O BTAI NING A VI SA Participants who are not U.S. citizens or U.S. Permanent Residents must be admitted to the U.S. in the appropriate visa status. The Office of International Services (OIS) will determine the appropriate visa status for Summer Institute participants. Bloomberg School Institute participants do not We strongly advise applicants meet institutional standards for F-1 student visa sponsorship. to apply early due to the large number of applicants If it is determined that visa sponsorship from the Bloomberg expected and a limited number of slots. Please note that the School is necessary, the Institute will initiate an application for early bird special on tuition of $6450 is offered for all com- J-1 Exchange Visitor sponsoring in coordination with the OIS. pleted application packages received by February 28, 2015. It can take several months to secure the appropriate visa Applications received after this date will be charged at the stamp, so please plan accordingly. Specifically, individuals regular rate of $6950 for the classroom phase. This fee does who will require F1 OR J-1 visas must submit all required not include visa application, administrative fee, round-trip documents to the Bloomberg School 90 days in advance of travel to Baltimore, or living expenses. the Institute which they will participate. Institute participants who do not heed this advice risk being denied entry to the U.S. If you have any questions about visa sponsorship, please contact J1-scholars@jhmi.edu. TUITIO N AS SIST AN CE If you are interested in attending, we encourage you to seek funding support early to secure a place. Potential funding sources include: USAID country missions United Nations, UNFPA, WHO, or UNICEF National and local government agencies International agencies Private foundations or corporations Questions? Please Contact: Beonee McClarin, MHS Program Coordinator Phone: 410-659-6141 Fax: 410-659-2693 111 Market Place Suite 310 Baltimore, MD 21202 USA E-mail: bmcclar3@jhu.edu WORKSHOP MAY 31-June 19,2015 A comprehensive learning opportunity for decision-makers and educators. THE L EA RNI NG P RO CE SS EM P HA SIZE S T HE W HO L E I NDI VID UAL A N D “ LE AR NING BY DO IN G ” . W O RKS HO P A CCO M O D ATIO NS Participants of the workshop will enjoy lavish hotel The Center for Communication Programs (JHU·CCP) presents the 28th Leadership in Strategic equipped with a comfortable bed, private bath- Health Communication Workshop. This is a comprehensive three-week workshop, which includes room, cable TV, and free wireless internet. The specialized sessions on emerging issues such as HIV, reproductive health, democracy, and govern- hotel also offers a full service restaurant, fitness ance. The workshop integrates communication theory and experiential learning, and also incorporates JHU·CCP reaches people in more accommodations, which includes a spacious room some of the latest thinking on leadership development and applies them to strategic health communication planning. The learning atmosphere is lively, friendly, and creative. Participants learn from each center, pool, and spa on premises. Each participant will receive buffet breakfast, lunch, and am/ than 100 countries to help them other, from knowledgeable trainers, from the resources of the Johns Hopkins University, and from the pm snack break. Dinner or lunch on the weekends make important decisions about worldwide experience of the Center for Communication Programs staff. is not included. All participants are required to stay at the selected workshop venue and to attend all their health. The Center is a part of Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, which is known sessions, no exceptions. Workshop participants will learn to... CAN CEL ATIO N PO LI CY internationally for its leadership and research in public health. Currently, the Center operates in more than 60 developing countries. C o u r se D i re ct o r B e n j a mi n V . L o za re , P h . D . Apply key leadership principles in design- Improve interpersonal communication ing strategic health communication pro- skills and face-to-face interactions. grams. Strengthen Think strategically to design communica- skills with grass roots communication. tion programs. Emphasize informed choice in client- Follow the P-Process to build programs centered counseling and materials. systematically. Evaluate communication programs to Enhance advocacy skills. improve future performance. community mobilization Use multi-media for messages that lead to behavior change. And so much more... Educate with entertainment to reach a broader audience. Applications will not be accepted after April 15, 2015 Please note that all participants must be fluent in spoken and written English ©2013, Johns Hopkins University. All rights reserved. ©2013, Chris Paulis Photography. All rights reserved. Participants must cancel by May 1, 2015 to receive a full refund. After May 1, 2015 JHU will refund 100% of the tuition cost, but the hotel costs will be non-refundable. No tuition or hotel refunds after June 1, 2015.
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