Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2DA Tel: (01926)859421 • Email: school@ksnadmin.ksn.org.uk Head: Mr H. Abbott, B.A.(Hons.), M.Ed • Deputy Head: Mr. M. Snape Dear All Preparations are going well for Activity Day taking place on 9th July. There are further details about the activities on offer in this newsletter. Once again, students have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of in-house and off site activities arranged by staff. In this edition, there is a list of activities for students to select and I would ask that everyone pay close attention to the deadline for submission of their choices to avoid disappointment. Year 11 began their study leave at lunchtime today and we wish them all good luck as they start their GCSEs next week. I have been truly impressed with how hard they have worked and how much talent and ability they have. They all deserve to do well. In the Leavers’ assembly, we paid tribute to the impressive contributions of year 11 students as a whole and named individual students for specific achievements that are particularly noteworthy. In sports, I want to commend the following year 11 students for breaking school records over the last five years, which remain unbroken: - Ben Goldie for 600m and 300m - Sam Harris for 1000m and 1500m - Laura Wilkins for javelin - Ben Harwood for long and high jump - Morgan Amed for 200m - Tom Howkins for 400m & long jump and 300m - Ben Harwood for hurdles and 10 long & high jump - Asha Chakrabarti for 800m and 300m I want to thank Tim Hammond, Katrina Bennett, Chris Porter and Megan Johnson who have, not only made outstanding contributions to the school, but have also been superb role models as head/deputy boy and girl. Other students who have made substantial contributions to the school in a wide range of areas include Finn Bailey and Alice Bourne, in particular for their work in the student council over the last three years. Congratulations are also due to Sean Alcock who has had 100% attendance in the five years that he has been a student here. Well done to everyone who has raised funds for charity in many different ways and good luck to Alfie, Callum, Tom and Tim Hammond who will be undertaking a cycle ride from Kenilworth to Paris in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust in the summer holidays. As you may be aware from the press, grades at GCSE will change from A-G grade to a numerical system of 1-9 from next summer and schools will be judged on the progress that students make from KS2 – KS4 across eight subjects. In preparation for this, we continue to review our assessment arrangements in KS3 and support for students in end of year exams. Thank you for your continued support. Yours sincerely H.H.S. Abbott Headteacher 8th May 2015 DIARY DATES May 18th 22nd Year 11 Photo Year 13 Final Assembly 25th – 29th Half Term Literacy in Action! A massive well done to Kiera Harwood, Freya Davis and Seanna Hamill whose stories have been shortlisted for Round Two of this national competition. This is a great achievement as there were over 120,000 entries this year and they are down to the last 3,000. Great work girls ACTIVITY DAY 9th July Make sure you return your option form on Monday to ensure a place on your first choice activity. Jamie, Brad and Dom playing at Leicester Tigers The weekend of the 25th April, three Year 8 Kenilworth School pupils took part in the Leicester Tigers Rugby challenge in Minehead. Jamie Hooper, Brad Phillips and Dom Woolvine represented Old Leamingtonians Rugby club. The boys won all 5 games and the tournament. They received their medals from Leicester Tigers and England player George Chuter. Well done boys! ACTIVITY DAY YEAR 7, 8, 9 & 10 THURSDAY 9TH JULY The application forms were handed out to students in registration on Friday morning. LOST TRAINER One of our students has lost ONE of her trainers. If anyone knows of its whereabouts please let Hilary Hughes in the main office know. To ensure a place on your chosen activity, please return your forms first thing on Monday morning as places on some activities are restricted. Application forms are also available on the school web site and frog. P E KIT FOR SALE We have the following PUMA PE kit available 50% Reduction Rain Jacket – Size Youth Large WAS £25.50 NOW £12.75 Rain Jacket – Size Adult Small WAS £25.50 NOW £12.75 Sweatshirt – Size Youth Ex Large WAS £21.50 NOW £10.75 Woven Jacket – Size Youth Large WAS £25.50 NOW £12.75 B-TEC PE Polo – Size Adult Large WAS £15.50 NOW £7.75 B-TEC PE Polo – Size Adult Small WAS £15.50 NOW £7.75 If you would like to purchase any of the items above, please make cheques payable to KENILWORTH SCHOOL and see Mr Flowers in the PE Office We only have 1 of each item in stock! FITATHON THIS WEEKEND Shannon Parker Year 13 is stepping up her fundraising efforts with a sponsored Fitathon on Sunday 10th May in Upper School from 11.00am to 1.00pm. Entry is £10 Shannon has been selected to spend the summer in Zimbabwe with the charity Progressio to help educate children and villagers about the threats of Aids and HIV. She must raise £800 before she jets off for the coveted placement in July and is hoping that we will all help with her fundraising efforts Kenilworth School London To Paris Cycle Ride 2015 This summer myself (Alfie Evans), Tim Hammond, John Hammond, Tom Butler, Callum Ward, Mitchell Ward, Dave Peacey, Matthew Snape, Julies Davies and Stephen Hillier will be undertaking a cycle ride from Marble Arch in London, all the way to The Arc De Triomphe in Paris. We will be participating in the ride from the 18th July to the 21st of July and we will also be followed by a bus driver (Richard Garatt) who will be making sure we are all safe and with good health along the way. We will be cycling for three days and on the first day we will be looking to complete the first 80 miles of our journey to our first hotel in New Haven. Then we will cross the channel by ferry and continue our journey for another 80 miles where we will stop off overnight in our second hotel in Gournay En Bray. Then on the final day, we will be cycling 60 miles to our final destination, The Arc De Triomphe in Paris and will be staying overnight in Paris. We will be returning to the UK late at night by ferry the next day. Our main objective for the ride is to raise as much money as possible for Teenage Cancer Trust and the New Site Development which our school is going to be undergoing in the future. So far we have raised around £1500 for our causes, through doing several rides on static bikes outside of our school and from hosting a non-school uniform day as well in order to raise awareness of our event. So far our uniform provider Price And Buckland and our charity Teenage Cancer Trust have been kind enough to donate kit and resources to aid us with our ride, however we are looking to gain more sponsorship to help us complete our ride, as we want to try to cut the cost of participating in the event as it is becoming very expensive due to the fact it is a self-planned event. If you wish to donate money to our causes, then you can head over to our just giving page, where you can donate money online and look at how much money we have been able to raise on our page so far. https://www.justgiving.com/TimHammond3/?utm_id=7&fb_action_ids=699423303500999&fb_action_types=jgdonation%3Asupport&fb_re f=pfp-share-facebook-test-A-story SPORTS FIXTURES May Year Group Sport Opposition Home Away Approx Start Finish Mon 11th Away TBC 13th Rugby Away TBC Wed Thu Thu 13th 14th 14th Tennis Athletics Schools Cup Cricket Cricket Rounders Princethorpe Wed U14 Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 Year 10 Year 9 Year 10 Kenilworth Home Away TBC TBC TBC Thu 14th Year 7 & 8 Tennis Away 6.00pm Myton Myton Leamington Tennis Club Attendance Just a reminder that if your child is ill and unable to attend school could you please call the Attendance Line on 01926 859421 (option 3) on each day they are absent and leave a voicemail stating name, tutor group and reason. Lateness We have noticed an increase in the amount of students being late into school without a valid reason. It is important for students to arrive on time and attend registration. Many students miss out on vital information passed on during this time Summer Tennis Camp For juniors of all ages and abilities Half Term: Tuesday 26th May to Friday 29th May 10.00 am to 3.00pm Cost: Members: £16 per day; £65 any 5 days Non Members: £17 per day; £70 any 5 days In a safe fun environment your child will learn many new skills, make new friends and maybe come home with a prize at the end of the day. If you would like more information please contact James Roe on 07958 278 304. All juniors need to bring a packed lunch and plenty of water. Thecla fascinated by Artificial People at Warwick Castle Last Wednesday evening we received the news that Thecla, Agnes and Jumanne had arrived back safely in Uyogo. This was following their 2 week visit to Kenilworth – the first ever made by villagers from our partners in Uyogo. After many months of communication between the school in partnership with the Kenilworth Uyogo Friendship Link (KUFL), and our man in Tanzania, water engineer Lucky Mgeni, we finally managed to bring across two students (Agnes and Jumanne) and the head teacher from the village (Thecla). Over the duration of their stay the guests stayed at various households who volunteered to put them up for as long as they could. Mr Snape was able to help out with this along with Mrs Jewitt and as well as various committee members from KUFL. All three spent several days in school being shown around many of Year 10's classes from geography to maths but it was the reaction of many of our students that humbled many of us! A group of eight students assisted during the days hosting the guests - maturity and responsibility was key and ensured our guests received an outstanding insight into school life here in Kenilworth. Of course a keen interest was shown by all students and teachers and - despite them having only 4 years of English – the visiting students were able to learn and exchange reams of information over countless topics. They were even taught the art of selfie taking! Out of school, our guests enjoyed numerous activities and trips! Visits to Kenilworth and Warwick castle along with Coventry cathedral made both Agnes and Jumanne fall in love with the diverse history whilst Thecla was fascinated with what she called the 'artificial people' at Warwick castle - who were in fact wax models! Sport was high on the agenda for the students; they enjoyed games of football, which is familiar to them, but also their first experience of a trampoline that made them literally bounce with excitement. Overall a very successful and insightful visit! We hope to send a group of students to Uyogo in the future so we can gather a more detailed understanding of life there. However none of this would be possible without the ongoing help we receive from the local community and people in school in Kenilworth and the surrounding areas. A huge thank you to all those who have already been involved in the link so far and we would also like to extend an invitation to anyone who would like to become a supporter of it! To contact KUFL or simply gather more information about the link and the work that goes on please see www.kenilworthuyogofriendshiplink.org or email Kit Lawry (secretary) at kit.kawry@gmail.com or come and see Jordan Palmer (committee member – year 10) or Mr Snape in school. Jordan Palmer Year 10
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