13 May 2015 From the Principal CONFIRMATION PRAYER Vision Statement St Simon Peter Catholic Primary School community will provide challenges for the growth of the whole person. Within a framework of Catholic values, we will strive to live in harmony with each other and our environment living our motto “Love One Another.” Spirit of God, grant me: The gift of wisdom To see the world through your eyes, The gift of counsel To make difficult decisions, The gifts of knowledge and understanding To use my mind to know you and to love you, The gift of fortitude To have the courage to live in the faith Despite the difficulties and disappointments, The gift of piety To be able to express my special love And commitment to you, And the right kind of awesome fear That makes me pause to wonder and revere God’s Love. Amen. Confirmation This weekend workshops and masses of election commence for our Confirmation candidates and their parents. We ask the school community to keep these students and their families in their prayers, as they prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday 14th June. Mother’s Day Breakfast & Mass What a wonderful turn out we had last Thursday to our Mother’s Day breakfast and Mass. We hope all our mums enjoyed this special treat. Huge thanks go to all the staff who came in early and prepared the breakfast. It is these sorts of occasions that make you very proud to be a part of SSP. See some images from the breakfast further down in our newsletter. NAPLAN The Year 3 and 5 classes are in the middle of completing the NAPLAN tests. Thank you to everyone who has supported the students and teachers this week in preparing them for these tests; the data is one of many sources that we use to inform our teaching and drive school improvement. Library Refurbishment The refurbished library is looking fantastic; a new learning space where children can gather to be immersed in literature and use Information Technology to enhance their learning. We are planning an ‘open’ afternoon on Thursday 4th June from 2pm - 3pm. Parents are very welcome to join us for afternoon tea and enjoy this fabulous new space. Vincent House Mass Thursday 28th May is our Vincent House Mass. In the Spirit of St Vincent de Paul, we are asking families to donate non-perishable food items, which we will then pass on to our local St Vincent de Paul group. Food can be brought into classrooms over the next two weeks. Kind Regards Kerry Hewitson Principal Reminders Tuesday Sat & Sun 12 – 14 May 16 – 17 May NAPLAN Confirmation Workshops & Mass of Election Winter Sport Year Five and Six In preparation for the Interschool Lightning Carnival to be held on Friday 5th June, this term the Year 5 and 6 students compete against each other in winter sport sessions on Monday 18th and 25th May. These sessions run from 9.00am -10.00am and include Football, Boys’ Soccer, Girls’ Soccer, Flag Belt Rugby and Netball. We need parent helpers from any year level in our school for these sessions to umpire the games on the above mentioned Monday mornings. You don’t need to be AFL standard or have refereed Perth Glory, you just need to have a basic knowledge of the game and be keen to blow a whistle. If you can help please email Mr Thompson at thompson.lee@cathednet.wa.edu.au and of course your time will contribute to the Give Ten project at our school. Naturescape Playground – Help Required We are currently in the planning process for the exciting redevelopment of our junior playground area. We are looking at developing a natural, ecofriendly playground area linking the two existing play spaces on the oval. Our aim is to develop a space that allows the children to be creative and encourage physical and social development. We would love to hear from parents who have particular skills or industry contacts for materials, etc that would be of assistance with this project. As part of our ongoing commitment to community engagement, we would, in the first instance, like to engage with tradesmen and contacts within our school community. If you feel you can contribute please contact the school office on 9301 6888 or email admin@ssp.wa.edu.au Canteen The Canteen will be having a “Sausage Sizzle” meal deal on Tuesday 19th May. An order form was sent home via the note bag. Please ensure that you return your order form by Friday 15th May, as no late orders can be accepted. If anyone can help out in the Canteen on Friday 15th May, your assistance would be very much appreciated. A big thank you to all of our Canteen Volunteers, who have spent time helping in the Canteen, your help this year has been greatly appreciated. We are looking for volunteers who can spare some time to help out in the Canteen. Any help would be welcomed and remember you are able to record your time for the “Give 10”. Friday September 4th at the Currambine Community Hall – Save the date! We are currently gathering prizes to help make this event a huge success. We need table prizes, raffle prizes and silent auction items. If you are able to donate a prize or know a business who would be willing to donate, please let Fiona Green know on green.fiona@cathednet.wa.edu.au Mother’s Day Breakfast Liturgical dancers who performed a beautiful prayerful reflection at our Mother’s Day Mass. Congratulations to all involved, particularly Mrs Nat Templeton and Mrs Michelle Oliver. Well done everyone. Our newly refurbished library – please join us for afternoon tea on Thursday June 4th at 2pm. St Simon Peter Annual Music Concert Tickets are now on sale for this wonderful night of Entertainment by booking online from our new link Trybooking.com. This can be accessed via our school website. Please see link below… Go onto our Website - click Learning at SSP tab, then click The Arts - go onto trybooking.com link. http://www.trybooking.com/HRZK or http://www.trybooking.com/135184 Tickets are: $15 Adult $10 for Student concession and Seniors Concession only. We would like all students involved to be encouraged to sell at least 5 tickets each to fill the Theatre. School Band, Choir and instrumentalist students who have been selected by their tutors and Mrs Templeton will be performing on the night. The SSP Music concert is to be held on Wednesday 10th June 2015 @ Prendiville Performing Arts Centre from 6.15pm to 8.00pm. Students in the Band need to arrive at 5.30pm and all other instrumentalists will need to arrive at 5.50pm to warm up. Parents may sign them in and wait in the foyer prior to the show and listen to pre-show entertainment. There will be a full rehearsal for ALL participants on Thursday 4th June @ Prendiville Performing Arts Centre from 1.00pm to 3.00pm for a quick run through, with stage & lighting directions being the focus. All students must bring their instrument and sheet music to school every Thursday prior to the concert as rehearsals will take place with Mrs Templeton. Students will need to wear Full School Uniform on the night. School Leaders and Music Captains will be required for this event. There will be refreshments on sale by our FSSP and we thank them again for their support. If there are any parents who wish to assist on the night please email Mrs Templeton directly. Templeton.natalie@cathednet.wa.edu.au 0430288773 ST SIMON PETER HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL Timetable and information sheet. Friday 19th June 2015 Distances (These distances are approximate as the school considers a safe course to be more important than an exact race distance.) Yr 3 – 1500m Yr 4 – 1500m Yr 5 – 1500m Yr 6 – 2000m TIMETABLE Year 6 involved before recess and for presentations at 2:15pm. 10:00 Yr 6 Boys 2000m 10:20 Yr 6 Girls 2000m Year 5 and Year 4 involved between recess and lunch and for presentations at 2:15pm. 11:15 Yr 5 Boys 1500m 11:35 Yr 5 Girls 1500m 11:55 Yr 4 Boys 1500m 12:25 Yr 4 Girls 1500m Lunch break 12:45 – 1:25 Year 3 involved from lunch until 2:30pm. 1:45 Yr 3 Boys 1500m 2:00 Yr 3 Girls 1500m 2:15 Presentations If there is bad weather on the day the carnival will go ahead. The students will be supervised in the undercover area until they are required for their race. If students are rained on during their race they will be able to change into dry clothes for the remainder of the day. As students will not be allowed to run in tracksuits they will only require their school tracksuit, a towel, a spare shirt and some spare underwear if they do get wet during their event. A house shield and individual champion medallions will be awarded at the end of the day and selections for the interschool cross country carnival will be made from the race results. The emphasis for this carnival is on participation and to encourage this all competitors who complete the course gain points for their House (Sprinting is not required, crawling is not recommended, somewhere in between will be just fine!). A reminder for parents and other spectators that you are all very welcome at this and all school sporting events, however, running alongside competitors is not acceptable behaviour during races. Some parent helpers will be required on the day to act as course officials. If you can help please fill in the return slip below and return it to the school. Good luck everybody. Mr Thompson PE Teacher ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOUSE CROSS COUNTRY CARNIVAL PARENT HELPER SLIP I will be able to help at the House Cross Country Carnival on Friday 19th June. Please list times below. Times: _______________________ Name: _______________________ LATE ENROLMENTS FOR CANDIDATES FOR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AND FIRST RECONCILIATION - Please bring all relevant documents and levy to the Parish Office during office hours to enrol. Any queries contact Fran sacraments@stsp.org.au CONFIRMATION WORKSHOPS AND MASS OF ELECTION will be held on the weekend of the 16th and 17th May and 23rd and 24th May. We welcome all our Confirmation Candidates and their parents to our Parish Confirmation Workshops and to Mass for the Rite of Election. At all Masses we call by name and acknowledge these Candidates and bestow a special blessing on their Sponsors after the homily. Please check your returned preference sheets for your allocated Workshop and please arrive promptly. Thank you. FAMILY MASS AND CHILDREN’S LITURGY – 5.00pm MASS – SUNDAY 24th MAY. We will have children’s Liturgy during our monthly 5.00pm Family Mass instead of at the regular 10.00am Mass. If you would like to participate in the singing for this Mass, please come along at 4.00pm for a rehearsal and warm up. We need more voices. ALOHA WINTER— SATURDAY 30th MAY Come join us for a lovely spit roast and music by the “Northern Nukes” a ukulele group. ‘Aloha Winter’ is to be held at the Simon Carson Hall on Saturday 30th May from 7.30pm. The cost is $25.00 per person. Proceeds from this evening will help fundraise for the construction of our Grotto. Tickets are on sale after all weekend Masses.
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