SECOND CIRCULAR 5. CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION CONGRESS PROGRAM Osijek, Croatia Hotel Osijek September 23-25, 2015 ORGANISED BY Croatian Geological Society Croatian Geological Survey University of Zagreb (Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering and Faculty of Science) INA - Industrija nafte d.d. Croatian Natural History Museum ORGANISING COMMITTEE Josip HALAMIĆ - president Sibila BOROJEVIĆ ŠOŠTARIĆ - vice president Dražen BALEN - vice president Morana HERNITZ KUČENJAK - vice president Željko MIKLIN - secretary Marija BOŠNJAK MAKOVEC Josip BUBNIĆ Blanka CVETKO TEŠOVIĆ Lidija GALOVIĆ Tonći GRGASOVIĆ Marija HORVAT Maja HREN Marijan KOVAČIĆ Damir LACKOVIĆ Jelena PARLOV Adaleta PERKOVIĆ Dario PERKOVIĆ Goran RADONIĆ SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Slobodan MIKO – president Dunja ALJINOVIĆ Andrea BAČANI Uroš BARUDŽIJA Mirko BELAK Čedomir BENAC Vlasta ĆOSOVIĆ Aleksandar DURMAN Goran DURN Goran KNIEWALD Tvrtko KORBAR Tomislav MALVIĆ Marta MILEUSNIĆ Vlasta PREMEC FUĆEK Esad PROHIĆ SECOND CIRCULAR 5. CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Bruno SAFTIĆ Damir SLOVENEC Stjepan STRELEC Josip TERZIĆ Bruno TOMLJENOVIĆ Tamara TROSKOT-ČORBIĆ Darko TIBLJAŠ Igor VLAHOVIĆ Tatjana VLAHOVIĆ Davor VRSALJKO INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE Vladica CVETKOVIĆ (Srbija) Stjepan ĆORIĆ (Austrija) Benedetto De VIVO (Italija) Francois De VLEESCHOUWER (Francuska) Manfred FRECHEN (Njemačka) Špela GORIČAN (Slovenija) Hazim HRVATOVIĆ (Bosna i Hercegovina) Corina IONESCU (Rumunjska) Marko KOMAC (Slovenija) Ferenc MOLNÁR (Finska / Mađarska) Zoran STEVANOVIĆ (Srbija) Georges STOOPS (Belgija) Pál SÜMEGI (Mađarska) HONORARY COMMITTEE Academician Vladimir BERMANEC Academician Ivan GUŠIĆ Academician Mladen JURAČIĆ Associate Professor Zoran NAKIĆ Academician Branko SOKAČ 1. PLACE AND DATE The Congress will be held in the Hotel Osijek, Osijek, Croatia, from September 23-25, 2015. Possibility of accommodation for Congress participants could be done through the web sites 2. CONGRESS SECTIONS AND TOPICS GEOLOGY, GEOLOGICAL ENGINEERING, ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION, GEOHERITAGE AND GEOARCHEOLOGY 1. Geological Mapping and Geographical Information Systems (GIS) 2. Quaternary Environments and Neotectonics 3. Mineral Resources 4. Hydrocarbon Exploration 5. Sedimentary Basins and Sedimentary Processes 6. Geothermal Systems 7. Palaeontology and Stratigraphy SECOND CIRCULAR 5. CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION 8. Magmatic and Metamorphic Rocks – Settings, Compositions and Processes 9. Mineralogy 10. Karst 11. Marine Geology 12. Hydrogeology 13. Geomorphology 14. Geohazards 15. Engineering Geology and Geomechanics 16. Geological Heritage 17. Geoarcheology 18. Environmental Geology 19. Other Themes The scientific program, divided into Congress sections, will include plenary lectures, oral presentations and poster presentations. 3. PRELIMINARY PROGRAM Monday, September 21, 2015 08:00 Field Trip A1 starts from Zagreb 07:00 Field Trip A2 starts from Zagreb Tuesday, September 22, 2015 17.00:21.00 Arrival, accomodation and registration of participants in “Osijek” Hotel in Osijek. 20:00 Welcome party Wednesday, September 23, 2015 08:00-09:30 Registration of participants in hotel “Osijek” 09:30-10:00 Opening ceremony 10:00-12:00 Invited lectures 12:00-12:30 Poster installation 12:30-14:00 Lunch break 14:00-16:30 Oral presentations 16:30-17:00 Coffee break 17:00-18:00 Poster session Thursday, September 24, 2015 08:30-10:30 Oral presentations 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:00 Poster session 12:00-14:00 Lunch break 14:00-16:30 Oral presentations 16:30-17:00 Coffee break 17:00-18:00 Poster session 20:00 Congress dinner Friday, September 25, 2015 08:30-10:30 Oral presentations 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:00 Oral presentations 12:00-14:00 Lunch break SECOND CIRCULAR 5. CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION 14:00-16:30 Oral presentations 16:30-17:00 Coffee break 17:00-18:00 Poster session 18:00 Closing ceremony 18:30-19:00 Posters removing Saturday, September 26, 2015 09:00 Field Trip B1 starts from Osijek 07:00 Field Trip B2 starts from Osijek Sunday, September 27, 2015 Departure B2 to Osijek and to Zagreb (22:00) 4. OFFICIAL LANGUAGES The official languages of the Congress are Croatian and English. Abstracts can be written in Croatian or English and title of the abstract must be written in Croatian and English. 5. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Texts for Abstracts Book have to be written in Croatian (with obligatory Title, Summary and Key words in English) or in English. Texts should be language reviewed. The authors are fully responsible for the contents of their articles. Final length of the abstract should be up to 2 pages including text, drawings and photographs. Before writing an abstract please read instructions for authors on the Congress web site ( Texts which are not prepared according to the instructions cannot be published. The abstracts (maximum two pages) should be sent at the latest by April 15, 2015. Submitted papers will be reviewed by Scientific Committee and will be published before the Congress. Abstract will be published only if author/s paid congress fee. 6. FIELD TRIPS 6.1. PRE-CONGRESS FIELD TRIPS (A) A1 GEOLOGY OF Mt. PAPUK Guide: Dražen Balen with participation of Uroš Barudžija, Mirko Belak, Željko Bortek, Marija Horvat, Marijan Kovačić, Davor Pavelić and Goran Radonić Duration 2 days: September 21 (Monday) – September 22 (Tuesday) 2015 Departure: September 21, Zagreb, at 08:00. Arrival: September 22, Osijek, at approx. 18:00. DAY 1: September 21 (Monday) Start: Zagreb (08:00, meeting point to be announced to participants) Stop 1: Đulovac quarry (gneiss, granite, migmatite, volcanic rocks) Stop 2: Voćin (Rupnica - columnar jointing, Geo-info center) passing by geo-sites Trešnjevica, Zvečevo, Čaruginkamen, Vranovo, Šamanovica (alternative stops) Stop 3: Nježić (sediments and pyroclastite) Stop 4: Papuk (road Velika – Slatinski Drenovac, carbonates, Triassic sediments) Stop 5: Jankovac (accommodation place), Geo-info center, geology of valley SECOND CIRCULAR 5. CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION DAY 2: September 22 (Tuesday) Stop 6: Tisica (low-grade metamorphic complex, volcanic rocks) Stop 7: Velika (info-center PP Papuk) passing by Vetovo quarry (alternative stop) Stop 8: Kutjevo transect and vineyards (geology and wine) passing by or alternative stops at Duboka (metamorphic rocks) and Gradac (volcanic rocks) Stop 9: Našice (Našice quarry, Pannonian Basin sediments and evolution) Arrival to Osijek at approx. 18:00. Note: The fieldtrip plan may be adjusted due to unforeseen circumstances. Excursion price: 550 kn (75 EUR), includes transport by bus, tickets, dinner, accommodation, breakfast, wine tasting, Fieldtrip Guidebook and possibly a few surprises Number of participants: min. 20, max. 30 A2 GEOLOGICAL-GEOARCHEOLOGICAL EXCURSION Guide:Lidija Galović, Aleksandar Durman, Marcel Burić, Marta Mileusnić, Ina Miloglav, Marica Balen, Dražen Japundžić, Lara Wacha 2 days: September 21 (Monday)-Zagreb – 22 (Tuesday)-Osijek Departure: September 21, Zagreb, at 07:00. Arrival: September 22, Osijek, at 18:00. DAY 1: September 21 (Monday) Start: 07:00. In front of Croatian Geological Survey, Sachsova 2, Zagreb Stop 1: Vinkovci, Stari Mikanovci (archeological sites and museum) Stop 2: Oil field Stop 3: Bapska (archeological site, field lunch) Stop 4: Ilok wine cellars (tour and tasting, museum) Dinner and accommodation in Ilok, breakfast DAY 2: September 22 (Tuesday) Stop 5: Mohovo (mammoth finding) Stop 6: Vučedol (famous archeological site and newly opened museum) Stop 7: Vukovar (Gorjanović's loess profile) Stop 8: Aljmaš (the mouth of the Drava river into Danube river, lunch) Arrival to Osijek about 18:00. Price: 660kn (85 EUR) includes transport by bus, ticket for museums, wine tasting, 2 lunches, dinner, accommodation, breakfast and Fieldtrip Guidebook. Number of participants: min. 30, max. 40 6.2. POST-CONGRESS FIELD TRIPS (B) B1 HYDROGEOLOGY AND PALAEOCLIMATE CHANGES RECORDED IN BARANJA & SRIJEM LOESS DEPOSITS Guides: Adriano Banak, Kosta Urumović i Marija Horvat 1 day: September 26 (Saturday) – Osijek – Zagreb Departure: Osijek, September 26, 2015 by bus at 09:00 Arrival: Zagreb (via Osijek), September 26 at night (arround 22:00) Stop 1: Zmajevac (loess profile and mammoth tusk site) Stop 2: Batina quarry (loess on top of basalt – andesitebreccia's) Stop 3: Viewpoint Batina (hydrogeology of Baranja, monument of Batina battle) Stop 4: Nature park Kopački rit (lecture and boat sightseeing of the swamp) Stop 5: Šarengrad (loess profile) Stop 6: Ilok (hydrogeology of Srijem, Iločki winecellar – winetasting) SECOND CIRCULAR 5. CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION Arrival in Zagreb after 22:00 Price: 310kn (40 EUR) includes: bus transportation, lunch – package, lunch at therestaurant, ticket for Nature park Kopački rit with boat sightseeing, wine tasting and Field trip Guidebook Number of participants: min.30, max.50 B2 GEOLOGY OF FRUŠKA GORA Mt. (Vojvodina, Serbia) Guides: Ivan Dulić & Alan Vranjković 2 days: September 26 (Saturday) - Osijek - Novi Sad (Serbia) - 27 (Sunday) - Zagreb Departure: September 26, Osijek, at 07:00. Arrival: September 27, Zagreb, around 10:00. DAY 1: September 26 (Saturday) Start: 07:00 In front of Hotel Osijek, Šamačka 4, Osijek Stop 1: Beočin (Pannonian marls) Stop 2: Šakotinac (Badenian, Sarmatian, and Pannonian) Stop 3: Mutalj (Upper Badenian) Stop 4: Ležimir (Upper Triassic metamorphosed limestone) Stop 5: Vrdnik (Middle Triassic dolomite) Stop 6: Jazak Monastery (Lower Triassic basal series) Stop 7: Jazak (Upper Triassic metamorphosed limestone) Dinner at Petrovaradin fortress and accommodation in Novi Sad, breakfast DAY 2: September 27 (Sunday) Stop 8: Petrovaradin fortress (Diabase and peridotite) Stop 9: Stari Rakovac (latite, Eocene-Oligocene) Stop 10: Stari Ledinci (Badenian calcarenites and tuff) Stop 11: Bukovac (Lower Badenian) Stop 12: Stari Slankamen (Upper Badenian reef complex, contact of Upper Cretaceous and Lower Miocene deposits and transgressive Upper Badenian) Stop 13: Krčedin (Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous - deep water siltite, marl and limestone) Arrival to Zagreb around 22:30, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, Pierottijeva 6 Price: 900 KN (120 EUR) included expenses: Bus transport, visit to historical, cultural and architecture attractions, lunch, dinner, accommodation (extra expenses for single bedroom), breakfast and fieldtrip guidebook. Number of participants: min. 20, max. 30 7. FEES 7.1. Registration Fee To participate in Congress it is obligatory to submit the abstract (before April 15, 2015) according to Instructions for authors and to pay Registration Fee on Congress Bank Account. Registration fee for the Congress is 200* EUR (1500* HRK) before April 30, 2015 and 250* EUR (1900* HRK) after that day until August 20, 2015. Registration fee for students is 100* EUR (750* HRK). All amounts are without bank transfer charges. Bank transfer costs should be paid by participant. The Congress fee includes welcome drink, cloth bag, printed Congress Program, Abstracts Book (on electronic media), Field trip Guidebook (printed materials) and conference dinner. 7.2. Field Trips Field trip fees should be paid on Congress Bank Account before May 1, 2015 for each particular field trip separately (write down the purpose of payment i.e. „Field trip A1“). Final list for field trips will be completed according to the dates of payment of fees. Field trip with less than minimum number of participants (with paid fees) before May 1, 2015 will be cancelled. SECOND CIRCULAR 5. CROATIAN GEOLOGICAL CONGRESS WITH INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPATION In the case of cancellation received before August 20, 2015, the refund of the Congress and/or Field trip is 50%. 7.3. Congress Bank Account Zagrebačka banka SWIFT CODE: ZABAHR2X HR1523600001101450329 OIB 43733878539 Additional questions can be submitted via e-mail to Secretary: 8. DEADLINES Abstracts submission Registration fee (200 €) Registration fee (250 €) Payment for Field Trips Cancellation before April 15, 2015 before April 30, 2015 after April 30 until August 20, 2015 before May 1, 2015 until August 20, 2015 All news and announcements about the Congress can be found on: Organising Commitee of the 5th Croatian Geological Congress Croatian Geological Survey Sachsova 2 P.O. Box 268 HR-10000 Zagreb, CROATIA
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