Lutherhill Summer Day Camp July 6-10, 2015 8:00am-5:15pm WHO CAN COME? *Youth who have completed Kindergarten through 3rd grade WHERE IS IT? *Lutherhill is located at 3782 Luther Hill Road, just north of La Grange Texas HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? *$125.00 includes a full week of fun, lunch, snacks, a tshirt and a cuppie WHAT SHOULD CAMPERS EXPECT? *A week of fun including: moving as a small group with AWESOME Lutherhill counselors, worship, Bible study, camp songs, swimming in the pool and pond, archery, arts&crafts, gaga ball, basketball, volleyball, campfires, treehouses, making new friends and lasting memories! WHAT DO I NEED TO BRING? *Campers will have access to a cabin for rest and changing. On Monday, please bring a pillow and blanket/sleeping bag to leave in your cabin for the week. Each day wear comfortable clothes and closed toed shoes, bring a swimsuit and towel. Sunscreen and bug spray would also be a good idea. SCHEDULE 8-8:30 Dropoff at Ackerman Pavillion 8:30 JUMPSTART at Hillside Chapel 8:45 Head to Cabin 9:15 Best Week Ever in Carby Chapel 9:30 Breathe In for Bible Study 9:45 Worship 10:15 Lutherhill Gauntlet 10:30 SNACK 10:45 Breathe Out for Bible Study 11:20 Post Study Bonanza 12:00 LUNCH After Lunch- 1:30 Turtle Time 1:30-4:30 Activity Time 5:00 Closing Sing A Long at Ackerman Pavillion 5:15-5:30 Pick up at Ackerman Pavillion Box 99 La Grange TX Lutherhill 2015 DayCamp Registration Form Please Print Clearly CAMPER INFORMATION Male Female Name: DOB: Present Grade: Address: Home Phone: City State Zip email: Home Congregation: T-shirt size: Food Allergies or Special Needs: PARENT/GUARDIAN 1 INFO PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 INFO Name: Name: Relationship: Relationship: Primary Phone: Primary Phone: Secondary Phone: Secondary Phone: email: email: EMERGENCY INFORMATION-REQUIRED Emergency Contact that is not a Parent/Guardian: Relationship: Emergency Contact Phone: Cell Home Work Please know that the Parent/Guardian(s) listed on this form will be the first point of contact incase of an emergency. The Emergency Contact listed will only be a contacted if we cannot reach either Parent/Guardian. DAYCAMP DETAILS Each registration comes with one DayCamp T-Shirt, please indicate size above. Sibling Discount-A $20 discount is available to each additional sibling after one camper is paid in full. Camperships-Camperships are available based on need. Please contact or our office at 888-266-4613 for an application. Check payable to Lutherhill Ministries VISA MasterCard Discover My child has permission to take part in all DayCamp activities, we agree that the camp and its personnel will not be responsible for accidents arising thereof. I am responsible for any medical obligations incurred during the camping period and give the camp staff permission to seek medical treatment for myself (or my child) in case of injury or illness. I also give permission for use of photographs which include myself (or my child) to be used for camp publicity. X Parent/Guardian Signature Date DAYCAMP FEES Price of program + $ 125.00 PAYMENT METHOD WAIVER & CONSENT American Express Optional donation + $ Total Amount Due = $ Total Amount Included - $ Name on Card: Balance Due = $ Card Number: (On or before July 6, 2015) Exp. Date: Sec Code: Amount: Billing Email: P. O . B o x 9 9 | L a G r a n g e , Te x a s 7 8 9 4 5 | w w w . l u t h e r h i l l . o r g | p h o n e ( 8 8 8 ) 2 6 6 - 4 6 1 3 | f a x ( 9 7 9 ) 2 4 9 - 4 0 3 2
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