May Newsletter 2015 Premnay Primary Premnay School; A place to inspire us to learn and achieve and do the best we can.’ Dear Parents/Carer, Pupil Reports If you have not already done so, please complete and return the acknowledgement slip which accompanied your child’s report to school. 100 Club The March draw was won by Mr. Steven Lyons. The April draw was won by Mr. Albert Lyons. Premnay Netball/Football Festival- Save the date! Our annual festival will take place on Saturday 27th June 11am- 2pm. Parent Helpers Premnay School parents over the years have run very successful clubs for the benefit their own and other children in the school. These are an important part of school life which the children enjoy, value greatly and gain a lot from. For these to continue on a regular basis we need new volunteers to support these clubs and activities. In the past the senior pupils in the school have undertaken ‘Bikeability’ training. As a school we would like to continue to offer this as part of the curriculum at school. With limited staff in school we are unable to take this on and rely on parents to run the training. We currently have one parent who is trained and keen to continue but would be unable to undertake this on her own. Support can be given, in terms of training and organisation, through our Network Active Schools Coordinator and Bikability Training. If you can help and support Netball, Football and Bikability training please enquire at the school office. Sports Day Sports day will take place on Friday 12th June 1.30-3.15pm (weather permitting!) Parents are all welcome to come and spectate. In School this term We are very fortunate to have Dr. Goodwill back this term to teach Kodaly to the pupils. This takes place on Monday mornings. P1-3 topic this term is Senses. The pupils will be visiting Satrosphere Science Centre in Aberdeen on Tuesday 26th May where the pupils will participate in a Sound workshop. P4-7 will be studying Buddhism and Growing. The pupils will be making a farm visit in June- the date for this is yet to be confirmed. In addition to this on Wednesday 27th May the pupils will be participating in a Science workshop ‘Fuel Hunters’ facilitated by Generation Science. This will take place at school. Reminders All pupils need to have a pair of indoor shoes for the classroom and come to school with a jacket as playtimes will be outside even on rainy days. Please name all your child’s clothing- we are unable to return things to their rightful owner if clothes have not been labelled. Pupils should have their PE kits in school all week. The older will try to make use of the park in the better weather for P.E. so they should also bring suitable footwear. Dates Satrosphere Visit Community Café and Book Sale Local Holiday (no school): Sports Day: P7 transition week to Secondary School: P1 visits to school: Cricket Festival: End of term Assembly: Term ends: 2015/16 session begins: Kind Regards, Marsali Fraser (Head Teacher) Tuesday 26th May Friday 29th May 11-12 noon. Monday 1st June Friday12th June pm (weather permitting) Inverurie: Monday 15th- Wednesday 17th June The Gordon Schools: Wednesday 17th- Friday 19th June Wednesday 10th, 17th, 24th June Thursday 25th June, Huntly Wednesday 1st July 9.15am TBC Friday 3rd July Tuesday 18th August
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