HIGHSHORE SCHOOL 17th April 2015 DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Dear parents and carers, 22nd to 24th April—Art Exams It was so good to see the pupils on Tuesday. They were so happy to be back and we enjoyed the lovely weather in the playground. On Monday which was a staff training day we renewed our safeguarding training as a staff group. Child protection is at the heart of what we do and it was good to spend time reflecting on our practise. We spent some of the time looking at the risks of the internet. Later this term we will be running E safety training, for parents and I encourage you to come along. Our Governors will be renewing their safeguarding training next week. 29th April—3.15pm Parents Makaton Training 30th April—3.15pm The Challenge Presentation for Parents of Years 11, 12 & 13 pupils 1st May—AM SaLT Parents Drop In (Please call Tony/Becky for appointment) 7th May—Election Day—National and Highshore Elections 7th May—Mobile Dentists in The General Election takes place in May. Some of our oldest pupils in year 14 are eligible to vote. We will be holding our own general election on the day so that our pupils are involved in what is happening and understand the responsibilities of being a citizen. 8th May—Coffee Morning for parents with Teresa Hay—Family Link Worker Paddington, our April film night was enjoyed by 40 pupils last night. Thanks again for your support. 19th May—3.15pm E-Safety Training for Parents There's a lot happening this term, keep checking the website and make sure you are up to date with events. 21st May—Cinema Club— Madagascar 3 14th May—3.15pm The Challenge Presentation for Parents of Years 11, 12 & 13 pupils Eileen Pupils of the Week 7E Francis 9 For remembering his Modern Britain facts 7S Katherine Mohamed 10M Jamil 10N Marcus For blossoming in music, taking the lead in singing and memorising the lyrics 12T Rayne 11L Zak For coming back to school with a great attitude and ready to learn 11S Ellie For a positive start to the new term STAR OF THE WEEK Alan K For helping the teacher with Garnet’s PE lesson 13M For a fantastic first week of term For hardworking, helpful and being sensible Garnet Sam N Baffour For a consistent and committed effort to improve his skills by doing homework For a very good week and was especially good in Maths For good mature start to the term 8/9 12J For answering in full sentences and taking an active part in lessons For always trying her best 8 Marcel Daniel O For sharing his holiday news with the class 14 Peter J For settling into 14S very well PUPILS OF THE WEEK WELL DONE!!!! Joshua B For travelling home independently
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