KELLYVILLE RIDGE PUBLIC SCHOOL KELLYVILLE RIDGE NEWS ‘Learn, Grow, Succeed’ Term 2 Week 4 Friday 15th May 2015 Cnr Singleton Road & Greenwich Street Kellyville Ridge 2155 Phone: 888 304 80 Fax: 888 304 82 Website: DIARY DATES Friday 15th May Friday 15th May Monday 18th May Monday 18th May Thursday 21st May Thursday 21st May Friday 22nd May Friday 22nd May Friday 22nd May Friday 22nd May Wednesday 27th May Thursday 28th May Tuesday 2nd June Tuesday 2nd June OC online applications close Public Speaking finals – Years 3-6 – 11.40am in hall Music Camp begins Kindergarten Excursion to Calmsley Hill Farm Music Camp ends Interschool Chess Challenge – vs Beaumont Hills PS Life Education begins – KM, K-1O, KS & KH Ridges Cross Country ‘Walk to School’ Day Music Café - 7.00pm Paul Kelly Cup – selected students Sydney West Orienteering ‘Fruit & Veg Sense’ workshop – 9.15am in hall Parent/ Teacher interviews for KS, 3M, 4E, 5K & 6K Notes Home Paul Kelly Cup – information and permission note – selected students Sydney West Orienteering – information and permission note – selected students Ridges Zone Cross Country – Information and permission note – selected students Boys Soccer State Knockout – Information and permission note – selected students Year 6 Polo Shirt – Information and Order form Musical Café – information and tickets ‘Fruit and Veg Sense’ workshop - Information Reminders Outstanding payments for student workbooks now due Please ensure that your child’s full name and class is on any paperwork that is returned to the office. Reminder - Friday Canteen – Online ordering only TIPS FOR PARENTS Do friendships make learning easier? Your child’s ability to make friends will affect their interest in learning – how can you help? Help them to learn self control Show them how well you treat other people, so they can learn from you If you are concerned, speak to your child’s teacher about it. More details at Parent/Teacher Interviews Interviews for KS, 3M, 4E, 5K & 6K are being held on Tuesday 2nd June. We will again be using the online booking system as this is an easy and convenient way to coordinate interviews. Interviews will be held from 1.00pm to 7.00pm. To book an interview please go to and enter the event code Y9XZ8 This will take you to the Kellyville Ridge Public School Parent Teacher Interviews page. Then: 1. Enter your details. 2. Choose your child’s teacher. For siblings, multiple teachers can be selected. 3. Click on available time slot that suits you. Missing checkboxes mean that time has already been booked by someone else. 4. After times have been chosen and ‘Finished’ is selected, a confirmation email will be automatically sent to you via Bookings will close on Sunday 31st May at 5.00pm. Music Camp On Monday, 79 students from Years 4-6, along with a number of teachers and band tutors will be travelling to Winmalee for this year’s Music Camp. Students attending are asked to be at school at 8.30am, ready to leave at 9.00am. Music Café is a showcase of performances developed at the camp and will be on Friday 23rd May, starting at 7.00pm. This performance is for families of students who attended the camp. Information and tickets for this performance have been sent home today. There is a limit of 3 tickets per family at this stage. Please return any unwanted tickets to the office so that they can be reissued to other families. From the Deputies PSSA Please refer to the school’s website to access the draw for PSSA games. The office is often snowed under with phone calls on Friday mornings with parents seeking details of these games and their locations. All of this information can be found at in the Sport tab. SCHOOL PAYMENTS Please ensure that payments are up to date for anything in which your child is involved. This includes workbooks that were issued at the beginning of Term 1. At this stage we still have a number of outstanding payments and we ask that these are finalised promptly. Thank you for your cooperation. STUDENT ABSENCES Just a reminder that if your child is absent from school for any reason, the school must be notified within 5 days of your child’s return to school. The best way to do this is by sending in a note to your child’s teacher who will then update details in the class attendance roll. Please also specify the reason for the absence. Mrs J.Maher Mr I. Duncan Congratulations to the following children who have received Bronze Awards Name Class Names Class Aryan S 2F Ritwik M 1SW Sebastian D 2F Brooklyn V 1SW Cody K 2I Ria P 1G Aryan S 2P Jeremiah T 1G Ekam K 2E Maddison L 1SW Zahra A 2E Kyle D 1G Jensen F 2E Leticia deG 1SW Jayda M 20 Liliann H 1M Rupak P 2F Ava W 1M Skye M 2M Ridhi P 1-2G Mikaela S 2M Hannah J 1B Connor T 2I Isaac V 1B Aryan S 2F Abbie S 6K Addison F 2F Clayton T 5-6A Hope H 1-2G Aleka K 5Z Dhruv N 2P Rishan J 5Z Nicholas L 1-2G Mackenzie D 5Z Madison M 2E Laine S 2I Bella D 1-2G Jashan S 2M Aaron T 2M Noah R 1B Emma B 2P Georgia A 1-2G Cross Country Carnival “It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up” – Babe Ruth Despite two postponements, the KRPS SAS (Students and Staff) finally descended upon Connor Greasby Reserve this week for the running of the much-anticipated 2015 Cross Country Carnival. To enormous cheers that could be heard from the school office, Kindergarten led the charge and got the day underway. Negotiating the tricky zig-zag course with determination, they completed their very first KRPS sports carnival with style and a smile. Congratulations girls and boys! Following closely on Kindergarten’s heels, Years 1 and 2 stepped on the accelerator as they sprinted ferociously from the starting whistle to secure competitive positions. As they doggedly settled-in to a steady pace, before charging once again at the finish line, they showed fighting spirit and great humour whilst participating with their friends. Awesome effort, Stage 1! A group of Year 2’s turning 8 this year stepped up to the mark to mix it with the ‘big kids’ in Years 3 to 6. Over 2 to 3 kms, on arguably the toughest cross country course this area has to offer, our competitors dug-in and attacked K-Ridge’s very own version of ‘Heartbreak Hill’. With lungs screaming for oxygen, they flew down the steep ‘Black Run’ descent on jelly-legs, completing lap after lap, before finally being granted the satisfaction of personal achievement at the finish. What an accomplishment!! Our children provided all assembled with some nail-biting finishes as well as demonstrating perseverance, courage and enthusiasm to ‘give something a go’. Thanks kids! We hope you enjoyed your day in the sun and we wish our KRPS team success at the next level of competition – the Ridges Cross Country Carnival – on Friday 22nd May. Keep working together and keep up the cracking pace! Miss Scott, Mr Brown, Mrs Heaton and Miss Martin (Carnival Committee) 2015 KRPS Cross Country Results Age Group Kindergarten Year 1 Year 2 8/9 Years 10 Years 11 Years 12/13 Years 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Girls Madison B. Ava S. Scarlett N. Menaz K. Arden B. Sienna T. Bella D. Darcey K. Mikayla D’M. Ava W. Claudia P. Claudia T. Cara K. Tiana M. Sophie W. Kyla T. Jorgia S. Emma S. Olivia S. Gemma O’G. Paige R. Boys 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Brayden T. Anthony A. Jacob W. Methna G. Kaiden M. Kurt S. Riley D. Rifviyan U. Callum P. Ryan E. Adam J. Lachlan M. Maverick W. Ayran N. Toyash P. Clayton T. Ethan P. Braedon W. Mevan G. Jackson G. Kynan H. CANTEEN Please note that food brought from home cannot be heated in the Canteen. HELPERS ROSTER FOR NEXT WEEK MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY 18th May 19th May 20th May 21st May 22nd May Justine Lakshmi & Lakshmi & Carmen Lakshmi & Liz Lakshmi, Kayley & Justine Doreen CANTEEN HELPERS Canteen helpers are always needed. If you are interested in helping in the canteen, please contact the school office or the canteen. Dads and grandparents are warmly welcome. Emergency helpers are also required if you are able to fill in occasionally at the last minute – your help would be most appreciated. BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CARE Kellyville Ridge OOSH operates from the school hall from 7.00am till 8.30am and 3.00pm till 6.00pm. For more details contact Cubbyhouse Before & After School Care 1300 553 583 (Head Office) or 9629 4217 (Kellyville Ridge OOSH) WALK SAFELY TO SCHOOL DAY Friday 22nd May 2015 Walk Safely to School Day (WSTSD) is Friday 22nd May 2015. It is an annual, national community event when all primary school children will be encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. Walk Safely to School Day asks that we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the way to school isn’t realistic for many of us, it’s quite easy to figure out how you can build a walk into your family’s daily routine. You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by: - walking with them the whole way to school - if they get the bus or train, walk past your usual stop and get on at the next stop - if you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and walk the rest of the way. The objectives of WSTSD are: to encourage parents and carers to walk to school with primary school age children and reinforce safe pedestrian behaviour. To promote the health benefits of walking and help create regular walking habits at an early age. To ensure that children up to 10 years old hold an adult's hand when crossing the road. To help children develop the vital road-crossing skills they will need as they become mature pedestrians. To reduce the level of air pollution created by motor vehicles and traffic congestion. Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!) beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental health issues and diabetes. It also gives you a great opportunity to teach your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic. Additional information and ideas to support the day can be obtained from the Walk Safely to School website (
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