KELLYVILLE RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL KELLYVILLE RIDGE NEWS ‘Learn, Grow, Succeed’ Term 2 Week 2 Friday 1st May 2015 Cnr Singleton Road & Greenwich Street Kellyville Ridge 2155 Phone: 888 304 80 Fax: 888 304 82 Website: DIARY DATES Tuesday 5th May Thursday 7th May Friday 8th May Monday 11th May Tuesday 12th May Thursday 14th May Friday 15th May Friday 15th May Monday 18th May Monday 18th May Thursday 21st May Thursday 21st May Friday 22nd May Friday 22nd May Friday 22nd May Notes Year 1 Excursion – Pioneer Village Mothers’ Day Stall PSSA begins School Cross Country NAPLAN testing begins NAPLAN testing ends OC online applications close Public Speaking finals – Years 3-6 Music Camp begins Kindergarten Excursion to Calmsley Hill Farm Music Camp ends Chess Competition Life Education begins Ridges Cross Country Music Café - 7pm Home Term 2 invoices Athletics Carnival – information and permission note Cross Country – information Interschool Chess Challenge – information and permission note Band Invoices Reminders Outstanding payments for student workbooks now due Band Invoices – all payments must be finalised in order for students to attend Band lessons Music Camp installments: 1st installment - 1/5/15 ($115) 2nd installment - 8/5/15 ($115). Please note that full payment must be received by 8/5/15 Please ensure that your child’s full name and class is on any paperwork that is returned to the office. The school Cross Country has been postponed and will now be held on Monday 11th May. From the Principal Welcome Back A very wet welcome back to all our families! A special welcome also to the new families who have joined us at Kellyville Ridge PS this term. We experienced an interesting couple of days last week, with trees having to be taken down and waterfalls coming off our retaining walls! All children however, behaved exceptionally well in what were very trying conditions and should be congratulated. Even though this term has only just begun, it is very busy with student assessments, NAPLAN, Cross Country carnival, Years 3-6 Athletics Carnival and Music Camp all taking place during the term. Please remember that the staff are only too happy to discuss concerns you may have at mutually convenient times and a phone call to the school office is all that is needed to arrange this. Please do not approach teachers whilst they are in class to discuss issues. This is an important learning time for all children and we try and keep our class times as interruption free as possible. School Plan 2015-2017 I am very pleased to advise all our parents that our three-year plan is now on the website for your information. This plan has been developed in consultation with students, staff and parents and I particularly would like to thank all those parents who responded to our school surveys. The responses from these surveys, along with responses to student surveys and discussions and teacher input have been a great help in guiding and developing the final plan. Please take the time to have a look at the future projections for Kellyville Ridge PS. Staffing Update I am pleased to welcome Mr Easton to the staff. He brings a wealth of experience to Kellyville Ridge and takes up the position that has been left vacant by Mrs Dong. Mr Easton will be taking 4E (formally 4D) for the rest of the year. School Cross Country Due to closure of the fields, the Cross Country Carnival will now be held on Monday 11th May at Connor Greasby Reserve opposite the school. Students will come to school as normal and will then walk across to the reserve with their class teachers. The K-2 Cross Country is scheduled to begin at approximately 9.30am and the 3-6 races at approximately 10.15am. Many thanks to Mr Brown and his committee for their work in organising this event. Changes to Staff Development Day I would just like to let parents know that the two staff development days scheduled for the 17th & 18th December, are being moved to Saturday 30th May and Sunday 16th August. The two days (17th & 19th December) are pupil free days and the changes will not impact upon student attendance as the re-scheduled days fall on a weekend. Anzac Day Service Thank you to all our families for the wonderful support for our ANZAC ceremony last week. Thank you also to all those parents who kindly donated flowers. We were extremely privileged to have special guests, Flight Sargeant Matthew Long, Sargeant Michael O’Grady, Mr Bill Withnall (Retired Serviceman) and Mr Michael Castley (Musician) in attendance. The school leaders were also lucky enough to travel to Quakers Hill Nursing Home and present the many bunches of flowers to the elderly residents. I thank Miss Knipler and Mrs Dowling for the wonderful organization of the ceremony. Mrs D. Edwards Principal School Cross Country The Cross Country has been postponed and will now be held on Monday 11th May at Newbury Reserve opposite the school. Students will come to school as normal and will then walk across to the reserve with their class teachers. Please ensure that they come dressed in their sports uniform regardless of the weather. The K-2 Cross Country is scheduled to begin at approximately 9.15am and the 3-6 races at approximately 10.15am. You are most welcome to come along and cheer on the students as they run the course! From the Deputies SICK STUDENTS If children become ill during the day, they will be sent by their teacher to the sick bay where the office staff will monitor them and phone you if necessary. If however, your child is ill in the morning, it is best to keep them at home, giving them time to recover and ensuring that illnesses are not spread. Please do not bring them to school for music lessons unless they are well enough to remain at school for the whole day. CARPARK We have been quite concerned about the number of children and parents walking through the teachers’ carpark, often at quite busy times when teachers are either arriving or leaving. This is a most dangerous practice and we ask that you enter the school grounds using one of the other three entrance gates. Please also remember that parents are asked not to use the teachers’ carpark after 8am or before 3.30pm. Please note that marked spaces are strictly for staff use. Thank you for your assistance. Mrs J.Maher Mr I. Duncan Revised procedures for Overseas Travel If you are intending to take your child overseas for 15 days or more, new procedures now apply. Extended leave applications must be completed and forms are available from the front office. Once leave has been approved, you will be issued with a leave certificate. You must ensure that this certificate is with you when you travel, as you may be asked by immigration to produce travel documentation. Year 5 Opportunity Class Placements 2016 Online applications open on Monday 27th April and close on Friday 15th May. All applications must be made online by going to Please note that late applications will not be accepted after the closing date. All students seeking Year 5 opportunity class placement in 2016 will be required to take the Opportunity Class Placement Test on Wednesday 22nd July 2015. On Thursday 7th May, the P & C Fundraising committee will be running a Mother’s Day stall. A variety of lovely gifts will be available for the children to purchase for Mum. Gifts will be available for $5.00 Children will be able to purchase one gift only. (Please send no more than $5.00) Please send a plastic bag with your child on this day to make it easier for them to “transport” their gift home. Volunteers are needed on the day to run the stall, so if you are able to help, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Please leave your contact details along with your child’s name and class at the front office. MINDQUEST 2015 This event is held over a weekend at Glenwood High School and is aimed at students K-6 that have a particular interest or talent in a variety of areas. It includes a number of workshops such as “Secret Missions” (suitable for Year 1 and Year 2), “The Wonderful World of Harry Potter” (suitable for Years 3 and 4) and “Mysteries and Conclusions” (Suitable for Years 5 and 6). There are 38 different workshops in all. The workshops will be held at Glenwood High School and will run on the weekend of Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st May. Application forms are available from the front office. Applications close on Monday 4 th May Music Camp Organisation is now well underway for our Music Camp which will be held at Winmalee from Monday 18th May – Thursday 21st May. Several parents have made enquiries regarding the selection process for this camp. Students offered places are those who are considered by Mrs Day and the band tutors to be at the appropriate level. Students also have to have been learning their instrument of choice for at least 12 months. Chamber choir students from Years 4-6 have also been included. As there are only 75 places available, they will be filled as permission notes and payments are returned to the front office. Permission notes received after this will be placed on a waiting list. Kellyville Ridge Award System You may have heard your child or children talking about ‘Ridge Stars’, ‘Merit Certificates’ ‘Caught You Being Goods’ or ‘class points’. Here is a brief run-down: Ridge Stars Teachers and support staff are given a supply of Ridge Stars at the beginning of each term, dependent upon the size of their class, and they are distributed to reward positive behaviours. Children paste their Ridge Stars into their Ridge Star Books. Merit Awards Children collect 5 Ridge Stars to receive a Merit Award. Merit Awards for class work, behaviour and sport are presented each week at assemblies. Children collect three Merit Awards to earn a Bronze Award. The collection of 3 Bronze Awards can earn a Silver Awards and the collection of 3 Silver Awards can earn a Gold Award. These awards need to be handed into the office. Class Points Class points are awarded by teachers for playground and assembly behaviour. The class that has the most points halfway through the term receives ice blocks and the class with the most points at the end of the term will be rewarded with a sausage sizzle. (i) Lining Up Points Assembly points will be awarded by the teacher on the microphone for lining up and listening manners. Teachers can award 10 points at a time. (ii) Uniform Awards Points Different aspects of school uniform will be monitored regularly. The class that has the best uniform aspect will be awarded bonus points. (iii) Assembly Points Each week, a class will be awarded class of the week in the Infants & Primary Assemblies and will receive 20 bonus points. ‘Caught You Being Good’ Awards ‘Caught You Being Good’ Awards are distributed by teachers during morning, recess and lunchtime play periods and during sport and fitness sessions and assemblies. Children write their names on these awards and place them in a class box in each classroom. These boxes are then emptied into a larger draw box and there is a prize draw each fortnight at the 3-6 and K-2 assemblies. CANTEEN Please note that food brought from home cannot be heated in the Canteen. HELPERS ROSTER FOR NEXT WEEK MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 4th May 5th May 6th May 7th May 8th May Lakshmi & Lakshmi & Lakshmi & Carmen Lakshmi & Gaby Lakshmi & Justine HELP NEEDED HELP NEEDED BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE Kellyville Ridge OOSH operates from the school hall from 7.00am till 8.30am and 3.00pm till 6.00pm. For more details contact Cubbyhouse Before & After School Care 1300 553 583 (Head Office) or 9629 4217 (Kellyville Ridge OOSH) Parents WHEN VISITING THE SCHOOL … It is important that you report to the office and sign in as a visitor. This is for your safety and in case of an emergency.
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