to your Council page on the State website and confirm the criteria that State shows as complete. Let me know if you note any exceptions. Have you scheduled your Fraternal Benefits event yet? I am getting concerned as only 19 Councils have reported hosting a fraternal benefits event. If you did and we don’t show you as reporting the event send me an email with the date of the event and I will update. Make sure you contact the General Programs Team if you have any questions. Thanks for your commitment. Dave Crew General Program Director Church: Vocations Refund Support vocations Program (RSVP) There is still time to provide financial support to a seminarian or novice. Provide check for at least $500.00 to an individual discerning their religious vocation (seminarian or novice) and receive $100.00 rebate from Supreme. Remember to provide a copy of the cancelled check with your submission. Contact David Todd (Arlington Diocese) or Deacon Vince Kapral (Richmond Diocese) with questions Youth: Father Bader Scholarship The closing date for submitting the applications is a month away. Closing date is March 31. We have only received 4 complete applications and 1 partial application. We have also received 6 inquiries, so we are optimistic that we will receive another 5 or 6 applications. All DDs and GKs should communicate to your councils that there is still time to submit applications. Also GK’s, if you have not done so this year, please consider donating at least $100 dollars to the State Council Father Bader Scholarship fund before Easter. Your donation will help sustain the Father Bader Scholarship in future years. Contact Dave Lopez with questions —3— ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH State Deputy Award Update We made continued progress this last month as: • 66 Councils met the criteria to be 2H Membership Active • 4 more Councils met the criteria to submit 4 FOMs during the fraternal year . . . bringing the total to 61 • 8 more Councils met the criteria to host a Fraternal Benefits Night . . . bringing the total to 19 • 120 Councils submitted their December 31st Semi-Annual Audit • 19 Councils have submitted all six of their Columbian Service Program Reports Criteria Form # Due Date # Councils Complete # Councils Open ALL ALL ALL ALL 127 NONE NONE NONE NONE 16 61 21 66 140 122 120 113 8 31 28 30 25 25 25 2 2 2 3 82 122 77 3 21 23 30 135 112 115 113 118 118 118 141 141 141 140 Report of Officers Report of Service Personnel Semi-Annual Audit (June 30) State Per Capita - 1st Half 1 New Member - 1st Half Supreme Form 185 Supreme Form 365 Supreme Form 1295 N/A Form 100 7/1/14 8/1/14 8/15/14 10/1/14 2/28/15 Submit 4 Family of the Month Host Fraternal Benefits Night 1 New Member - 2nd Half Fraternal Survey Special Olympics Participation Semi-Annual Audit (Dec 31) State Per Capita - 2nd Half Form SP7 Columbian Award Columbian - Church Activity Columbian - Council Activity Columbian - Community Activity Columbian - Family Activity Columbian - Youth Activity Columbian - Culture of Life Knight of the Year Family of the Year Young Man of the Year Young Woman of the Year Supreme Form 1993A DD e-mail Form 100 Supreme Form 1728 Supreme Form 4584 Supreme Form 1295-2 N/A SP7 State STSP State STSP State STSP State STSP State STSP State STSP 3/31/15 3/31/15 6/30/15 1/17/15 1/17/15 2/15/15 4/1/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 3/31/15 Contact Dave Crew if you have any questions Community: KOVAR The First Principle of the Order is Charity and KOVAR is your charity, its success is dependent on your help and support. Every dollar collected assists Virginians with intellectual disabilities in the form of grants or loans. Your achievement of your District goal is essential so we can continue our support of God’s Special People Please check with your Councils. Do they have their KOVAR strategy in place? Have they collected funds already? Ask all Brothers, through the Council leadership, to sign up for Amazon Smile -- a no cost way to help fund KOVAR through their purchases on Amazon. Ask if Brothers have workplace giving programs -- KOVAR is a 501(c)(3) charity which can accept funds from corporations. For questions contact Dennis Godfrey at —4— ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH Service Program Opportunites Church: Silver Rose Program For over 50 years, the Knights of Columbus has sponsored the Our Lady of Guadalupe Silver Rose Program to honor the Blessed Virgin under her title of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of America. The purpose is to honor Our Lady and to reaffirm our commitment to the sanctity of life. The Silver Rose symbolizes the commitment of the Knights of Columbus to restoring respect for the sanctity of human life from conception until death. This year the Knights are “running” five Silver Roses across Canada and the United States. The Knights of Virginia will receive the Silver Rose on April 5 and depart on April 26, heading south to the Knights of North Carolina. We are hoping to demonstrate the extraordinary work the Virginia Knights do each day in their devotion to the sanctity of life. We can think of no better demonstration than to have an outpouring of requests to have the Silver Rose in your Districts. We are beginning to receive requests from our Brothers who are interested based on the article in the current Star Council Newsletter. We are hoping we can get at least half of Virginia’s Districts to participate. Call to Action: Please be prepared to state your intention at the February 28th State Meeting. The General Programs Director will have a signup sheet for you to fill out for your participation. The needed information is the Council #, Council point-of-contact, and a primary and alternate requested date. Based upon the data collected at the meeting, a route plan will be compiled and communicated to the DDs and Council’s POC by mid March. Please contact Tom Sawyer at or by cell at 757-235-0788 with any questions. Council: Upcoming Exemplification The next Exemplification of the Fourth Degree will be Saturday, April 18, 2015, at the Church of the Ascension, 4853 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach. Friday night lodging will be at the Hampton Inn Norfolk/Virginia Beach, 5793 Greenwich Road, Virginia Beach (757) 490-3573. Candidates must be a Third Degree Knight in good standing. There are no longer time requirements to join the Fourth Degree. The candidate fee is $70.00. This fee is set by Supreme. This fee includes the social baldric, Fourth Degree Pin, certificate, luncheon ticket, and processing fees. The cost for the luncheon is $30.00 per guest ticket. The luncheon is an Italian buffet which will include a garden salad, spaghetti and meat balls, lasagna, ziti with sausage and peppers, garlic bread knots, and dessert. Beverages are included. There will be no ladies program at this Exemplification. Ladies may attend the luncheon. The Honoree for this Exemplification is the late PSD Leonardo “Lenny Pulizzi. A large class will honor his name and legacy. Please contact your local Assembly Faithful Navigator with questions —5— ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH Annual Meeting of the Virginia State Council This Fraternal year’s Annual Meeting of the Virginia State Council, otherwise known as ‘The Convention”, will take place from Friday May 1st to Sunday May 3rd 2015 at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Richmond - Midlothian. *****Hotel Reservation Telephone Number***** 804-379-3800 • Annual Meeting Golf Tournament Format: 4-person Captains Choice – Ladies welcome! Schedule: Registration Begins at 7:00 AM. Shotgun start at 8:00 AM Fee: $60 per person / Mulligan’s and a “String “available. Hole in One: Win a 2015 Chevy Malibu! Live Entertainment & Dancing Friday Night 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM James River Ballroom -Cash Bar & Raffle Door Prizes! The Virginia State Council invites all our ladies to enjoy lunch and a presentation To Have and To Hold: Courtship and Marriage in Early America by The American Ladies. Martha Washington serves tea to a friend whose 2 daughters are to be married, causing her to reminisce about her own courtship and marriage. For questions contact Ed Polich, Convention Chairman at or 804-314-1065 —6— ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH Service Program Opportunites Community: Special Olympics—Polar Plunge Recap On behalf of the Special Olympics and the State Deputy I want to thank everyone that either plunged or contributed to The Virginia Knights of Columbus Polar Plunge Team. We had over 40 participants who made supreme efforts to raise money to assist God’s Special Olympians. Overall the event raised a record $1.18 million! There were 3,000+ participants. “Bathing suits’ ranged from the same color t-shirts to costumes that represented the property squares from the Monopoly board game. The Virginia Knights of Columbus Team was represented at the Plunge by 20+ Knights and 6 Ladies. All six State officers were there. As you can see from the photo below the team uniform was a tuxedo t-shirt—black for the men and pink for the ladies. We raised over $26,600, but I was told that figure will be higher because there were a few Knights who had not join the team; their efforts are to be added to ours. Thanks again for your support. Chan Mohney, Virginia State Council Special Olympics Coordinator Community: Coats for Kids (FINAL) Thanks to all that have participated and have helped answer the question posed in July, “What if 1,000 coats?” As you can see, the answer is YES! Please consider participating in the Coats for Kids Program next Fraternal Year. More details to come in the near future. PROGRAM Coats for Kids METRIC Councils participating Cases purchased Coats purchased 2014-15 GOAL 35 85 1,000 FINAL 27 99 1,188 For questions contact John Cochran, Coats for Kids Chairman, at or (757) 705-9933. —7— ONE MEMBER, PER COUNCIL, PER MONTH Service Program Opportunites Youth Programs For all DDs and GKs...Your opportunities to engage the Youth of your Council, Parish, and Community families are still alive! The State Soccer Challenge and KCIC Poster Contest have been completed but other opportunities are still there for you to take advantage of. Think about including some or all of the following in your own District or Council Youth Call to Action plan to compliment your own unique Youth programs. The due date for all of these is the end of March 2015. Your Youth Program Staff is available to answer questions and be your Force Multiplier. • Young Man and Young Women of the Year - If you have this as part of your plan, you will be amazed at the applications you receive. And I guarantee you will have hard time selecting your winners to forward. And of course, this is a State Deputy Award Criteria as well - so don’t take yourself out of the running. • Essay Contest - This is an opportunity to challenge our young people to really think about they think on a topic central to countering the societal move to a secular and false value system. With a theme of “The importance of religious Freedom” the essay contest entries you receive will pleasantly surprise you with the original and uniquely youthful perspective our youth have on this important topic. • Fr Bader Scholarship - This is a Virginia State Program to assist the winning applicants with the financial burden of their freshman year of college. It is based on the “Whole person” and does NOT solely rely on academic success or financial need. Every High School senior that applies has a chance - as long as they are the son or daughter of a Virginia Knight in good standing. Virginia Knights themselves may also apply, but only if in dire financial need. • Substance Abuse Poster Contest - This contest, aimed at our younger youth, helps them form early and correct views on Drug and Alcohol Abuse. And it helps arm them against the peer pressure they will undoubtedly experience to make the wrong choice. Contact Frank Guest at with questions Community: VKCCI At its February 7th quarterly meeting, the VKCCI Board voted to increase the maximum amount of funds to be awarded under a VKCCI grant request to $3,000. The last time that the VKCCI grant threshold was increased was in 2007. It is felt that needs of our citizens are growing and the former threshold did not meet the level where our Councils could adequately address the needs being presented. We thank you for your continuing generosity in supporting this charity work of the Virginia State Council. Please support upcoming golf tournament being sponsored by Fr. Cilinski Council and St. Clare’s Council on May 21 in Clifton with the proceeds benefiting VKCCI. In addition the Norfolk Tides has agreed to donate part of the proceeds from ticket sales to their June 27 baseball game to aid VKCCI. We encourage councils to sponsor a fund raiser for VKCCI at the council, assembly, and their geographical area to assist all of us in fulfilling the dreams and visions of our founder, especially this month celebrating the founding of our Order. Please remember to bring your annual council contribution check to the State Council Annual Meeting the first weekend in May. Contact PSD Mike Lazzuri with questions Have You Ever Wondered About Becoming a Knights of Columbus Insurance Agent? Have you ever wondered what is would be like to do good for other families while you do good for yourself and your family? Have you ever wondered what is would be like to lay your head on your pillow at night knowing you have made the world a better place? Have you ever wondered if there is more to your working life than just showing up and working? Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work in a position that pays your for your successful efforts, with no limit? Have you ever wondered? Have you? Contact General Agents Harry Canter, Kevin Choate or Jim Ulmer to learn more. —8—
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