Leyes Lane, Kenilworth, CV8 2DA Tel: (01926)859421 • Email: school@ksnadmin.ksn.org.uk Head: Mr H. Abbott, B.A.(Hons.), M.Ed • Deputy Head: Mr. M. Snape Dear All The transition to secondary school is always an important step in the journey of a child’s life. The process of transition starts this term with visits to local primary schools, with the aim of building up a profile of individual pupils. We want to nurture the individual and work with parents to support our pupils through the highs and lows of adolescence to leave school as rounded individuals. Pupils are proud to attend Kenilworth School and we are fortunate to have such wonderful pupils who do so much for the school and the community. We support students as much as we can throughout their secondary experience and reward them in recognition of their contributions to school. This week it has been a pleasure to welcome visitors from Germany and Holland on our two exchange programmes. The German exchange visit has provided a dynamic experience for students to practise their German with native speakers and building on from their experience over a number of years, whilst the Dutch exchange has enabled students to take part in a project on sustainability, which will be concluded on Friday. I hope that our Dutch and German visitors have enjoyed the experience in Kenilworth and that our students will also gain much from the reciprocal arrangements. I have been told that the students on both exchanges, have had an excellent week with their hosts and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all families in Kenilworth who have accommodated and looked after the visiting students. We are fortunate enough to have strong links with other schools. I mentioned previously that we have been working to develop our School Direct partnership and I am pleased to say that we have twelve people who will be training as teachers across our partnership of primary and secondary schools, with Kenilworth as the lead school within the programme. In addition to growing our own practitioners, the School Direct partnership gives our current staff some excellent professional development opportunities in new areas. Outstanding schools are increasingly being encouraged to support schools that are less successful to raise standards. As such, we have been invited to support Nuneaton Academy in the north of the county. Specifically this will involve me providing coaching support to the new Principal at Nuneaton, in a temporary Executive Principal role for one day per week. This does not change my current role as Head of Kenilworth School and we will continue to drive improvements and support all staff and students as we do now. There will be enormous benefits to us as a school including the possibility of widening horizons and expanding vocational opportunities. Thank you for your continued support. Yours sincerely H.H.S. Abbott Headteacher th 5 June 2015 DIARY DATES June 22nd – 3rd July Work Experience Fortnight A FANTASTIC £4,500 RAISED FOR ACTIVITY DAY 9th July Today is the final day for returning your consent forms and for making payment. If you have not already done so, please do so, by Monday at the latest Thank you. RYAN RUNNING THE TWO CASTLES FOR CHARITY Ryan Baker 10H is taking part in the Two Castles run this weekend. After hearing the sad news about Milan he decided he would use his run as an opportunity to raise money for The Teenage Cancer Trust. He has been training hard and is really looking forward to the ‘Two Castles’ event on 14th June. His Just Giving page is up and running and doing well, he is well on the way to his target of £500 and he would be very pleased if people would support him by donating through www.justgiving.com/ryan-baker6 GOOD LUCK FROM EVERYONE AT KENILWORTH SCHOOL RYAN! SHELTER BOX APPEAL We have now collected over £4,500 for the Nepal Appeal If you have not already done so, please hand your £1 or money raised to Mrs Moores as soon as possible. LEARNING AMBASSADORS’ SUMMER EVENTS Gita Patel is climbing Ben Nevis on Sat 13th June to raise money for Teenage Cancer Trust in Milan's memory. If you would like to make a donation please visit her just giving page or leave your donation at Main Reception. http://www.justgiving.com/owneremail/pleasesponsor/Gita-Patel6 Alternatively, if you are shopping in Waitrose please put your green token in the Teenage Cancer Trust slot. As you know, it has been a very successful year so far for the Learning Ambassadors. They have been involved in learning about the learning techniques, metacognition and feedback, all of which will help them to become more independent learners. They’ve also been passing on this knowledge to younger students and have developed their responsibility, maturity and leadership skills. This term they will be planning for, and delivering, an Independent Learning conference for year 5 pupils from Kenilworth Primary Schools. Having seen them work through the year, I am confident that they will do a superb job in teaching the younger pupils. Students will be involved in a planning morning on Wednesday 10th June from 9:00 – 12:35 in the Lower School Hall and the actual conference will take place during the morning of Thursday 2nd July in the Upper School Hall. Watch this space for an update on how it all went. Mr M Snape SPORTS FIXTURES Mon Wed Thu Thu Thu Thu June Year Group Sport Opposition Home Away Approx Start Finish 8th 10th 11th 11th 11th 11th Year 10 Year 8 Year 8 Year 10 Year 7 Year 10 Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Cricket Boys Tennis Southam Tournament North Leam North Leam Southam Twycross Home Myton Home Away Away Away 6.00pm 6.15pm 5.30pm 6.00pm 6.00pm 6.30pm Year 8 End of Year Science Test All Year 8 pupils will be taking a Science test in four weeks’ time on the units that have been covered this year. Pupils need to prepare for this test by revising the following units: Differences Electricity and Magnetism Chemical Reactions Life Support Inside Materials Heating and Cooling Keeping Healthy Periodic Table Light People and Environment To support classroom notes digital copies of the two Science text books can be found on the School VLE, in the Key Stage 3 folder contained within the Science faculty folder. Pupils will be reminded by their teachers how to access these resources. Pandora Bracelet Found If you have lost a Pandora Bracelet (not in school) please contact Mrs Hughes on 859421 ex 1193 (not identical to this) Kenilworth School London To Paris Cycle Ride 2015 This summer myself (Alfie Evans), Tim Hammond, John Hammond, Tom Butler, Callum Ward, Mitchell Ward, Dave Peacey, Matthew Snape, Julies Davies and Stephen Hillier will be undertaking a cycle ride from Marble Arch in London, all the way to The Arc De Triomphe in Paris. We will be participating in the ride from the 18th July to the 21st of July and we will also be followed by a mini bus driver (Richard Garratt) who will be making sure we are all safe and in good health along the way. We will be cycling for three days and on the first day we will be looking to complete the first 80miles of our journey to our first hotel in New Haven. Then we will cross the channel by ferry and continue our journey for another 80miles where we will stop off overnight in our second hotel in Gournay En Bray. Then on the final day, we will be cycling 60miles to our final destination, The Arc De Triomphe in Paris and will be staying overnight in Paris. We will be returning to the UK late at night by ferry the next day. Our main objective for the ride is to raise as much money as possible for Teenage Cancer Trust and the new site development which our school is going to be undergoing in the future. So far we have raised around £1500 for our causes, through doing several rides on static bikes outside of our school and from hosting a non-school uniform day as well in order to raise awareness of our event. So far our uniform provider Price And Buckland and our charity Teenage Cancer Trust have been kind enough to donate kit and resources to aid us with our ride, Kenilworth Chamber of Trade have also sponsored us, however, we are looking to gain more sponsorship to help us complete our ride, as we want to try to cut the cost of participating in the event as it is becoming very expensive due to the fact it is a self-planned event. If you wish to donate money to our causes, then you can head over to our just giving page, where you can donate money online and look at how much money we have been able to raise on our page so far. https://www.justgiving.com/Tim-Hammond3
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