PHS Weekly April 7 - Krieger School of Arts & Sciences

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A23Class Notes
Upcoming Events
Applied Experience
Internships and Service
Fellowships and Grants
Degree Programs
Networking Sites
Public Health News
Class Notes
Rising Senior Meeting – Information Packet
All Rising Seniors can find a copy of the information packet distributed at the meeting here. In addition, you
may find a list of courses taken by some PHS majors over the last four years to be helpful in your search for
JHSPH courses. Both documents can be found in the Student Resources page on our website.
Summer Registration Now Open!
Be sure to check out the great public health courses being offered this summer!
Evidence in Epidemiology and Popular Culture
Health, Homelessness & Social Justice
GIS as a Public Health Tool
Responding to Disasters: From Earthquakes to Ebola
Disease Detectives and the History of Epidemiology
For more information, visit
Summer Session Course: “Applying Yourself: External Fellowships”
Dr. Miller will again offer a 1-credit course about writing competitive external fellowship applications. It
will meet on Mondays and Thursdays 4-5:30pm from May 28 to June 25.
In this writing-based course students will learn to craft competitive applications for the prestigious external
fellowships overseen by the NFP. While learning skills to produce this specific type of writing—including
concision, cohesion, narrative arc, peer editing, and revising—by the end of the class, students will compose
a completed fellowship application and be mock interviewed by classmates and outside guests. "Applying
Yourself"will also feature class visits from previous JHU fellowship winners. Open to undergraduate
students in all fields and in all years.
Please click here for more information
Upcoming Events
CSC Annual CBL Lecture: “Build It and They Will Come? Lessons Learned from Project-Based CBL
Wednesday, April 8th
3:00-4:30 PM
Krieger 205
6th Annual Undergraduate Conference in Public Health: Giving Life to Public Health
Thursday, April 9th
3:00-8:00 PM
Charles Commons
Register at
The Monument Quilt at JHU
April 10, 2015
12pm to 6pm
The Beach
Please join SARU (Sexual Assault Resource Unit) for a day long display of Force’s Monument Quilt,
created for and by survivors of sexual assault as a place to heal and to find support. The Quilt is a
collaboration of thousands of personal stories, words of support, and messages inspiring change,
stitched together to encourage a culture that is supportive of survivors. Participants are invited to
interact with the quilt and make their own quilt square to share a story or a message of support.
This event will also include performances, yoga, and stressbusters workshops.
The day before, SARU will also be hosting a Community Resource Panel with representatives from
FORCE: Upsetting Rape Culture, TurnAround Domestic Violence Center, and UMBC's Women's
Center, among other participants from the community and local universities. For more information,
visit SAAM Community Resource Panel @ JHU.
EAS Student Symposium 2015: The Changing State and Society in East Asia
April 10, 2015
Mergenthaler 266
HOPE-MAPS’s Health Disparity Week 2015: Fighing Heart Disease
April 13-17th
Come out to HOPE-MAPS (Hopkins Organization for Pre-Health Education & Minority Association of Premedical Students) annual Health Disparities Week. This year, they are focusing on raising awareness
around cardiovascular disease and we have an exciting week of activities planned. Make sure to like
the Facebook page to take advantage of engaging discussions, free food, and giveaways!
Join the Partnership to End Childhood Hunger and Councilman Mosby as they plan how to increase
summer meal participation in Baltimore City. Topics include:
• Applying for grants
• Serving meals
• Accessing programming resources
• And more!
Dinner will be served! RSVP to Katherine Klosek,, (410) 845-8985
10th Annual Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition
Saturday, April 18th
10 AM – 4 PM
Marriott Philadelphia Hotel in Philadelphia, PA
The 10th Annual Undergraduate Student Caucus and Poster Competition (USCPC) brings together
undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students to address educational pathways, explore career options in
the cancer field, and compete for prizes while presenting their research. The program is FREE, and lunch is
Registration Deadline: Friday, March 20
For more information, visit
4th Annual Symposium on Social Determinants of Health
Healing Together: Community-Level Trauma:
Its Causes, Consequences, and Solutions
April 20, 2015
Turner Auditorium
Johns Hopkins University East Baltimore Campus
The Office of the Provost and the Urban Health Institute are hosting the fourth annual Symposium on the
Social Determinants of Health, Healing Together – Community-Level Trauma: Its Causes, Consequences
and Solutions. One of the major issues facing our poorest urban communities— and it is true for many
sections of Baltimore— is the exposure our residents have to trauma— physical, emotional and social.
The conference will kick-off with a keynote address by Jonathan Kozol, author of numerous books that have
had a profound impact on America’s thinking— books such as Death at an Early Age, Rachel and Her Children
and Amazing Grace. So too, the commissioners of Health and Police for Baltimore City will participate, as will
the CEO of Baltimore City Public Schools. Numerous scholars and community leaders from around the
country will speak, as will some of the leading thinkers here at Hopkins.
All members of the Johns Hopkins and Baltimore community are invited to attend.
To learn more about the Fourth Annual Symposium on the Social Determinants of Health and to register for
the event, please go to:
Second Annual Inaugural Baltimore Food Justice Forum
Saturday, May 30th
9:30-3:00 PM
Baltimore’s Lexington Market
The Baltimore Food Justice Committee is excited to present the 2nd Annual Baltimore Food Justice Forum on
Saturday, May 30th from 9:30-3:00pm at Baltimore’s Lexington Market. Attendees can expect to:
• Learn how to fight for healthy food in your community with skill-building workshops ranging from
“How to Launch a Listening Campaign” to “How to Adopt a Lot and Start a Community Garden”
• Connect with other community activists, gardeners, and resources with interactive large-group
sessions exploring race, place, justice, health, and food in Baltimore
• Speak up about food policy priorities by interfacing with the Baltimore Food Policy Initiative
Registration is now live at (It is FREE thanks to the support of the
United Way of Central Maryland). So grab a friend, grab a neighbor, and register today!
Applied Experience
Browse through the Applied Experience PHS website to find more details. Please refer to the AE Classified
page where new opportunities are posted.
Most recently added for Summer 2015:
The Prenatal Indicators of Child Self-Regulation (PICS) Project a featured study within the Johns Hopkins
University Fetal Development Project is currently looking for motivated undergraduate students to join the
PICS team. Students will gain valuable research experience in primary data collection and analysis.
Additionally, students have the opportunity to earn research credit while learning about child development
at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Preference will be given to undergraduate
students of junior standing and below that can continue research into the 2015-2016 academic year. View
details here.
The Division of Cerebrovascular Neurology at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine is seeking research
assistances to work on a study that examines congestive heart failure (CHF) patients with a focus on changes
in cognition, cerebral blood flow, and other clinical measures pre- and post-diuresis treatment. Students
have the potential to earn academic credit. Research Assistance will learn how to recruit and consent
participants into a research study as well as administer and score several neuropsychological tests.
Additionally, Research Assistants will be responsible for some data entry and aggregation of a clinical
research database. All undergraduate students are encouraged to apply although students with some
research experience are preferred. View Details. View the Opportunity Form here.
The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg Center for Injury Research and Policy is conducting a randomized trial,
Safety in Seconds, to deliver tailored education to parents about car seats and booster seats or fire safety.
The researchers are seeking three students to conduct follow up phone calls and surveys during evenings
and weekends. Students will be given exposure to clinical trial procedures and the opportunity to interact
with participants. Undergraduates of all levels are encouraged to apply. View details here.
External Relations and Communications (ERCO) Jhpiego, an affiliate of Johns Hopkins University is
seeking Communication Interns to support the ERCO team. The proposed start date is April 1st for
approximately 3 months (possibly longer). As a communication interns, students will gain experience
working in marketing, communications, and social media as well as experience in planning international
and domestic events. Several of the responsibilities of interns will include: adding webpage updates,
tracking and logging media hits, assisting in planning upcoming conferences, and helping to prepare
graphics, videos and other collateral for social media. View Details.
Maryland PIRG is seeking Campaign Interns to assist with public interest issue campaigning. The current
priority campaigns are to ban toxic chemicals from children’s products and to push for a more sustainable
transportation system in Maryland starting with a shift in current spending. Interns will gain experience in
recruiting and organizing volunteers, building coalitions, and in all aspects of developing and running a
political campaign. Three positions are available, and are open to sophomores, juniors and seniors.
For organization information please visit: View internship details here.
Internships & Service
PICS Research Assistant Position
Are you interested in child development and behavior? Do you want
to get involved in research?
The Prenatal Indicators of Child Self-Regulation (PICS) Project is
looking for motivated undergraduate students to join our team!
If you want to…
 Gain valuable research experience about primary data collection and analysis of a longitudinal
cohort study for graduate school or future employment
 Earn research credit
 Have fun learning about child development at the school of Public Health
Please contact the Principal Investigator, Kristin Voegtline, PhD at or Amanda Wylie at for more information.
Learn more about the project at
Preference is given to undergraduate students of junior standing and below that can continue research into
the 2015-2016 academic year.
Center for a Livable Future Summer Internships
Each summer, a limited number of undergraduate students are
selected to become CLF interns and work directly as a member
of a project team. A CLF internship affords students a chance
to work and learn in a professional environment that can lead
to a greater understanding of issues related to the CLF’s mission and also inform career development plans.
Several positions are currently available:
Assist with providing support for the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health Community Supported
Agriculture Project. (CLF Internship #1 – 10 hours/week)
Assist with research and farm tasks for the Public Health and Sustainable Aquaculture Project (CLF
Internship #2 – 30 hours/week)
Assist with development of Baltimore Food System Resilience Plan. (CLF Internship #3 – 37.5
For more information, and to learn how to apply, click visit the CLF website.
Summer 2015 URI Internships in Baltimore
The Urban Resource Initiative Internship Program is a partnership of the
Baltimore city Department of Recreation and Parks, the Parks & People
Foundation, and area universities and institutions. A wide variety of internships
are available. Apply by April 15th for priority consideration.
To learn more and to see a list of internship descriptions, visit
Collegetown LeaderShape Program
Have a passion for service? Want to make a difference Baltimore? Take your skills and ideas, create a vision
for a better you, a better Baltimore, and a better world by applying to
the Collegetown LeaderShape Program.
60 Students from campuses across Baltimore come together for
leadership training that challenges and teaches you how to be a
visionary leader. The program starts in August and continuous
support is provided through the academic year.
Program Dates and Components
LeaderShape Institute: Friday, August 9 - 14, 2015 (overnight)
Fall Follow-Up Retreat: Saturday, October 3, 205
Spring Forward Retreat: Saturday, February 6 - Sunday, February 7, 2016
Service Activity
Spring 2016 Project
Graduation: Friday, April 8
Are you ready to be visionary? Apply today!
For more information, visit
Contact Kirsten Brinlee, Program Manager for Baltimore Collegetown Network at or 410-532-3038.
Fellowships & Grants
JHU National Fellowships Program Info Session for Public Health Studies Majors
Did you miss the JHU National Fellowships Program Information Session? Check out this information sheet
with information about the awards available and the application process.
Fulbright Grant Information Sessions
The Fulbright U.S. Student Program awards generous grants each year to graduates and
undergraduates interested in studying, researching, or teaching in over 140 countries worldwide.
This April, the National Fellowships Program will offer multiple workshops to educate students
about these incredible opportunities.
Program Director Dr. Kelly Barry and Assistant Director Dr. Jeannette Miller will offer a series of
info sessions about the Fulbright U.S. Student Program over the next several weeks for students
interested in studying, researching, or teaching in over 140 countries.
Open to students in all academic and arts disciplines. Especially relevant for juniors and seniors,
but all years are welcome. Undergrads with a strong academic record (GPA 3.5+) are encouraged to
join us. Recent Fulbright applicants and winners will be available for Q&A, during the sessions!
The info sessions are scheduled as follows:
Apr. 7, 5-6pm Gilman Hall Rm 381
Apr. 10, 1-2pm Garland Hall Rm 387
Apr. 13, 12-1pm Garland Hall Rm 387
Apr. 20th 5-6pm Shriver Hall Rm 5
Apr. 23, 5-6pm Gilman Hall Rm 75
For additional details on the Fulbright U.S. Student Program, please visit:
The National Fellowships Program provides advising and coordination for twenty-three
prestigious external awards. For more information, including a list of info sessions and workshops
for the rest of the semester, please visit:
2015 EPA Greater Research Opportunities (GRO) Fellowships for Undergraduate Environmental
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this calling for applicants to GRO with the goal of offering
undergraduate fellowships for bachelor level students in environmental fields of study. Subject to
availability of funding and other applicable considerations, the Agency plans to award approximately 34
new fellowships. Eligible students will receive support for their junior and senior years of undergraduate
study and for an internship at an EPA facility during the summer of their junior year. The fellowship
provides up to $20,700 per academic year of support and $8,600 of support for a three-month summer
Applications are due May 19, 2015. For more information, visit
Research Aimed at Novel Behavioral Targets to Improve Adolescent Substance Abuse Treatment and
Prevention Interventions
Deadline: Multiple Dates, see announcement
This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is part of a trans-NIH initiative known as Collaborative
Research on Addiction at NIH (CRAN). Areas supported by this FOA include research to inform the
generation and refinement of novel targets for substance abuse treatment and prevention interventions,
modules or adjuncts to existing treatments and prevention interventions that seek to target and modulate
behavioral or neurobehavioral processes (e.g., impulsivity, risk-taking propensity, sensation and novelty
seeking, distress tolerance, delay discounting, self-regulation, stress reactivity) in adolescents. Read more
about this opportunity here.
Seeking research funding or National Scholarships?
Have you viewed the following options?
The Krieger School of Arts and Sciences offers an incredible array of opportunities for student researchers in
the areas of natural science, social science, and humanities. In addition to the three main undergraduate
research awards—Woodrow Wilson, DURA, and PURA—explore the additional links posted on the KSAS
Research Site.
For a complete list of fellowships, grants, honors, and awards available to Krieger School undergraduates,
visit the undergraduate academic advising site.
Students are also invited to look beyond the School of Arts and Sciences for research funding. Johns Hopkins
is committed to providing support for students interested in applying for nationally competitive
fellowships. Learn more about the JHU National Fellowships and Scholarships Program.
Research Assistant Position for HIV Clinical Cohort Research Project
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Medicine – Division of Infectious
Diseases is looking for a research assistant for the HIV Clinical Cohort research project. The
employee would work up to 20 hours a week and possibly more during the summer months. The
location is the Eastern Campus, 1830 Building.
Duties and Responsibilities:
Assist the program team in administrative study tasks including, but not limited to, filing, consent
form review, and patient data quality assurance through medical record review. Responsibilities
may also include identifying eligible study patients in the Moore Clinic, directing potential study
candidates to the study-specific Research Assistant for consent, and other study-related tasks as
Essential Job Functions: Performing tasks that assist the HIV Clinical Cohort team with the
processing and cleaning of patient data and protocol-specific tasks.
Experience: Microsoft Office, specifically Excel, and some research experience either hands on or
through coursework
Special Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities: Some data experience is a plus, but not required.
If interested, please email your resume and cover letter to Cindy Voss at
Group Career Coaching Session for Seniors at the Career Center
Grad School…Job Search… Interviewing… Networking…Oh MY!
Keep Calm & Come to the Career Center. We’re here to help!
The Career Center is hosting small group coaching sessions to assist graduating Seniors navigate
career/work-life post-JHU.
Session Topics: job search, post-graduation planning, interviewing and networking
To sign-up for available sessions, students must log-in to their J-Connect account:
1). Click the Events tab
2). Scroll to Workshops
3). And click RSVP (for desired workshop(s):
Seniors Only – Job Search/Post Graduation Plans Group Coaching_April 2015
Seniors Only - Ace the Interview_Group Coaching_April 2015
Seniors Only - Networking Tips & Techniques_Group Coaching_April 2015
Note: The hour long sessions are held on Wednesdays 10:00-11:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.-Noon
Interested in starting your public health job search, but not sure where to
Check out the following websites that offer public health job listings, career tips, and
more. – a job board provided by the Association of Schools of Public Health
APHA’s Career Development Center – offers job listings, career tips, career coaching, and
more – the U.S. government’s job board for opportunities at federal agencies – a job board for nonprofit organizations including groups concerned with
public health
Degree Programs
Call for Public Health Professionals—MPH Information recently launched an information campaign about
the national shortage of qualified public health workers. Part of their
efforts includes a guide to graduate programs in public health.
The MPH Guide includes:
An overview of the educational landscape of public health
• Highlights of top-tier schools offering online and hybrid Master of Public Health programs - a
flexible option for anyone looking to balance the demands of family, work, and their education
• A searchable database of schools accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health
Johns Hopkins School of Education Masters of Arts in Teaching
Seniors, have you considered teaching after graduation? The Johns Hopkins School of Education, the
nation's No. 1-ranked school of education according to U.S. News & World Report, is offering the Baltimore
Education Fellows Scholarships to graduating seniors of JHU's Krieger School of Arts and Sciences. The
scholarships provide full-tuition support for the Master's of Arts in Teaching degree and a $20,000 living
stipend for deserving and highly-qualified candidates.
The one-year programs starts in June. Baltimore Education Fellows are enrolled in the full-time Master of
Arts in Teaching program and attend classes at the School of Education's Homewood campus. Their
teaching internship is at the new state-of-the-art Henderson-Hopkins K-8 School in East Baltimore. At the
completion of the program, fellows will be eligible for their initial teaching certification and at the
elementary level.
Applications are currently being accepted tor the Baltimore Education Fellows program, which begins this
summer 2015. If you are interested, visit
For more information, contact Mary Ellen Beaty-O'Ferrall at or Lori Scott
or 410-516-7928.
Master of Public Health Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
The Vanderbilt Master of Public Health Program is a two-year
interdisciplinary program offered through the Vanderbilt University
School of Medicine. The progarm offers three tracks: Epidemiology,
Global Health and Health Policy. Students complete a practicum and thesis, in addition to their coursework.
This program trains future researchers and public health professionals dedicating to making advancements
in the field.
To learn more, visit:
Networking Sites
 3 Tips for Students to Ace Job Fairs
 Find Your Dream Job: 7 Tips for Effective Networking
 3 Time Management Tools to Organise Your Job Hunt
Public Health News
Global Health: Science and Practice – Sharing Experiences and Results from the Global Health
Global Health: Science and Practice (GHSP) is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that aims to improve
health practice, especially in low- and middle-income countries, by publishing current research and program
experiences. GHSP is a unique journal because it focuses on the lessons learned and the "how" of global
health programs; lessons and detail that are often buried in grey literature.
The March 2015 issue features interesting articles that try to answer the following questions and much more:
Are there new “game changing” antiretrovirals on the horizon?
What opportunity do long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs) provide?
Can LARCs be provided successfully in crisis situations?
Do DRC hospitals have the capacity to provide surgical services?
How can a simple wall chart help improve immunization coverage?
How can mobile technology identify beneficiaries when they lack identity documentation?
Visit the GHSP website to read and comment on the articles, and subscribe to receive alerts when new
articles and issues are published.
For questions, contact Natalie Culbertson, Managing Editor, at
 Coffee Lowers the Risk of Liver Cancer, New Study Suggests
 Arsenic in California Wines: Should Drinkers Be Concerned?
 White House unveils plan to fight antibiotic-resistant germs
Please see the PHS website (Contact tab) or click here to use the
online Advisor Scheduling System.*
* Please note – system does not work with Chrome or Safari browsers or mobile devices
PHS Weekly Submission Process
Public Health-centric student groups and health-related organizations around Hopkins and the Baltimore community
are welcome to submit announcements to the PHS Weekly. Please submit to by 5pm every
For announcements or events, please submit the title, date, time, location and a brief description. The description
should be brief and preferably include a link that will direct readers to another site for complete details.
For any position opening, please submit the position title, organization name, responsibilities and eligibility
requirements, deadline for applying and contact information. Once again we ask you to keep the posting brief and
provide an outside link for readers to gather further details.
PHS Office Directory
Kelly Gebo, Director,
Jim Goodyear, Associate Director,
Lisa Folda, Assistant Director,
Mieka Smart, Academic Advisor,
Ann Beckemeyer, Administrative Coordinator,
Caroline Barry, Administrative Assistant,
Office Location: 3505 N. Charles, Room 201
Phone: 410-516-6166