2015 CAMP KRETINGA APPLICATION FORM SURNAME: July 12th- July 25th l NAME: July 26th- August 8th CONTACT INFORMATION Address (Street, City, Province/State, Postal/Zip Code): Parent Email: Camper Email Phone (Home): Mother’s Information Name: Maiden Name: Phone:(Cell) Father’s Information Name: Phone: (Home) (Cell) (Home) (Bus) (Bus) o ta t FEES AND PAYMENT t t (Ext) (Ext) al a t al Camper name(s) Each additional child: $350 for 2 weeks l t Shirt size (Adult sizes only) S M L XL Fees for all campers $ S M L XL Donation $ S M L XL Total $ S M L XL * RELEASE The following are understood by any parent or guardian submitting this application: 1. That any child applying for camp is in good physical and emotional health and amenable to normal camp authority and discipline; 2. That any parent or guardian submitting this application is legally responsible for the payment of fees and other expenses incurred by the child; 3. That the camp staff at their discretion terminate the stay of any camper who is adverse to discipline or camp rules. In the case of an accident, I will not hold the camp staff, or particular counselors, or the campground owners accountable. 4. Permission is given by parent or guardian for camper to leave camp grounds for supervised swimming and 5. In the case of an emergency, I give permission for any necessary medical procedures. 6. Photos of campers involved may appear on the video or the internet Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: ACCEPTABLE METHODS OF PAYMENT: 1. By Cheque: Payble to: Kretinga Inc. 2. By Email Money Transfer: Send payment to Kretnga.Board@gmail.com *Both Lithuanian Credit Unions now support Email Payments! Anyone who cannot afford the camp fees, please Email: Kretinga.Board@gmail.com to request a Bursuary Application Form that will be reviewed by the Kretinga Board. CAMPER INFORMATION & HEALTH FORM NAME: Date of Birth:MM Age at camp: Grade completed by camp: Speaks Lithuanian Fluently Bringing musical instrument No Male Understands Female Not at all Yes Special talents: HEALTH APPRAISAL Insurance OHIP Health Card Number: Other (Company name, phone number, policy number) * T (REQUIRED):DDYY ATTACHED TO THIS FORM YES NO-----* PLEASE PROVIDE FURTHER INFORMATION: Medications None Yes----*REASON: Doctor (Name, address, phone number) Date of last tetanus: DD / M M / YYYY Allergies None Yes----*INSTRUCTIONS: Special Problems (bedwetting, sleepwalking, etc.) None Yes---*EXPLAIN: Instructions: Does your child have any Behavioural Problems: None Yes----* PLEASE EXPLAIN: Is the child able to participate in all camp activities? Yes No----*RESTRICTIONS: Guardian Signature Date Doctor Signature Date
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