Savitribai Phule University of Pune

Online Auction Catalogue
Savitribai Phule University of Pune
Kisan Ramchandra Auctioneers Pvt. Ltd.
Deccan Towers, 5 – Mezzanine Floor, Poolgate, Pune – 411001
Tel: 26360356, 26361357, Fax: (020) 26361359
Website: E-mail:
Will sell by Online Auction for following Scrap on 20/05/2015 at 11.00 Hrs.
* A U T O E XT E N S I O N : I f a n y b i d r e g i s t e r e d i n t h e l a s t 3 M i n ut es , t i m e w i l l b e
a ut om a t i ca l l y e x t e nd e d f o r fu r t h e r 3 m i n ut e s . T hi s ex t e ns i o n o f 3 m i n u t e s wi l l
b e gi v e n t i l l t h e bi d i s g et t i ng r e gi s t e r ed. I f n o bi d r e gi s t e r e d i n t h e l a s t 3
m i n ut e s l ot wi l l b e a ut om a t i ca l l y c l o s e d.
Bidders are requested to give their highest offer well before the closer time of e-Auction to avoid in
future any misunderstanding in this regards.
 Current incremental bid value is displayed against each lot. Bidders are request to put ‘+’ sign before
the bid amount & then submit the incremental bid value. Thus the bid value gets added to the
highest existing bid.
 Only the time shown on the screen will be the reference time for the Auction.
Online Auction on 20/05/2015 at 11.00 Hrs. Onwards
Lot No. 1
Scrap/ Old/ Used Various materials from following
Departments. Participation Fee of Rs. 75,000/Material Lying at Department of Sociology
Scrap Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Table, Chairs, Class Room Platforms Vertical
Blinds etc.
Material Lying at Department of Communication and Journalism
R an a d e I n st it ut e B ld g, F. C. R o a d, P un e- 4 11 00 4
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Computer Table-3, Garbage Trolley-1 TV
Trolley-2, Chairs, Tables, Benches, White Board, Mice, Camera, Podium, Magazine,
Footwear Stand, Filling Cabinet, Racks etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f P o l it ic s a nd P u b li c Ad mi n i st r at io n
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Cupboards, Triangle Stand, Chairs,
Wooden Key Board, Amplifier Storage Box etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f A nt hr o po l og y
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Chairs, Tables, Black Boards, Buckets,
Jugs, Filling Cabinet, Racks, Plywood Sheets, Doors, Window, Stool, Stove, Stands, Sacks,
Petromax, Treys, Boxes, Satranji, Ply piece, Trunks, Cans, TV Trolley, Wall Clock, Display
Boards etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f Bot a ny
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Wall Clocks, various types of Chairs,
Projector Trolley, Racks, Cupboards, Boxes etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f C o mp ut e r Sc i en c e
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Bench, Chairs, Plywood, Doors, Tables,
Tools, Lockers, Cupboards, Curtains etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f C e nt re of A dv a nc e d St ud y i n S a n sk r it
Scrap MS, Wooden Furniture consisting Cupboards, Tables, Chairs, Racks, Sofa Chairs,
Cushion Chairs etc.
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M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt  E st at e O ff ic e B ack s id e / G eo g r ap h y/
B io i nf o rm at i cs / B h im se n Jo s hi A d hy a s an
Scrap MS,GI, Wooden, Plastic material consisting
Various types of windows with grill, Doors, Basins, Sanitary Material, Pipes, Sheets,
Angles etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f H in di .
Scrap MS, Wooden Furniture consisting Cupboards, Tables, Various Type of Chairs,
Benches, Doors etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t E st a te O ff i ce B ac k s id e
(D ep a rt m en t o f P l a nn i n g a n d D ev e lo pm e nt /E x am C el l )
Scrap MS, Wooden Furniture consisting various type of Chairs and Tables etc.
Material Lying at Ahmednagar Sub Centre, Ahmednagar
Ahmednagar Zilha Maratha Vidya Prasarak Samaj Bldg,
G r. F l r , L a l T ak i R o ad , A h me d n ag a r- 41 40 0 3
Scrap MS, Wooden Furniture consisting various types of Chairs, Cupboards, Tables, Black
Board, Punching Machine, Stamp Pad, Sound Cover, Drawers, Thermas, Stapler etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f C h em i st ry
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Stand, various types of Chairs, Stool,
Cabinets etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t Bo y s H o st e l N o. 2
Scrap MS, Wooden Furniture consisting Various types of Godrej Cupboards, Benches,
Tables, Rack, Table Stand etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t G i rl s H os t e l
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Tables, Chairs, Cupboards, Doors, Racks,
Windows with Grill, Radii Papers etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t Co mm u ni c at io n St ud i e s
Scrap MS, Wooden, Plastic Furniture consisting Tables, Chairs etc.
B el o w Ha z a r d ou s Wa s t e Lo t s R es e rv e d fo r C P C B & M P C B Li c e ns e H ol d er s On l y
Lot No. 2
All type of Hazardous Waste Scrap from following Departments.
Participation Fee of Rs. 20,000/M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f E x a m S ec t i on
Scrap Old used Assorted Batteries
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t De p a rtm e nt o f C h em i st ry .
Scrap Old used Assorted Batteries
Important Note: Following Material Will Be Sold To The Party’s Registered With
MOEF, Government Of India/ CPCB & MPCB/SPCB And Having Valid License Of
Disposal Of ‘E Waste’ Attached Valid License Copy At The Time Of Form Submission
Lot No. 3
All types of ‘E-Waste’ Lots from following Departments.
Participation Fee of Rs. 1,25,000/M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rtm e nt o f S o ci ol og y
Scrap Old used various Computers Parts consisting Circle Cabinet assembled machine, CPU,
Key Boards, Mouse, HP Printer, Fans-2 etc.
Material Lying at Department of Communication and Journalism
R a na d e I ns t i t ut e B l dg, F. C. R oa d, P u n e- 41 1 00 4
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic & Mechanical equipments, Computers & Computer
Parts consisting Pedestal, Exhaust, Wall Mounting, Ceiling Fans, TV, Casket, Tape & Video
Recorders, Music System, Router, Xerox Machine, Paper Shredder Machine Intercom Phones,
Monitors, Key Boards, Printers, CPU, Inverter, Scanner, Stabilizers, LCD & OHP Projectors,
Laptop, Hard Disks, CD Rom, Mouse etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rtm e nt o f Po li ti cs a n d P ub l i c A d m i n i st ra ti on
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Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic & Mechanical equipments, Computers & Computer
Parts consisting EPABX System, UPS, Monitors, Key Boards, CPUs, Mouse, Ceiling Fans,
Laptop, Water Purifier, Tube Fittings with or without Chokes, OHP Projector, Laser Jet Printer
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rt m e nt o f A nt hr o po l og y
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic & Mechanical equipments, Computers & Computer
Parts consisting Monitors, Key Boards, CPUs, UPS, Mouse, Switch Boards, OHP Projector,
Display Boards, Lamps, Standing Fan etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rt m e nt o f B ot a n y
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic & Mechanical equipments, Computers & Computer
Parts consisting UPS, Monitors, Key Boards, CPUs, Mouse, GEL DOC Machine, Printer, Induction
Motor, LCD Projector, Stabilizers, Electronic Balances, Mixtures, Emergency Lights, 16mm Old
Departmental Films with Metal Cover, Ceiling Fans, Fridge, Air Conditioner, Compressors,
Assorted Old used Instruments, equipments High Pressure Liquid Chromatography-2 No’s,
Metal Distillation Unit, Grinder Premier, Demineralization Metal Water Unit, Hot Air Oven,
Microtome etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rt m e nt o f S c h oo l o f H ea l t h S c i en c e
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic & Mechanical equipments, Computers & Computer
Parts consisting Monitors, Key Boards, CPUs, Printers, Water bath, Water Filters, Electronic
Balance, Photoelectric Colorimeter, Cyber scan, Digital pH meter, Shimadzu, Rechargeable
Portable wireless Amplifier, wireless Microphone, Fans, Telephones, Sound Level Meter etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rt m e nt o f C e n t r e o f A d va n c e d St ud y i n Sa ns k r i t
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic, Computers & Computer Parts consisting Printer,
Xerox Machine, Typing Machine, Projector, Cyclostyle Machine, Fan etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t O l d C a nt ee n
( D ep a r t m en t o f E x a m S e c t i on / E x a m C el l / P l a n ni n g a n d D e v el op m e n t / Ad m i n.
T ea c hi n g S e ct i o n / A dm i n is tr a ti o n N o n-T e ac h in g & In f o rm a ti o n O f f ic e)
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic, Computers & Computer Parts consisting CPUs,
Monitors, UPS, Key Boards, Mouse, Printers (at E x am S e c t io n ), Scanner, Telephones, Air
Cooler, Xerox Machine, FAX Machines, KIOSK Machine, Shedding Machine, Stand Fans, Table
fan and Ceiling Fans etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rt m e nt o f Bi oi n fo rm a t i cs C e nt r e.
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic, Computers & Computer Parts consisting IBM and
DEC Alpha Servers, Video conference Kit, Printer, Work Stations, Laptop, MicroVAX, Computer
System, Supernal Computer, Graphics Computer System, Hard Disk, Slide Projectors etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t A hm ed na ga r S ub C e nt r e, A hm ed na ga r
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic, Computers & Computer Parts consisting CPUs,
Monitors, Key Boards, Mouse, Printers, Xerox Machine, FAX Machine, Calculator, Power Cable,
Modem, Telephone, Printer Cartridges etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t D e pa rtm e nt o f C h e m ist r y.
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic & Mechanical equipments, Computers & Computer
Parts consisting UPS, Monitors, Key Boards, CPUs, Mouse, Printer, OHP Projector, Electronic
Balances, Ceiling Fans, Fridge, Air Conditioner, Compressors, Assorted Old used Instruments,
equipments Oven, etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t Bo ys Ho st el N o. 2
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic Parts consisting Tubes, Tube fittings, MCB Box,
Main Switch, TV with Wooden cover, Geyser, Cooler, Motor Pump etc.
M a t e r i a l L yi n g a t G i rl s H os t el
Scrap Old used various Electrical Parts consisting Tubes, Tube fittings, Geyser etc.
M a te r i a l L yi n g a t Co mm u ni c at io n St ud i e s
Scrap Old used various Electrical, Electronic & Computers & Computer Parts consisting UPS,
Monitors, CPUs, Printer, OHP Projector, Televisions, Video CD Player, Fans, Car Player, VHS
Tape etc.
 Inspection of the material on 14/05/2015 from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 at Savitribai
Phule University of Pune, Ganeshkhind Road, Pune – 411007, Ranade Institute Bldg,
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F. C. Road, Pune-411004 and on 15/05/2015 from 10.00 a.m. to 4.00 at
Ahmednagar Sub Centre, Ahmednagar.
Validity of the Offer is 30 days from the date of e-Auction.
Payment Terms: Balance full payment along with VAT to be made within Eight days from
the date of acceptance. Participation fee to be made strictly by Pay Order/ Demand Draft
drawn in the favour of “Kisan Ramchandra Auctioneers Pvt. Ltd.”, payable at “PUNE”.
Full balance payment along with Taxes is to be made to Kisan Ramchandra Auctioneers Pvt.
Ltd. within Eight days failing which participation Fee will be forfeited.
Material should be lifted within 21 working days from the date of confirmation,
between 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m.
All the above stated documents along with participation fee are to be submitted to KRAPL
office latest on or before 19/05/2015 up to 05.00 P.M. Delay in submission may result
in denial for participation in Online Auction for which KRAPL will not be responsible in any
Income Tax @ 1% is payable by the bidder as per Sec. 206-C of the Income Tax Act.
Bidders participating in the e-Auction will have to submit PAN CARD.
Lifting will be made during working hours on working days.
Material mentioned in the description is only for sale.
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Date: ___________
Name of Firm/Company
M/s. ________________________________________________
Office Address: ___________________________________________________
: ___________________________________________________
: CITY-_________________________ PIN- |__|__|__|__|__|__|
Factory and/or Godown Address: ___________________________________________________
Telephone nos.: ___________________________________________________
Mobile Nos.: ___________________________________________________
Fax no.: ___________________________________________________
Email ID (All Caps) : ___________________________________________________
Bankers Details::
Bankers' Name : ___________________________________________________
Account Number : ___________________________________________________
Branch : ___________________________________________________
Branch Code : ___________________________________________________
License Details:
PAN of Firm (with Xerox): |__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|__|
Excise Details : ___________________________________________________
ECC No. : ___________________________________________________
EST No. : ___________________________________________________
VAT No. : ___________________________________________________
MPCB Reg. No. : ___________________________________________________
CPCB Reg. No. : ___________________________________________________
SPCB Reg. No. : ___________________________________________________
Shop Act No. : ___________________________________________________
Authorized Name & Signature
: ___________________________________________________
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Prospective Bidder Agreement for Auction No E-15-052
This Agreement is signed on ___________________ (“Effective Date”) and between:
Kisan Ramchandra Auctioneers Pvt. Ltd.,' (Hereafter referred to as “KRAPL”.)
______________________________________ (Hereafter referred to as “Bidder”)
The “Bidder” and "KRAPL" shall be known individually as “Party” and collectively as “Parties.”
The purpose of this agreement is to confirm that the “Bidder” is authorized to bid in the Online Auction
being conducted by KRAPL marketplace for saleable material of "Seller": University of Pune, Ganeshkhind
Road, Pune – 411007.
For this purpose the parties confirm the following:
1. The bidder has read & understood the Online Auction Catalogue for the Auction being conducted on, for details e.g. Inspection and Contact Particulars, Terms & Conditions of Online
Auction, detailing of the material to be Auctioned, the basis of bidding, the bidding procedure etc.
2. All the information pertaining to weights, condition etc, which has been mentioned in the Online Auction
Catalogue by KRAPL, is to the best of its knowledge to facilitate the bidding. The bidding basis will be on
an “as is where is” and "no complaints" basis. The Bidder is deemed to have inspected and satisfied
himself about the Quality, quantity and location of the items being auctioned.
3. The bidder has to pay the refundable participation fee of Rs. _____________ /- (Rupees ____________
__ ______________________) to KRAPL towards activation of the login ID and password to enable him
participating in Online Auction. D.D. /P.O. No. _______________ Dated _______________ should be
drawn in favour of Kisan Ramchandra Auctioneers Pvt. Ltd., payable at Pune on any nationalized
bank. (The bidder deposits will carry no interest.)
4. The buyer agrees to accept the Login ID and Password issued to him on 19/05/2015 has read
and understood the bidding process on the platform. And that it would be his
responsibility in case he doesn’t prefer to change the password upon receipt.
5. Participation fee of unsuccessful bidders will be refunded within 10 days from the date of Auction by
R.P.A.D./ Courier
6. Xerox copies of following documents are required to be submitted by email before executing bidders’
a. Valid e-mail ID along with name of the authorized contact person & details like Postal Address,
Telephone/ Mobile/ FAX Nos.
b. PAN Card
c. C.S.T. / B.S.T. Registration Certificates.
7. All the above stated documents along with participation fee are to be submitted to KRAPL office
latest on or before 19/05/2015 up to 05:00 P.M. Delay in submission may result in denial for
participation in Online Auction for which KRAPL will not be responsible in any way.
8. For all the correspondence our email address:
9. On declaring the winner for lots in the Online Auction, bidder is required to pay full payment of the sale
value (Including Taxes & Duties) by D.D. in favour of Kisan Ramchandra Auctioneers Pvt. Ltd, Pune
within Eight days from the acceptance
10. Further he is required to pay full amount (inclusive of Taxes & Duties) by D.D. in favour of Kisan
Ramchandra Auctioneers Pvt. Ltd., payable at Pune to be made upfront before lifting the material.
Material is to be lifted regularly till the lot is over for arranged nature of material. The seller will be
entitled to hold back the material if full amount is not paid. In case winner fails to deposit EMD against
any lot, participation fee deposited by him will be forfeited.
11. All bidders agree to honour their bid, if offered the material, for a period of 30 days from the date of
Auction. Failure to do so will entail forfeiture of the bidder's deposit.
12. The bidder confirms compliance to the procedure of the balance payment to be made to Seller as
defined in the Online Auction Catalogue Terms & Conditions.
13. The bidder hereby confirms that the refund of the deposit should be made in the name of the company
as mentioned above.
14. The bidding amount against the Login ID allocated to the bidder is captured accurately in the software
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doubts arising after the Online Auction event, the software record shall be treated as final.
15. The bidder is hereby legally bound to have accepted the price as per the bid in the software record
maintained by KRAPL.
16. The schedule time for Auction is 11:00 hrs. Onwards & the time will be displayed on Auction
Screen which may be considered as valid & no Complaint in this regard will be entertained.
17. KRAPL shall not be responsible for any loss of bidding opportunity to the bidder on account of
infrastructure, hardware, Internet speed, local ISP services or power problems at the bidder end.
Page 6 of 7
However, KRAPL encourages the bidder to immediately get in touch with the M/s. Kisan Ramchandra
Auctioneers Pvt. Ltd., Office and report the problem, during the bidding, to request help.
KRAPL shall flash important messages during the Online Auction on the bidding screen. The Bidder is
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of KRAPL. The Online Auction messages are deemed to be a part of the Auction.
KRAPL reserves the right to alter the contents of the Catalogue before the start of the Auction. The
Catalogue posted on, during the Auction Period would be treated as the final one.
The bidder shall be responsible for checking the Catalogue for any updates prior to the start of the
The Bidder shall be bidding on the basis of the Terms & Conditions as mentioned in the Online Auction
The bidder understands that his right of bidding for this Auction is reserved by KRAPL. Incase any
irregularities are observed which can effect the bidding process. KRAPL shall have final authority in this
The bidder has received and accepted the conditions of this sale.
The courts in Pune shall have exclusive jurisdiction relating to any proceedings arising out of this
On 20/05/2015 At 11.00 Hrs. (+Extn.*)
Lot No.
Participation fees Rs.
Name of Company/ Firm
Mobile No & Person
City & Pin Code
________________________ - _____________________
Mobile No.
Tele / Fax Nos.
Valid Email ID
1) ________________________, 2) ________________________
1) ________________________, 2) ________________________
: ______________________________________________________
Name of Authorized Person
Signature of Authorized Person
(With Company’s Seal)
: ______________________________
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